From 9095941fd143a6b81478371d5ab3daa29d2ab119 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TSRBerry <>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 17:36:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update release workflow & Add jobs for macOS (#4837)

* Add build config and extra args to

* Use matrix strategy for releases

* Add macOS jobs

Co-authored-by: Mary <>

* Fix wrong version argument

* Fix check for the correct amount of args

* Install latest rcodesign release

Co-authored-by: Mary <>

* Set executable bits for PR builds on linux


Co-authored-by: Mary <>
 .github/workflows/build.yml                   |  76 +++++-
 .github/workflows/release.yml                 | 243 ++++++++++++------ =>} |  28 +-
 3 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
 rename distribution/macos/{ =>} (80%)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 843dd492ad..8bc55ec3e8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -18,9 +18,14 @@ on:
       - '*.yml'
       - ''
-    name: ${{ matrix.os }} (${{ matrix.configuration }})
+    name: ${{ matrix.OS_NAME }} (${{ matrix.configuration }})
     runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
@@ -43,47 +48,106 @@ jobs:
           RELEASE_ZIP_OS_NAME: win_x64
       fail-fast: false
-    env:
-      RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION: "1.1.0"
       - uses: actions/checkout@v3
       - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
-          dotnet-version: 7.0.x
+          global-json-file: global.json
       - name: Get git short hash
         id: git_short_hash
         run: echo "result=$(git rev-parse --short "${{ github.sha }}")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
         shell: bash
       - name: Build
         run: dotnet build -c "${{ matrix.configuration }}" -p:Version="${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}" -p:ExtraDefineConstants=DISABLE_UPDATER
       - name: Test
         run: dotnet test --no-build -c "${{ matrix.configuration }}"
       - name: Publish Ryujinx
         run: dotnet publish -c "${{ matrix.configuration }}" -r "${{ matrix.DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER }}" -o ./publish -p:Version="${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}" -p:DebugType=embedded -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}" -p:ExtraDefineConstants=DISABLE_UPDATER src/Ryujinx --self-contained true
         if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
       - name: Publish Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2
         run: dotnet publish -c "${{ matrix.configuration }}" -r "${{ matrix.DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER }}" -o ./publish_sdl2_headless -p:Version="${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}" -p:DebugType=embedded -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}" -p:ExtraDefineConstants=DISABLE_UPDATER src/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 --self-contained true
         if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
       - name: Publish Ryujinx.Ava
         run: dotnet publish -c "${{ matrix.configuration }}" -r "${{ matrix.DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER }}" -o ./publish_ava -p:Version="${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}" -p:DebugType=embedded -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}" -p:ExtraDefineConstants=DISABLE_UPDATER src/Ryujinx.Ava --self-contained true
         if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
+      - name: Set executable bit
+        run: |
+          chmod +x ./publish/Ryujinx ./publish/
+          chmod +x ./publish_sdl2_headless/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 ./publish_sdl2_headless/
+          chmod +x ./publish_ava/Ryujinx.Ava ./publish_ava/
+        if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
       - name: Upload Ryujinx artifact
         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
           name: ryujinx-${{ matrix.configuration }}-${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}+${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}-${{ matrix.RELEASE_ZIP_OS_NAME }}
           path: publish
         if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
       - name: Upload Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 artifact
         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
           name: sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ matrix.configuration }}-${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}+${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}-${{ matrix.RELEASE_ZIP_OS_NAME }}
           path: publish_sdl2_headless
         if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
       - name: Upload Ryujinx.Ava artifact
         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
           name: ava-ryujinx-${{ matrix.configuration }}-${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}+${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}-${{ matrix.RELEASE_ZIP_OS_NAME }}
           path: publish_ava
+        if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
+  build_macos:
+    name: MacOS universal (${{ matrix.configuration }})
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        configuration: [ Debug, Release ]
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
+        with:
+          global-json-file: global.json
+      - name: Setup LLVM 14
+        run: |
+          wget
+          chmod +x
