#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crc32.h" #include "useful.h" #include "saltysd_core.h" #include "saltysd_dynamic.h" #include "saltysd_ipc.h" #include "lua/lstate.h" #include "lua/lua.h" #include "acmd_imports.h" #include "l2c.h" #include "l2c_imports.h" #include "lua_bind.h" #include "lua_helper.h" #include "saltysd_helper.h" #include "taunt_toggles.h" u32 __nx_applet_type = AppletType_None; static char g_heap[0x8000]; Handle orig_main_thread; void *orig_ctx; void *orig_saved_lr; u64 effect_manager_addr; u64 fighter_manager_addr; u64 sv_set_function_hash_addr; void (*AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state)(u64, u64); void (*AttackModule_clear_all_orig)(u64); void (*AttackModule_clear_orig)(u64, int); void __libnx_init(void *ctx, Handle main_thread, void *saved_lr) { extern char *fake_heap_start; extern char *fake_heap_end; fake_heap_start = &g_heap[0]; fake_heap_end = &g_heap[sizeof g_heap]; orig_ctx = ctx; orig_main_thread = main_thread; orig_saved_lr = saved_lr; // Call constructors. void __libc_init_array(void); __libc_init_array(); } void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc) { // Call destructors. void __libc_fini_array(void); __libc_fini_array(); SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: jumping to %p\n", orig_saved_lr); __nx_exit(0, orig_saved_lr); while (true); } Vector3f id_colors[8] = { {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.7843f, 0.3529f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0.7843f, 0.7843f}, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8431f}, {1.0f, 0.4706f, 0.0f}, {0.7843f, 0.7059f, 0.0f}, {0.7843f, 0.0f, 1.0f}, {0.3765f, 0.2863f, 0.5294f}, }; #define is_training_mode _ZN3app9smashball16is_training_modeEv extern u64 _ZN3app9smashball16is_training_modeEv(void) LINKABLE; void AttackModule_clear_all_replace(u64 attack_module) { AttackModule_clear_all_orig(attack_module); if (is_training_mode()) { u64 battle_object_module_accessor = LOAD64(attack_module + 0x8); // Clear graphics every time we clear all hitboxes. u64 effect_module = LOAD64(battle_object_module_accessor + 0x140); void (*EffectModule_kill_kind)(u64, u64, bool, bool) = (void (*)( u64, u64, bool, bool))(LOAD64(LOAD64(effect_module) + 0xE0LL)); Hash40 shieldEffectHash = {.hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL}; EffectModule_kill_kind(effect_module, shieldEffectHash.hash, 0, 1); } } void AttackModule_clear_replace(u64 attack_module, int id) { AttackModule_clear_orig(attack_module, id); // TODO: Kill effect based on hitbox ID } void lib_L2CAgent_push_color(L2CAgent *l2c_agent, Vector3f color) { L2CValue red = {.raw_float = color.x, .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue green = {.raw_float = color.y, .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue blue = {.raw_float = color.z, .type = L2C_number}; lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &red); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &green); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &blue); } void generate_hitbox_effects(L2CAgent *l2c_agent, L2CValue *id, L2CValue *bone, L2CValue *size, L2CValue *x, L2CValue *y, L2CValue *z, L2CValue *x2, L2CValue *y2, L2CValue *z2) { float sizeMult = 19.0 / 200.0; Hash40 shieldEffectHash = {.hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL}; L2CValue shieldEffect = {.raw = shieldEffectHash.hash, .type = L2C_hash}; L2CValue xRot = {.raw_float = 0.0, .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue yRot = {.raw_float = 0.0, .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue zRot = {.raw_float = 0.0, .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue terminate = {.raw = 1, .type = L2C_bool}; L2CValue effectSize = {.raw_float = (float)size->raw_float * sizeMult, .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue rate = {.raw_float = 8.0f, .type = L2C_number}; // Extended Hitboxes if x2, y2, z2 are not L2CValue::nil int num_effects; if (x2->type != L2C_void && y2->type != L2C_void && z2->type != L2C_void) { num_effects = 4; } else { *x2 = *x; *y2 = *y; *z2 = *z; num_effects = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < num_effects; i++) { // EFFECT_FOLLOW_NO_SCALE(graphic, bone, x, y, z, xrot, yrot, zrot, size, // terminate) L2CValue currX = { .raw_float = x->raw_float + ((x2->raw_float - x->raw_float) / 3 * i), .