diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/OpenGL/OGLPipeline.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/OpenGL/OGLPipeline.cs
index deccd890f7..6a928603ae 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/OpenGL/OGLPipeline.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/OpenGL/OGLPipeline.cs
@@ -159,25 +159,23 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.OpenGL
                 Shader.SetExtraData(New.FlipX, New.FlipY, New.Instance);
-            //Note: Uncomment SetFrontFace and SetCullFace when flipping issues are solved
+            if (New.FrontFace != Old.FrontFace)
+            {
+                GL.FrontFace(OGLEnumConverter.GetFrontFace(New.FrontFace));
+            }
-            //if (New.FrontFace != Old.FrontFace)
-            //{
-            //    GL.FrontFace(OGLEnumConverter.GetFrontFace(New.FrontFace));
-            //}
+            if (New.CullFaceEnabled != Old.CullFaceEnabled)
+            {
+                Enable(EnableCap.CullFace, New.CullFaceEnabled);
+            }
-            //if (New.CullFaceEnabled != Old.CullFaceEnabled)
-            //{
-            //    Enable(EnableCap.CullFace, New.CullFaceEnabled);
-            //}
-            //if (New.CullFaceEnabled)
-            //{
-            //    if (New.CullFace != Old.CullFace)
-            //    {
-            //        GL.CullFace(OGLEnumConverter.GetCullFace(New.CullFace));
-            //    }
-            //}
+            if (New.CullFaceEnabled)
+            {
+                if (New.CullFace != Old.CullFace)
+                {
+                    GL.CullFace(OGLEnumConverter.GetCullFace(New.CullFace));
+                }
+            }
             if (New.DepthTestEnabled != Old.DepthTestEnabled)
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/GlslDecompiler.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/GlslDecompiler.cs
index 77a451e959..854c827ee0 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/GlslDecompiler.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/GlslDecompiler.cs
@@ -845,9 +845,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader
                     case GlslDecl.PointCoordAttrX: return "gl_PointCoord.x";
                     case GlslDecl.PointCoordAttrY: return "gl_PointCoord.y";
-                    //Note: It's a guess that Maxwell's face is 1 when gl_FrontFacing == true
-                    case GlslDecl.FaceAttr: return "(gl_FrontFacing ? 1 : 0)";
+                    case GlslDecl.FaceAttr:        return "(gl_FrontFacing ? -1 : 0)";
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeAlu.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeAlu.cs
index 24c85c8f0e..469092a23c 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeAlu.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeAlu.cs
@@ -1148,41 +1148,87 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader
             Block.AddNode(OpCode.PredNode(new ShaderIrAsg(OpCode.Gpr0(), Op)));
+        private enum XmadMode
+        {
+            Cfull = 0,
+            Clo   = 1,
+            Chi   = 2,
+            Csfu  = 3,
+            Cbcc  = 4
+        }
         private static void EmitXmad(ShaderIrBlock Block, long OpCode, ShaderOper Oper)
-            //TODO: Confirm SignAB/C, it is just a guess.
-            //TODO: Implement Mode 3 (CSFU), what it does?
-            bool SignAB = OpCode.Read(48);
-            bool SignC  = OpCode.Read(49);
-            bool HighB  = OpCode.Read(52);
-            bool HighA  = OpCode.Read(53);
+            bool SignedA = OpCode.Read(48);
+            bool SignedB = OpCode.Read(49);
+            bool HighB   = OpCode.Read(52);
+            bool HighA   = OpCode.Read(53);
             int Mode = OpCode.Read(50, 7);
             ShaderIrNode OperA = OpCode.Gpr8(), OperB, OperC;
-            ShaderIrOperImm Imm16  = new ShaderIrOperImm(16);
-            ShaderIrOperImm ImmMsk = new ShaderIrOperImm(0xffff);
-            ShaderIrInst ShiftAB = SignAB ? ShaderIrInst.Asr : ShaderIrInst.Lsr;
-            ShaderIrInst ShiftC  = SignC  ? ShaderIrInst.Asr : ShaderIrInst.Lsr;
-            if (HighA)
-            {
-                OperA = new ShaderIrOp(ShiftAB, OperA, Imm16);
-            }
             switch (Oper)
-                case ShaderOper.CR:  OperB = OpCode.Cbuf34();   break;
-                case ShaderOper.Imm: OperB = OpCode.Imm19_20(); break;
-                case ShaderOper.RC:  OperB = OpCode.Gpr39();    break;
-                case ShaderOper.RR:  OperB = OpCode.Gpr20();    break;
+                case ShaderOper.CR:  OperB = OpCode.Cbuf34();    break;
+                case ShaderOper.Imm: OperB = OpCode.ImmU16_20(); break;
+                case ShaderOper.RC:  OperB = OpCode.Gpr39();     break;
+                case ShaderOper.RR:  OperB = OpCode.Gpr20();     break;
                 default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Oper));
-            bool ProductShiftLeft = false, Merge = false;
+            ShaderIrNode OperB2 = OperB;
+            if (Oper == ShaderOper.Imm)
+            {
+                int Imm = ((ShaderIrOperImm)OperB2).Value;
+                if (!HighB)
+                {
+                    Imm <<= 16;
+                }
+                if (SignedB)
+                {
+                    Imm >>= 16;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    Imm = (int)((uint)Imm >> 16);
+                }
+                OperB2 = new ShaderIrOperImm(Imm);
+            }
+            ShaderIrOperImm Imm16 = new ShaderIrOperImm(16);
+            //If we are working with the lower 16-bits of the A/B operands,
+            //we need to shift the lower 16-bits to the top 16-bits. Later,
+            //they will be right shifted. For U16 types, this will be a logical
+            //right shift, and for S16 types, a arithmetic right shift.
