diff --git a/source/acmd_wrapper.hpp b/source/acmd_wrapper.hpp
index 69fcb01..6dc062f 100644
--- a/source/acmd_wrapper.hpp
+++ b/source/acmd_wrapper.hpp
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 #include <switch.h>
-#include "imports/app/sv_animcmd.hpp"
-#include "imports/app/sv_system.hpp"
-#include "imports/app/sv_math.hpp"
 #include "imports/app/lua_bind.hpp"
+#include "imports/app/sv_animcmd.hpp"
+#include "imports/app/sv_math.hpp"
+#include "imports/app/sv_system.hpp"
 #include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include <initializer_list>
@@ -14,71 +14,71 @@
 using namespace lib;
 u64 load_module(u64 module_accessor, u64 module_offset) {
-	return LOAD64(module_accessor + module_offset);
+    return LOAD64(module_accessor + module_offset);
 void* load_module_impl(u64 module, u64 function_offset) {
-	u64 function_impl = LOAD64(module) + function_offset;
-	return (void*) LOAD64(function_impl);
+    u64 function_impl = LOAD64(module) + function_offset;
+    return (void*)LOAD64(function_impl);
 bool is_before_frame(u64 lua_state, float f) {
-	u64 acmd_frame_obj = LOAD64(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 432LL);
-	return *(float*)((*((u32 *)acmd_frame_obj + 64) + 15) & 0xFFFFFFF0) < f; 
+    u64 acmd_frame_obj = LOAD64(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 432LL);
+    return *(float*)((*((u32*)acmd_frame_obj + 64) + 15) & 0xFFFFFFF0) < f;
 struct ACMD {
-	L2CAgent* l2c_agent;
-	u64 module_accessor;
+    L2CAgent* l2c_agent;
+    u64 module_accessor;
-	ACMD(L2CAgent* agent) {
-		l2c_agent = agent;
-		module_accessor = app::sv_system::battle_object_module_accessor(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent);
-	}
+    ACMD(L2CAgent* agent) {
+        l2c_agent = agent;
+        module_accessor = app::sv_system::battle_object_module_accessor(
+            l2c_agent->lua_state_agent);
+    }
-	void frame(float f) {
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
-		L2CValue frame_val(f);
-		l2c_agent->push_lua_stack(&frame_val);
-		app::sv_animcmd::frame(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent, f);
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
-	}
+    void frame(float f) {
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+        L2CValue frame_val(f);
+        l2c_agent->push_lua_stack(&frame_val);
+        app::sv_animcmd::frame(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent, f);
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+    }
-	// attempted reimplementation of sv_animcmd::frame
-	bool _frame(float f) {
+    // attempted reimplementation of sv_animcmd::frame
+    bool _frame(float f) {
         u64 acmd_obj = LOAD64(LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent - 8) + 432);
-        if ( !is_before_frame(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent, f) )
-            return true;
+        if (!is_before_frame(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent, f)) return true;
         *(u8*)(acmd_obj + 47) = 3;
         LOAD64(acmd_obj + 48) = (u64)&is_before_frame;
         *(float*)(acmd_obj + 56) = f;
         u64 acmd_obj_other = LOAD64(acmd_obj);
         if (*(u8*)(acmd_obj_other + 664)) {
-            void (*some_func)(u64) = (void (*)(u64)) LOAD64(LOAD64(LOAD64(acmd_obj_other + 656)) + 16);
+            void (*some_func)(u64) = (void (*)(u64))LOAD64(
+                LOAD64(LOAD64(acmd_obj_other + 656)) + 16);
             some_func(LOAD64(acmd_obj_other + 656));
             return true;
         bool doThing = false;
-        if ( !*(u16*)(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 196)) {
+        if (!*(u16*)(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 196)) {
             u64 v4 = LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 32);
             *(u8*)(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 12) = 1;
-            LOAD64(v4 + 56) = LOAD64(v4) - LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 56);
-            if ( *(u8*)(v4 + 66) & 2)
-                return true;
+            LOAD64(v4 + 56) =
+                LOAD64(v4) - LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 56);
+            if (*(u8*)(v4 + 66) & 2) return true;
             doThing = true;
-        if ( doThing || LOAD64(LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 24) + 200) == l2c_agent->lua_state_agent) {
-            // throw 
+        if (doThing || LOAD64(LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 24) + 200) ==
+                           l2c_agent->lua_state_agent) {
+            // throw
             u64 v4 = LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 32);
             LOAD64(v4 + 32) = 0;
             LOAD64(v4) = LOAD64(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent + 16) - 16;
         return false;
@@ -86,132 +86,130 @@ struct ACMD {
         // throw
-	void wait(float f) {
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
-		L2CValue frame_val(f);
-		l2c_agent->push_lua_stack(&frame_val);
-		app::sv_animcmd::wait(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent, f);
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
-	}
+    void wait(float f) {
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+        L2CValue frame_val(f);
+        l2c_agent->push_lua_stack(&frame_val);
+        app::sv_animcmd::wait(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent, f);
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+    }
-	bool is_excute() {
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
-		app::sv_animcmd::is_excute(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent);
-		L2CValue is_excute;
-		l2c_agent->get_lua_stack(1, &is_excute);
-		bool excute = (bool)(is_excute);
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
-		return excute;
-	}
+    bool is_excute() {
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+        app::sv_animcmd::is_excute(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent);
+        L2CValue is_excute;
+        l2c_agent->get_lua_stack(1, &is_excute);
+        bool excute = (bool)(is_excute);
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+        return excute;
+    }
-	void wrap(u64 (*acmd_func)(u64), std::initializer_list<L2CValue> list) {
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack(); 
-		for (L2CValue elem : list)
-			l2c_agent->push_lua_stack(&elem);
+    void wrap(u64 (*acmd_func)(u64), std::initializer_list<L2CValue> list) {
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+        for (L2CValue elem : list) l2c_agent->push_lua_stack(&elem);
-		acmd_func(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent);
-		l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();    
-	}
+        acmd_func(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent);
+        l2c_agent->clear_lua_stack();
+    }
-	void ATTACK(
-		u64 i1,  // ID
-		u64 i2,  // Part
-		u64 h1,  // Bone
-		float f1,  // Damage
-		u64 i3,  // Angle
-		u64 i4,  // KBG
-		u64 i5,  // FKB
-		u64 i6,  // BKB
-		float f2,  // Size
-		float f3,  // X
-		float f4,  // Y
-		float f5,  // Z
-		// X2
-		// Y2
-		// Z2
-		float f6,  // Hitlag
-		float f7,  // SDI
-		u64 i7,  // Clang/Rebound
-		u64 i8,  // Facing Restriction
-		u64 i9,  // Fixed Weight
-		u64 i10, // Shield Damage
-		float f8,  // Trip Chance
-		u64 i11, // Rehite Rate
-		u64 i12, // Reflectable
-		u64 i13, // Absorbable
-		u64 i14, // Flinchless
-		u64 i15, // Disable Hitlag
-		u64 i16, // Direct
-		u64 i17, // Ground/Air
-		u64 i18, // Hit Bits
-		u64 i19, // Collision Bits
-		u64 i20, // Friendly Fire
-		u64 h2,  // Effect
-		u64 i21, // SFX Level
-		u64 i22, // SFX Type
-		u64 i23) {  // Move Type
-		wrap(app::sv_animcmd::ATTACK, {
-			L2CValue(i1), L2CValue(i2), L2CValue(h1), L2CValue(f1),
-			L2CValue(i3), L2CValue(i4), L2CValue(i5), L2CValue(i6),
-			L2CValue(f2), L2CValue(f3), L2CValue(f4), L2CValue(f5),
-			L2CValue("void"), L2CValue("void"), L2CValue("void"), L2CValue(f6),
-			L2CValue(f7), L2CValue(i7), L2CValue(i8), L2CValue(i9),
-			L2CValue(i10), L2CValue(f8), L2CValue(i11), L2CValue(i12),
-			L2CValue(i13), L2CValue(i14), L2CValue(i15), L2CValue(i16),
- 			L2CValue(i17), L2CValue(i18), L2CValue(i19), L2CValue(i20),
-			L2CValue(h2), L2CValue(i21), L2CValue(i22), L2CValue(i23)
-		});
-	}
+    void ATTACK(u64 i1,    // ID
+                u64 i2,    // Part
+                u64 h1,    // Bone
+                float f1,  // Damage
+                u64 i3,    // Angle
+                u64 i4,    // KBG
+                u64 i5,    // FKB
+                u64 i6,    // BKB
+                float f2,  // Size
+                float f3,  // X
+                float f4,  // Y
+                float f5,  // Z
+                // X2
+                // Y2
+                // Z2
+                float f6,   // Hitlag
+                float f7,   // SDI
+                u64 i7,     // Clang/Rebound
+                u64 i8,     // Facing Restriction
+                u64 i9,     // Fixed Weight
+                u64 i10,    // Shield Damage
+                float f8,   // Trip Chance
+                u64 i11,    // Rehite Rate
+                u64 i12,    // Reflectable
+                u64 i13,    // Absorbable
+                u64 i14,    // Flinchless
+                u64 i15,    // Disable Hitlag
+                u64 i16,    // Direct
+                u64 i17,    // Ground/Air
+                u64 i18,    // Hit Bits
+                u64 i19,    // Collision Bits
+                u64 i20,    // Friendly Fire
+                u64 h2,     // Effect
+                u64 i21,    // SFX Level
+                u64 i22,    // SFX Type
+                u64 i23) {  // Move Type
+        wrap(app::sv_animcmd::ATTACK,
+             {L2CValue(i1),     L2CValue(i2),     L2CValue(h1),
+              L2CValue(f1),     L2CValue(i3),     L2CValue(i4),
+              L2CValue(i5),     L2CValue(i6),     L2CValue(f2),
+              L2CValue(f3),     L2CValue(f4),     L2CValue(f5),
+              L2CValue("void"), L2CValue("void"), L2CValue("void"),
+              L2CValue(f6),     L2CValue(f7),     L2CValue(i7),
+              L2CValue(i8),     L2CValue(i9),     L2CValue(i10),
+              L2CValue(f8),     L2CValue(i11),    L2CValue(i12),
+              L2CValue(i13),    L2CValue(i14),    L2CValue(i15),
+              L2CValue(i16),    L2CValue(i17),    L2CValue(i18),
+              L2CValue(i19),    L2CValue(i20),    L2CValue(h2),
+              L2CValue(i21),    L2CValue(i22),    L2CValue(i23)});
+    }
-	void ATTACK(
-		u64 i1,  // ID
-		u64 i2,  // Part
-		u64 h1,  // Bone
-		float f1,  // Damage
-		u64 i3,  // Angle
-		u64 i4,  // KBG
-		u64 i5,  // FKB
-		u64 i6,  // BKB
-		float f2,  // Size
-		float f3,  // X
-		float f4,  // Y
-		float f5,  // Z
-		float fX2, // X2
-		float fY2, // Y2
-		float fZ2, // Z2
-		float f6,  // Hitlag
-		float f7,  // SDI
-		u64 i7,  // Clang/Rebound
-		u64 i8,  // Facing Restriction
-		u64 i9,  // Fixed Weight
-		u64 i10, // Shield Damage
-		float f8,  // Trip Chance
-		u64 i11, // Rehite Rate
-		u64 i12, // Reflectable
-		u64 i13, // Absorbable
-		u64 i14, // Flinchless
-		u64 i15, // Disable Hitlag
-		u64 i16, // Direct
-		u64 i17, // Ground/Air
-		u64 i18, // Hit Bits
-		u64 i19, // Collision Bits
-		u64 i20, // Friendly Fire
-		u64 h2,  // Effect
-		u64 i21, // SFX Level