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue currY = { .raw_float = y->raw_float + ((y2->raw_float - y->raw_float) / 3 * i), .type = L2C_number}; L2CValue currZ = { .raw_float = z->raw_float + ((z2->raw_float - z->raw_float) / 3 * i), .type = L2C_number}; lib_L2CAgent_clear_lua_stack(l2c_agent); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &shieldEffect); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, bone); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &currX); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &currY); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &currZ); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &xRot); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &yRot); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &zRot); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &effectSize); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &terminate); app_sv_animcmd_EFFECT_FOLLOW_NO_SCALE(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent); // Set to hitbox ID color // LAST_EFFECT_SET_COLOR(Red, Green, Blue) lib_L2CAgent_clear_lua_stack(l2c_agent); lib_L2CAgent_push_color(l2c_agent, id_colors[id->raw % 8]); app_sv_animcmd_LAST_EFFECT_SET_COLOR(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent); // Speed up animation by rate to remove pulsing effect // LAST_EFFECT_SET_RATE(Rate) lib_L2CAgent_clear_lua_stack(l2c_agent); lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(l2c_agent, &rate); app_sv_animcmd_LAST_EFFECT_SET_RATE(l2c_agent->lua_state_agent); } } void app_sv_animcmd_ATTACK_replace(u64 a1) { u64 v1; // x19 u64 v2; // x9 u64 i; // x8 // Instantiate our own L2CAgent with the given lua_State L2CAgent l2c_agent; lib_L2CAgent(&l2c_agent, a1); // Get all necessary hitbox params L2CValue id, bone, damage, angle, kbg, wkb, bkb, size, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2; get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 1, &id); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 3, &bone); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 4, &damage); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 5, &angle); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 6, &kbg); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 7, &wkb); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 8, &bkb); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 9, &size); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 10, &x); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 11, &y); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 12, &z); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 13, &x2); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 14, &y2); get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 15, &z2); // original code: parse lua stack and call AttackModule::set_attack() v1 = a1; AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state(LOAD64(LOAD64(a1 - 8) + 416LL), a1); if (HITBOX_VIS && is_training_mode()) { // Replace AttackModule::clear_all() and AttackModule::clear(int) u64 battle_object_module_accessor = LOAD64(LOAD64(a1 - 8) + 416LL); u64 attack_module = LOAD64(battle_object_module_accessor + 0xA0); u64 attack_module_clear_all = LOAD64(attack_module) + 0x50LL; if (AttackModule_clear_all_orig == 0) { AttackModule_clear_all_orig = (void (*)(u64))(LOAD64(attack_module_clear_all)); } LOAD64(attack_module_clear_all) = (u64) AttackModule_clear_all_replace; u64 attack_module_clear = LOAD64(attack_module) + 0x58LL; if (AttackModule_clear_orig == 0) { AttackModule_clear_orig = (void (*)(u64, int))(LOAD64(attack_module_clear)); } LOAD64(attack_module_clear) = (u64) AttackModule_clear_replace; // Generate hitbox effect(s) generate_hitbox_effects(&l2c_agent, &id, &bone, &size, &x, &y, &z, &x2, &y2, &z2); } // original code: clear_lua_stack section v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16); for (i = **(u64 **)(v1 + 32) + 16LL; v2 < i; v2 = LOAD64(v1 + 16)) { LOAD64(v1 + 16) = v2 + 16; *(__int32_t *)(v2 + 8) = 0; } LOAD64(v1 + 16) = i; } bool is_operation_cpu(u64 battle_object_module_accessor) { // entry_id_var: 0x10000000; int entry_id_var; if (lib_lua_bind_get_value(0xF370199DB936C5ED, &entry_id_var) & 1) { int entry_id = WorkModule_get_int(battle_object_module_accessor, entry_id_var); u64 fighter_information = FighterManager_get_fighter_information( *(u64 *)fighter_manager_addr, entry_id); return FighterInformation_is_operation_cpu(fighter_information); } return false; } u64 WorkModule_enable_transition_term_group_impl_replace( u64 