# Ultimate Training Modpack Plugin [](https://GitHub.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/releases/) A [SaltyNX](https://github.com/shinyquagsire23/SaltyNX) plugin for adding features to the training mode. Built releases can be found [here](https://github.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/releases/). - [Features](#features) - [Build](#build) <a name="features"/> # Features Toggles are changed with taunts, with the following functionality: - **Up taunt**: Hitbox Visualization - **Down taunt**: Force CPU Options - **Side taunt**: Force CPU DI #### Hitbox Visualization Hitbox visualization is toggled on or off with up taunt. Currently, hitboxes and grabboxes are supported. #### Force CPU Options CPU Toggles are split into groups, and are first chosen with the training mode menu's CPU Shuffling option. If you haven't installed the aesthetic `.msbt` file, these will look like: `CPU Shuffling: SMASH -> SPEED -> SHIELD` If you have installed the `.msbt`, it will look like: `CPU Toggles: Mash -> Escape -> Shield`, and the help text at the bottom will tell you your current option in the toggle group and other information. ##### Mash ###### Airdodge CPUs will mash airdodge on the first frame out of hitstun. CPUs will also shield quickly if they are hit and remain grounded. ###### Jump CPUs will mash jump on the first frame out of hitstun. ###### Attack CPUs will mash an attack on the first frame out of hitstun and when landing. Attacks can be chosen with side taunt while on this toggle, and include: - All aerials, followed by all specials ###### Random CPUs will mash an aerial or grounded option on the first frame out of hitstun and when landing. The aerial options include: - Airdodge, jump, all aerials, all specials The grounded options include: - Jump, jab, all tilts, all smashes, all specials, grab, spotdodge, and rolls ##### Escape ###### Ledge Option CPUs will perform a random ledge option. Specific ledge options can be chosen with side taunt while this toggle is active, and include: - Normal, roll, jump, and attack CPUs will also perform a random defensive option after getting up. ##### Shield ###### Infinite CPUs will hold a shield that does not deteriorate over time or by damage. ###### Hold CPUs will hold a normal shield. #### Force CPU DI ##### All DI Toggles ##### Specified Direction CPUs DI in the direction specified by the player's stick input when pressing right taunt. ##### Random Direction CPUs DI randomly in or away when the player presses left taunt. <a name="build"/> # Build from Source Requires [DEVKITPRO](https://devkitpro.org/wiki/Getting_Started) in path. ```sh git clone https://github.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack.git cd UltimateTrainingModpack/ make ```