+            if (!HighA)
+            {
+                OperA = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, OperA, Imm16);
+            }
+            if (!HighB && Oper != ShaderOper.Imm)
+            {
+                OperB2 = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, OperB2, Imm16);
+            }
+            ShaderIrInst ShiftA = SignedA ? ShaderIrInst.Asr : ShaderIrInst.Lsr;
+            ShaderIrInst ShiftB = SignedB ? ShaderIrInst.Asr : ShaderIrInst.Lsr;
+            OperA = new ShaderIrOp(ShiftA, OperA,  Imm16);
+            if (Oper != ShaderOper.Imm)
+            {
+                OperB2 = new ShaderIrOp(ShiftB, OperB2, Imm16);
+            }
+            bool ProductShiftLeft = false;
+            bool Merge            = false;
             if (Oper == ShaderOper.RC)
@@ -1196,40 +1242,53 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader
                 Merge            = OpCode.Read(37);
-            switch (Mode)
-            {
-                //CLO.
-                case 1: OperC = ExtendTo32(OperC, SignC, 16); break;
-                //CHI.
-                case 2: OperC = new ShaderIrOp(ShiftC, OperC, Imm16); break;
-            }
-            ShaderIrNode OperBH = OperB;
-            if (HighB)
-            {
-                OperBH = new ShaderIrOp(ShiftAB, OperBH, Imm16);
-            }
-            ShaderIrOp MulOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Mul, OperA, OperBH);
+            ShaderIrOp MulOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Mul, OperA, OperB2);
             if (ProductShiftLeft)
                 MulOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, MulOp, Imm16);
+            switch ((XmadMode)Mode)
+            {
+                case XmadMode.Clo: OperC = ExtendTo32(OperC, Signed: false, Size: 16); break;
+                case XmadMode.Chi: OperC = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsr, OperC, Imm16); break;
+                case XmadMode.Cbcc:
+                {
+                    ShaderIrOp OperBLsh16 = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, OperB, Imm16);
+                    OperC = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Add, OperC, OperBLsh16);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case XmadMode.Csfu:
+                {
+                    ShaderIrOperImm Imm31 = new ShaderIrOperImm(31);
+                    ShaderIrOp SignAdjustA = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsr, OperA,  Imm31);
+                    ShaderIrOp SignAdjustB = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsr, OperB2, Imm31);
+                    SignAdjustA = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, SignAdjustA, Imm16);
+                    SignAdjustB = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, SignAdjustB, Imm16);
+                    ShaderIrOp SignAdjust = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Add, SignAdjustA, SignAdjustB);
+                    OperC = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Sub, OperC, SignAdjust);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
             ShaderIrOp AddOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Add, MulOp, OperC);
             if (Merge)
-                AddOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.And, AddOp, ImmMsk);
-                OperB = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, OperB, Imm16);
-                AddOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Or,  AddOp, OperB);
-            }
+                ShaderIrOperImm Imm16Mask = new ShaderIrOperImm(0xffff);
-            if (Mode == 4)
-            {
+                AddOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.And, AddOp, Imm16Mask);
                 OperB = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Lsl, OperB, Imm16);
                 AddOp = new ShaderIrOp(ShaderIrInst.Or,  AddOp, OperB);
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeOpCode.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeOpCode.cs
index 6531138e7a..f0f92148e6 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeOpCode.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics/Gal/Shader/ShaderDecodeOpCode.cs
@@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader
             return new ShaderIrOperImmf(BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)(OpCode >> 20)));
+        private static ShaderIrOperImm ImmU16_20(this long OpCode)
+        {
+            return new ShaderIrOperImm(OpCode.Read(20, 0xffff));
+        }
         private static ShaderIrOperImm Imm19_20(this long OpCode)
             int Value = OpCode.Read(20, 0x7ffff);