From 890e93b4f009afe37b35e211567acfbf58be783a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thales Fragoso <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 21:57:35 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Start working on usb serial

 embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml           |   5 +-
 .../src/bin/                     | 119 ++++++
 embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml                    |   1 +
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                | 338 ++++++++++++++++++
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                    |   7 +
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                    | 130 +++++++
 embassy-stm32f4/src/             | 290 +++++++++++++++
 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/               |  12 +
 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/        |  78 ++++
 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/       |  86 +++++
 10 files changed, 1064 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/

diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml
index 5bbaecc58..e4f2aa7a1 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ cortex-m = "0.7.1"
 cortex-m-rt = "0.6.13"
 embedded-hal    = { version = "0.2.4" }
 panic-probe = "0.1.0"
-stm32f4xx-hal  = { version = "0.8.3", features = ["rt"], git = ""}
+stm32f4xx-hal  = { version = "0.8.3", features = ["rt", "usb_fs"], git = ""}
 futures = { version = "0.3.8", default-features = false, features = ["async-await"] }
 rtt-target = { version = "0.3", features = ["cortex-m"] }
-bxcan = "0.5.0"
\ No newline at end of file
+bxcan = "0.5.0"
+usb-device = "0.2.7"
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2ccb4b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#[path = "../"]
+mod example_common;
+use example_common::*;
+use cortex_m_rt::entry;
+use defmt::panic;
+use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
+use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
+use embassy::util::Forever;
+use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
+use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
+use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
+use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac, rtc};
+use futures::future::{select, Either};
+use futures::pin_mut;
+use stm32f4xx_hal::otg_fs::{UsbBus, USB};
+use stm32f4xx_hal::prelude::*;
+use usb_device::bus::UsbBusAllocator;
+use usb_device::prelude::*;
+async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
+    info!("Async task");
+    let mut read_buf = [0u8; 128];
+    let mut write_buf = [0u8; 128];
+    let serial = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf, &mut write_buf);
+    let device = UsbDeviceBuilder::new(bus, UsbVidPid(0x16c0, 0x27dd))
+        .manufacturer("Fake company")
+        .product("Serial port")
+        .serial_number("TEST")
+        .device_class(0x02)
+        .build();
+    let irq = interrupt::take!(OTG_FS);
+    irq.set_priority(interrupt::Priority::Level3);
+    let usb = Usb::new(device, serial, irq);
+    pin_mut!(usb);
+    let (mut read_interface, mut write_interface) = usb.as_mut().into_ref().take_serial();
+    let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
+    loop {
+        let recv_fut = buf);
+        let timeout = Timer::after(Duration::from_ticks(32768 * 3));
+        match select(recv_fut, timeout).await {
+            Either::Left((recv, _)) => {
+                let recv = unwrap!(recv);
+                unwrap!(write_interface.write_all(&buf[..recv]).await);
+            }
+            Either::Right(_) => {
+                unwrap!(write_interface.write_all(b"Hello\r\n").await);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static RTC: Forever<rtc::RTC<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
+static ALARM: Forever<rtc::Alarm<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
+static EXECUTOR: Forever<Executor> = Forever::new();
+static USB_BUS: Forever<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>> = Forever::new();
+fn main() -> ! {
+    static mut EP_MEMORY: [u32; 1024] = [0; 1024];
+    info!("Hello World!");
+    let p = unwrap!(pac::Peripherals::take());
+    p.RCC.ahb1enr.modify(|_, w| w.dma1en().enabled());
+    let rcc = p.RCC.constrain();
+    let clocks = rcc
+        .cfgr
+        .use_hse(25.mhz())
+        .sysclk(48.mhz())
+        .require_pll48clk()
+        .freeze();
+|_, w| {
+        w.dbg_sleep().set_bit();
+        w.dbg_standby().set_bit();
+        w.dbg_stop().set_bit()
+    });
+    let rtc = RTC.put(rtc::RTC::new(p.TIM2, interrupt::take!(TIM2), clocks));
+    rtc.start();
+    unsafe { embassy::time::set_clock(rtc) };
+    let alarm = ALARM.put(rtc.alarm1());
+    let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new());
+    executor.set_alarm(alarm);
+    let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();
+    let usb = USB {
+        usb_global: p.OTG_FS_GLOBAL,
+        usb_device: p.OTG_FS_DEVICE,
+        usb_pwrclk: p.OTG_FS_PWRCLK,
+        pin_dm: gpioa.pa11.into_alternate_af10(),
+        pin_dp: gpioa.pa12.into_alternate_af10(),
+        hclk: clocks.hclk(),
+    };
+    // Rust analyzer isn't recognizing the static ref magic `cortex-m` does
+    #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+    let usb_bus = USB_BUS.put(UsbBus::new(usb, unsafe { EP_MEMORY }));
+ |spawner| {
+        unwrap!(spawner.spawn(run1(usb_bus)));
+    });
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
index ae3273d67..b39a141b4 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
@@ -41,3 +41,4 @@ embedded-dma    = { version = "0.1.2" }
 stm32f4xx-hal  = { version = "0.8.3", features = ["rt", "can"], git = ""}
 bxcan = "0.5.0"
 nb = "*"
+usb-device = "0.2.7"
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a85b3846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// Copied from
+use core::convert::TryInto;
+use core::mem;
+use usb_device::class_prelude::*;
+use usb_device::Result;
+/// This should be used as `device_class` when building the `UsbDevice`.
+pub const USB_CLASS_CDC: u8 = 0x02;
+const USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA: u8 = 0x0a;
+const CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM: u8 = 0x02;
+const CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE: u8 = 0x00;
+const CS_INTERFACE: u8 = 0x24;
+const CDC_TYPE_HEADER: u8 = 0x00;
+const CDC_TYPE_CALL_MANAGEMENT: u8 = 0x01;
+const CDC_TYPE_ACM: u8 = 0x02;
+const CDC_TYPE_UNION: u8 = 0x06;
+const REQ_SET_LINE_CODING: u8 = 0x20;
+const REQ_GET_LINE_CODING: u8 = 0x21;
+const REQ_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: u8 = 0x22;
+/// Packet level implementation of a CDC-ACM serial port.
+/// This class can be used directly and it has the least overhead due to directly reading and
+/// writing USB packets with no intermediate buffers, but it will not act like a stream-like serial
+/// port. The following constraints must be followed if you use this class directly:
+/// - `read_packet` must be called with a buffer large enough to hold max_packet_size bytes, and the
+///   method will return a `WouldBlock` error if there is no packet to be read.
+/// - `write_packet` must not be called with a buffer larger than max_packet_size bytes, and the
+///   method will return a `WouldBlock` error if the previous packet has not been sent yet.
+/// - If you write a packet that is exactly max_packet_size bytes long, it won't be processed by the
+///   host operating system until a subsequent shorter packet is sent. A zero-length packet (ZLP)
+///   can be sent if there is no other data to send. This is because USB bulk transactions must be
+///   terminated with a short packet, even if the bulk endpoint is used for stream-like data.
