diff --git a/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs b/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs
index a1f400cfb..20b5c4d58 100644
--- a/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs
+++ b/embassy-rp/src/pwm.rs
@@ -81,24 +81,22 @@ impl From<InputMode> for Divmode {
 /// PWM driver.
-pub struct Pwm<'d, T: Slice> {
-    inner: PeripheralRef<'d, T>,
+pub struct Pwm<'d> {
     pin_a: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>,
     pin_b: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>,
+    slice: usize,
-impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
+impl<'d> Pwm<'d> {
     fn new_inner(
-        inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
+        slice: usize,
         a: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>,
         b: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyPin>>,
         b_pull: Pull,
         config: Config,
         divmode: Divmode,
     ) -> Self {
-        into_ref!(inner);
-        let p = inner.regs();
+        let p = pac::PWM.ch(slice);
         p.csr().modify(|w| {
@@ -117,51 +115,67 @@ impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
         Self {
-            inner,
+            // inner: p.into(),
             pin_a: a,
             pin_b: b,
+            slice,
     /// Create PWM driver without any configured pins.
-    pub fn new_free(inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, config: Config) -> Self {
-        Self::new_inner(inner, None, None, Pull::None, config, Divmode::DIV)
+    pub fn new_free<T: Slice>(slice: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, config: Config) -> Self {
+        into_ref!(slice);
+        Self::new_inner(slice.number(), None, None, Pull::None, config, Divmode::DIV)
     /// Create PWM driver with a single 'a' as output.
-    pub fn new_output_a(
-        inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
+    pub fn new_output_a<T: Slice>(
+        slice: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
         a: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelAPin<T>> + 'd,
         config: Config,
     ) -> Self {
-        into_ref!(a);
-        Self::new_inner(inner, Some(a.map_into()), None, Pull::None, config, Divmode::DIV)
+        into_ref!(slice, a);
+        Self::new_inner(
+            slice.number(),
+            Some(a.map_into()),
+            None,
+            Pull::None,
+            config,
+            Divmode::DIV,
+        )
     /// Create PWM driver with a single 'b' pin as output.
-    pub fn new_output_b(
-        inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
+    pub fn new_output_b<T: Slice>(
+        slice: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
         b: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelBPin<T>> + 'd,
         config: Config,
     ) -> Self {
-        into_ref!(b);
-        Self::new_inner(inner, None, Some(b.map_into()), Pull::None, config, Divmode::DIV)
+        into_ref!(slice, b);
+        Self::new_inner(
+            slice.number(),
+            None,
+            Some(b.map_into()),
+            Pull::None,
+            config,
+            Divmode::DIV,
+        )
     /// Create PWM driver with a 'a' and 'b' pins as output.
-    pub fn new_output_ab(
-        inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
+    pub fn new_output_ab<T: Slice>(
+        slice: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
         a: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelAPin<T>> + 'd,
         b: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelBPin<T>> + 'd,
         config: Config,
     ) -> Self {
-        into_ref!(a, b);
+        into_ref!(slice, a, b);
-            inner,
+            slice.number(),
@@ -172,30 +186,30 @@ impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
     /// Create PWM driver with a single 'b' as input pin.
-    pub fn new_input(
-        inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
+    pub fn new_input<T: Slice>(
+        slice: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
         b: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelBPin<T>> + 'd,
         b_pull: Pull,
         mode: InputMode,
         config: Config,
     ) -> Self {
-        into_ref!(b);
-        Self::new_inner(inner, None, Some(b.map_into()), b_pull, config, mode.into())
+        into_ref!(slice, b);
+        Self::new_inner(slice.number(), None, Some(b.map_into()), b_pull, config, mode.into())
     /// Create PWM driver with a 'a' and 'b' pins in the desired input mode.
-    pub fn new_output_input(
-        inner: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
+    pub fn new_output_input<T: Slice>(
+        slice: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
         a: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelAPin<T>> + 'd,
         b: impl Peripheral<P = impl ChannelBPin<T>> + 'd,
         b_pull: Pull,
         mode: InputMode,
         config: Config,
     ) -> Self {
-        into_ref!(a, b);
+        into_ref!(slice, a, b);
-            inner,
+            slice.number(),
@@ -206,7 +220,7 @@ impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
     /// Set the PWM config.