+          sudo ./ 14
+      - name: Install rcodesign
+        run: |
+          mkdir -p $HOME/.bin
+          gh release download -R indygreg/apple-platform-rs -O apple-codesign.tar.gz -p 'apple-codesign-*-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz'
+          tar -xzvf apple-codesign.tar.gz --wildcards '*/rcodesign' --strip-components=1
+          rm apple-codesign.tar.gz
+          mv rcodesign $HOME/.bin/
+          echo "$HOME/.bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+        env:
+          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Get git short hash
+        id: git_short_hash
+        run: echo "result=$(git rev-parse --short "${{ github.sha }}")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+      - name: Publish macOS
+        run: |
+          ./distribution/macos/ . publish_tmp publish_ava ./distribution/macos/entitlements.xml "${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}" "${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}" "${{ matrix.configuration }}" "-p:ExtraDefineConstants=DISABLE_UPDATER"
+      - name: Upload Ryujinx.Ava artifact
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: ava-ryujinx-${{ matrix.configuration }}-${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}+${{ steps.git_short_hash.outputs.result }}-macos_universal
+          path: "publish_ava/*.tar.gz"
         if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index 914e5e33ea..8d0d0e860f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -22,95 +22,15 @@ env:
   RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO: "release-channel-master"
-  release:
-    runs-on: windows-latest
+  tag:
+    name: Create tag
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
-        with:
-          global-json-file: global.json
       - name: Get version info
         id: version_info
         run: |
           echo "build_version=${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}.${{ github.run_number }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          echo "git_short_hash=$(git rev-parse --short "${{ github.sha }}")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
         shell: bash
-      - name: Configure for release
-        run: |
-          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_VERSION\%\%/${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
-          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_GIT_HASH\%\%/${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
-          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
-          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
-          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
-        shell: bash
-      - name: Create output dir
-        run: "mkdir release_output"
-      - name: Publish Windows
-        run: |
-          dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 -o ./publish_windows/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx --self-contained true
-          dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 -o ./publish_windows_sdl2_headless/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 --self-contained true
-          dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 -o ./publish_windows_ava/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx.Ava --self-contained true
-      - name: Packing Windows builds
-        run: |
-          pushd publish_windows
-          7z a ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }} publish
-          popd
-          pushd publish_windows_sdl2_headless
-          7z a ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }} publish
-          popd
-          pushd publish_windows_ava
-          7z a ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }} publish
-          popd
-        shell: bash
-      - name: Publish Linux
-        run: |
-          dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o ./publish_linux/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx --self-contained true
-          dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o ./publish_linux_sdl2_headless/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 --self-contained true
-          dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o ./publish_linux_ava/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx.Ava --self-contained true
-      - name: Packing Linux builds
-        run: |
-          pushd publish_linux
-          tar --exclude "publish/Ryujinx" --exclude "publish/" -cvf ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar publish
-          python3 ../distribution/misc/ ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar "publish/Ryujinx" "publish/Ryujinx"
-          python3 ../distribution/misc/ ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar "publish/" "publish/"
-          gzip -9 < ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar > ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar.gz
-          rm ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar
-          popd
-          pushd publish_linux_sdl2_headless
-          tar --exclude "publish/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2" --exclude "publish/" -cvf ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar publish
-          python3 ../distribution/misc/ ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar "publish/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2" "publish/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2"