+pub struct CdcAcmClass<'a, B: UsbBus> {
+    comm_if: InterfaceNumber,
+    comm_ep: EndpointIn<'a, B>,
+    data_if: InterfaceNumber,
+    read_ep: EndpointOut<'a, B>,
+    write_ep: EndpointIn<'a, B>,
+    line_coding: LineCoding,
+    dtr: bool,
+    rts: bool,
+impl<B: UsbBus> CdcAcmClass<'_, B> {
+    /// Creates a new CdcAcmClass with the provided UsbBus and max_packet_size in bytes. For
+    /// full-speed devices, max_packet_size has to be one of 8, 16, 32 or 64.
+    pub fn new(alloc: &UsbBusAllocator<B>, max_packet_size: u16) -> CdcAcmClass<'_, B> {
+        CdcAcmClass {
+            comm_if: alloc.interface(),
+            comm_ep: alloc.interrupt(8, 255),
+            data_if: alloc.interface(),
+            read_ep: alloc.bulk(max_packet_size),
+            write_ep: alloc.bulk(max_packet_size),
+            line_coding: LineCoding {
+                stop_bits: StopBits::One,
+                data_bits: 8,
+                parity_type: ParityType::None,
+                data_rate: 8_000,
+            },
+            dtr: false,
+            rts: false,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Gets the maximum packet size in bytes.
+    pub fn max_packet_size(&self) -> u16 {
+        // The size is the same for both endpoints.
+        self.read_ep.max_packet_size()
+    }
+    /// Gets the current line coding. The line coding contains information that's mainly relevant
+    /// for USB to UART serial port emulators, and can be ignored if not relevant.
+    pub fn line_coding(&self) -> &LineCoding {
+        &self.line_coding
+    }
+    /// Gets the DTR (data terminal ready) state
+    pub fn dtr(&self) -> bool {
+        self.dtr
+    }
+    /// Gets the RTS (request to send) state
+    pub fn rts(&self) -> bool {
+        self.rts
+    }
+    /// Writes a single packet into the IN endpoint.
+    pub fn write_packet(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
+        self.write_ep.write(data)
+    }
+    /// Reads a single packet from the OUT endpoint.
+    pub fn read_packet(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
+    }
+    /// Gets the address of the IN endpoint.
+    pub fn write_ep_address(&self) -> EndpointAddress {
+        self.write_ep.address()
+    }
+    /// Gets the address of the OUT endpoint.
+    pub fn read_ep_address(&self) -> EndpointAddress {
+        self.read_ep.address()
+    }
+impl<B: UsbBus> UsbClass<B> for CdcAcmClass<'_, B> {
+    fn get_configuration_descriptors(&self, writer: &mut DescriptorWriter) -> Result<()> {
+        writer.iad(
+            self.comm_if,
+            2,
+            USB_CLASS_CDC,
+            CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM,
+            CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE,
+        )?;
+        writer.interface(
+            self.comm_if,
+            USB_CLASS_CDC,
+            CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM,
+            CDC_PROTOCOL_NONE,
+        )?;
+        writer.write(
+            CS_INTERFACE,
+            &[
+                CDC_TYPE_HEADER, // bDescriptorSubtype
+                0x10,
+                0x01, // bcdCDC (1.10)
+            ],
+        )?;
+        writer.write(
+            CS_INTERFACE,
+            &[
+                CDC_TYPE_ACM, // bDescriptorSubtype
+                0x00,         // bmCapabilities
+            ],
+        )?;
+        writer.write(
+            CS_INTERFACE,
+            &[
+                CDC_TYPE_UNION,      // bDescriptorSubtype
+                self.comm_if.into(), // bControlInterface
+                self.data_if.into(), // bSubordinateInterface
+            ],
+        )?;
+        writer.write(
+            CS_INTERFACE,
+            &[
+                CDC_TYPE_CALL_MANAGEMENT, // bDescriptorSubtype
+                0x00,                     // bmCapabilities
+                self.data_if.into(),      // bDataInterface
+            ],
+        )?;
+        writer.endpoint(&self.comm_ep)?;
+        writer.interface(self.data_if, USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA, 0x00, 0x00)?;
+        writer.endpoint(&self.write_ep)?;
+        writer.endpoint(&self.read_ep)?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    fn reset(&mut self) {
+        self.line_coding = LineCoding::default();
+        self.dtr = false;
+        self.rts = false;
+    }
+    fn control_in(&mut self, xfer: ControlIn<B>) {
+        let req = xfer.request();
+        if !(req.request_type == control::RequestType::Class
+            && req.recipient == control::Recipient::Interface
+            && req.index == u8::from(self.comm_if) as u16)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        match req.request {
+            // REQ_GET_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND is not really supported - it will be rejected below.
+            REQ_GET_LINE_CODING if req.length == 7 => {
+                xfer.accept(|data| {
+                    data[0..4].copy_from_slice(&self.line_coding.data_rate.to_le_bytes());
+                    data[4] = self.line_coding.stop_bits as u8;
+                    data[5] = self.line_coding.parity_type as u8;
+                    data[6] = self.line_coding.data_bits;
+                    Ok(7)
+                })
+                .ok();
+            }
+            _ => {
+                xfer.reject().ok();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn control_out(&mut self, xfer: ControlOut<B>) {
+        let req = xfer.request();
+        if !(req.request_type == control::RequestType::Class
+            && req.recipient == control::Recipient::Interface
+            && req.index == u8::from(self.comm_if) as u16)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        match req.request {
+                // We don't actually support encapsulated commands but pretend we do for standards
+                // compatibility.
+                xfer.accept().ok();
+            }
+            REQ_SET_LINE_CODING if >= 7 => {
+                self.line_coding.data_rate =
+                    u32::from_le_bytes([0..4].try_into().unwrap());
+                self.line_coding.stop_bits =[4].into();
+                self.line_coding.parity_type =[5].into();
+                self.line_coding.data_bits =[6];
+                xfer.accept().ok();
+            }
+            REQ_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE => {
+                self.dtr = (req.value & 0x0001) != 0;
+                self.rts = (req.value & 0x0002) != 0;
+                xfer.accept().ok();
+            }
+            _ => {
+                xfer.reject().ok();
+            }
+        };
+    }
+/// Number of stop bits for LineCoding
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum StopBits {
+    /// 1 stop bit
+    One = 0,
+    /// 1.5 stop bits
+    OnePointFive = 1,
+    /// 2 stop bits
+    Two = 2,
+impl From<u8> for StopBits {
+    fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
+        if value <= 2 {
+            unsafe { mem::transmute(value) }
+        } else {
+            StopBits::One
+        }
+    }
+/// Parity for LineCoding
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum ParityType {
+    None = 0,
+    Odd = 1,
+    Event = 2,
+    Mark = 3,
+    Space = 4,
+impl From<u8> for ParityType {
+    fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
+        if value <= 4 {
+            unsafe { mem::transmute(value) }
+        } else {
+            ParityType::None
+        }
+    }
+/// Line coding parameters
+/// This is provided by the host for specifying the standard UART parameters such as baud rate. Can
+/// be ignored if you don't plan to interface with a physical UART.