-		u64 i22, // SFX Type
-		u64 i23) {  // Move Type
-		wrap(app::sv_animcmd::ATTACK, {
-			L2CValue(i1), L2CValue(i2), L2CValue(h1), L2CValue(f1),
-			L2CValue(i3), L2CValue(i4), L2CValue(i5), L2CValue(i6),
-			L2CValue(f2), L2CValue(f3), L2CValue(f4), L2CValue(f5),
-			L2CValue(fX2), L2CValue(fY2), L2CValue(fZ2), L2CValue(f6),
-			L2CValue(f7), L2CValue(i7), L2CValue(i8), L2CValue(i9),
-			L2CValue(i10), L2CValue(f8), L2CValue(i11), L2CValue(i12),
-			L2CValue(i13), L2CValue(i14), L2CValue(i15), L2CValue(i16),
- 			L2CValue(i17), L2CValue(i18), L2CValue(i19), L2CValue(i20),
-			L2CValue(h2), L2CValue(i21), L2CValue(i22), L2CValue(i23)
-		});
-	}
+    void ATTACK(u64 i1,     // ID
+                u64 i2,     // Part
+                u64 h1,     // Bone
+                float f1,   // Damage
+                u64 i3,     // Angle
+                u64 i4,     // KBG
+                u64 i5,     // FKB
+                u64 i6,     // BKB
+                float f2,   // Size
+                float f3,   // X
+                float f4,   // Y
+                float f5,   // Z
+                float fX2,  // X2
+                float fY2,  // Y2
+                float fZ2,  // Z2
+                float f6,   // Hitlag
+                float f7,   // SDI
+                u64 i7,     // Clang/Rebound
+                u64 i8,     // Facing Restriction
+                u64 i9,     // Fixed Weight
+                u64 i10,    // Shield Damage
+                float f8,   // Trip Chance
+                u64 i11,    // Rehite Rate
+                u64 i12,    // Reflectable
+                u64 i13,    // Absorbable
+                u64 i14,    // Flinchless
+                u64 i15,    // Disable Hitlag
+                u64 i16,    // Direct
+                u64 i17,    // Ground/Air
+                u64 i18,    // Hit Bits
+                u64 i19,    // Collision Bits
+                u64 i20,    // Friendly Fire
+                u64 h2,     // Effect
+                u64 i21,    // SFX Level
+                u64 i22,    // SFX Type
+                u64 i23) {  // Move Type
+        wrap(app::sv_animcmd::ATTACK,
+             {L2CValue(i1),  L2CValue(i2),  L2CValue(h1),  L2CValue(f1),
+              L2CValue(i3),  L2CValue(i4),  L2CValue(i5),  L2CValue(i6),
+              L2CValue(f2),  L2CValue(f3),  L2CValue(f4),  L2CValue(f5),
+              L2CValue(fX2), L2CValue(fY2), L2CValue(fZ2), L2CValue(f6),
+              L2CValue(f7),  L2CValue(i7),  L2CValue(i8),  L2CValue(i9),
+              L2CValue(i10), L2CValue(f8),  L2CValue(i11), L2CValue(i12),
+              L2CValue(i13), L2CValue(i14), L2CValue(i15), L2CValue(i16),
+              L2CValue(i17), L2CValue(i18), L2CValue(i19), L2CValue(i20),
+              L2CValue(h2),  L2CValue(i21), L2CValue(i22), L2CValue(i23)});
+    }
-#endif // ACMD_WRAPPER_H
+#endif  // ACMD_WRAPPER_H
diff --git a/source/hitbox_visualizer.hpp b/source/hitbox_visualizer.hpp
index 3c579ea..3feba09 100644
--- a/source/hitbox_visualizer.hpp
+++ b/source/hitbox_visualizer.hpp
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 #include "useful/useful.h"
 #include "useful/visual.h"
-#include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include "acmd_wrapper.hpp"
+#include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include "saltysd/saltysd_helper.hpp"
-#include "useful/const_value_table.h"
 #include "taunt_toggles.h"
+#include "useful/const_value_table.h"
 #include "useful/raygun_printer.hpp"
@@ -23,273 +23,286 @@ u64 effect_manager_addr;
 void (*AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state)(u64, u64);
 u64 Catch_jumpback;
-Vector3f ID_COLORS[8] = { // used to tint the hitbox effects -- make sure that at least one component is equal to 1.0
-	{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // #ff0000 (red)
-	{ 1.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f }, // #ff9900 (orange)
-	{ 0.8f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, // #ccff00 (yellow)
-	{ 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f }, // #00ff33 (green)
-	{ 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f }, // #00ccff (sky blue)
-	{ 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f }, // #6666ff (blue)
-	{ 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, // #cc00ff (purple)
-	{ 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.8f }, // #ff33cc (pink)
+Vector3f ID_COLORS[8] = {
+    // used to tint the hitbox effects -- make sure that at least one component
+    // is equal to 1.0
+    {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},  // #ff0000 (red)
+    {1.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f},  // #ff9900 (orange)
+    {0.8f, 1.0f, 0.0f},  // #ccff00 (yellow)
+    {0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f},  // #00ff33 (green)
+    {0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f},  // #00ccff (sky blue)
+    {0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f},  // #6666ff (blue)
+    {0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f},  // #cc00ff (purple)
+    {1.0f, 0.2f, 0.8f},  // #ff33cc (pink)
-int MAX_EFFECTS_PER_HITBOX = 16; // max # of circles drawn for an extended hitbox
+int MAX_EFFECTS_PER_HITBOX = 16;  // max # of circles drawn for an extended hitbox
 namespace app::lua_bind::AttackModule {
-	// clear graphics every time we clear all hitboxes
-	void clear_all_replace(u64 module_accessor) {
-		if (is_training_mode()) {
-			// only if we're not shielding
-			int status_kind = StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor);
-			if (!(status_kind >= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_ON && status_kind <= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_OFF)) {
-				Hash40 shieldEffectHash = { .hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL };
-				EffectModule::kill_kind(module_accessor, shieldEffectHash.hash, 0, 1);
-			}
-		}
+// clear graphics every time we clear all hitboxes
+void clear_all_replace(u64 module_accessor) {
+    if (is_training_mode()) {
+        // only if we're not shielding
+        int status_kind = StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor);
+        if (!(status_kind >= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_ON &&
+              status_kind <= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_OFF)) {
+            Hash40 shieldEffectHash = {.hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL};
+            EffectModule::kill_kind(module_accessor, shieldEffectHash.hash, 0, 1);
+        }
+    }
-		// call original AttackModule::clear_all_impl
-		u64 attack_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0xA0);
-		void (*clear_all)(u64) = (void(*)(u64))(load_module_impl(attack_module, 0x50));
+    // call original AttackModule::clear_all_impl
+    u64 attack_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0xA0);
+    void (*clear_all)(u64) =
+        (void (*)(u64))(load_module_impl(attack_module, 0x50));
-		return clear_all(attack_module);
-	}
+    return clear_all(attack_module);
+}  // namespace app::lua_bind::AttackModule
 namespace app::lua_bind::GrabModule {
-	// clear graphics every time we clear rebound
-	void set_rebound_replace(u64 module_accessor, bool rebound) {
-		if (is_training_mode() && rebound == false) {
-			// only if we're not shielding
-			int status_kind = StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor);
-			if (!(status_kind >= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_ON && status_kind <= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_OFF)) {
-				Hash40 shieldEffectHash = { .hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL };
-				EffectModule::kill_kind(module_accessor, shieldEffectHash.hash, 0, 1);
-			}
-		}
-		// call original GrabModule::set_rebound_impl
-		u64 grab_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x158);
-		void (*set_rebound)(u64, bool) = (void(*)(u64, bool))(load_module_impl(grab_module, 0x100));
-		return set_rebound(grab_module, rebound);
-	}
-Vector3f EffectModule_last_get_scale_w(u64 effect_module)
-  Vector3f ret;
-  uint handle = *(uint *)(effect_module + 36);
-  if ( handle && (signed int)handle >= 1 )
-  {
-    u64 effect = LOAD64(effect_manager_addr) + 768 * (handle >> 24);
-    bool is_exist_effect = effect && *(uint *)(effect + 4) == handle;
-    if ( is_exist_effect )
-    {
-	  float* scale = (float*)(effect + 256);
-	  ret.x = *(float *)(scale);
-	  ret.y = *(float *)(scale+1);
-	  ret.z = *(float *)(scale+2);
+// clear graphics every time we clear rebound
+void set_rebound_replace(u64 module_accessor, bool rebound) {
+    if (is_training_mode() && rebound == false) {
+        // only if we're not shielding
+        int status_kind = StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor);
+        if (!(status_kind >= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_ON &&
+              status_kind <= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_GUARD_OFF)) {
+            Hash40 shieldEffectHash = {.hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL};
+            EffectModule::kill_kind(module_accessor, shieldEffectHash.hash, 0, 1);
+        }
-  }
-  return ret;
+    // call original GrabModule::set_rebound_impl
+    u64 grab_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x158);
+    void (*set_rebound)(u64, bool) =
+        (void (*)(u64, bool))(load_module_impl(grab_module, 0x100));
+    return set_rebound(grab_module, rebound);
+}  // namespace app::lua_bind::GrabModule
+Vector3f EffectModule_last_get_scale_w(u64 effect_module) {
+    Vector3f ret;
+    uint handle = *(uint *)(effect_module + 36);
+    if (handle && (signed int)handle >= 1) {
+        u64 effect = LOAD64(effect_manager_addr) + 768 * (handle >> 24);
+        bool is_exist_effect = effect && *(uint *)(effect + 4) == handle;
+        if (is_exist_effect) {
+            float *scale = (float *)(effect + 256);
+            ret.x = *(float *)(scale);
+            ret.y = *(float *)(scale + 1);
+            ret.z = *(float *)(scale + 2);
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
-void generate_hitbox_effects(L2CAgent *l2c_agent, L2CValue *bone, L2CValue *size,
-		L2CValue *x, L2CValue *y, L2CValue *z, L2CValue *x2, L2CValue *y2, L2CValue *z2,
-		Vector3f *color) {
-	L2CValue red(color->x);
-	L2CValue green(color->y);
-	L2CValue blue(color->z);
+void generate_hitbox_effects(L2CAgent *l2c_agent, L2CValue *bone,
+                             L2CValue *size, L2CValue *x, L2CValue *y,
+                             L2CValue *z, L2CValue *x2, L2CValue *y2,
+                             L2CValue *z2, Vector3f *color) {
+    L2CValue red(color->x);
+    L2CValue green(color->y);
+    L2CValue blue(color->z);
-	float size_mult = 19.0f / 200.0f;
-	Hash40 shield_effect_hash = { .hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL };
+    float size_mult = 19.0f / 200.0f;
+    Hash40 shield_effect_hash = {.hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL};
-	L2CValue shieldEffect(shield_effect_hash.hash);
-	L2CValue x_rot(0.0f);
-	L2CValue y_rot(0.0f);
-	L2CValue z_rot(0.0f);
-	L2CValue terminate(true);
-	L2CValue effect_size((float)size->raw_float * size_mult);
+    L2CValue shieldEffect(shield_effect_hash.hash);
+    L2CValue x_rot(0.0f);
+    L2CValue y_rot(0.0f);
+    L2CValue z_rot(0.0f);
+    L2CValue terminate(true);