-          python3 ../distribution/misc/ ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar "publish/" "publish/"
-          gzip -9 < ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar > ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar.gz
-          rm ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar
-          popd
-          pushd publish_linux_ava
-          tar --exclude "publish/Ryujinx.Ava" --exclude "publish/" -cvf ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar publish
-          python3 ../distribution/misc/ ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar "publish/Ryujinx.Ava" "publish/Ryujinx.Ava"
-          python3 ../distribution/misc/ ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar "publish/" "publish/"
-          gzip -9 < ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar > ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar.gz
-          rm ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar
-          popd
-        shell: bash
-      - name: Pushing new release
-        uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
-        with:
-          name: ${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}
-          artifacts: "release_output/*.tar.gz,release_output/*.zip"
-          tag: ${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}
-          body: "For more information about this release please check out the official [Changelog]("
-          allowUpdates: true
-          removeArtifacts: true
-          replacesArtifacts: true
-          owner: ${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER }}
-          repo: ${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO }}
-          token: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_TOKEN }}
       - name: Create tag
         uses: actions/github-script@v5
@@ -123,6 +43,163 @@ jobs:
               sha: context.sha
+  release:
+    name: Release ${{ matrix.OS_NAME }}
+    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        os: [ ubuntu-latest, windows-latest ]
+        include:
+          - os: ubuntu-latest
+            OS_NAME: Linux x64
+            DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER: linux-x64
+            RELEASE_ZIP_OS_NAME: linux_x64
+          - os: windows-latest
+            OS_NAME: Windows x64
+            DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER: win10-x64
+            RELEASE_ZIP_OS_NAME: win_x64
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
+        with:
+          global-json-file: global.json
+      - name: Get version info
+        id: version_info
+        run: |
+          echo "build_version=${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}.${{ github.run_number }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          echo "git_short_hash=$(git rev-parse --short "${{ github.sha }}")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Configure for release
+        run: |
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_VERSION\%\%/${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_GIT_HASH\%\%/${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Create output dir
+        run: "mkdir release_output"
+      - name: Publish
+        run: |
+          dotnet publish -c Release -r "${{ matrix.DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER }}" -o ./publish_gtk/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx --self-contained true
+          dotnet publish -c Release -r "${{ matrix.DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER }}" -o ./publish_sdl2_headless/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 --self-contained true
+          dotnet publish -c Release -r "${{ matrix.DOTNET_RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER }}" -o ./publish_ava/publish -p:Version="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" -p:SourceRevisionId="${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" -p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx.Ava --self-contained true
+      - name: Packing Windows builds
+        if: matrix.os == "windows-latest"
+        run: |
+          pushd publish_gtk
+          7z a ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }} publish
+          popd
+          pushd publish_sdl2_headless
+          7z a ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }} publish
+          popd
+          pushd publish_ava
+          7z a ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }} publish
+          popd
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Packing Linux builds
+        if: matrix.os == "ubuntu-latest"
+        run: |
+          pushd publish_gtk
+          chmod +x publish/ publish/Ryujinx
+          tar -czvf ../release_output/ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar.gz publish
+          popd
+          pushd publish_sdl2_headless
+          chmod +x publish/ publish/Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2
+          tar -czvf ../release_output/sdl2-ryujinx-headless-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar.gz publish
+          popd
+          pushd publish_ava
+          chmod +x publish/ publish/Ryujinx.Ava
+          tar -czvf ../release_output/test-ava-ryujinx-${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}-linux_x64.tar.gz publish
+          popd
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Pushing new release
+        uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
+        with:
+          name: ${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}