+pub struct LineCoding {
+    stop_bits: StopBits,
+    data_bits: u8,
+    parity_type: ParityType,
+    data_rate: u32,
+impl LineCoding {
+    /// Gets the number of stop bits for UART communication.
+    pub fn stop_bits(&self) -> StopBits {
+        self.stop_bits
+    }
+    /// Gets the number of data bits for UART communication.
+    pub fn data_bits(&self) -> u8 {
+        self.data_bits
+    }
+    /// Gets the parity type for UART communication.
+    pub fn parity_type(&self) -> ParityType {
+        self.parity_type
+    }
+    /// Gets the data rate in bits per second for UART communication.
+    pub fn data_rate(&self) -> u32 {
+        self.data_rate
+    }
+impl Default for LineCoding {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        LineCoding {
+            stop_bits: StopBits::One,
+            data_bits: 8,
+            parity_type: ParityType::None,
+            data_rate: 8_000,
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index 0d490525c..1788f5e77 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -316,3 +316,10 @@ pub mod exti;
 pub mod qei;
 pub mod rtc;
 pub mod serial;
+pub mod usb;
+pub mod usb_serial;
+pub mod util;
+pub(crate) mod cdc_acm;
+pub use cortex_m_rt::interrupt;
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..613b9ecb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+use core::cell::RefCell;
+use core::marker::PhantomData;
+use core::pin::Pin;
+use usb_device::bus::UsbBus;
+use usb_device::class::UsbClass;
+use usb_device::device::UsbDevice;
+use crate::interrupt;
+use crate::usb_serial::{ReadInterface, UsbSerial, WriteInterface};
+use crate::util::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
+pub struct State<'bus, B: UsbBus, T: ClassSet<B>> {
+    device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
+    pub(crate) classes: T,
+pub struct Usb<'bus, B: UsbBus, T: ClassSet<B>> {
+    // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
+    inner: RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
+impl<'bus, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: ClassSet<B>,
+    pub fn new<S: IntoClassSet<B, T>>(
+        device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
+        class_set: S,
+        irq: interrupt::OTG_FSInterrupt,
+    ) -> Self {
+        let state = State {
+            device,
+            classes: class_set.into_class_set(),
+        };
+        let mutex = PeripheralMutex::new(state, irq);
+        Self {
+            inner: RefCell::new(mutex),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn start(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
+        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
+        let mut mutex = this.inner.borrow_mut();
+        let mutex = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *mutex) };
+        // Use inner to register the irq
+        mutex.with(|_, _| {});
+    }
+impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B>,
+    pub fn take_serial<'a>(
+        self: Pin<&'a Self>,
+    ) -> (
+        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>,
+        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>,
+    ) {
+        let this = self.get_ref();
+        let r = ReadInterface {
+            inner: &this.inner,
+            _buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
+        };
+        let w = WriteInterface {
+            inner: &this.inner,
+            _buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
+        };
+        (r, w)
+    }
+impl<'bus, B, T> PeripheralState for State<'bus, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: ClassSet<B>,
+    type Interrupt = interrupt::OTG_FSInterrupt;
+    fn on_interrupt(&mut self) {
+        self.classes.poll_all(&mut self.device);
+    }
+pub trait ClassSet<B: UsbBus> {
+    fn poll_all(&mut self, device: &mut UsbDevice<'_, B>) -> bool;
+pub trait IntoClassSet<B: UsbBus, C: ClassSet<B>> {
+    fn into_class_set(self) -> C;
+pub struct ClassSet1<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> {
+    class: T,
+    _bus: PhantomData<B>,
+impl<B, T> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet1<B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: UsbClass<B>,
+    fn poll_all(&mut self, device: &mut UsbDevice<'_, B>) -> bool {
+        device.poll(&mut [&mut self.class])
+    }
+impl<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, T>> for T {
+    fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet1<B, T> {
+        ClassSet1 {
+            class: self,
+            _bus: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+pub trait SerialState<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> {
+    fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>;
+impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B> for ClassSet1<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>> {
+    fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
+        &mut self.class
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..284d7e5f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+use core::cell::RefCell;
+use core::marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned};
+use core::pin::Pin;
+use core::task::{Context, Poll};
+use embassy::io::{self, AsyncBufRead, AsyncWrite};
+use embassy::util::WakerRegistration;
+use usb_device::bus::UsbBus;
+use usb_device::class_prelude::*;
+use usb_device::UsbError;
+use crate::cdc_acm::CdcAcmClass;
+use crate::usb::{ClassSet, SerialState, State};
+use crate::util::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
+use crate::util::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
+pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B: UsbBus, T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>> {
+    // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
+    pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
+    pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
+/// Write interface for USB CDC_ACM
+/// This interface is buffered, meaning that after the write returns the bytes might not be fully
+/// on the wire just yet
+pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B: UsbBus, T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>> {
+    // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
+    pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
+    pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
+impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>,
+    fn poll_fill_buf(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<&[u8]>> {
+        let this = self.get_mut();
+        let mut mutex = this.inner.borrow_mut();
+        let mutex = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *mutex) };
+        mutex.with(|state, _irq| {
+            let serial = state.classes.get_serial();
+            let serial = Pin::new(serial);
+            match serial.poll_fill_buf(cx) {
+                Poll::Ready(Ok(buf)) => {
+                    let buf: &[u8] = buf;
+                    let buf: &[u8] = unsafe { core::mem::transmute(buf) };
+                    Poll::Ready(Ok(buf))
+                }
+                Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::Other)),
+                Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
+            }
+        })
+    }
+    fn consume(self: Pin<&mut Self>, amt: usize) {
+        let this = self.get_mut();
+        let mut mutex = this.inner.borrow_mut();
+        let mutex = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *mutex) };
+        mutex.with(|state, _irq| {
+            let serial = state.classes.get_serial();
+            let serial = Pin::new(serial);
+            serial.consume(amt);
+        })
+    }
+impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>,
+    fn poll_write(
+        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
+        buf: &[u8],
+    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
+        let this = self.get_mut();
+        let mut mutex = this.inner.borrow_mut();
+        let mutex = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *mutex) };
+        mutex.with(|state, _irq| {
+            let serial = state.classes.get_serial();
+            let serial = Pin::new(serial);
+            serial.poll_write(cx, buf)
+        })
+    }
+pub struct UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> {
+    inner: CdcAcmClass<'bus, B>,
+    read_buf: RingBuffer<'a>,
+    write_buf: RingBuffer<'a>,
+    read_waker: WakerRegistration,
+    write_waker: WakerRegistration,
+    write_state: WriteState,
+    read_error: bool,
+    write_error: bool,
+impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> AsyncBufRead for UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
+    fn poll_fill_buf(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<&[u8]>> {
+        let this = self.get_mut();
+        if this.read_error {
+            this.read_error = false;
+            return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::Other));
+        }
+        let buf = this.read_buf.pop_buf();
+        if buf.is_empty() {
+            this.read_waker.register(cx.waker());
+            return Poll::Pending;
+        }
+        Poll::Ready(Ok(buf))
+    }
+    fn consume(self: Pin<&mut Self>, amt: usize) {
+        self.get_mut().read_buf.pop(amt);
+    }
+impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> AsyncWrite for UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
+    fn poll_write(
+        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
+        buf: &[u8],
+    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
+        let this = self.get_mut();
+        if this.write_error {
+            this.write_error = false;
+            return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::Other));
+        }
+        let write_buf = this.write_buf.push_buf();
+        if write_buf.is_empty() {
+            this.write_waker.register(cx.waker());
+            return Poll::Pending;
+        }
+        let count = write_buf.len().min(buf.len());
+        write_buf[..count].copy_from_slice(&buf[..count]);
+        this.write_buf.push(count);
+        this.flush_write();
+        Poll::Ready(Ok(count))
+    }
+/// Keeps track of the type of the last written packet.