+    L2CValue effect_size((float)size->raw_float * size_mult);
-	L2CValue rate(8.0f);
+    L2CValue rate(8.0f);
-	float x_dist, y_dist, z_dist;
-	int n_effects;
-	if (x2->type != L2C_void && y2->type != L2C_void && z2->type != L2C_void) { // extended hitbox
-		x_dist = x2->raw_float - x->raw_float;
-		y_dist = y2->raw_float - y->raw_float;
-		z_dist = z2->raw_float - z->raw_float;
-		float dist = sqrtf(x_dist * x_dist + y_dist * y_dist + z_dist * z_dist);
-		n_effects = (int)ceilf(dist / (size->raw_float * 1.75f)) + 1; // just enough effects to form a continuous line
-		if (n_effects < 2)
-		    n_effects = 2;
-		if (n_effects > MAX_EFFECTS_PER_HITBOX)
-		    n_effects = MAX_EFFECTS_PER_HITBOX;
-	} else { // non-extended hitbox
-		x_dist = y_dist = z_dist = 0;
-		n_effects = 1;
-	}
+    float x_dist, y_dist, z_dist;
+    int n_effects;
+    if (x2->type != L2C_void && y2->type != L2C_void &&
+        z2->type != L2C_void) {  // extended hitbox
+        x_dist = x2->raw_float - x->raw_float;
+        y_dist = y2->raw_float - y->raw_float;
+        z_dist = z2->raw_float - z->raw_float;
+        float dist = sqrtf(x_dist * x_dist + y_dist * y_dist + z_dist * z_dist);
+        n_effects = (int)ceilf(dist / (size->raw_float * 1.75f)) + 1;  // just enough effects to form a continuous line
+        if (n_effects < 2) n_effects = 2;
+        if (n_effects > MAX_EFFECTS_PER_HITBOX)
+            n_effects = MAX_EFFECTS_PER_HITBOX;
+    } else {  // non-extended hitbox
+        x_dist = y_dist = z_dist = 0;
+        n_effects = 1;
+    }
-	for (int i = 0; i < n_effects; i++) {
-		float t = n_effects <= 1 ? 0 : (float)i / (n_effects - 1);
-		L2CValue x_curr(x->raw_float + x_dist * t);
-		L2CValue y_curr(y->raw_float + y_dist * t);
-		L2CValue z_curr(z->raw_float + z_dist * t);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n_effects; i++) {
+        float t = n_effects <= 1 ? 0 : (float)i / (n_effects - 1);
+        L2CValue x_curr(x->raw_float + x_dist * t);
+        L2CValue y_curr(y->raw_float + y_dist * t);
+        L2CValue z_curr(z->raw_float + z_dist * t);
-		ACMD acmd(l2c_agent);
-		acmd.wrap(EFFECT_FOLLOW_NO_SCALE, { shieldEffect, *bone, x_curr, y_curr, z_curr, x_rot, y_rot, z_rot, effect_size, terminate });
-		// set to hitbox ID color
-		acmd.wrap(LAST_EFFECT_SET_COLOR, { red, green, blue });
+        ACMD acmd(l2c_agent);
+        acmd.wrap(EFFECT_FOLLOW_NO_SCALE,
+                  {shieldEffect, *bone, x_curr, y_curr, z_curr, x_rot, y_rot,
+                   z_rot, effect_size, terminate});
-		// speed up animation by rate to remove pulsing effect
-		acmd.wrap(LAST_EFFECT_SET_RATE, { rate });
-	}
+        // set to hitbox ID color
+        acmd.wrap(LAST_EFFECT_SET_COLOR, {red, green, blue});
+        // speed up animation by rate to remove pulsing effect
+        acmd.wrap(LAST_EFFECT_SET_RATE, {rate});
+    }
 namespace app::sv_animcmd {
-	void ATTACK_replace(u64 a1) {
-		// instantiate our own L2CAgent with the given lua_State
-		L2CAgent l2c_agent;
-		l2c_agent.L2CAgent_constr(a1);
+void ATTACK_replace(u64 a1) {
+    // instantiate our own L2CAgent with the given lua_State
+    L2CAgent l2c_agent;
+    l2c_agent.L2CAgent_constr(a1);
-		// get all necessary hitbox params
-		L2CValue id, bone, damage, angle, kbg, fkb, bkb, size, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2;
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(1, &id); // int
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(3, &bone); // hash40
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(4, &damage); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(5, &angle); // int
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(6, &kbg); // int
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(7, &fkb); // int
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(8, &bkb); // int
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(9, &size); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(10, &x); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(11, &y); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(12, &z); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(13, &x2); // float or void
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(14, &y2); // float or void
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(15, &z2); // float or void
+    // get all necessary hitbox params
+    L2CValue id, bone, damage, angle, kbg, fkb, bkb, size, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2;
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(1, &id);      // int
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(3, &bone);    // hash40
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(4, &damage);  // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(5, &angle);   // int
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(6, &kbg);     // int
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(7, &fkb);     // int
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(8, &bkb);     // int
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(9, &size);    // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(10, &x);      // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(11, &y);      // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(12, &z);      // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(13, &x2);     // float or void
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(14, &y2);     // float or void
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(15, &z2);     // float or void
-		// hacky way of forcing no shield damage on all hitboxes
-		if (is_training_mode() && TOGGLE_STATE == INFINITE_SHIELD) {
-			L2CValue hitbox_params[36];
-			for (size_t i = 0; i < 36; i++)
-				l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(i+1, &hitbox_params[i]);
-			l2c_agent.clear_lua_stack();
+    // hacky way of forcing no shield damage on all hitboxes
+    if (is_training_mode() && TOGGLE_STATE == INFINITE_SHIELD) {
+        L2CValue hitbox_params[36];
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 36; i++)
+            l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(i + 1, &hitbox_params[i]);
-			for (size_t i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
-				if (i == 20) {
-					L2CValue no_shield_damage(-999);
-					l2c_agent.push_lua_stack(&no_shield_damage);
-				}
-				else
-					l2c_agent.push_lua_stack(&hitbox_params[i]);
-			}
-		}
+        l2c_agent.clear_lua_stack();
-		// original code: parse lua stack and call AttackModule::set_attack()
-		AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state(LOAD64(LOAD64(a1 - 8) + 416LL), a1);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
+            if (i == 20) {
+                L2CValue no_shield_damage(-999);
+                l2c_agent.push_lua_stack(&no_shield_damage);
+            } else
+                l2c_agent.push_lua_stack(&hitbox_params[i]);
+        }
+    }
-		if (HITBOX_VIS && is_training_mode()) { // generate hitbox effect(s)
-			float color_scale;
-			if (false) { // color intensity scales with damage
-				color_scale = unlerp_bounded(1.0f, 18.0f, damage.raw_float);
-			} else { // color intensity scales with total KB
-				// calculate the expected KB a character with 95 weight will receive at 80% pre-hit
-				float TARGET_PERCENT = 80.0f;
-				int TARGET_WEIGHT = 95;
-				float percent_component;
-				if (fkb.raw > 0) {
-					percent_component = (10.0f + fkb.raw) * 0.1f * (1.0f + fkb.raw * 0.5f);
-				} else {
-					percent_component = (TARGET_PERCENT + damage.raw_float) * 0.1f * (1.0f + damage.raw_float * 0.5f);
-				}
-				float weight_component = 200.0f / (TARGET_WEIGHT + 100);
-				float kb = (percent_component * weight_component * 1.4f + 18.0f) * (kbg.raw * 0.01f) + bkb.raw;
-				color_scale = unlerp_bounded(50.0f, 200.0f, kb);
-			}
-			float color_t = 0.8f + 0.2f * powf(color_scale, 0.5f); // non-linear scaling to magnify differences at lower values
-			Vector3f color = color_lerp({ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, ID_COLORS[id.raw % 8], color_t);
-		    generate_hitbox_effects(&l2c_agent, &bone, &size, &x, &y, &z, &x2, &y2, &z2, &color);
-		}
+    // original code: parse lua stack and call AttackModule::set_attack()
+    AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state(LOAD64(LOAD64(a1 - 8) + 416LL), a1);
-		u64 v1, v2, i;
-		v1 = a1;
+    if (HITBOX_VIS && is_training_mode()) {  // generate hitbox effect(s)
+        float color_scale;
+        if (false) {  // color intensity scales with damage
+            color_scale = unlerp_bounded(1.0f, 18.0f, damage.raw_float);
+        } else {  // color intensity scales with total KB
+            // calculate the expected KB a character with 95 weight will receive
+            // at 80% pre-hit
+            float TARGET_PERCENT = 80.0f;
+            int TARGET_WEIGHT = 95;
+            float percent_component;
+            if (fkb.raw > 0) {
+                percent_component =
+                    (10.0f + fkb.raw) * 0.1f * (1.0f + fkb.raw * 0.5f);
+            } else {
+                percent_component = (TARGET_PERCENT + damage.raw_float) * 0.1f *
+                                    (1.0f + damage.raw_float * 0.5f);
+            }
+            float weight_component = 200.0f / (TARGET_WEIGHT + 100);
+            float kb = (percent_component * weight_component * 1.4f + 18.0f) *
+                           (kbg.raw * 0.01f) +
+                       bkb.raw;
+            color_scale = unlerp_bounded(50.0f, 200.0f, kb);
+        }
+        float color_t =
+            0.8f +
+            0.2f * powf(color_scale, 0.5f);  // non-linear scaling to magnify
+                                             // differences at lower values
+        Vector3f color = color_lerp({1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, ID_COLORS[id.raw % 8], color_t);
+        generate_hitbox_effects(&l2c_agent, &bone, &size, &x, &y, &z, &x2, &y2, &z2, &color);
+    }
-		// original code: clear_lua_stack section
-		v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16);
-		for (i = **(u64 **)(v1 + 32) + 16LL; v2 < i; v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16)) {
-		    LOAD64(v1 + 16) = v2 + 16;
-		    *(__int32_t *)(v2 + 8) = 0;
-		}
-		LOAD64(v1 + 16) = i;
-	}
+    u64 v1, v2, i;
+    v1 = a1;
-	void CATCH_replace(u64 a1) {
-		L2CAgent l2c_agent;
-		l2c_agent.L2CAgent_constr(a1);
-		// get all necessary grabbox params
-		L2CValue id, joint, size, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2;
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(1, &id); // int
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(2, &joint); // hash40
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(3, &size); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(4, &x); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(5, &y); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(6, &z); // float
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(7, &x2); // float or void
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(8, &y2); // float or void
-		l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(9, &z2); // float or void
-		// SaltySD_function_replace_sym works by replacing the 
-		// first four instructions of a function with instructions
-		// to jump to a replacement function like CATCH_replace.