+          artifacts: "release_output/*.tar.gz,release_output/*.zip"
+          tag: ${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}
+          body: "For more information about this release please check out the official [Changelog]("
+          omitBodyDuringUpdate: true
+          allowUpdates: true
+          replacesArtifacts: true
+          owner: ${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER }}
+          repo: ${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO }}
+          token: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_TOKEN }}
+  macos_release:
+    name: Release MacOS universal
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
+        with:
+          global-json-file: global.json
+      - name: Setup LLVM 14
+        run: |
+          wget
+          chmod +x
+          sudo ./ 14
+      - name: Install rcodesign
+        run: |
+          mkdir -p $HOME/.bin
+          gh release download -R indygreg/apple-platform-rs -O apple-codesign.tar.gz -p 'apple-codesign-*-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz'
+          tar -xzvf apple-codesign.tar.gz --wildcards '*/rcodesign' --strip-components=1
+          rm apple-codesign.tar.gz
+          mv rcodesign $HOME/.bin/
+          echo "$HOME/.bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+        env:
+          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Get version info
+        id: version_info
+        run: |
+          echo "build_version=${{ env.RYUJINX_BASE_VERSION }}.${{ github.run_number }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          echo "git_short_hash=$(git rev-parse --short "${{ github.sha }}")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+      - name: Configure for release
+        run: |
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_VERSION\%\%/${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_GIT_HASH\%\%/${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+          sed -r --in-place 's/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO\%\%/${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO }}/g;' src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Publish macOS
+        run: |
+          ./distribution/macos/ . publish_tmp publish_ava ./distribution/macos/entitlements.xml "${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}" "${{ steps.version_info.outputs.git_short_hash }}" Release
+      - name: Pushing new release
+        uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
+        with:
+          name: ${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}
+          artifacts: "publish_ava/*.tar.gz"
+          tag: ${{ steps.version_info.outputs.build_version }}
+          body: "For more information about this release please check out the official [Changelog]("
+          omitBodyDuringUpdate: true
+          allowUpdates: true
+          replacesArtifacts: true
+          owner: ${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER }}
+          repo: ${{ env.RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO }}
+          token: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_TOKEN }}
     uses: ./.github/workflows/flatpak.yml
     needs: release
diff --git a/distribution/macos/ b/distribution/macos/
similarity index 80%
rename from distribution/macos/
rename to distribution/macos/
index 59eb1efd2a..1a5a387380 100755
--- a/distribution/macos/
+++ b/distribution/macos/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 set -e
-if [ "$#" -ne 6 ]; then
+if [ "$#" -lt 7 ]; then
     exit 1
@@ -17,8 +17,16 @@ OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(readlink -f "$3")
 ENTITLEMENTS_FILE_PATH=$(readlink -f "$4")
+if [ "$VERSION" == "1.1.0" ];
@@ -27,12 +35,12 @@ EXECUTABLE_SUB_PATH=Contents/MacOS/Ryujinx
 mkdir -p "$TEMP_DIRECTORY"
-DOTNET_COMMON_ARGS="-p:DebugType=embedded -p:Version=$VERSION -p:SourceRevisionId=$SOURCE_REVISION_ID --self-contained true"
+DOTNET_COMMON_ARGS="-p:DebugType=embedded -p:Version=$VERSION -p:SourceRevisionId=$SOURCE_REVISION_ID --self-contained true $EXTRA_ARGS"
 dotnet restore
-dotnet build -c Release src/Ryujinx.Ava
-dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-arm64 -o "$TEMP_DIRECTORY/publish_arm64" $DOTNET_COMMON_ARGS src/Ryujinx.Ava
-dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64 -o "$TEMP_DIRECTORY/publish_x64" $DOTNET_COMMON_ARGS src/Ryujinx.Ava
+dotnet build -c $CONFIGURATION src/Ryujinx.Ava
+dotnet publish -c $CONFIGURATION -r osx-arm64 -o "$TEMP_DIRECTORY/publish_arm64" $DOTNET_COMMON_ARGS src/Ryujinx.Ava
+dotnet publish -c $CONFIGURATION -r osx-x64 -o "$TEMP_DIRECTORY/publish_x64" $DOTNET_COMMON_ARGS src/Ryujinx.Ava
 # Get rid of the support library for ARMeilleure for x64 (that's only for arm64)
 rm -rf "$TEMP_DIRECTORY/publish_x64/libarmeilleure-jitsupport.dylib"
@@ -68,7 +76,7 @@ else
-# Make it the executable universal
+# Make the executable universal
 # Patch up the Info.plist to have appropriate version
@@ -87,10 +95,10 @@ then
     # NOTE: Currently require to work on other OSes.
     # cargo install --git "" --branch "fix/adhoc-app-bundle" apple-codesign --bin "rcodesign"
-    echo "Usign rcodesign for ad-hoc signing"
+    echo "Using rcodesign for ad-hoc signing"
     rcodesign sign --entitlements-xml-path "$ENTITLEMENTS_FILE_PATH" "$UNIVERSAL_APP_BUNDLE"
-    echo "Usign codesign for ad-hoc signing"
+    echo "Using codesign for ad-hoc signing"
     codesign --entitlements "$ENTITLEMENTS_FILE_PATH" -f --deep -s - "$UNIVERSAL_APP_BUNDLE"