+enum WriteState {
+    /// No packets in-flight
+    Idle,
+    /// Short packet currently in-flight
+    Short,
+    /// Full packet current in-flight. A full packet must be followed by a short packet for the host
+    /// OS to see the transaction. The data is the number of subsequent full packets sent so far. A
+    /// short packet is forced every SHORT_PACKET_INTERVAL packets so that the OS sees data in a
+    /// timely manner.
+    Full(usize),
+impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
+    pub fn new(
+        alloc: &'bus UsbBusAllocator<B>,
+        read_buf: &'a mut [u8],
+        write_buf: &'a mut [u8],
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            inner: CdcAcmClass::new(alloc, 64),
+            read_buf: RingBuffer::new(read_buf),
+            write_buf: RingBuffer::new(write_buf),
+            read_waker: WakerRegistration::new(),
+            write_waker: WakerRegistration::new(),
+            write_state: WriteState::Idle,
+            read_error: false,
+            write_error: false,
+        }
+    }
+    fn flush_write(&mut self) {
+        /// If this many full size packets have been sent in a row, a short packet will be sent so that the
+        /// host sees the data in a timely manner.
+        const SHORT_PACKET_INTERVAL: usize = 10;
+        let full_size_packets = match self.write_state {
+            WriteState::Full(c) => c,
+            _ => 0,
+        };
+        let ep_size = self.inner.max_packet_size() as usize;
+        let max_size = if full_size_packets > SHORT_PACKET_INTERVAL {
+            ep_size - 1
+        } else {
+            ep_size
+        };
+        let buf = {
+            let buf = self.write_buf.pop_buf();
+            if buf.len() > max_size {
+                &buf[..max_size]
+            } else {
+                buf
+            }
+        };
+        if !buf.is_empty() {
+            let count = match self.inner.write_packet(buf) {
+                Ok(c) => c,
+                Err(UsbError::WouldBlock) => 0,
+                Err(_) => {
+                    self.write_error = true;
+                    return;
+                }
+            };
+            if buf.len() == ep_size {
+                self.write_state = WriteState::Full(full_size_packets + 1);
+            } else {
+                self.write_state = WriteState::Short;
+            }
+            self.write_buf.pop(count);
+        } else if full_size_packets > 0 {
+            if let Err(e) = self.inner.write_packet(&[]) {
+                if !matches!(e, UsbError::WouldBlock) {
+                    self.write_error = true;
+                }
+                return;
+            }
+            self.write_state = WriteState::Idle;
+        }
+    }
+impl<B> UsbClass<B> for UsbSerial<'_, '_, B>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    fn get_configuration_descriptors(&self, writer: &mut DescriptorWriter) -> Result<(), UsbError> {
+        self.inner.get_configuration_descriptors(writer)
+    }
+    fn reset(&mut self) {
+        self.inner.reset();
+        self.read_buf.clear();
+        self.write_buf.clear();
+        self.write_state = WriteState::Idle;
+    }
+    fn endpoint_in_complete(&mut self, addr: EndpointAddress) {
+        if addr == self.inner.write_ep_address() {
+            self.write_waker.wake();
+            self.flush_write();
+        }
+    }
+    fn endpoint_out(&mut self, addr: EndpointAddress) {
+        if addr == self.inner.read_ep_address() {
+            let buf = self.read_buf.push_buf();
+            let count = match self.inner.read_packet(buf) {
+                Ok(c) => c,
+                Err(UsbError::WouldBlock) => 0,
+                Err(_) => {
+                    self.read_error = true;
+                    return;
+                }
+            };
+            if count > 0 {
+                self.read_buf.push(count);
+                self.read_waker.wake();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn control_in(&mut self, xfer: ControlIn<B>) {
+        self.inner.control_in(xfer);
+    }
+    fn control_out(&mut self, xfer: ControlOut<B>) {
+        self.inner.control_out(xfer);
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf3306545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+pub mod peripheral;
+pub mod ring_buffer;
+/// Low power blocking wait loop using WFE/SEV.
+pub fn low_power_wait_until(mut condition: impl FnMut() -> bool) {
+    while !condition() {
+        // WFE might "eat" an event that would have otherwise woken the executor.
+        cortex_m::asm::wfe();
+    }
+    // Retrigger an event to be transparent to the executor.
+    cortex_m::asm::sev();
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2c7912ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
+use core::marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned};
+use core::pin::Pin;
+use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering};
+use crate::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
+pub trait PeripheralState {
+    type Interrupt: OwnedInterrupt;
+    fn on_interrupt(&mut self);
+pub struct PeripheralMutex<S: PeripheralState> {
+    inner: Option<(UnsafeCell<S>, S::Interrupt)>,
+    _not_send: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
+    _pinned: PhantomPinned,
+impl<S: PeripheralState> PeripheralMutex<S> {
+    pub fn new(state: S, irq: S::Interrupt) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            inner: Some((UnsafeCell::new(state), irq)),
+            _not_send: PhantomData,
+            _pinned: PhantomPinned,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn with<R>(self: Pin<&mut Self>, f: impl FnOnce(&mut S, &mut S::Interrupt) -> R) -> R {
+        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
+        let (state, irq) = unwrap!(this.inner.as_mut());
+        irq.disable();
+        compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+        irq.set_handler(
+            |p| {
+                // Safety: it's OK to get a &mut to the state, since
+                // - We're in the IRQ, no one else can't preempt us
+                // - We can't have preempted a with() call because the irq is disabled during it.
+                let state = unsafe { &mut *(p as *mut S) };
+                state.on_interrupt();
+            },
+            state.get() as *mut (),
+        );
+        // Safety: it's OK to get a &mut to the state, since the irq is disabled.