-		// if we want to jump back, we just need to reimplement the
-		// first four instructions and jump back to the original address
-		// + the length of 4 instructions
-		// load address, along with lua_state as first arg
-		asm("MOV X9, %x0" : : "r"(Catch_jumpback));
-		asm("MOV X0, %x0" : : "r"(l2c_agent.lua_state_agent));
-		// the first four instructions: they will usually be 
-		// setting up the stack for local variables
-		asm("SUB SP, SP, #0xC0");
-		asm("STR X25, [SP, #0x70]");
-		asm("STP X24, X23, [SP, #0x80]");
-		asm("STP X22, X21, [SP, #0x90]");
-		// jump to Catch_jumpback
-		asm("BLR X9");
-		if (HITBOX_VIS && is_training_mode()) {
-			Vector3f color = ID_COLORS[(id.raw + 3) % 8];
-			generate_hitbox_effects(&l2c_agent, &joint, &size, &x, &y, &z, &x2, &y2, &z2, &color);
-		}
-	}
+    // original code: clear_lua_stack section
+    v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16);
+    for (i = **(u64 **)(v1 + 32) + 16LL; v2 < i; v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16)) {
+        LOAD64(v1 + 16) = v2 + 16;
+        *(__int32_t *)(v2 + 8) = 0;
+    }
+    LOAD64(v1 + 16) = i;
+void CATCH_replace(u64 a1) {
+    L2CAgent l2c_agent;
+    l2c_agent.L2CAgent_constr(a1);
+    // get all necessary grabbox params
+    L2CValue id, joint, size, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2;
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(1, &id);     // int
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(2, &joint);  // hash40
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(3, &size);   // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(4, &x);      // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(5, &y);      // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(6, &z);      // float
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(7, &x2);     // float or void
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(8, &y2);     // float or void
+    l2c_agent.get_lua_stack(9, &z2);     // float or void
+    // SaltySD_function_replace_sym works by replacing the
+    // first four instructions of a function with instructions
+    // to jump to a replacement function like CATCH_replace.
+    // if we want to jump back, we just need to reimplement the
+    // first four instructions and jump back to the original address
+    // + the length of 4 instructions
+    // load address, along with lua_state as first arg
+    asm("MOV X9, %x0" : : "r"(Catch_jumpback));
+    asm("MOV X0, %x0" : : "r"(l2c_agent.lua_state_agent));
+    // the first four instructions: they will usually be
+    // setting up the stack for local variables
+    asm("SUB SP, SP, #0xC0");
+    asm("STR X25, [SP, #0x70]");
+    asm("STP X24, X23, [SP, #0x80]");
+    asm("STP X22, X21, [SP, #0x90]");
+    // jump to Catch_jumpback
+    asm("BLR X9");
+    if (HITBOX_VIS && is_training_mode()) {
+        Vector3f color = ID_COLORS[(id.raw + 3) % 8];
+        generate_hitbox_effects(&l2c_agent, &joint, &size, &x, &y, &z, &x2, &y2, &z2, &color);
+    }
+}  // namespace app::sv_animcmd
 void hitbox_vis_main() {
-	effect_manager_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib9SingletonINS_13EffectManagerEE9instance_E");
+    effect_manager_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol(
+        "_ZN3lib9SingletonINS_13EffectManagerEE9instance_E");
-	AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state = (void (*)(u64, u64))SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State") + 0xD0 - 0x70;
-	Catch_jumpback = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd5CATCHEP9lua_State") + (4*4);
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State",
-		(u64)&ATTACK_replace);
+    AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state = (void (*)(u64, u64))SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State") +
+        0xD0 - 0x70;
+    Catch_jumpback = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd5CATCHEP9lua_State") + (4 * 4);
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State",
+                                 (u64)&ATTACK_replace);
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app10sv_animcmd5CATCHEP9lua_State",
-		(u64)&CATCH_replace);
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd5CATCHEP9lua_State",
+                                 (u64)&CATCH_replace);
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind28AttackModule__clear_all_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorE",
-		(u64)&AttackModule::clear_all_replace);
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind28AttackModule__clear_all_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorE",
+        (u64)&AttackModule::clear_all_replace);
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind28GrabModule__set_rebound_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEb",
-		(u64)&GrabModule::set_rebound_replace);	
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind28GrabModule__set_rebound_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEb",
+        (u64)&GrabModule::set_rebound_replace);
diff --git a/source/main.cpp b/source/main.cpp
index 6d6260c..6f19d18 100644
--- a/source/main.cpp
+++ b/source/main.cpp
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
 #include <switch.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <switch/kernel/ipc.h>
 #include <sys/iosupport.h>
 #include <sys/reent.h>
-#include <switch/kernel/ipc.h>
 #include "useful/useful.h"
 #include "saltysd/saltysd_core.h"
-#include "saltysd/saltysd_ipc.h"
 #include "saltysd/saltysd_dynamic.h"
+#include "saltysd/saltysd_ipc.h"
-#include "saltysd/saltysd_helper.hpp"
-#include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include "imports/app/sv_animcmd.hpp"
+#include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
+#include "saltysd/saltysd_helper.hpp"
 #include "hitbox_visualizer.hpp"
 #include "script_replacement.hpp"
 #include "training_mods.hpp"
 extern "C" {
-	extern u32 __start__;
+extern u32 __start__;
-	static char g_heap[0x8000];
+static char g_heap[0x8000];
-	void __libnx_init(void* ctx, Handle main_thread, void* saved_lr);
-	void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc);
-	void __nx_exit(int, void*);
-	void __libc_fini_array(void);
-	void __libc_init_array(void);
+void __libnx_init(void* ctx, Handle main_thread, void* saved_lr);
+void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc);
+void __nx_exit(int, void*);
+void __libc_fini_array(void);
+void __libc_init_array(void);
 u32 __nx_applet_type = AppletType_None;
@@ -40,57 +40,59 @@ void* orig_ctx;
 void* orig_saved_lr;
 void __libnx_init(void* ctx, Handle main_thread, void* saved_lr) {
-	extern char* fake_heap_start;
-	extern char* fake_heap_end;
+    extern char* fake_heap_start;
+    extern char* fake_heap_end;
-	fake_heap_start = &g_heap[0];
-	fake_heap_end   = &g_heap[sizeof g_heap];
-	orig_ctx = ctx;
-	orig_main_thread = main_thread;
-	orig_saved_lr = saved_lr;
-	// Call constructors.
-	//void __libc_init_array(void);
-	__libc_init_array();
+    fake_heap_start = &g_heap[0];
+    fake_heap_end = &g_heap[sizeof g_heap];
+    orig_ctx = ctx;
+    orig_main_thread = main_thread;
+    orig_saved_lr = saved_lr;
+    // Call constructors.
+    // void __libc_init_array(void);
+    __libc_init_array();
 void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc) {
-	// Call destructors.
-	//void __libc_fini_array(void);
-	__libc_fini_array();
+    // Call destructors.
+    // void __libc_fini_array(void);
+    __libc_fini_array();
-	SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: jumping to %p\n", orig_saved_lr);
+    SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: jumping to %p\n", orig_saved_lr);
-	__nx_exit(0, orig_saved_lr);
-	while (true);
+    __nx_exit(0, orig_saved_lr);
+    while (true)
+        ;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: alive\n");
-	// Get anchor for imports
-	// do not remove if you plan on using IMPORT
-	ANCHOR_ABS = SaltySDCore_getCodeStart();
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: alive\n");
-	/* 
-		Example of string replacement: 
-		replaces the title screen's version number with the string
-		below.
-	*/
-	const char *ver = "Ver. %d.%d.%d";
-	u64 version_string = SaltySDCore_findCode((u8 *)ver, strlen(ver));
-	if (version_string) {
-		SaltySD_Memcpy(version_string, (u64) "Salty v%d%d%d", 13);
-	}
+    // Get anchor for imports
+    // do not remove if you plan on using IMPORT
+    ANCHOR_ABS = SaltySDCore_getCodeStart();
-	// Necessary for script replacement
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym("_ZN3lib8L2CAgent15clear_lua_stackEv", (u64) &clear_lua_stack_replace);
-	// Add function replacements here
-	hitbox_vis_main();
-	training_mods_main();
+    /*
+            Example of string replacement:
+            replaces the title screen's version number with the string
+            below.