battle_object_module_accessor, u64 transition_group) { if (TOGGLE_STATE == MASH_AIRDODGE && is_training_mode()) { // 0x1F00000D for airdodge if (transition_group == 0x1F00000D) { if (is_operation_cpu(battle_object_module_accessor)) { int status_kind = StatusModule_status_kind(battle_object_module_accessor); // Damage -> DamageFall if (status_kind >= 0x48 && status_kind <= 0x50) StatusModule_change_status_request_from_script( battle_object_module_accessor, 0x22, 1); } } } // call original WorkModule::enable_transition_term_group_impl u64 work_module = LOAD64(battle_object_module_accessor + 0x50); u64 enable_transition_term_group_impl = LOAD64(work_module) + 0x140LL; u64 (*work_module_enable_transition_term_group_impl)(u64, u64) = (u64(*)(u64, u64))(LOAD64(enable_transition_term_group_impl)); return work_module_enable_transition_term_group_impl(work_module, transition_group); } float WorkModule_get_float_replace(u64 battle_object_module_accessor, int var) { if (DI_STATE == DI_RIGHT && is_training_mode()) { if (is_operation_cpu(battle_object_module_accessor)) { int status_kind = StatusModule_status_kind(battle_object_module_accessor); // Damage -> DamageFall if (status_kind >= 0x48 && status_kind <= 0x50) { int DI_stick_x_ID; int DI_stick_y_ID; if (lib_lua_bind_get_value(0xA4D50A730E36970E, &DI_stick_x_ID) && var == DI_stick_x_ID) return 1.0; if (lib_lua_bind_get_value(0xEED4095B229D825B, &DI_stick_y_ID) && var == DI_stick_y_ID) return 1.0; } } } // call original WorkModule::get_float_impl u64 work_module = LOAD64(battle_object_module_accessor + 0x50); u64 get_float_impl = LOAD64(work_module) + 0x58LL; float (*work_module_get_float_impl)(u64, int) = (float (*)(u64, int))(LOAD64(get_float_impl)); return work_module_get_float_impl(work_module, var); } void MotionModule_change_motion_replace(u64 battle_object_module_accessor, u64 hash, float start_frame, float frame_speed_mult, bool unk1, float unk2, bool unk3, bool unk4) { const char *down_taunt_l = "appeal_lw_l"; const char *down_taunt_r = "appeal_lw_r"; const char *up_taunt_l = "appeal_hi_l"; const char *up_taunt_r = "appeal_hi_r"; const char *side_taunt_l = "appeal_s_l"; const char *side_taunt_r = "appeal_s_r"; // Down Taunt if (hash == hash40(down_taunt_l) || hash == hash40(down_taunt_r)) { TOGGLE_STATE = (TOGGLE_STATE + 1) % NUM_TOGGLE_STATES; } // Up Taunt else if (hash == hash40(up_taunt_l) || hash == hash40(up_taunt_r)) { HITBOX_VIS = !HITBOX_VIS; } // Side Taunt else if (hash == hash40(side_taunt_l) || hash == hash40(side_taunt_r)) { DI_STATE = (DI_STATE + 1) % NUM_DI_STATES; } // call original WorkModule::enable_transition_term_group_impl u64 motion_module = LOAD64(battle_object_module_accessor + 0x88); u64 change_motion_impl = LOAD64(motion_module) + 0xD8LL; void (*motion_module_change_motion_impl)(u64, u64, float, float, bool, float, bool, bool) = (void (*)(u64, u64, float, float, bool, float, bool, bool))( LOAD64(change_motion_impl)); motion_module_change_motion_impl(motion_module, hash, start_frame, frame_speed_mult, unk1, unk2, unk3, unk4); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: alive\n"); // Get anchor for imports ANCHOR_ABS = SaltySDCore_getCodeStart(); const char* ver = "Ver. %d.%d.%d"; u64 dst_3 = SaltySDCore_findCode((u8*)ver, strlen(ver)); if (dst_3) { SaltySD_Memcpy(dst_3, (u64) "Noice v%d%d%d", 13); } effect_manager_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib9SingletonINS_13EffectManagerEE9instance_E"); fighter_manager_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib9SingletonIN3app14FighterManagerEE9instance_E"); AttackModule_set_attack_lua_state = (void (*)(u64, u64)) SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State") + 0xD0 - 0x70; // Install animCMD function replacement SaltySD_function_replace_sym("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State", (u64)&app_sv_animcmd_ATTACK_replace); SaltySD_function_replace_sym( "_ZN3app8lua_bind45WorkModule__enable_transition_term_group_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi", (u64)&WorkModule_enable_transition_term_group_impl_replace); SaltySD_function_replace_sym( "_ZN3app8lua_bind26WorkModule__get_float_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEi", (u64)&WorkModule_get_float_replace); SaltySD_function_replace_sym( "_ZN3app8lua_bind32MotionModule__change_motion_implEPNS_26BattleObjectModuleAccessorEN3phx6Hash40Effbfbb", (u64)&MotionModule_change_motion_replace); __libnx_exit(0); }