+        let state = unsafe { &mut *state.get() };
+        let r = f(state, irq);
+        compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+        irq.enable();
+        r
+    }
+    pub fn try_free(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Option<(S, S::Interrupt)> {
+        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
+        this.inner.take().map(|(state, irq)| {
+            irq.disable();
+            irq.remove_handler();
+            (state.into_inner(), irq)
+        })
+    }
+    pub fn free(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> (S, S::Interrupt) {
+        unwrap!(self.try_free())
+    }
+impl<S: PeripheralState> Drop for PeripheralMutex<S> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        if let Some((_state, irq)) = &mut self.inner {
+            irq.disable();
+            irq.remove_handler();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ef66f00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+use crate::fmt::{assert, *};
+pub struct RingBuffer<'a> {
+    buf: &'a mut [u8],
+    start: usize,
+    end: usize,
+    empty: bool,
+impl<'a> RingBuffer<'a> {
+    pub fn new(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            buf,
+            start: 0,
+            end: 0,
+            empty: true,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn push_buf(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+        if self.start == self.end && !self.empty {
+            trace!("  ringbuf: push_buf empty");
+            return &mut self.buf[..0];
+        }
+        let n = if self.start <= self.end {
+            self.buf.len() - self.end
+        } else {
+            self.start - self.end
+        };
+        trace!("  ringbuf: push_buf {:?}..{:?}", self.end, self.end + n);
+        &mut self.buf[self.end..self.end + n]
+    }
+    pub fn push(&mut self, n: usize) {
+        trace!("  ringbuf: push {:?}", n);
+        if n == 0 {
+            return;
+        }
+        self.end = self.wrap(self.end + n);
+        self.empty = false;
+    }
+    pub fn pop_buf(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+        if self.empty {
+            trace!("  ringbuf: pop_buf empty");
+            return &mut self.buf[..0];
+        }
+        let n = if self.end <= self.start {
+            self.buf.len() - self.start
+        } else {
+            self.end - self.start
+        };
+        trace!("  ringbuf: pop_buf {:?}..{:?}", self.start, self.start + n);
+        &mut self.buf[self.start..self.start + n]
+    }
+    pub fn pop(&mut self, n: usize) {
+        trace!("  ringbuf: pop {:?}", n);
+        if n == 0 {
+            return;
+        }
+        self.start = self.wrap(self.start + n);
+        self.empty = self.start == self.end;
+    }
+    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+        self.start = 0;
+        self.end = 0;
+        self.empty = true;
+    }
+    fn wrap(&self, n: usize) -> usize {
+        assert!(n <= self.buf.len());
+        if n == self.buf.len() {
+            0
+        } else {
+            n
+        }
+    }

From c4e79f66ea6e0d61c1b29bd2ca8ee1da15d8f7ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thales Fragoso <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2021 23:36:08 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Change ClassSet indexing and tune up example

Example doesn't work with F401 because it doesn't have enough usb endpoints
 .../src/bin/                     |  83 +++++++----
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                    | 136 ++++++++++++++++--
 embassy-stm32f4/src/             |  28 +++-
 3 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
index d2ccb4b21..cf04c772e 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ use cortex_m_rt::entry;
 use defmt::panic;
 use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
 use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
-use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
 use embassy::util::Forever;
 use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
-use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac, rtc};
+use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac};
 use futures::future::{select, Either};
 use futures::pin_mut;
 use stm32f4xx_hal::otg_fs::{UsbBus, USB};
@@ -27,44 +26,81 @@ use usb_device::prelude::*;
 async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
     info!("Async task");
-    let mut read_buf = [0u8; 128];
-    let mut write_buf = [0u8; 128];
-    let serial = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf, &mut write_buf);
+    let mut read_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
+    let mut write_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
+    let serial1 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf1, &mut write_buf1);
+    let mut read_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
+    let mut write_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
+    let serial2 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf2, &mut write_buf2);
     let device = UsbDeviceBuilder::new(bus, UsbVidPid(0x16c0, 0x27dd))
         .manufacturer("Fake company")
         .product("Serial port")
-        .device_class(0x02)
+        //.device_class(0x02)
     let irq = interrupt::take!(OTG_FS);
-    let usb = Usb::new(device, serial, irq);
+    let usb = Usb::new(device, (serial1, serial2), irq);
-    let (mut read_interface, mut write_interface) = usb.as_mut().into_ref().take_serial();
+    let (mut read_interface1, mut write_interface1) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
+    let (mut read_interface2, mut write_interface2) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_1();
+    let mut buf1 = [0u8; 64];
+    let mut buf2 = [0u8; 64];
-    let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
     loop {
-        let recv_fut = buf);
-        let timeout = Timer::after(Duration::from_ticks(32768 * 3));
+        let mut n1 = 0;
+        let mut n2 = 0;
+        let left = {
+            let read_line1 = async {
+                loop {
+                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface1.read_byte().await);
+                    unwrap!(write_interface1.write_byte(byte).await);
+                    buf1[n1] = byte;
-        match select(recv_fut, timeout).await {
-            Either::Left((recv, _)) => {
-                let recv = unwrap!(recv);
-                unwrap!(write_interface.write_all(&buf[..recv]).await);
-            }
-            Either::Right(_) => {
-                unwrap!(write_interface.write_all(b"Hello\r\n").await);
+                    n1 += 1;
+                    if byte == b'\n' || n1 == buf1.len() {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            pin_mut!(read_line1);
+            let read_line2 = async {
+                loop {
+                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface2.read_byte().await);
+                    unwrap!(write_interface2.write_byte(byte).await);
+                    buf2[n2] = byte;
+                    n2 += 1;
+                    if byte == b'\n' || n2 == buf2.len() {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            pin_mut!(read_line2);
+            match select(read_line1, read_line2).await {
+                Either::Left(_) => true,
+                Either::Right(_) => false,
+        };
+        if left {
+            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(&buf1[..n1]).await);
+        } else {
+            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(&buf2[..n2]).await);
-static RTC: Forever<rtc::RTC<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
-static ALARM: Forever<rtc::Alarm<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
 static EXECUTOR: Forever<Executor> = Forever::new();
 static USB_BUS: Forever<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>> = Forever::new();
@@ -91,14 +127,7 @@ fn main() -> ! {
-    let rtc = RTC.put(rtc::RTC::new(p.TIM2, interrupt::take!(TIM2), clocks));
-    rtc.start();
-    unsafe { embassy::time::set_clock(rtc) };
-    let alarm = ALARM.put(rtc.alarm1());
     let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new());
-    executor.set_alarm(alarm);
     let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();
     let usb = USB {
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index 613b9ecb7..9e7411562 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -10,12 +10,20 @@ use crate::interrupt;
 use crate::usb_serial::{ReadInterface, UsbSerial, WriteInterface};
 use crate::util::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
-pub struct State<'bus, B: UsbBus, T: ClassSet<B>> {
+pub struct State<'bus, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: ClassSet<B>,
     device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
     pub(crate) classes: T,
-pub struct Usb<'bus, B: UsbBus, T: ClassSet<B>> {
+pub struct Usb<'bus, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: ClassSet<B>,
     // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
     inner: RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
@@ -53,24 +61,54 @@ where
 impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
     B: UsbBus,
-    T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B>,
+    T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, Index0>,
-    pub fn take_serial<'a>(
+    pub fn take_serial_0<'a>(
         self: Pin<&'a Self>,
     ) -> (
-        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>,
-        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>,
+        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T>,
