using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture.Astc; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image { /// /// Represents a cached GPU texture. /// class Texture : IRange, IDisposable { private GpuContext _context; private SizeInfo _sizeInfo; /// /// Texture format. /// public Format Format => Info.FormatInfo.Format; /// /// Texture information. /// public TextureInfo Info { get; private set; } private int _depth; private int _layers; private readonly int _firstLayer; private readonly int _firstLevel; private bool _hasData; private ITexture _arrayViewTexture; private Target _arrayViewTarget; private Texture _viewStorage; private List _views; /// /// Host texture. /// public ITexture HostTexture { get; private set; } /// /// Intrusive linked list node used on the auto deletion texture cache. /// public LinkedListNode CacheNode { get; set; } /// /// Texture data modified by the GPU. /// public bool Modified { get; set; } /// /// Start address of the texture in guest memory. /// public ulong Address => Info.Address; /// /// End address of the texture in guest memory. /// public ulong EndAddress => Info.Address + Size; /// /// Texture size in bytes. /// public ulong Size => (ulong)_sizeInfo.TotalSize; private int _referenceCount; private int _sequenceNumber; /// /// Constructs a new instance of the cached GPU texture. /// /// GPU context that the texture belongs to /// Texture information /// Size information of the texture /// The first layer of the texture, or 0 if the texture has no parent /// The first mipmap level of the texture, or 0 if the texture has no parent private Texture( GpuContext context, TextureInfo info, SizeInfo sizeInfo, int firstLayer, int firstLevel) { InitializeTexture(context, info, sizeInfo); _firstLayer = firstLayer; _firstLevel = firstLevel; _hasData = true; } /// /// Constructs a new instance of the cached GPU texture. /// /// GPU context that the texture belongs to /// Texture information /// Size information of the texture public Texture(GpuContext context, TextureInfo info, SizeInfo sizeInfo) { InitializeTexture(context, info, sizeInfo); TextureCreateInfo createInfo = TextureManager.GetCreateInfo(info, context.Capabilities); HostTexture = _context.Renderer.CreateTexture(createInfo); } /// /// Common texture initialization method. /// This sets the context, info and sizeInfo fields. /// Other fields are initialized with their default values. /// /// GPU context that the texture belongs to /// Texture information /// Size information of the texture private void InitializeTexture(GpuContext context, TextureInfo info, SizeInfo sizeInfo) { _context = context; _sizeInfo = sizeInfo; SetInfo(info); _viewStorage = this; _views = new List(); } /// /// Create a texture view from this texture. /// A texture view is defined as a child texture, from a sub-range of their parent texture. /// For example, the initial layer and mipmap level of the view can be defined, so the texture /// will start at the given layer/level of the parent texture. /// /// Child texture information /// Child texture size information /// Start layer of the child texture on the parent texture /// Start mipmap level of the child texture on the parent texture /// The child texture public Texture CreateView(TextureInfo info, SizeInfo sizeInfo, int firstLayer, int firstLevel) { Texture texture = new Texture( _context, info, sizeInfo, _firstLayer + firstLayer, _firstLevel + firstLevel); TextureCreateInfo createInfo = TextureManager.GetCreateInfo(info, _context.Capabilities); texture.HostTexture = HostTexture.CreateView(createInfo, firstLayer, firstLevel); _viewStorage.AddView(texture); return texture; } /// /// Adds a child texture to this texture. /// /// The child texture private void AddView(Texture texture) { _views.Add(texture); texture._viewStorage = this; } /// /// Removes a child texture from this texture. /// /// The child texture private void RemoveView(Texture texture) { _views.Remove(texture); texture._viewStorage = null; DeleteIfNotUsed(); } /// /// Changes the texture size. /// This operation may also change the size of all mipmap levels, including from the parent /// and other possible child textures, to ensure that all sizes are consistent. /// /// The new texture width /// The new texture height /// The new texture depth (for 3D textures) or layers (for layered textures) public void ChangeSize(int width, int height, int depthOrLayers) { width <<= _firstLevel; height <<= _firstLevel; if (Info.Target == Target.Texture3D) { depthOrLayers <<= _firstLevel; } else { depthOrLayers = _viewStorage.Info.DepthOrLayers; } _viewStorage.RecreateStorageOrView(width, height, depthOrLayers); foreach (Texture view in _viewStorage._views) { int viewWidth = Math.Max(1, width >> view._firstLevel); int viewHeight = Math.Max(1, height >> view._firstLevel); int viewDepthOrLayers; if (view.Info.Target == Target.Texture3D) { viewDepthOrLayers = Math.Max(1, depthOrLayers >> view._firstLevel); } else { viewDepthOrLayers = view.Info.DepthOrLayers; } view.RecreateStorageOrView(viewWidth, viewHeight, viewDepthOrLayers); } } /// /// Recreates the texture storage (or view, in the case of child textures) of this texture. /// This allows recreating the texture with a new size. /// A copy is automatically performed from the old to the new texture. /// /// The new texture width /// The new texture height /// The new texture depth (for 3D textures) or layers (for layered textures) private void RecreateStorageOrView(int width, int height, int depthOrLayers) { SetInfo(new TextureInfo( Info.Address, width, height, depthOrLayers, Info.Levels, Info.SamplesInX, Info.SamplesInY, Info.Stride, Info.IsLinear, Info.GobBlocksInY, Info.GobBlocksInZ, Info.GobBlocksInTileX, Info.Target, Info.FormatInfo, Info.DepthStencilMode, Info.SwizzleR, Info.SwizzleG, Info.SwizzleB, Info.SwizzleA)); TextureCreateInfo createInfo = TextureManager.GetCreateInfo(Info, _context.Capabilities); if (_viewStorage != this) { ReplaceStorage(_viewStorage.HostTexture.CreateView(createInfo, _firstLayer, _firstLevel)); } else { ITexture newStorage = _context.Renderer.CreateTexture(createInfo); HostTexture.CopyTo(newStorage, 0, 0); ReplaceStorage(newStorage); } } /// /// Synchronizes guest and host memory. /// This will overwrite the texture data with the texture data on the guest memory, if a CPU /// modification is detected. /// Be aware that this can cause texture data written by the GPU to be lost, this is just a /// one way copy (from CPU owned to GPU owned memory). /// public void SynchronizeMemory() { if (_sequenceNumber == _context.SequenceNumber && _hasData) { return; } _sequenceNumber = _context.SequenceNumber; bool modified = _context.PhysicalMemory.GetModifiedRanges(Address, Size, ResourceName.Texture).Length != 0; if (!modified && _hasData) { return; } Span data = _context.PhysicalMemory.Read(Address, Size); if (Info.IsLinear) { data = LayoutConverter.ConvertLinearStridedToLinear( Info.Width, Info.Height, Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.Stride, Info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel, data); } else { data = LayoutConverter.ConvertBlockLinearToLinear( Info.Width, Info.Height, _depth, Info.Levels, _layers, Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel, Info.GobBlocksInY, Info.GobBlocksInZ, Info.GobBlocksInTileX, _sizeInfo, data); } if (!_context.Capabilities.SupportsAstcCompression && Info.FormatInfo.Format.IsAstc()) { if (!AstcDecoder.TryDecodeToRgba8( data.ToArray(), Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.Width, Info.Height, _depth, Info.Levels, out Span decoded)) { string texInfo = $"{Info.Target} {Info.FormatInfo.Format} {Info.Width}x{Info.Height}x{Info.DepthOrLayers} levels {Info.Levels}"; Logger.PrintDebug(LogClass.Gpu, $"Invalid ASTC texture at 0x{Info.Address:X} ({texInfo})."); } data = decoded; } HostTexture.SetData(data); _hasData = true; } /// /// Flushes the texture data. /// This causes the texture data to be written back to guest memory. /// If the texture was written by the GPU, this includes all modification made by the GPU /// up to this point. /// Be aware that this is a expensive operation, avoid calling it unless strictly needed. /// This may cause data corruption if the memory is already being used for something else on the CPU side. /// public void Flush() { Span data = HostTexture.GetData(); if (Info.IsLinear) { data = LayoutConverter.ConvertLinearToLinearStrided( Info.Width, Info.Height, Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.Stride, Info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel, data); } else { data = LayoutConverter.ConvertLinearToBlockLinear( Info.Width, Info.Height, _depth, Info.Levels, _layers, Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel, Info.GobBlocksInY, Info.GobBlocksInZ, Info.GobBlocksInTileX, _sizeInfo, data); } _context.PhysicalMemory.Write(Address, data); } /// /// Performs a comparison of this texture information, with the specified texture information. /// This performs a strict comparison, used to check if two textures are equal. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// Comparison flags /// True if the textures are strictly equal or similar, false otherwise public bool IsPerfectMatch(TextureInfo info, TextureSearchFlags flags) { if (!FormatMatches(info, (flags & TextureSearchFlags.Strict) != 0)) { return false; } if (!LayoutMatches(info)) { return false; } if (!SizeMatches(info, (flags & TextureSearchFlags.Strict) == 0)) { return false; } if ((flags & TextureSearchFlags.Sampler) != 0) { if (!SamplerParamsMatches(info)) { return false; } } if ((flags & TextureSearchFlags.IgnoreMs) != 0) { bool msTargetCompatible = Info.Target == Target.Texture2DMultisample && info.Target == Target.Texture2D; if (!msTargetCompatible && !TargetAndSamplesCompatible(info)) { return false; } } else if (!TargetAndSamplesCompatible(info)) { return false; } return Info.Address == info.Address && Info.Levels == info.Levels; } /// /// Checks if the texture format matches with the specified texture information. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// True to perform a strict comparison (formats must be exactly equal) /// True if the format matches, with the given comparison rules private bool FormatMatches(TextureInfo info, bool strict) { // D32F and R32F texture have the same representation internally, // however the R32F format is used to sample from depth textures. if (Info.FormatInfo.Format == Format.D32Float && info.FormatInfo.Format == Format.R32Float && !strict) { return true; } return Info.FormatInfo.Format == info.FormatInfo.Format; } /// /// Checks if the texture layout specified matches with this texture layout. /// The layout information is composed of the Stride for linear textures, or GOB block size /// for block linear textures. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// True if the layout matches, false otherwise private bool LayoutMatches(TextureInfo info) { if (Info.IsLinear != info.IsLinear) { return false; } // For linear textures, gob block sizes are ignored. // For block linear textures, the stride is ignored. if (info.IsLinear) { return Info.Stride == info.Stride; } else { return Info.GobBlocksInY == info.GobBlocksInY && Info.GobBlocksInZ == info.GobBlocksInZ; } } /// /// Checks if the texture sizes of the supplied texture information matches this texture. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// True if the size matches, false otherwise public bool SizeMatches(TextureInfo info) { return SizeMatches(info, alignSizes: false); } /// /// Checks if the texture sizes of the supplied texture information matches the given level of /// this texture. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// Mipmap level of this texture to compare with /// True if the size matches with the level, false otherwise public bool SizeMatches(TextureInfo info, int level) { return Math.Max(1, Info.Width >> level) == info.Width && Math.Max(1, Info.Height >> level) == info.Height && Math.Max(1, Info.GetDepth() >> level) == info.GetDepth(); } /// /// Checks if the texture sizes of the supplied texture information matches this texture. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// True to align the sizes according to the texture layout for comparison /// True if the sizes matches, false otherwise private bool SizeMatches(TextureInfo info, bool alignSizes) { if (Info.GetLayers() != info.GetLayers()) { return false; } if (alignSizes) { Size size0 = GetAlignedSize(Info); Size size1 = GetAlignedSize(info); return size0.Width == size1.Width && size0.Height == size1.Height && size0.Depth == size1.Depth; } else { return Info.Width == info.Width && Info.Height == info.Height && Info.GetDepth() == info.GetDepth(); } } /// /// Checks if the texture shader sampling parameters matches. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// True if the texture shader sampling parameters matches, false otherwise private bool SamplerParamsMatches(TextureInfo info) { return Info.DepthStencilMode == info.DepthStencilMode && Info.SwizzleR == info.SwizzleR && Info.SwizzleG == info.SwizzleG && Info.SwizzleB == info.SwizzleB && Info.SwizzleA == info.SwizzleA; } /// /// Check if the texture target and samples count (for multisampled textures) matches. /// /// Texture information to compare with /// True if the texture target and samples count matches, false otherwise private bool TargetAndSamplesCompatible(TextureInfo info) { return Info.Target == info.Target && Info.SamplesInX == info.SamplesInX && Info.SamplesInY == info.SamplesInY; } /// /// Check if it's possible to create a view, with the given parameters, from this texture. /// /// Texture view information /// Texture view size /// Texture view initial layer on this texture /// Texture view first mipmap level on this texture /// True if a view with the given parameters can be created from this texture, false otherwise public bool IsViewCompatible( TextureInfo info, ulong size, out int firstLayer, out int firstLevel) { return IsViewCompatible(info, size, isCopy: false, out firstLayer, out firstLevel); } /// /// Check if it's possible to create a view, with the given parameters, from this texture. /// /// Texture view information /// Texture view size /// True to check for copy compability, instead of view compatibility /// Texture view initial layer on this texture /// Texture view first mipmap level on this texture /// True if a view with the given parameters can be created from this texture, false otherwise public bool IsViewCompatible( TextureInfo info, ulong size, bool isCopy, out int firstLayer, out int firstLevel) { // Out of range. if (info.Address < Address || info.Address + size > EndAddress) { firstLayer = 0; firstLevel = 0; return false; } int offset = (int)(info.Address - Address); if (!