+    */
-	__libnx_exit(0);
+    const char* ver = "Ver. %d.%d.%d";
+    u64 version_string = SaltySDCore_findCode((u8*)ver, strlen(ver));
+    if (version_string) {
+        SaltySD_Memcpy(version_string, (u64) "Salty v%d%d%d", 13);
+    }
+    // Necessary for script replacement
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym("_ZN3lib8L2CAgent15clear_lua_stackEv",
+                                 (u64)&clear_lua_stack_replace);
+    // Add function replacements here
+    hitbox_vis_main();
+    training_mods_main();
+    __libnx_exit(0);
diff --git a/source/script_replacement.hpp b/source/script_replacement.hpp
index 4f5f6c8..1de86a1 100644
--- a/source/script_replacement.hpp
+++ b/source/script_replacement.hpp
@@ -8,15 +8,16 @@
 #include "useful/const_value_table.h"
 #include "useful/raygun_printer.hpp"
-#include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include "acmd_wrapper.hpp"
+#include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include "taunt_toggles.h"
 using namespace lib;
 using namespace app::lua_bind;
-void sv_replace_status_func(u64 l2c_agentbase, int status_kind, u64 key, void* func);
+void sv_replace_status_func(u64 l2c_agentbase, int status_kind, u64 key,
+                            void* func);
 u64 appeal_lw_replace(L2CAgent* l2c_agent, void* variadic);
 u64 appeal_hi_replace(L2CAgent* l2c_agent, void* variadic);
@@ -26,146 +27,128 @@ u64 pre_GuardDamage_replace(L2CAgent* l2c_fighter, L2CAgent* l2c_agent);
 void replace_scripts(L2CAgent* l2c_agent, u8 category, int kind) {
     // fighter
     if (category == BATTLE_OBJECT_CATEGORY_FIGHTER) {
-		// taunt toggles
-        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_lw_replace, hash40("effect_appeallwl"));
-        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_lw_replace, hash40("effect_appeallwr"));
-        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_hi_replace, hash40("effect_appealhil"));
-        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_hi_replace, hash40("effect_appealhir"));
-        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_s_replace, hash40("effect_appealsl"));
-        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_s_replace, hash40("effect_appealsr"));
+        // taunt toggles
+        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_lw_replace,
+                                        hash40("effect_appeallwl"));
+        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_lw_replace,
+                                        hash40("effect_appeallwr"));
+        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_hi_replace,
+                                        hash40("effect_appealhil"));
+        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_hi_replace,
+                                        hash40("effect_appealhir"));
+        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_s_replace,
+                                        hash40("effect_appealsl"));
+        l2c_agent->sv_set_function_hash(&appeal_s_replace,
+                                        hash40("effect_appealsr"));
 u64 appeal_lw_replace(L2CAgent* l2c_agent, void* variadic) {
     ACMD acmd = ACMD(l2c_agent);
     if (acmd.is_excute()) {
-		if (is_training_mode()) {
-			const char* toggle_strings[NUM_TOGGLE_STATES] = {
-				"NONE",
-				"MASH\nJUMP",
-				"MASH\nATTACK",
-				"MASH\nRANDOM",
-				"HOLD\nSHIELD",
-			};
-			print_string(acmd.module_accessor, toggle_strings[TOGGLE_STATE]);
-		}
+        if (is_training_mode()) {
+            const char* toggle_strings[NUM_TOGGLE_STATES] = {
+                "NONE",         "MASH\nAIRDODGE", "MASH\nJUMP",
+                "MASH\nATTACK", "MASH\nRANDOM",   "INFINITE\nSHIELD",
+                "HOLD\nSHIELD", "LEDGE\nOPTION"};
+            print_string(acmd.module_accessor, toggle_strings[TOGGLE_STATE]);
+        }
     return 0;
 u64 appeal_hi_replace(L2CAgent* l2c_agent, void* variadic) {
-	ACMD acmd = ACMD(l2c_agent);
+    ACMD acmd = ACMD(l2c_agent);
-	acmd.frame(1);
-	if (acmd.is_excute()) {
-		if (is_training_mode()) {
-			if (HITBOX_VIS)
-				print_string(acmd.module_accessor, "HITBOX\nVIS");
-			else
-				print_string(acmd.module_accessor, "NO\nHITBOX");
-		}
-	}
+    acmd.frame(1);
+    if (acmd.is_excute()) {
+        if (is_training_mode()) {
+            HITBOX_VIS = !HITBOX_VIS;
+            if (HITBOX_VIS)
+                print_string(acmd.module_accessor, "HITBOX\nVIS");
+            else
+                print_string(acmd.module_accessor, "NO\nHITBOX");
+        }
+    }
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
 u64 appeal_s_replace(L2CAgent* l2c_agent, void* variadic) {
-	ACMD acmd = ACMD(l2c_agent);
+    ACMD acmd = ACMD(l2c_agent);
-	acmd.frame(1);
-	if (acmd.is_excute()) {
-		if (is_training_mode()) {
-				const char* LEDGE_strings[NUM_LEDGE_STATES] = {
-					"RANDOM", 
-					"NORMAL",
-					"ROLL",
-					"JUMP",
-					"ATTACK"
-				};
+    acmd.frame(1);
+    if (acmd.is_excute()) {
+        if (is_training_mode()) {
+            if (TOGGLE_STATE == LEDGE_OPTION) {
+                LEDGE_STATE = (LEDGE_STATE + 1) % NUM_LEDGE_STATES;
+                const char* LEDGE_strings[NUM_LEDGE_STATES] = {
+                    "RANDOM", "NORMAL", "ROLL", "JUMP", "ATTACK"};
-				print_string(acmd.module_accessor, LEDGE_strings[LEDGE_STATE]);
-			} else if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_ATTACK) {
-				const char* ATTACK_strings[NUM_ATTACK_STATES] = {
-					"NAIR",
-					"FAIR",
-					"BAIR",
-					"UPAIR",
-					"DAIR",
-					"NEUTRAL B",
-					"SIDE B",
-					"UP B",
-					"DOWN B"
-				};
+                print_string(acmd.module_accessor, LEDGE_strings[LEDGE_STATE]);
+            } else if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_ATTACK) {
+                const char* ATTACK_strings[NUM_ATTACK_STATES] = {
+                    "NAIR",      "FAIR",   "BAIR", "UPAIR", "DAIR",
+                    "NEUTRAL B", "SIDE B", "UP B", "DOWN B"};
-				print_string(acmd.module_accessor, ATTACK_strings[ATTACK_STATE]);
-			} else {
-				const char* DI_strings[NUM_DI_STATES] = {
-					"NONE", 
-					"AWAY", 
-					"DOWN AWAY", 
-					"DOWN", 
-					"DOWN IN",
-					"IN", 
-					"UP IN", 
-					"UP", 
-					"UP AWAY", 
-				};
+                print_string(acmd.module_accessor,
+                             ATTACK_strings[ATTACK_STATE]);
+            } else {
+                DI_STATE = (DI_STATE + 1) % NUM_DI_STATES;
+                const char* DI_strings[NUM_DI_STATES] = {
+                    "NONE", "AWAY",  "DOWN AWAY", "DOWN",    "DOWN IN",
+                    "IN",   "UP IN", "UP",        "UP AWAY", "RANDOM\nIN AWAY"};
-				print_string(acmd.module_accessor, DI_strings[DI_STATE]);
-			}
-		}
-	}
+                print_string(acmd.module_accessor, DI_strings[DI_STATE]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
 void* sv_get_status_func(u64 l2c_agentbase, int status_kind, u64 key) {
-	u64 unk48 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x48);
-	u64 unk50 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x50);
-	if (0x2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA3LL * ((unk50 - unk48) >> 4) > (u64)status_kind)
-		return *(void **)(unk48 + 0xB0LL * status_kind + (key << 32 >> 29));
+    u64 unk48 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x48);
+    u64 unk50 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x50);
+    if (0x2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA3LL * ((unk50 - unk48) >> 4) > (u64)status_kind)
+        return *(void**)(unk48 + 0xB0LL * status_kind + (key << 32 >> 29));
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
-void sv_replace_status_func(u64 l2c_agentbase, int status_kind, u64 key, void* func) {
-	u64 unk48 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x48);
-	u64 unk50 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x50);
-	if (0x2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA3LL * ((unk50 - unk48) >> 4) > (u64)status_kind) {
-		*(void **)(unk48 + 0xB0LL * status_kind + (key << 32 >> 29)) = func;
-	}
+void sv_replace_status_func(u64 l2c_agentbase, int status_kind, u64 key,
+                            void* func) {
+    u64 unk48 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x48);
+    u64 unk50 = LOAD64(l2c_agentbase + 0x50);
+    if (0x2E8BA2E8BA2E8BA3LL * ((unk50 - unk48) >> 4) > (u64)status_kind) {
+        *(void**)(unk48 + 0xB0LL * status_kind + (key << 32 >> 29)) = func;
+    }
 u64 clear_lua_stack_replace(u64 l2c_agent) {
-	u64 lua_state = LOAD64(l2c_agent + 8);
-	if ((lua_state - 8) && LOAD64(lua_state - 8) && (LOAD64(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 416LL))) {
-		u8 battle_object_category = *(u8 *)(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 404LL);
-		int battle_object_kind = *(int *)(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 408LL);
-		replace_scripts((L2CAgent*)l2c_agent, battle_object_category, battle_object_kind);
-	}
+    u64 lua_state = LOAD64(l2c_agent + 8);
+    if ((lua_state - 8) && LOAD64(lua_state - 8) &&
+        (LOAD64(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 416LL))) {
+        u8 battle_object_category = *(u8*)(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 404LL);
+        int battle_object_kind = *(int*)(LOAD64(lua_state - 8) + 408LL);
+        replace_scripts((L2CAgent*)l2c_agent, battle_object_category,
+                        battle_object_kind);
+    }
-	// Original clear_lua_stack:
-	u64 v1 = LOAD64(l2c_agent + 8);
-	u64 v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16);
-	u64 i = LOAD64(LOAD64(v1 + 32)) + 16LL;
-	for (; v2 < i; v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16)) {
-		LOAD64(v1 + 16) = v2 + 16;
-		*(u32 *)(v2 + 8) = 0;
-	}
-	LOAD64(v1 + 16) = i;
-	return l2c_agent;
+    // Original clear_lua_stack:
+    u64 v1 = LOAD64(l2c_agent + 8);
+    u64 v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16);
+    u64 i = LOAD64(LOAD64(v1 + 32)) + 16LL;
+    for (; v2 < i; v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16)) {
+        LOAD64(v1 + 16) = v2 + 16;
+        *(u32*)(v2 + 8) = 0;
+    }
+    LOAD64(v1 + 16) = i;
+    return l2c_agent;
diff --git a/source/training_mods.hpp b/source/training_mods.hpp
index a33b90f..e4526fd 100644
--- a/source/training_mods.hpp
+++ b/source/training_mods.hpp
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 #ifndef M_PI
-    #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
-#include "useful/useful.h"
-#include "useful/crc32.h"
 #include "useful/const_value_table.h"
+#include "useful/crc32.h"
+#include "useful/useful.h"
 #include "useful/raygun_printer.hpp"
+#include "acmd_wrapper.hpp"
 #include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp"
 #include "saltysd/saltysd_dynamic.h"
 #include "saltysd/saltysd_helper.hpp"
-#include "acmd_wrapper.hpp"
 #include "taunt_toggles.h"
 using namespace lib;
@@ -23,357 +23,385 @@ using namespace app::sv_animcmd;
 u64 fighter_manager_addr;
 bool is_operation_cpu(u64 module_accessor) {
-	int entry_id = WorkModule::get_int(module_accessor, FIGHTER_INSTANCE_WORK_ID_INT_ENTRY_ID);
-	u64 fighter_information = FighterManager::get_fighter_information(LOAD64(fighter_manager_addr), entry_id);
+    int entry_id = WorkModule::get_int(module_accessor,
+                                       FIGHTER_INSTANCE_WORK_ID_INT_ENTRY_ID);
+    u64 fighter_information = FighterManager::get_fighter_information(
+        LOAD64(fighter_manager_addr), entry_id);
-	return FighterInformation::is_operation_cpu(fighter_information);
+    return FighterInformation::is_operation_cpu(fighter_information);
 bool is_in_hitstun(u64 module_accessor) {
-	int status_kind = StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor);
-	return status_kind >= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_DAMAGE && status_kind <= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_DAMAGE_FALL;
+    int status_kind = StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor);
+    return status_kind >= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_DAMAGE &&
+           status_kind <= FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_DAMAGE_FALL;
 namespace app::lua_bind {
-	namespace WorkModule {
-		// Force DI
-		float get_float_replace(u64 module_accessor, int var) {
-			// call original WorkModule::get_float_impl
-			u64 work_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x50);
-			float (*get_float)(u64, int) =
-					(float (*)(u64, int))(load_module_impl(work_module, 0x58));
+namespace WorkModule {
+// Force DI
+float get_float_replace(u64 module_accessor, int var) {
+    // call original WorkModule::get_float_impl
+    u64 work_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x50);
+    float (*get_float)(u64, int) =
+        (float (*)(u64, int))(load_module_impl(work_module, 0x58));
-			float ret_val = get_float(work_module, var);
+    float ret_val = get_float(work_module, var);
-				if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor) && is_in_hitstun(module_accessor)) {
-					if (DI_STATE != NONE) {
-						float angle = (DI_STATE - 1) * M_PI / 4.0;
+        if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor) &&
+            is_in_hitstun(module_accessor)) {
+            if (DI_STATE != NONE) {
+                float angle = (DI_STATE - 1) * M_PI / 4.0;
-						// Either 0 (right) or PI (left)
-						if (DI_STATE == DI_RANDOM_IN_AWAY) {
-							angle = app::sv_math::rand(hash40("fighter"), 2) * M_PI;
-						}
-						// If facing left, reverse angle
-						if (PostureModule::lr(module_accessor) != -1.0) angle -= M_PI;
+                // Either 0 (right) or PI (left)
+                if (DI_STATE == DI_RANDOM_IN_AWAY) {
+                    angle = app::sv_math::rand(hash40("fighter"), 2) * M_PI;
+                }
+                // If facing left, reverse angle
+                if (PostureModule::lr(module_accessor) != -1.0) angle -= M_PI;
-							return cos(angle);
+                    return cos(angle);
-							return sin(angle);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return ret_val;
-		}
+                    return sin(angle);
+            }
+        }
+    }
-		float get_param_float_replace(u64 module_accessor, u64 param_type, u64 param_hash) {
-			if (is_training_mode()) {
-					if (param_type == hash40("common")) {
-						if (param_hash == hash40("shield_dec1")) return 0.0;
-						if (param_hash == hash40("shield_recovery1")) return 999.0;
-						// doesn't work, somehow. This parameter isn't checked?