+        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T>,
     ) {
         let this = self.get_ref();
         let r = ReadInterface {
             inner: &this.inner,
             _buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
+            _index: PhantomData,
         let w = WriteInterface {
             inner: &this.inner,
             _buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
+            _index: PhantomData,
+        };
+        (r, w)
+    }
+impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, Index1>,
+    pub fn take_serial_1<'a>(
+        self: Pin<&'a Self>,
+    ) -> (
+        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T>,
+        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T>,
+    ) {
+        let this = self.get_ref();
+        let r = ReadInterface {
+            inner: &this.inner,
+            _buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
+            _index: PhantomData,
+        };
+        let w = WriteInterface {
+            inner: &this.inner,
+            _buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
+            _index: PhantomData,
         (r, w)
@@ -95,23 +133,56 @@ pub trait IntoClassSet<B: UsbBus, C: ClassSet<B>> {
     fn into_class_set(self) -> C;
-pub struct ClassSet1<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> {
-    class: T,
+pub struct ClassSet1<B, C1>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
+    class: C1,
     _bus: PhantomData<B>,
-impl<B, T> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet1<B, T>
+pub struct ClassSet2<B, C1, C2>
     B: UsbBus,
-    T: UsbClass<B>,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
+    C2: UsbClass<B>,
+    class1: C1,
+    class2: C2,
+    _bus: PhantomData<B>,
+pub struct Index0;
+pub struct Index1;
+impl<B, C1> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet1<B, C1>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
     fn poll_all(&mut self, device: &mut UsbDevice<'_, B>) -> bool {
         device.poll(&mut [&mut self.class])
-impl<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, T>> for T {
-    fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet1<B, T> {
+impl<B, C1, C2> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet2<B, C1, C2>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
+    C2: UsbClass<B>,
+    fn poll_all(&mut self, device: &mut UsbDevice<'_, B>) -> bool {
+        device.poll(&mut [&mut self.class1, &mut self.class2])
+    }
+impl<B, C1> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, C1>> for C1
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
+    fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet1<B, C1> {
         ClassSet1 {
             class: self,
             _bus: PhantomData,
@@ -119,12 +190,49 @@ impl<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, T>> for T {
-pub trait SerialState<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> {
+impl<B, C1, C2> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet2<B, C1, C2>> for (C1, C2)
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
+    C2: UsbClass<B>,
+    fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet2<B, C1, C2> {
+        ClassSet2 {
+            class1: self.0,
+            class2: self.1,
+            _bus: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+pub trait SerialState<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus, I> {
     fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>;
-impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B> for ClassSet1<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>> {
+impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B, Index0>
+    for ClassSet1<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>>
     fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
         &mut self.class
+impl<'bus, 'a, B, C2> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B, Index0> for ClassSet2<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>, C2>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C2: UsbClass<B>,
+    fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
+        &mut self.class1
+    }
+impl<'bus, 'a, B, C1> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B, Index1> for ClassSet2<B, C1, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>>
+    B: UsbBus,
+    C1: UsbClass<B>,
+    fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
+        &mut self.class2
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index 284d7e5f6..bacc886d8 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 use core::cell::RefCell;
-use core::marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned};
+use core::marker::{PhantomData, Unpin};
 use core::pin::Pin;
 use core::task::{Context, Poll};
@@ -14,26 +14,39 @@ use crate::usb::{ClassSet, SerialState, State};
 use crate::util::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
 use crate::util::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
-pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B: UsbBus, T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>> {
+pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+    I: Unpin,
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
     // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
     pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
     pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
+    pub(crate) _index: PhantomData<I>,
 /// Write interface for USB CDC_ACM
 /// This interface is buffered, meaning that after the write returns the bytes might not be fully
 /// on the wire just yet
-pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B: UsbBus, T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>> {
+pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+    I: Unpin,
+    B: UsbBus,
+    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
     // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
     pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
     pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
+    pub(crate) _index: PhantomData<I>,
-impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>
+impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+    I: Unpin,
     B: UsbBus,
-    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>,
+    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
     fn poll_fill_buf(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<&[u8]>> {
         let this = self.get_mut();
@@ -68,10 +81,11 @@ where
-impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>
+impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+    I: Unpin,
     B: UsbBus,
-    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>,
+    T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
     fn poll_write(
         self: Pin<&mut Self>,

From a39dea4d98232c9b27608d183b4cd14f2b05ad53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thales Fragoso <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 00:09:41 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Bring back old usb example

 .../src/bin/                     |  79 +++++-----
 .../src/bin/                    | 148 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/

diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
index cf04c772e..90139c5ac 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ use cortex_m_rt::entry;
 use defmt::panic;
 use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
 use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
 use embassy::util::Forever;
 use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
-use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac};
+use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac, rtc};
 use futures::future::{select, Either};
 use futures::pin_mut;
 use stm32f4xx_hal::otg_fs::{UsbBus, USB};
@@ -26,81 +27,68 @@ use usb_device::prelude::*;
 async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
     info!("Async task");
-    let mut read_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
-    let mut write_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
-    let serial1 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf1, &mut write_buf1);
-    let mut read_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
-    let mut write_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
-    let serial2 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf2, &mut write_buf2);
+    let mut read_buf = [0u8; 128];
+    let mut write_buf = [0u8; 128];
+    let serial = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf, &mut write_buf);
     let device = UsbDeviceBuilder::new(bus, UsbVidPid(0x16c0, 0x27dd))
         .manufacturer("Fake company")
         .product("Serial port")
-        //.device_class(0x02)
+        .device_class(0x02)
     let irq = interrupt::take!(OTG_FS);
-    let usb = Usb::new(device, (serial1, serial2), irq);
+    let usb = Usb::new(device, serial, irq);
-    let (mut read_interface1, mut write_interface1) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
-    let (mut read_interface2, mut write_interface2) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_1();
-    let mut buf1 = [0u8; 64];
-    let mut buf2 = [0u8; 64];
+    let (mut read_interface, mut write_interface) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
+    let mut buf = [0u8; 64];
     loop {
-        let mut n1 = 0;
-        let mut n2 = 0;
+        let mut n = 0;
         let left = {
-            let read_line1 = async {
+            let recv_fut = async {
                 loop {
-                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface1.read_byte().await);
