From 9d783d3b3521e1c1ff228160ee3ebca653bf06f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tim Docker <>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 21:42:17 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] refactor rp usb_serial example to use a task to run the usb

 examples/rp/src/bin/ | 110 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rp/src/bin/ b/examples/rp/src/bin/
index 3c9bc96dd..4a802994a 100644
--- a/examples/rp/src/bin/
+++ b/examples/rp/src/bin/
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
-use defmt::{info, panic};
+use defmt::{info, panic, unwrap};
 use embassy_executor::Spawner;
-use embassy_futures::join::join;
 use embassy_rp::bind_interrupts;
 use embassy_rp::peripherals::USB;
 use embassy_rp::usb::{Driver, Instance, InterruptHandler};
 use embassy_usb::class::cdc_acm::{CdcAcmClass, State};
 use embassy_usb::driver::EndpointError;
-use embassy_usb::{Builder, Config};
+use embassy_usb::UsbDevice;
+use static_cell::StaticCell;
 use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
 bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
-async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
+async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
     info!("Hello there!");
     let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
@@ -30,59 +30,69 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     let driver = Driver::new(p.USB, Irqs);
     // Create embassy-usb Config
-    let mut config = Config::new(0xc0de, 0xcafe);
-    config.manufacturer = Some("Embassy");
-    config.product = Some("USB-serial example");
-    config.serial_number = Some("12345678");
-    config.max_power = 100;
-    config.max_packet_size_0 = 64;
+    let config = {
+        let mut config = embassy_usb::Config::new(0xc0de, 0xcafe);
+        config.manufacturer = Some("Embassy");
+        config.product = Some("USB-serial example");
+        config.serial_number = Some("12345678");
+        config.max_power = 100;
+        config.max_packet_size_0 = 64;
-    // Required for windows compatibility.
-    //
-    config.device_class = 0xEF;
-    config.device_sub_class = 0x02;
-    config.device_protocol = 0x01;
-    config.composite_with_iads = true;
+        // Required for windows compatibility.
+        //
+        config.device_class = 0xEF;
+        config.device_sub_class = 0x02;
+        config.device_protocol = 0x01;
+        config.composite_with_iads = true;
+        config
+    };
     // Create embassy-usb DeviceBuilder using the driver and config.
     // It needs some buffers for building the descriptors.
-    let mut config_descriptor = [0; 256];
-    let mut bos_descriptor = [0; 256];
-    let mut control_buf = [0; 64];
+    let mut builder = {
+        static CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR: StaticCell<[u8; 256]> = StaticCell::new();
+        static BOS_DESCRIPTOR: StaticCell<[u8; 256]> = StaticCell::new();
+        static CONTROL_BUF: StaticCell<[u8; 64]> = StaticCell::new();
-    let mut state = State::new();
-    let mut builder = Builder::new(
-        driver,
-        config,
-        &mut config_descriptor,
-        &mut bos_descriptor,
-        &mut [], // no msos descriptors
-        &mut control_buf,
-    );
-    // Create classes on the builder.
-    let mut class = CdcAcmClass::new(&mut builder, &mut state, 64);
-    // Build the builder.
-    let mut usb =;
-    // Run the USB device.
-    let usb_fut =;
-    // Do stuff with the class!
-    let echo_fut = async {
-        loop {
-            class.wait_connection().await;
-            info!("Connected");
-            let _ = echo(&mut class).await;
-            info!("Disconnected");
-        }
+        let builder = embassy_usb::Builder::new(
+            driver,
+            config,
+            CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR.init([0; 256]),
+            BOS_DESCRIPTOR.init([0; 256]),
+            &mut [], // no msos descriptors
+            CONTROL_BUF.init([0; 64]),
+        );
+        builder
-    // Run everything concurrently.
-    // If we had made everything `'static` above instead, we could do this using separate tasks instead.
-    join(usb_fut, echo_fut).await;
+    // Create classes on the builder.
+    let mut class = {
+        static STATE: StaticCell<State> = StaticCell::new();
+        let state = STATE.init(State::new());
+        CdcAcmClass::new(&mut builder, state, 64)
+    };
+    // Build the builder.
+    let usb =;
+    // Run the USB device.
+    unwrap!(spawner.spawn(usb_task(usb)));
+    // Do stuff with the class!
+    loop {
+        class.wait_connection().await;
+        info!("Connected");
+        let _ = echo(&mut class).await;
+        info!("Disconnected");
+    }
+type MyUsbDriver = Driver<'static, USB>;
+type MyUsbDevice = UsbDevice<'static, MyUsbDriver>;
+async fn usb_task(mut usb: MyUsbDevice) -> ! {
 struct Disconnected {}