-						if (param_hash == hash40("shield_damage_mul")) return 0.0;
-					}
-				}
-			}
+    return ret_val;
-			// call original
-			u64 work_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x50);
-			float (*get_param_float)(u64, u64, u64) =
-					(float (*)(u64, u64, u64))(load_module_impl(work_module, 0x240));
+float get_param_float_replace(u64 module_accessor, u64 param_type,
+                              u64 param_hash) {
+    if (is_training_mode()) {
+            if (param_type == hash40("common")) {
+                if (param_hash == hash40("shield_dec1")) return 0.0;
+                if (param_hash == hash40("shield_recovery1")) return 999.0;
+                // doesn't work, somehow. This parameter isn't checked?
+                if (param_hash == hash40("shield_damage_mul")) return 0.0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
-			return get_param_float(work_module, param_type, param_hash);
-		}
+    // call original
+    u64 work_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x50);
+    float (*get_param_float)(u64, u64, u64) =
+        (float (*)(u64, u64, u64))(load_module_impl(work_module, 0x240));
-		// Force ledge option
-		u64 enable_transition_term_replace(u64 module_accessor, int transition_id) {
-			if (TOGGLE_STATE == LEDGE_OPTION && is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
-				if (StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor) == FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_WAIT) {
-						int status = 0;
-						int ledge_case = LEDGE_STATE;
-							ledge_case = app::sv_math::rand(hash40("fighter"), 4) + 1;
+    return get_param_float(work_module, param_type, param_hash);
-						switch (ledge_case) {
-							case NEUTRAL_LEDGE:
-								status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_CLIMB; break;
-							case ROLL_LEDGE:
-								status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_ESCAPE; break;
-							case JUMP_LEDGE:
-								status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_JUMP1; break;
-							case ATTACK_LEDGE:
-								status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_ATTACK; break;
-						}
-						StatusModule::change_status_request_from_script(module_accessor, status, 1);
-					}
-				}
-			}
+// Force ledge option
+u64 enable_transition_term_replace(u64 module_accessor, int transition_id) {
+    if (TOGGLE_STATE == LEDGE_OPTION && is_training_mode() &&
+        is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
+        if (StatusModule::status_kind(module_accessor) == FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_WAIT) {
+            if (transition_id == FIGHTER_STATUS_TRANSITION_TERM_ID_CONT_CLIFF_CLIMB) {
+                int status = 0;
+                int ledge_case = LEDGE_STATE;
-			// call original WorkModule::enable_transition_term_group_impl
-			u64 work_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x50);
-			u64 (*enable_transition_term)(u64, int) =
-					(u64(*)(u64, int))(load_module_impl(work_module, 0x188));
+                if (LEDGE_STATE == RANDOM_LEDGE)
+                    ledge_case = app::sv_math::rand(hash40("fighter"), 4) + 1;
-			return enable_transition_term(work_module, transition_id);
-		}
-	}  // namespace WorkModule
+                switch (ledge_case) {
+                    case NEUTRAL_LEDGE:
+                        status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_CLIMB; break;
+                    case ROLL_LEDGE:
+                        status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_ESCAPE; break;
+                    case JUMP_LEDGE:
+                        status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_JUMP1; break;
+                    case ATTACK_LEDGE:
+                        status = FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_ATTACK; break;
+                }
-	namespace ControlModule {
-		int get_command_flag_cat_replace(u64 module_accessor, int category) {
-			// call original
-			u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
-			int (*get_command_flag_cat)(u64, int) =
-					(int (*)(u64, int))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x350);
-			int flag = get_command_flag_cat(control_module, category);
+                StatusModule::change_status_request_from_script(module_accessor, status, 1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
-			if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
-				if (is_in_hitstun(module_accessor)) {
-						if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1)
+    // call original WorkModule::enable_transition_term_group_impl
+    u64 work_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x50);
+    u64 (*enable_transition_term)(u64, int) =
+        (u64(*)(u64, int))(load_module_impl(work_module, 0x188));
-						if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1)
+    return enable_transition_term(work_module, transition_id);
+}  // namespace WorkModule
-						if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1) {
-							switch (ATTACK_STATE) {
-								case MASH_NAIR:
-									flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_N"); break;
-								case MASH_FAIR:
-									flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_F"); break;
-								case MASH_BAIR:
-									flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_B"); break;
-								case MASH_UPAIR:
-									flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_HI"); break;
-								case MASH_DAIR:
-									flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_LW"); break;
-								case MASH_NEUTRAL_B:
-									flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_N; break;
-								case MASH_SIDE_B:
-									flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_S; break;
-								case MASH_UP_B:
-									flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_HI; break;
-								case MASH_DOWN_B:
-									flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_LW; break;
-							}
-						}
+namespace ControlModule {
+int get_command_flag_cat_replace(u64 module_accessor, int category) {
+    // call original
+    u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
+    int (*get_command_flag_cat)(u64, int) =
+        (int (*)(u64, int))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x350);
+    int flag = get_command_flag_cat(control_module, category);
-						if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1) {
-							int random_commands[] = {
-								lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_N"),
-                                lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_F"),
-                                lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_B"),
-                                lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_HI"),
-                                lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_LW"),
-							};
+    if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
+        if (is_in_hitstun(module_accessor)) {
+            if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_AIRDODGE)
+                if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1)
+                    flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_AIR_ESCAPE;
-							int random_cmd_index = app::sv_math::rand(hash40("fighter"), 11);
+            if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_JUMP)
+                if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1)
+                    flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_JUMP_BUTTON;
-							flag |= random_commands[random_cmd_index];
-						}
-				}
-			}
+            if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_ATTACK)
+                if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1) {
+                    switch (ATTACK_STATE) {
+                        case MASH_NAIR:
+                            flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_N"); break;
+                        case MASH_FAIR:
+                            flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_F"); break;
+                        case MASH_BAIR:
+                            flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_B"); break;
+                        case MASH_UPAIR:
+                            flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_HI"); break;
+                        case MASH_DAIR:
+                            flag |= lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_LW"); break;
+                        case MASH_NEUTRAL_B:
+                            flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_N; break;
+                        case MASH_SIDE_B:
+                            flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_S; break;
+                        case MASH_UP_B:
+                            flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_HI; break;
+                        case MASH_DOWN_B:
+                            flag |= FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_LW; break;
+                    }
+                }
-			return flag;
-		}
+            if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_RANDOM)
+                if (category == FIGHTER_PAD_COMMAND_CATEGORY1) {
+                    int random_commands[] = {
+                        FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_AIR_ESCAPE,
+                        FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_JUMP_BUTTON,
+                        lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_N"),
+                        lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_F"),
+                        lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_B"),
+                        lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_HI"),
+                        lua_const("FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_ATTACK_AIR_LW"),
+                        FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_N,
+                        FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_S,
+                        FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_HI,
+                        FIGHTER_PAD_CMD_CAT1_FLAG_SPECIAL_LW,
+                    };
-		bool check_button_on_replace(u64 module_accessor, int button) {
-			if (button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD_HOLD ||
-					button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD) {
-				if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
-						return true;
-					if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_AIRDODGE && is_in_hitstun(module_accessor))
-						return true;
-				}
-			}
+                    int random_cmd_index =
+                        app::sv_math::rand(hash40("fighter"), 11);
-			// call original
-			u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
-			bool (*check_button_on)(u64, int) =
-					(bool (*)(u64, int))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x260);
-			return check_button_on(control_module, button);
-		}
+                    flag |= random_commands[random_cmd_index];
+                }
+        }
+    }
-		bool check_button_off_replace(u64 module_accessor, int button) {
-			if (button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD_HOLD ||
-					button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD) {
-				if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
-						return false;
-				}
-			}
+    return flag;
-			// call original
-			u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
-			bool (*check_button_off)(u64, int) =
-					(bool (*)(u64, int))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x268);
-			return check_button_off(control_module, button);
-		}
+bool check_button_on_replace(u64 module_accessor, int button) {
+    if (button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD_HOLD ||
+        button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD) {
+        if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
+                return true;
+            if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_AIRDODGE && is_in_hitstun(module_accessor))
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
-		#define SAVE_STATE 1
-		#define DEFAULT 2
-		#define CAMERA_MOVE 3
-		#define POS_MOVE 4
+    // call original
+    u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
+    bool (*check_button_on)(u64, int) =
+        (bool (*)(u64, int))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x260);
+    return check_button_on(control_module, button);
-		int save_state_player_state = DEFAULT;
-		int save_state_cpu_state = DEFAULT;
-		bool save_state_move_alert = false;
+bool check_button_off_replace(u64 module_accessor, int button) {
+    if (button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD_HOLD ||
+        button == CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_GUARD) {
+        if (is_training_mode() && is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
+                return false;
