#include <switch.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <switch/kernel/ipc.h> #include <sys/iosupport.h> #include <sys/reent.h> #include "useful/useful.h" #include "saltysd/saltysd_core.h" #include "saltysd/saltysd_dynamic.h" #include "saltysd/saltysd_ipc.h" #include "imports/app/sv_animcmd.hpp" #include "imports/lib/l2c.hpp" #include "saltysd/saltysd_helper.hpp" #include "hitbox_visualizer.hpp" #include "training_mods.hpp" extern "C" { extern u32 __start__; static char g_heap[0x8000]; void __libnx_init(void* ctx, Handle main_thread, void* saved_lr); void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc); void __nx_exit(int, void*); void __libc_fini_array(void); void __libc_init_array(void); } u32 __nx_applet_type = AppletType_None; Handle orig_main_thread; void* orig_ctx; void* orig_saved_lr; void __libnx_init(void* ctx, Handle main_thread, void* saved_lr) { extern char* fake_heap_start; extern char* fake_heap_end; fake_heap_start = &g_heap[0]; fake_heap_end = &g_heap[sizeof g_heap]; orig_ctx = ctx; orig_main_thread = main_thread; orig_saved_lr = saved_lr; // Call constructors. // void __libc_init_array(void); __libc_init_array(); } void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc) { // Call destructors. // void __libc_fini_array(void); __libc_fini_array(); SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: jumping to %p\n", orig_saved_lr); __nx_exit(0, orig_saved_lr); while (true) ; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: alive\n"); // Get anchor for imports // do not remove if you plan on using IMPORT ANCHOR_ABS = SaltySDCore_getCodeStart(); /* Example of string replacement: replaces the title screen's version number with the string below. */ const char* ver = "Ver. %d.%d.%d"; u64 version_string = SaltySDCore_findCode((u8*)ver, strlen(ver)); if (version_string) { SaltySD_Memcpy(version_string, (u64) "Salty v%d%d%d", 13); } // Add function replacements here hitbox_vis_main(); training_mods_main(); __libnx_exit(0); }