diff --git a/src/common/logging/log.h b/src/common/logging/log.h
index f8f70216f..59f3fae7d 100644
--- a/src/common/logging/log.h
+++ b/src/common/logging/log.h
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ namespace Log {
 /// Specifies the severity or level of detail of the log message.
 enum class Level : u8 {
     Trace,    ///< Extremely detailed and repetitive debugging information that is likely to
-              ///  pollute logs.
+              ///< pollute logs.
     Debug,    ///< Less detailed debugging information.
     Info,     ///< Status information from important points during execution.
     Warning,  ///< Minor or potential problems found during execution of a task.
     Error,    ///< Major problems found during execution of a task that prevent it from being
-              ///  completed.
-    Critical, ///< Major problems during execution that threathen the stability of the entire
-              ///  application.
+              ///< completed.
+    Critical, ///< Major problems during execution that threaten the stability of the entire
+              ///< application.
     Count ///< Total number of logging levels
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ enum class Class : ClassType {
     Kernel,            ///< The HLE implementation of the CTR kernel
     Kernel_SVC,        ///< Kernel system calls
     Applet,            ///< HLE implementation of system applets. Each applet
-                       ///  should have its own subclass.
+                       ///< should have its own subclass.
     Applet_SWKBD,      ///< The Software Keyboard applet
     Service,           ///< HLE implementation of system services. Each major service
-                       ///  should have its own subclass.
+                       ///< should have its own subclass.
     Service_SRV,       ///< The SRV (Service Directory) implementation
     Service_FRD,       ///< The FRD (Friends) service
     Service_FS,        ///< The FS (Filesystem) service implementation
diff --git a/src/common/logging/text_formatter.h b/src/common/logging/text_formatter.h
index 9609cec7c..b6d9e57c8 100644
--- a/src/common/logging/text_formatter.h
+++ b/src/common/logging/text_formatter.h
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ struct Entry;
 std::string FormatLogMessage(const Entry& entry);
 /// Formats and prints a log entry to stderr.
 void PrintMessage(const Entry& entry);
-/// Prints the same message as `PrintMessage`, but colored acoording to the severity level.
+/// Prints the same message as `PrintMessage`, but colored according to the severity level.
 void PrintColoredMessage(const Entry& entry);
 } // namespace Log