#include "useful.h"
#include <math.h>

 * Rounds a number to the nearest multiple of another number.
float round_to(float val, float align) {
	return roundf(val / align) * align;

 * Linearly interpolates between two numbers, without bounds checking.
float lerp(float min, float max, float t) {
	return min + (max - min) * t;

float unlerp(float min, float max, float val) {
	return (val - min) / (max - min);

 * Linearly interpolates between two numbers, with bounds checking.
float lerp_bounded(float min, float max, float t) {
	return t <= 0 ? min : t >= 1 ? max : lerp(min, max, t);

float unlerp_bounded(float min, float max, float val) {
	return val <= min ? 0 : val >= max ? 1 : unlerp(min, max, val);

 * Linearly nterpolates between two colors, with bounds checking, accounting for gamma.
 * arguments:
 * - min_color (Vector3f) -- xyz maps to rgb, components are usually in the range [0.0f, 1.0f] but can go beyond to account for super-bright or super-dark colors
 * - max_Color (Vector3f) -- same as minColor
 * - t (float) -- how far to interpolate between the colors
 * - gamma (float = 2.0f) -- used for color correction, helps avoid ugly dark colors when interpolating b/t bright colors

Vector3f color_lerp(Vector3f min_color, Vector3f max_color, float t, float gamma = 2.0f) {
	float gamma_inv = 1.0f / gamma;
	float align = 1.0f / 255.0f; // color components must be a multiple of 1/255
	return {
		round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.x, gamma), powf(max_color.x, gamma), t), gamma_inv), align),
		round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.y, gamma), powf(max_color.y, gamma), t), gamma_inv), align),
		round_to(powf(lerp_bounded(powf(min_color.z, gamma), powf(max_color.z, gamma), t), gamma_inv), align)