-                    unwrap!(write_interface1.write_byte(byte).await);
-                    buf1[n1] = byte;
+                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface.read_byte().await);
+                    unwrap!(write_interface.write_byte(byte).await);
+                    buf[n] = byte;
-                    n1 += 1;
-                    if byte == b'\n' || n1 == buf1.len() {
+                    n += 1;
+                    if byte == b'\n' || byte == b'\r' || n == buf.len() {
-            pin_mut!(read_line1);
+            pin_mut!(recv_fut);
-            let read_line2 = async {
-                loop {
-                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface2.read_byte().await);
-                    unwrap!(write_interface2.write_byte(byte).await);
-                    buf2[n2] = byte;
+            let timeout = Timer::after(Duration::from_ticks(32768 * 10));
-                    n2 += 1;
-                    if byte == b'\n' || n2 == buf2.len() {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            pin_mut!(read_line2);
-            match select(read_line1, read_line2).await {
+            match select(recv_fut, timeout).await {
                 Either::Left(_) => true,
                 Either::Right(_) => false,
         if left {
-            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
-            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(&buf1[..n1]).await);
+            for c in buf[..n].iter_mut() {
+                if 0x61 <= *c && *c <= 0x7a {
+                    *c &= !0x20;
+                }
+            }
+            unwrap!(write_interface.write_byte(b'\n').await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface.write_all(&buf[..n]).await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface.write_byte(b'\n').await);
         } else {
-            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
-            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(&buf2[..n2]).await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface.write_all(b"\r\nSend something\r\n").await);
+static RTC: Forever<rtc::RTC<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
+static ALARM: Forever<rtc::Alarm<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
 static EXECUTOR: Forever<Executor> = Forever::new();
 static USB_BUS: Forever<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>> = Forever::new();
@@ -127,7 +115,14 @@ fn main() -> ! {
+    let rtc = RTC.put(rtc::RTC::new(p.TIM2, interrupt::take!(TIM2), clocks));
+    rtc.start();
+    unsafe { embassy::time::set_clock(rtc) };
+    let alarm = ALARM.put(rtc.alarm1());
     let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new());
+    executor.set_alarm(alarm);
     let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();
     let usb = USB {
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79e323ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#[path = "../"]
+mod example_common;
+use example_common::*;
+use cortex_m_rt::entry;
+use defmt::panic;
+use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
+use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use embassy::util::Forever;
+use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
+use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
+use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
+use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac};
+use futures::future::{select, Either};
+use futures::pin_mut;
+use stm32f4xx_hal::otg_fs::{UsbBus, USB};
+use stm32f4xx_hal::prelude::*;
+use usb_device::bus::UsbBusAllocator;
+use usb_device::prelude::*;
+async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
+    info!("Async task");
+    let mut read_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
+    let mut write_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
+    let serial1 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf1, &mut write_buf1);
+    let mut read_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
+    let mut write_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
+    let serial2 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf2, &mut write_buf2);
+    let device = UsbDeviceBuilder::new(bus, UsbVidPid(0x16c0, 0x27dd))
+        .manufacturer("Fake company")
+        .product("Serial port")
+        .serial_number("TEST")
+        //.device_class(0x02)
+        .build();
+    let irq = interrupt::take!(OTG_FS);
+    irq.set_priority(interrupt::Priority::Level3);
+    let usb = Usb::new(device, (serial1, serial2), irq);
+    pin_mut!(usb);
+    let (mut read_interface1, mut write_interface1) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
+    let (mut read_interface2, mut write_interface2) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_1();
+    let mut buf1 = [0u8; 64];
+    let mut buf2 = [0u8; 64];
+    loop {
+        let mut n1 = 0;
+        let mut n2 = 0;
+        let left = {
+            let read_line1 = async {
+                loop {
+                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface1.read_byte().await);
+                    unwrap!(write_interface1.write_byte(byte).await);
+                    buf1[n1] = byte;
+                    n1 += 1;
+                    if byte == b'\n' || byte == b'\r' || n1 == buf1.len() {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            pin_mut!(read_line1);
+            let read_line2 = async {
+                loop {
+                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface2.read_byte().await);
+                    unwrap!(write_interface2.write_byte(byte).await);
+                    buf2[n2] = byte;
+                    n2 += 1;
+                    if byte == b'\n' || byte == b'\r' || n2 == buf2.len() {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            pin_mut!(read_line2);
+            match select(read_line1, read_line2).await {
+                Either::Left(_) => true,
+                Either::Right(_) => false,
+            }
+        };
+        if left {
+            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(&buf1[..n1]).await);
+        } else {
+            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
+            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(&buf2[..n2]).await);
+        }
+    }
+static EXECUTOR: Forever<Executor> = Forever::new();
+static USB_BUS: Forever<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>> = Forever::new();
+fn main() -> ! {
+    static mut EP_MEMORY: [u32; 1024] = [0; 1024];
+    info!("Hello World!");
+    let p = unwrap!(pac::Peripherals::take());
+    p.RCC.ahb1enr.modify(|_, w| w.dma1en().enabled());
+    let rcc = p.RCC.constrain();
+    let clocks = rcc
+        .cfgr
+        .use_hse(25.mhz())
+        .sysclk(48.mhz())
+        .require_pll48clk()
+        .freeze();
+|_, w| {
+        w.dbg_sleep().set_bit();
+        w.dbg_standby().set_bit();
+        w.dbg_stop().set_bit()
+    });
+    let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new());
+    let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();
+    let usb = USB {
+        usb_global: p.OTG_FS_GLOBAL,
+        usb_device: p.OTG_FS_DEVICE,
+        usb_pwrclk: p.OTG_FS_PWRCLK,
+        pin_dm: gpioa.pa11.into_alternate_af10(),
+        pin_dp: gpioa.pa12.into_alternate_af10(),
+        hclk: clocks.hclk(),
+    };
+    // Rust analyzer isn't recognizing the static ref magic `cortex-m` does
+    #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+    let usb_bus = USB_BUS.put(UsbBus::new(usb, unsafe { EP_MEMORY }));
+ |spawner| {
+        unwrap!(spawner.spawn(run1(usb_bus)));
+    });

From 615bb33dcb3c09b1c53ce500fe402610c06427aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thales Fragoso <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2021 21:30:03 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] USB: Use updated PeripheralMutex

 embassy-extras/src/             |  6 ++
 embassy-stm32/src/                |  2 +-
 .../src/bin/                     |  2 +-
 .../src/bin/                    |  2 +-
 embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml                    |  2 +
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                    |  1 -
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                    |  8 +-
 embassy-stm32f4/src/             |  4 +-
 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/               | 12 ---
 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/        | 78 -----------------
 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/       | 86 -------------------
 11 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
 delete mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
 delete mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4/src/util/

diff --git a/embassy-extras/src/ b/embassy-extras/src/
index f2b9f7359..0ef66f00a 100644
--- a/embassy-extras/src/
+++ b/embassy-extras/src/
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ impl<'a> RingBuffer<'a> {
         self.empty = self.start == self.end;
+    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+        self.start = 0;
+        self.end = 0;
+        self.empty = true;
+    }
     fn wrap(&self, n: usize) -> usize {
         assert!(n <= self.buf.len());
         if n == self.buf.len() {
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/ b/embassy-stm32/src/
index 5ad7ef8ef..7def7be58 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::pac::NVIC_PRIO_BITS;
 // Re-exports
 pub use cortex_m::interrupt::{CriticalSection, Mutex};
-pub use embassy::interrupt::{declare, take, Interrupt};