+        }
+    }
-		float save_state_x_player = 0;
-		float save_state_y_player = 0;
-		float save_state_percent_player = 0;
-		float save_state_lr_player = 1.0;
-		int save_state_situation_kind_player = 0;
+    // call original
+    u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
+    bool (*check_button_off)(u64, int) =
+        (bool (*)(u64, int))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x268);
+    return check_button_off(control_module, button);
-		float save_state_x_cpu = 0;
-		float save_state_y_cpu = 0;
-		float save_state_percent_cpu = 0;
-		float save_state_lr_cpu = 1.0;
-		int save_state_situation_kind_cpu = 0;
+#define SAVE_STATE 1
+#define DEFAULT 2
+#define CAMERA_MOVE 3
+#define POS_MOVE 4
-		int get_pad_flag_replace(u64 module_accessor) {
-			if (is_training_mode()) {
-				float* save_state_x;
-				float* save_state_y;
-				float* save_state_percent;
-				float* save_state_lr;
-				int* save_state_situation_kind;
-				int* save_state;
-				if (is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
-					save_state_x = &save_state_x_cpu;
-					save_state_y = &save_state_y_cpu;
-					save_state_percent = &save_state_percent_cpu;
-					save_state_lr = &save_state_lr_cpu;
-					save_state_situation_kind = &save_state_situation_kind_cpu;
-					save_state = &save_state_cpu_state;
-				} else {
-					save_state_x = &save_state_x_player;
-					save_state_y = &save_state_y_player;
-					save_state_percent = &save_state_percent_player;
-					save_state_lr = &save_state_lr_player;
-					save_state_situation_kind = &save_state_situation_kind_player;
-					save_state = &save_state_player_state;
-				}
+int save_state_player_state = DEFAULT;
+int save_state_cpu_state = DEFAULT;
+bool save_state_move_alert = false;
-				// Grab + Dpad up: reset state
-				if (ControlModule::check_button_on(module_accessor, CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_CATCH) &&
-						ControlModule::check_button_trigger(module_accessor, CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_APPEAL_HI)) {
-					if (*save_state == DEFAULT) {
-						save_state_player_state = CAMERA_MOVE;
-						save_state_cpu_state = CAMERA_MOVE;
-					}
-				}
+float save_state_x_player = 0;
+float save_state_y_player = 0;
+float save_state_percent_player = 0;
+float save_state_lr_player = 1.0;
+int save_state_situation_kind_player = 0;
-				// move to camera bounds
-				if (*save_state == CAMERA_MOVE) {
-					*save_state = POS_MOVE;
+float save_state_x_cpu = 0;
+float save_state_y_cpu = 0;
+float save_state_percent_cpu = 0;
+float save_state_lr_cpu = 1.0;
+int save_state_situation_kind_cpu = 0;
-					float left_right = (*save_state_x > 0) - (*save_state_x < 0);
-					float y_pos = 0;
-					if (*save_state_situation_kind == SITUATION_KIND_GROUND) y_pos = -50;
+int get_pad_flag_replace(u64 module_accessor) {
+    if (is_training_mode()) {
+        float* save_state_x;
+        float* save_state_y;
+        float* save_state_percent;
+        float* save_state_lr;
+        int* save_state_situation_kind;
+        int* save_state;
+        if (is_operation_cpu(module_accessor)) {
+            save_state_x = &save_state_x_cpu;
+            save_state_y = &save_state_y_cpu;
+            save_state_percent = &save_state_percent_cpu;
+            save_state_lr = &save_state_lr_cpu;
+            save_state_situation_kind = &save_state_situation_kind_cpu;
+            save_state = &save_state_cpu_state;
+        } else {
+            save_state_x = &save_state_x_player;
+            save_state_y = &save_state_y_player;
+            save_state_percent = &save_state_percent_player;
+            save_state_lr = &save_state_lr_player;
+            save_state_situation_kind = &save_state_situation_kind_player;
+            save_state = &save_state_player_state;
+        }
-					Vector3f pos = {.x = left_right * 50, .y = y_pos, .z = 0};
-					PostureModule::set_pos(module_accessor, &pos);
-					StatusModule::set_situation_kind(module_accessor, SITUATION_KIND_AIR, 0);
-				}
+        // Grab + Dpad up: reset state
+        if (ControlModule::check_button_on(module_accessor,
+                                           CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_CATCH) &&
+            ControlModule::check_button_trigger(module_accessor,
+                                                CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_APPEAL_HI)) {
+            if (*save_state == DEFAULT) {
+                save_state_player_state = CAMERA_MOVE;
+                save_state_cpu_state = CAMERA_MOVE;
+            }
+        }
-				// move to correct pos
-				if (*save_state == POS_MOVE) {
-					*save_state = DEFAULT;
+        // move to camera bounds
+        if (*save_state == CAMERA_MOVE) {
+            *save_state = POS_MOVE;
-					Vector3f pos = {.x = *save_state_x, .y = *save_state_y, .z = 0};
-					PostureModule::set_pos(module_accessor, &pos);
-					PostureModule::set_lr(module_accessor, *save_state_lr);
-					DamageModule::add_damage(module_accessor, -1.0 * DamageModule::damage(module_accessor, 0), 0);
-					DamageModule::add_damage(module_accessor, *save_state_percent, 0);
-					StatusModule::set_situation_kind(module_accessor, *save_state_situation_kind, 0);
+            float left_right = (*save_state_x > 0) - (*save_state_x < 0);
+            float y_pos = 0;
+            if (*save_state_situation_kind == SITUATION_KIND_GROUND)
+                y_pos = -50;
-					// Doesn't work, and I don't know why yet.
-					/*if (*save_state_situation_kind == SITUATION_KIND_GROUND)
-						StatusModule::change_status_request(module_accessor, FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_WAIT, 0);
-					else if (*save_state_situation_kind == SITUATION_KIND_AIR)
-						StatusModule::change_status_request(module_accessor, FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_FALL, 0);
-					else if (*save_state_situation_kind == SITUATION_KIND_CLIFF)
-						StatusModule::change_status_request(module_accessor, FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_CLIFF_CATCH, 0);
-					*/
-				}
+            Vector3f pos = {.x = left_right * 50, .y = y_pos, .z = 0};
+            PostureModule::set_pos(module_accessor, &pos);
+            StatusModule::set_situation_kind(module_accessor,
+                                             SITUATION_KIND_AIR, 0);
+        }
-				// Grab + Dpad down: Save state
-				if (ControlModule::check_button_on(module_accessor, CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_CATCH) &&
-						ControlModule::check_button_trigger(module_accessor, CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_APPEAL_LW)) {
-					save_state_player_state = SAVE_STATE;
-					save_state_cpu_state = SAVE_STATE;
-				}
+        // move to correct pos
+        if (*save_state == POS_MOVE) {
+            *save_state = DEFAULT;
-				if (*save_state == SAVE_STATE) {
-					*save_state = DEFAULT;
+            Vector3f pos = {.x = *save_state_x, .y = *save_state_y, .z = 0};
+            PostureModule::set_pos(module_accessor, &pos);
+            PostureModule::set_lr(module_accessor, *save_state_lr);
+            DamageModule::add_damage(
+                module_accessor,
+                -1.0 * DamageModule::damage(module_accessor, 0), 0);
+            DamageModule::add_damage(module_accessor, *save_state_percent, 0);
+            StatusModule::set_situation_kind(module_accessor,
+                                             *save_state_situation_kind, 0);
-					*save_state_x = PostureModule::pos_x(module_accessor);
-					*save_state_y = PostureModule::pos_y(module_accessor);
-					*save_state_lr = PostureModule::lr(module_accessor);
-					*save_state_percent = DamageModule::damage(module_accessor, 0);
-					*save_state_situation_kind = StatusModule::situation_kind(module_accessor);
-				}
-			}
+            // Doesn't work, and I don't know why yet.
+            /*if (*save_state_situation_kind == SITUATION_KIND_GROUND)
+                    StatusModule::change_status_request(module_accessor,
+            FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_WAIT, 0); else if (*save_state_situation_kind ==
+            SITUATION_KIND_AIR)
+                    StatusModule::change_status_request(module_accessor,
+            FIGHTER_STATUS_KIND_FALL, 0); else if (*save_state_situation_kind ==
+                    StatusModule::change_status_request(module_accessor,
+            */
+        }
-			// call original
-			u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
-			int (*get_pad_flag)(u64) =
-					(int (*)(u64))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x348);
-			return get_pad_flag(control_module);
-		}
-	}  // namespace ControlModule
+        // Grab + Dpad down: Save state
+        if (ControlModule::check_button_on(module_accessor,
+                                           CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_CATCH) &&
+            ControlModule::check_button_trigger(module_accessor,
+                                                CONTROL_PAD_BUTTON_APPEAL_LW)) {
+            save_state_player_state = SAVE_STATE;
+            save_state_cpu_state = SAVE_STATE;
+        }
+        if (*save_state == SAVE_STATE) {
+            *save_state = DEFAULT;
+            *save_state_x = PostureModule::pos_x(module_accessor);
+            *save_state_y = PostureModule::pos_y(module_accessor);
+            *save_state_lr = PostureModule::lr(module_accessor);
+            *save_state_percent = DamageModule::damage(module_accessor, 0);
+            *save_state_situation_kind =
+                StatusModule::situation_kind(module_accessor);
+        }
+    }
+    // call original
+    u64 control_module = load_module(module_accessor, 0x48);
+    int (*get_pad_flag)(u64) =
+        (int (*)(u64))load_module_impl(control_module, 0x348);
+    return get_pad_flag(control_module);
+}  // namespace ControlModule
 }  // namespace app::lua_bind
 void training_mods_main() {
-	fighter_manager_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib9SingletonIN3app14FighterManagerEE9instance_E");
-	// Mash airdodge/jump
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind40ControlModule__get_command_flag_cat_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
-		(u64)&ControlModule::get_command_flag_cat_replace);
-	// Set DI
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind26WorkModule__get_float_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
-		(u64)&WorkModule::get_float_replace);
+    fighter_manager_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol(
+        "_ZN3lib9SingletonIN3app14FighterManagerEE9instance_E");
+    // Mash airdodge/jump
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind40ControlModule__get_command_flag_cat_implEPNS_"
+        "26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
+        (u64)&ControlModule::get_command_flag_cat_replace);
-	// Hold/Infinite shield
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind35ControlModule__check_button_on_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
-		(u64)&ControlModule::check_button_on_replace);
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind36ControlModule__check_button_off_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
-		(u64)&ControlModule::check_button_off_replace);
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind32WorkModule__get_param_float_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEmm",
-		(u64)&WorkModule::get_param_float_replace);
+    // Set DI
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind26WorkModule__get_float_implEPNS_"
+        "26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
+        (u64)&WorkModule::get_float_replace);
-	// Ledge options
-	SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind39WorkModule__enable_transition_term_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
-		(u64)&WorkModule::enable_transition_term_replace);
+    // Hold/Infinite shield
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind35ControlModule__check_button_on_implEPNS_"
+        "26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
+        (u64)&ControlModule::check_button_on_replace);
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind36ControlModule__check_button_off_implEPNS_"
+        "26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
+        (u64)&ControlModule::check_button_off_replace);
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind32WorkModule__get_param_float_implEPNS_"
+        "26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEmm",
+        (u64)&WorkModule::get_param_float_replace);
-	// Save states: in beta
-	/*SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
-		"_ZN3app8lua_bind32ControlModule__get_pad_flag_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorE",
-		(u64)&ControlModule::get_pad_flag_replace);*/
+    // Ledge options
+    SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+        "_ZN3app8lua_bind39WorkModule__enable_transition_term_implEPNS_"
+        "26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi",
+        (u64)&WorkModule::enable_transition_term_replace);