     pub fn set_config(&mut self, config: &Config) {
-        Self::configure(self.inner.regs(), config);
+        Self::configure(pac::PWM.ch(self.slice), config);
     fn configure(p: pac::pwm::Channel, config: &Config) {
@@ -228,22 +242,22 @@ impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
-    /// Advances a slice’s output phase by one count while it is running
+    /// Advances a slice's output phase by one count while it is running
     /// by inserting a pulse into the clock enable. The counter
     /// will not count faster than once per cycle.
     pub fn phase_advance(&mut self) {
-        let p = self.inner.regs();
+        let p = pac::PWM.ch(self.slice);
         p.csr().write_set(|w| w.set_ph_adv(true));
         while p.csr().read().ph_adv() {}
-    /// Retards a slice’s output phase by one count while it is running
+    /// Retards a slice's output phase by one count while it is running
     /// by deleting a pulse from the clock enable. The counter will not
-    /// count backward when clock enable is permenantly low.
+    /// count backward when clock enable is permanently low.
     pub fn phase_retard(&mut self) {
-        let p = self.inner.regs();
+        let p = pac::PWM.ch(self.slice);
         p.csr().write_set(|w| w.set_ph_ret(true));
         while p.csr().read().ph_ret() {}
@@ -251,13 +265,13 @@ impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
     /// Read PWM counter.
     pub fn counter(&self) -> u16 {
-        self.inner.regs().ctr().read().ctr()
+        pac::PWM.ch(self.slice).ctr().read().ctr()
     /// Write PWM counter.
     pub fn set_counter(&self, ctr: u16) {
-        self.inner.regs().ctr().write(|w| w.set_ctr(ctr))
+        pac::PWM.ch(self.slice).ctr().write(|w| w.set_ctr(ctr))
     /// Wait for channel interrupt.
@@ -281,7 +295,7 @@ impl<'d, T: Slice> Pwm<'d, T> {
     fn bit(&self) -> u32 {
-        1 << self.inner.number() as usize
+        1 << self.slice as usize
@@ -291,7 +305,7 @@ pub struct PwmBatch(u32);
 impl PwmBatch {
     /// Enable a PWM slice in this batch.
-    pub fn enable(&mut self, pwm: &Pwm<'_, impl Slice>) {
+    pub fn enable(&mut self, pwm: &Pwm<'_>) {
         self.0 |= pwm.bit();
@@ -308,9 +322,9 @@ impl PwmBatch {
-impl<'d, T: Slice> Drop for Pwm<'d, T> {
+impl<'d> Drop for Pwm<'d> {
     fn drop(&mut self) {
-        self.inner.regs().csr().write_clear(|w| w.set_en(false));
+        pac::PWM.ch(self.slice).csr().write_clear(|w| w.set_en(false));
         if let Some(pin) = &self.pin_a {
             pin.gpio().ctrl().write(|w| w.set_funcsel(31));
@@ -326,19 +340,14 @@ trait SealedSlice {}
 pub trait Slice: Peripheral<P = Self> + SealedSlice + Sized + 'static {
     /// Slice number.
-    fn number(&self) -> u8;
-    /// Slice register block.
-    fn regs(&self) -> pac::pwm::Channel {
-        pac::PWM.ch(self.number() as _)
-    }
+    fn number(&self) -> usize;
 macro_rules! slice {
     ($name:ident, $num:expr) => {
         impl SealedSlice for peripherals::$name {}
         impl Slice for peripherals::$name {
-            fn number(&self) -> u8 {
+            fn number(&self) -> usize {
diff --git a/examples/rp/src/bin/interrupt.rs b/examples/rp/src/bin/interrupt.rs
index d334d35d7..5b9d7027e 100644
--- a/examples/rp/src/bin/interrupt.rs
+++ b/examples/rp/src/bin/interrupt.rs
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use embassy_executor::Spawner;
 use embassy_rp::adc::{self, Adc, Blocking};
 use embassy_rp::gpio::Pull;
 use embassy_rp::interrupt;
-use embassy_rp::peripherals::PWM_SLICE4;
 use embassy_rp::pwm::{Config, Pwm};
 use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::CriticalSectionRawMutex;
 use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::Mutex;
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ use static_cell::StaticCell;
 use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
 static COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
-static PWM: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, RefCell<Option<Pwm<PWM_SLICE4>>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
+static PWM: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, RefCell<Option<Pwm>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
 static ADC: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, RefCell<Option<(Adc<Blocking>, adc::Channel)>>> =
 static ADC_VALUES: Channel<CriticalSectionRawMutex, u16, 2048> = Channel::new();