diff --git a/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs b/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs
index c297d69a2..516b8254b 100644
--- a/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs
+++ b/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs
@@ -10,16 +10,39 @@ use crate::gpio::sealed::Pin as _;
 use crate::gpio::{AnyPin, Pin as GpioPin};
 use crate::{pac, peripherals, RegExt};
+/// The configuration of a PWM slice.
+/// Note the period in clock cycles of a slice can be computed as:
+/// `(top + 1) * (phase_correct ? 1 : 2) * divider`
 pub struct Config {
+    /// Inverts the PWM output signal on channel A.
     pub invert_a: bool,
+    /// Inverts the PWM output signal on channel B.
     pub invert_b: bool,
+    /// Enables phase-correct mode for PWM operation.
+    /// In phase-correct mode, the PWM signal is generated in such a way that
+    /// the pulse is always centered regardless of the duty cycle.
+    /// The output frequency is halved when phase-correct mode is enabled.
     pub phase_correct: bool,
+    /// Enables the PWM slice, allowing it to generate an output.
     pub enable: bool,
+    /// A fractional clock divider, represented as a fixed-point number with
+    /// 8 integer bits and 4 fractional bits. It allows precise control over
+    /// the PWM output frequency by gating the PWM counter increment.
+    /// A higher value will result in a slower output frequency.
     pub divider: fixed::FixedU16<fixed::types::extra::U4>,
+    /// The output on channel A goes high when `compare_a` is higher than the
+    /// counter. A compare of 0 will produce an always low output, while a
+    /// compare of `top + 1` will produce an always high output.
     pub compare_a: u16,
+    /// The output on channel B goes high when `compare_b` is higher than the
+    /// counter. A compare of 0 will produce an always low output, while a
+    /// compare of `top + 1` will produce an always high output.
     pub compare_b: u16,
+    /// The point at which the counter wraps, representing the maximum possible
+    /// period. The counter will either wrap to 0 or reverse depending on the
+    /// setting of `phase_correct`.
     pub top: u16,
@@ -173,6 +196,9 @@ impl<'d, T: Channel> Pwm<'d, T> {
+    /// Advances a slice’s output phase by one count while it is running
+    /// by inserting a pulse into the clock enable. The counter
+    /// will not count faster than once per cycle.
     pub fn phase_advance(&mut self) {
         let p = self.inner.regs();
@@ -180,6 +206,9 @@ impl<'d, T: Channel> Pwm<'d, T> {
         while p.csr().read().ph_adv() {}
+    /// Retards a slice’s output phase by one count while it is running
+    /// by deleting a pulse from the clock enable. The counter will not
+    /// count backward when clock enable is permenantly low.
     pub fn phase_retard(&mut self) {
         let p = self.inner.regs();