_sizeInfo.FindView(offset, (int)size, out firstLayer, out firstLevel)) { return false; } if (!ViewLayoutCompatible(info, firstLevel)) { return false; } if (!ViewFormatCompatible(info)) { return false; } if (!ViewSizeMatches(info, firstLevel, isCopy)) { return false; } if (!ViewTargetCompatible(info, isCopy)) { return false; } return Info.SamplesInX == info.SamplesInX && Info.SamplesInY == info.SamplesInY; } /// /// Check if it's possible to create a view with the specified layout. /// The layout information is composed of the Stride for linear textures, or GOB block size /// for block linear textures. /// /// Texture information of the texture view /// Start level of the texture view, in relation with this texture /// True if the layout is compatible, false otherwise private bool ViewLayoutCompatible(TextureInfo info, int level) { if (Info.IsLinear != info.IsLinear) { return false; } // For linear textures, gob block sizes are ignored. // For block linear textures, the stride is ignored. if (info.IsLinear) { int width = Math.Max(1, Info.Width >> level); int stride = width * Info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel; stride = BitUtils.AlignUp(stride, 32); return stride == info.Stride; } else { int height = Math.Max(1, Info.Height >> level); int depth = Math.Max(1, Info.GetDepth() >> level); (int gobBlocksInY, int gobBlocksInZ) = SizeCalculator.GetMipGobBlockSizes( height, depth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.GobBlocksInY, Info.GobBlocksInZ); return gobBlocksInY == info.GobBlocksInY && gobBlocksInZ == info.GobBlocksInZ; } } /// /// Checks if the view format is compatible with this texture format. /// In general, the formats are considered compatible if the bytes per pixel values are equal, /// but there are more complex rules for some formats, like compressed or depth-stencil formats. /// This follows the host API copy compatibility rules. /// /// Texture information of the texture view /// True if the formats are compatible, false otherwise private bool ViewFormatCompatible(TextureInfo info) { return TextureCompatibility.FormatCompatible(Info.FormatInfo, info.FormatInfo); } /// /// Checks if the size of a given texture view is compatible with this texture. /// /// Texture information of the texture view /// Mipmap level of the texture view in relation to this texture /// True to check for copy compatibility rather than view compatibility /// True if the sizes are compatible, false otherwise private bool ViewSizeMatches(TextureInfo info, int level, bool isCopy) { Size size = GetAlignedSize(Info, level); Size otherSize = GetAlignedSize(info); // For copies, we can copy a subset of the 3D texture slices, // so the depth may be different in this case. if (!isCopy && info.Target == Target.Texture3D && size.Depth != otherSize.Depth) { return false; } return size.Width == otherSize.Width && size.Height == otherSize.Height; } /// /// Check if the target of the specified texture view information is compatible with this /// texture. /// This follows the host API target compatibility rules. /// /// Texture information of the texture view /// True to check for copy rather than view compatibility /// True if the targets are compatible, false otherwise private bool ViewTargetCompatible(TextureInfo info, bool isCopy) { switch (Info.Target) { case Target.Texture1D: case Target.Texture1DArray: return info.Target == Target.Texture1D || info.Target == Target.Texture1DArray; case Target.Texture2D: return info.Target == Target.Texture2D || info.Target == Target.Texture2DArray; case Target.Texture2DArray: case Target.Cubemap: case Target.CubemapArray: return info.Target == Target.Texture2D || info.Target == Target.Texture2DArray || info.Target == Target.Cubemap || info.Target == Target.CubemapArray; case Target.Texture2DMultisample: case Target.Texture2DMultisampleArray: return info.Target == Target.Texture2DMultisample || info.Target == Target.Texture2DMultisampleArray; case Target.Texture3D: return info.Target == Target.Texture3D || (info.Target == Target.Texture2D && isCopy); } return false; } /// /// Gets the aligned sizes of the specified texture information. /// The alignment depends on the texture layout and format bytes per pixel. /// /// Texture information to calculate the aligned size from /// Mipmap level for texture views /// The aligned texture size private static Size GetAlignedSize(TextureInfo info, int level = 0) { int width = Math.Max(1, info.Width >> level); int height = Math.Max(1, info.Height >> level); if (info.IsLinear) { return SizeCalculator.GetLinearAlignedSize( width, height, info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel); } else { int depth = Math.Max(1, info.GetDepth() >> level); (int gobBlocksInY, int