diff --git a/src/introduction.md b/src/introduction.md
index a11adde..ed90c54 100644
--- a/src/introduction.md
+++ b/src/introduction.md
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Like the PhobGCC, the NaxGCC uses hall effect sensors instead of potentiometers
 > If you're looking for support or want to chat about development for the NaxGCC, feel free to join the matrix chat at [#naxgcc:naxdy.org](https://matrix.to/#/#naxgcc:naxdy.org).
+> The complete source code of this documentation is hosted at [https://git.naxdy.org/NaxdyOrg/NaxGCC-Doc](https://git.naxdy.org/NaxdyOrg/NaxGCC-Doc). Feel free to contribute to it, if you feel like something is missing or could be improved.
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