+    // Save states: in beta
+    /*SaltySD_function_replace_sym(
+            "_ZN3app8lua_bind32ControlModule__get_pad_flag_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorE",
+            (u64)&ControlModule::get_pad_flag_replace);*/
-#endif // TRAINING_MODS_H
+#endif  // TRAINING_MODS_H
diff --git a/source/useful/raygun_printer.hpp b/source/useful/raygun_printer.hpp
index 50f015f..a90a9e5 100644
--- a/source/useful/raygun_printer.hpp
+++ b/source/useful/raygun_printer.hpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#include <switch.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
+#include <switch.h>
 #include "useful.h"
@@ -18,106 +18,62 @@ using namespace app::lua_bind;
     segment data list : {Z, Y, X, ZRot, Size}
     segment labels :
-        |_| from top to top left, clockwise: a->f + g mid +  \|/ from top mid to top left, clockwise: h->m + --two half g's: n, o
+        |_| from top to top left, clockwise: a->f + g mid +  \|/ from top mid to
+   top left, clockwise: h->m + --two half g's: n, o
         |_|                                                  /|\
 const float segment_dict[15][5] = {
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT*2,   0,                    0, 0.25}, // a
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     RAYGUN_LENGTH,       90, 0.25}, // b
-        {0, 0,                 RAYGUN_LENGTH,       90, 0.25}, // c
-        {0, 0,                 0,                    0, 0.25}, // d
-        {0, 0,                 0,                   90, 0.25}, // e
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     0,                   90, 0.25}, // f
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     0,                    0, 0.25}, // g mid
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     RAYGUN_LENGTH/2,     90, 0.25}, // h
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     RAYGUN_LENGTH/2,     52, 0.2},  // i
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     RAYGUN_LENGTH/2,    -52, 0.2},  // j
-        {0, 0,                 RAYGUN_LENGTH/2,     90, 0.25}, // k
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT/2,   RAYGUN_LENGTH*3/16,  52, 0.2},  // l
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT*3/2, RAYGUN_LENGTH*3/16, -52, 0.2},  // m
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     0,                    0, 0.15}, // n
-        {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT,     RAYGUN_LENGTH/2,      0, 0.15}, // o
-    };
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT * 2, 0, 0, 0.25},                            // a
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, RAYGUN_LENGTH, 90, 0.25},                   // b
+    {0, 0, RAYGUN_LENGTH, 90, 0.25},                               // c
+    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25},                                            // d
+    {0, 0, 0, 90, 0.25},                                           // e
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, 0, 90, 0.25},                               // f
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0.25},                                // g mid
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, RAYGUN_LENGTH / 2, 90, 0.25},               // h
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, RAYGUN_LENGTH / 2, 52, 0.2},                // i
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, RAYGUN_LENGTH / 2, -52, 0.2},               // j
+    {0, 0, RAYGUN_LENGTH / 2, 90, 0.25},                           // k
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT / 2, RAYGUN_LENGTH * 3 / 16, 52, 0.2},       // l
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT * 3 / 2, RAYGUN_LENGTH * 3 / 16, -52, 0.2},  // m
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0.15},                                // n
+    {0, RAYGUN_HEIGHT, RAYGUN_LENGTH / 2, 0, 0.15},                // o
     Segments making up each character, each index corresponding to:
-    'A' through 'Z', '0' through '9', ' ', '-', '+', '#' (where '#' is all segments)
+    'A' through 'Z', '0' through '9', ' ', '-', '+', '#' (where '#' is all
+   segments)
-const char* alphabet[] = {   
-    "abcefg",
-    "adefijn",
-    "adef",
-    "eflm",
-    "adefn",
-    "aefn",
-    "acdefo",
-    "bcefg",
-    "adhk",
-    "bcd",
-    "efnij",
-    "def",
-    "bcefim",
-    "bcefjm",
-    "abcdef",
-    "abefg",
-    "abcdefj",
-    "aefijn",
-    "acdfg",
-    "ahk",
-    "bcdef",
-    "efil",
-    "bcefjl",
-    "ijlm",
-    "ikm",
-    "adil",
-    "abcdef",
-    "ef",
-    "abdeg",
-    "abcdg",
-    "bcfg",
-    "acdfg",
-    "acdefg",
-    "abc",
-    "abcdefg",
-    "abcdfg",
-    "",
-    "g",
-    "ghk",
-    "abcdefhijklmno",
+const char* alphabet[] = {
+    "abcefg", "adefijn", "adef",   "eflm",   "adefn",
+    "aefn",   "acdefo",  "bcefg",  "adhk",   "bcd",
+    "efnij",  "def",     "bcefim", "bcefjm", "abcdef",
+    "abefg",  "abcdefj", "aefijn", "acdfg",  "ahk",
+    "bcdef",  "efil",    "bcefjl", "ijlm",   "ikm",
+    "adil",   "abcdef",  "ef",     "abdeg",  "abcdg",
+    "bcfg",   "acdfg",   "acdefg", "abc",    "abcdefg",
+    "abcdfg", "",        "g",      "ghk",    "abcdefhijklmno",
 // Each index is a segment's corresponding flipped segment, for when facing left
 const char segment_rev[15] = {
-    'a',
-    'f',
-    'e',
-    'd',
-    'c',
-    'b',
-    'g',
-    'h',
-    'm',
-    'l',
-    'k',
-    'j',
-    'i',
-    'o',
-    'n',
+    'a', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'g', 'h', 'm', 'l', 'k', 'j', 'i', 'o', 'n',
-void show_segment(u64 battle_object_module_accessor, float z, float y, float x, float zrot, float size) {
-    Hash40 raygunShot = { .hash = 0x11e470b07fLL };
-    Hash40 top = { .hash = 0x031ed91fcaLL };
+void show_segment(u64 battle_object_module_accessor, float z, float y, float x,
+                  float zrot, float size) {
+    Hash40 raygunShot = {.hash = 0x11e470b07fLL};
+    Hash40 top = {.hash = 0x031ed91fcaLL};
-    Vector3f pos = { .x = x, .y = y, .z = z };
-    Vector3f rot = { .x = 0, .y = 90, .z = zrot };
-    Vector3f random = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 };
+    Vector3f pos = {.x = x, .y = y, .z = z};
+    Vector3f rot = {.x = 0, .y = 90, .z = zrot};
+    Vector3f random = {.x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0};
-    EffectModule::req_on_joint(battle_object_module_accessor, raygunShot.hash, top.hash, 
-        &pos, &rot, size, 
-        &random, &random, 
-        0, 0, 0, 0);
+    EffectModule::req_on_joint(battle_object_module_accessor, raygunShot.hash,
+                               top.hash, &pos, &rot, size, &random, &random, 0,
+                               0, 0, 0);
 int alphabet_index(char to_print) {
@@ -137,10 +93,10 @@ int alphabet_index(char to_print) {
         return -1;
-void print_char( u64 module_accessor, char to_print, int line_num, float horiz_offset, float facing_left) {
+void print_char(u64 module_accessor, char to_print, int line_num,
+                float horiz_offset, float facing_left) {
     int alph_index = alphabet_index(to_print);
-    if (alph_index < 0 || alph_index >= 40)
-        return;
+    if (alph_index < 0 || alph_index >= 40) return;
     const char* segment_str = alphabet[alph_index];
     int num_segments = strlen(segment_str);
@@ -152,7 +108,7 @@ void print_char( u64 module_accessor, char to_print, int line_num, float horiz_o
         if (facing_left == -1) {
             index = segment_rev[index] - 'a';
-		}
+        }
         segment = segment_dict[index];
         float z = segment[0];
@@ -160,17 +116,16 @@ void print_char( u64 module_accessor, char to_print, int line_num, float horiz_o
         float x = segment[2] + horiz_offset;
         float zrot = segment[3];
-        if (facing_left == -1)
-            zrot *= -1;
+        if (facing_left == -1) zrot *= -1;
         float size = segment[4];
         show_segment(module_accessor, z, y, x, zrot, size);
-void print_string( u64 module_accessor, const char* print_str) {
+void print_string(u64 module_accessor, const char* print_str) {
     // Delete any previous strings
-    Hash40 raygunShot = { .hash = 0x11e470b07fLL };
+    Hash40 raygunShot = {.hash = 0x11e470b07fLL};
     EffectModule::kill_kind(module_accessor, raygunShot.hash, 0, 1);
     int line_num = 0;
@@ -181,7 +136,7 @@ void print_string( u64 module_accessor, const char* print_str) {
     if (strlen(print_str) <= 8 && strchr(print_str, '\n') == NULL) {
         line_num = 1;
-	}
+    }
     horiz_offset = 0;
     char_num = 0;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(print_str); i++) {
@@ -193,15 +148,16 @@ void print_string( u64 module_accessor, const char* print_str) {
-        print_char(module_accessor, toupper(curr_char), line_num, horiz_offset, facing_left);
+        print_char(module_accessor, toupper(curr_char), line_num, horiz_offset,
+                   facing_left);
         // short characters
         if (curr_char == 'D' || curr_char == '1') {
-            horiz_offset += facing_left * (RAYGUN_LENGTH/2 + 3);
+            horiz_offset += facing_left * (RAYGUN_LENGTH / 2 + 3);
         } else {
             horiz_offset += facing_left * (RAYGUN_LENGTH + 3);
-		}
+        }
         if (char_num > 8) {
             horiz_offset = 0;
@@ -211,4 +167,4 @@ void print_string( u64 module_accessor, const char* print_str) {
+#endif  // RAYGUN_PRINTER_H
diff --git a/source/useful/visual.h b/source/useful/visual.h
index 1fa51ea..41701d9 100644
--- a/source/useful/visual.h
+++ b/source/useful/visual.h
@@ -1,56 +1,63 @@
-#include "useful.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#include "useful.h"
  * Rounds a number to the nearest multiple of another number.
-float round_to(float val, float align) {
-	return roundf(val / align) * align;
+float round_to(float val, float align) { return roundf(val / align) * align; }
  * Linearly interpolates between two numbers, without bounds checking.
-float lerp(float min, float max, float t) {
-	return min + (max - min) * t;
+float lerp(float min, float max, float t) { return min + (max - min) * t; }
 float unlerp(float min, float max, float val) {
-	return (val - min) / (max - min);
+    return (val - min) / (max - min);
  * Linearly interpolates between two numbers, with bounds checking.
 float lerp_bounded(float min, float max, float t) {
-	return t <= 0 ? min : t >= 1 ? max : lerp(min, max, t);
+    return t <= 0 ? min : t >= 1 ? max : lerp(min, max, t);
 float unlerp_bounded(float min, float max, float val) {
-	return val <= min ? 0 : val >= max ? 1 : unlerp(min, max, val);
+    return val <= min ? 0 : val >= max ? 1 : unlerp(min, max, val);
- * Linearly nterpolates between two colors, with bounds checking, accounting for gamma.
- * arguments:
- * - min_color (Vector3f) -- xyz maps to rgb, components are usually in the range [0.0f, 1.0f] but can go beyond to account for super-bright or super-dark colors
+ * Linearly nterpolates between two colors, with bounds checking, accounting for
+ * gamma. arguments:
+ * - min_color (Vector3f) -- xyz maps to rgb, components are usually in the
+ * range [0.0f, 1.0f] but can go beyond to account for super-bright or
+ * super-dark colors
  * - max_Color (Vector3f) -- same as minColor
  * - t (float) -- how far to interpolate between the colors
- * - gamma (float = 2.0f) -- used for color correction, helps avoid ugly dark colors when interpolating b/t bright colors
+ * - gamma (float = 2.0f) -- used for color correction, helps avoid ugly dark
+ * colors when interpolating b/t bright colors
-Vector3f color_lerp(Vector3f min_color, Vector3f max_color, float t, float gamma = 2.0f) {
-	float gamma_inv = 1.0f / gamma;
-	float align = 1.0f / 255.0f; // color components must be a multiple of 1/255
-	return {
-		round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.x, gamma), powf(max_color.x, gamma), t), gamma_inv), align),
-		round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.y, gamma), powf(max_color.y, gamma), t), gamma_inv), align),
-		round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.z, gamma), powf(max_color.z, gamma), t), gamma_inv), align)
-	};
+Vector3f color_lerp(Vector3f min_color, Vector3f max_color, float t,
+                    float gamma = 2.0f) {
+    float gamma_inv = 1.0f / gamma;
+    float align =
+        1.0f / 255.0f;  // color components must be a multiple of 1/255
+    return {round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.x, gamma),
+                                       powf(max_color.x, gamma), t),
+                          gamma_inv),
+                     align),
+            round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.y, gamma),
+                                       powf(max_color.y, gamma), t),
+                          gamma_inv),
+                     align),
+            round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.z, gamma),
+                                       powf(max_color.z, gamma), t),
+                          gamma_inv),
+                     align)};
-#endif // USEFUL_VISUAL_H
+#endif  // USEFUL_VISUAL_H