gobBlocksInZ) = SizeCalculator.GetMipGobBlockSizes( height, depth, info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, info.GobBlocksInY, info.GobBlocksInZ); return SizeCalculator.GetBlockLinearAlignedSize( width, height, depth, info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel, gobBlocksInY, gobBlocksInZ, info.GobBlocksInTileX); } } /// /// Gets a texture of the specified target type from this texture. /// This can be used to get an array texture from a non-array texture and vice-versa. /// If this texture and the requested targets are equal, then this texture Host texture is returned directly. /// /// The desired target type /// A view of this texture with the requested target, or null if the target is invalid for this texture public ITexture GetTargetTexture(Target target) { if (target == Info.Target) { return HostTexture; } if (_arrayViewTexture == null && IsSameDimensionsTarget(target)) { TextureCreateInfo createInfo = new TextureCreateInfo( Info.Width, Info.Height, target == Target.CubemapArray ? 6 : 1, Info.Levels, Info.Samples, Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth, Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight, Info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel, Info.FormatInfo.Format, Info.DepthStencilMode, target, Info.SwizzleR, Info.SwizzleG, Info.SwizzleB, Info.SwizzleA); ITexture viewTexture = HostTexture.CreateView(createInfo, 0, 0); _arrayViewTexture = viewTexture; _arrayViewTarget = target; return viewTexture; } else if (_arrayViewTarget == target) { return _arrayViewTexture; } return null; } /// /// Check if this texture and the specified target have the same number of dimensions. /// For the purposes of this comparison, 2D and 2D Multisample textures are not considered to have /// the same number of dimensions. Same for Cubemap and 3D textures. /// /// The target to compare with /// True if both targets have the same number of dimensions, false otherwise private bool IsSameDimensionsTarget(Target target) { switch (Info.Target) { case Target.Texture1D: case Target.Texture1DArray: return target == Target.Texture1D || target == Target.Texture1DArray; case Target.Texture2D: case Target.Texture2DArray: return target == Target.Texture2D || target == Target.Texture2DArray; case Target.Cubemap: case Target.CubemapArray: return target == Target.Cubemap || target == Target.CubemapArray; case Target.Texture2DMultisample: case Target.Texture2DMultisampleArray: return target == Target.Texture2DMultisample || target == Target.Texture2DMultisampleArray; case Target.Texture3D: return target == Target.Texture3D; } return false; } /// /// Replaces view texture information. /// This should only be used for child textures with a parent. /// /// The parent texture /// The new view texture information /// The new host texture public void ReplaceView(Texture parent, TextureInfo info, ITexture hostTexture) { ReplaceStorage(hostTexture); parent._viewStorage.AddView(this); SetInfo(info); } /// /// Sets the internal texture information structure. /// /// The new texture information private void SetInfo(TextureInfo info) { Info = info; _depth = info.GetDepth(); _layers = info.GetLayers(); } /// /// Replaces the host texture, while disposing of the old one if needed. /// /// The new host texture private void ReplaceStorage(ITexture hostTexture) { DisposeTextures(); HostTexture = hostTexture; } /// /// Checks if the texture overlaps with a memory range. /// /// Start address of the range /// Size of the range /// True if the texture overlaps with the range, false otherwise public bool OverlapsWith(ulong address, ulong size) { return Address < address + size && address < EndAddress; } /// /// Increments the texture reference count. /// public void IncrementReferenceCount() { _referenceCount++; } /// /// Decrements the texture reference count. /// When the reference count hits zero, the texture may be deleted and can't be used anymore. /// public void DecrementReferenceCount() { int newRefCount = --_referenceCount; if (newRefCount == 0) { if (_viewStorage != this) { _viewStorage.RemoveView(this); } _context.Methods.TextureManager.RemoveTextureFromCache(this); } Debug.Assert(newRefCount >= 0); DeleteIfNotUsed(); } /// /// Delete the texture if it is not used anymore. /// The texture is considered unused when the reference count is zero, /// and it has no child views. /// private void DeleteIfNotUsed() { // We can delete the texture as long it is not being used // in any cache (the reference count is 0 in this case), and // also all views that may be created from this texture were // already deleted (views count is 0). if (_referenceCount == 0 && _views.Count == 0) { DisposeTextures(); } } /// /// Performs texture disposal, deleting the texture. /// private void DisposeTextures() { HostTexture.Dispose(); _arrayViewTexture?.Dispose(); _arrayViewTexture = null; } /// /// Performs texture disposal, deleting the texture. /// public void Dispose() { DisposeTextures(); } } }