+pub use embassy::interrupt::{declare, take, Interrupt, InterruptExt};
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
 #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
index 90139c5ac..bf8ca4252 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
 use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
 use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
 use embassy::util::Forever;
-use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
+use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::InterruptExt;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
 use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac, rtc};
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
index 79e323ca6..dd2618759 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use defmt::panic;
 use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
 use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
 use embassy::util::Forever;
-use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
+use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::InterruptExt;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
 use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
 use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac};
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
index b39a141b4..55e6b84dd 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ stm32f479 = ["stm32f4xx-hal/stm32f469", "embassy-stm32/stm32f479"]
 embassy = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy" }
 embassy-stm32 = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-stm32" }
+embassy-extras = {version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-extras" }
 defmt = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true }
 log = { version = "0.4.11", optional = true }
 cortex-m-rt = "0.6.13"
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index 1788f5e77..1d44e379f 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -318,7 +318,6 @@ pub mod rtc;
 pub mod serial;
 pub mod usb;
 pub mod usb_serial;
-pub mod util;
 pub(crate) mod cdc_acm;
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index 9e7411562..1d43c4f51 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use usb_device::device::UsbDevice;
 use crate::interrupt;
 use crate::usb_serial::{ReadInterface, UsbSerial, WriteInterface};
-use crate::util::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
+use embassy_extras::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
 pub struct State<'bus, B, T>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ where
     pub fn new<S: IntoClassSet<B, T>>(
         device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
         class_set: S,
-        irq: interrupt::OTG_FSInterrupt,
+        irq: interrupt::OTG_FS,
     ) -> Self {
         let state = State {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ where
         let mutex = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *mutex) };
         // Use inner to register the irq
-        mutex.with(|_, _| {});
+        mutex.register_interrupt();
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ where
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B>,
-    type Interrupt = interrupt::OTG_FSInterrupt;
+    type Interrupt = interrupt::OTG_FS;
     fn on_interrupt(&mut self) {
         self.classes.poll_all(&mut self.device);
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index bacc886d8..00d92c9c5 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use usb_device::UsbError;
 use crate::cdc_acm::CdcAcmClass;
 use crate::usb::{ClassSet, SerialState, State};
-use crate::util::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
-use crate::util::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
+use embassy_extras::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
+use embassy_extras::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
 pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf3306545..000000000
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-pub mod peripheral;
-pub mod ring_buffer;
-/// Low power blocking wait loop using WFE/SEV.
-pub fn low_power_wait_until(mut condition: impl FnMut() -> bool) {
-    while !condition() {
-        // WFE might "eat" an event that would have otherwise woken the executor.
-        cortex_m::asm::wfe();
-    }
-    // Retrigger an event to be transparent to the executor.
-    cortex_m::asm::sev();
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c7912ff..000000000
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
-use core::marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned};
-use core::pin::Pin;
-use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering};
-use crate::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
-pub trait PeripheralState {
-    type Interrupt: OwnedInterrupt;
-    fn on_interrupt(&mut self);
-pub struct PeripheralMutex<S: PeripheralState> {
-    inner: Option<(UnsafeCell<S>, S::Interrupt)>,
-    _not_send: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
-    _pinned: PhantomPinned,
-impl<S: PeripheralState> PeripheralMutex<S> {
-    pub fn new(state: S, irq: S::Interrupt) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            inner: Some((UnsafeCell::new(state), irq)),
-            _not_send: PhantomData,
-            _pinned: PhantomPinned,
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn with<R>(self: Pin<&mut Self>, f: impl FnOnce(&mut S, &mut S::Interrupt) -> R) -> R {
-        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
-        let (state, irq) = unwrap!(this.inner.as_mut());
-        irq.disable();
-        compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
-        irq.set_handler(
-            |p| {
-                // Safety: it's OK to get a &mut to the state, since
-                // - We're in the IRQ, no one else can't preempt us
-                // - We can't have preempted a with() call because the irq is disabled during it.
-                let state = unsafe { &mut *(p as *mut S) };
-                state.on_interrupt();
-            },
-            state.get() as *mut (),
-        );
-        // Safety: it's OK to get a &mut to the state, since the irq is disabled.
-        let state = unsafe { &mut *state.get() };
-        let r = f(state, irq);
-        compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
-        irq.enable();
-        r
-    }
-    pub fn try_free(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Option<(S, S::Interrupt)> {
-        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
-        this.inner.take().map(|(state, irq)| {
-            irq.disable();
-            irq.remove_handler();
-            (state.into_inner(), irq)
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn free(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> (S, S::Interrupt) {
-        unwrap!(self.try_free())
-    }
-impl<S: PeripheralState> Drop for PeripheralMutex<S> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        if let Some((_state, irq)) = &mut self.inner {
-            irq.disable();
-            irq.remove_handler();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ef66f00a..000000000
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-use crate::fmt::{assert, *};
-pub struct RingBuffer<'a> {
-    buf: &'a mut [u8],
-    start: usize,
-    end: usize,
-    empty: bool,
-impl<'a> RingBuffer<'a> {
-    pub fn new(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            buf,
-            start: 0,
-            end: 0,
-            empty: true,
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn push_buf(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
-        if self.start == self.end && !self.empty {
-            trace!("  ringbuf: push_buf empty");
-            return &mut self.buf[..0];
-        }
-        let n = if self.start <= self.end {
-            self.buf.len() - self.end
-        } else {
-            self.start - self.end
-        };
-        trace!("  ringbuf: push_buf {:?}..{:?}", self.end, self.end + n);
-        &mut self.buf[self.end..self.end + n]
-    }
-    pub fn push(&mut self, n: usize) {
-        trace!("  ringbuf: push {:?}", n);
-        if n == 0 {
-            return;
-        }
-        self.end = self.wrap(self.end + n);
-        self.empty = false;
-    }
-    pub fn pop_buf(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
-        if self.empty {
-            trace!("  ringbuf: pop_buf empty");
-            return &mut self.buf[..0];
-        }
-        let n = if self.end <= self.start {
-            self.buf.len() - self.start
-        } else {
-            self.end - self.start
-        };
-        trace!("  ringbuf: pop_buf {:?}..{:?}", self.start, self.start + n);
-        &mut self.buf[self.start..self.start + n]
-    }
-    pub fn pop(&mut self, n: usize) {
-        trace!("  ringbuf: pop {:?}", n);
-        if n == 0 {
-            return;
-        }
-        self.start = self.wrap(self.start + n);
-        self.empty = self.start == self.end;
-    }
-    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
-        self.start = 0;
-        self.end = 0;
-        self.empty = true;
-    }
-    fn wrap(&self, n: usize) -> usize {
-        assert!(n <= self.buf.len());
-        if n == self.buf.len() {
-            0
-        } else {
-            n
-        }
-    }

From d4f35c17290ac1c76690cc057c52072054e1485f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thales Fragoso <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 21:30:35 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Move USB to embassy-extras

 embassy-extras/Cargo.toml                     |   1 +
 embassy-extras/src/                     |   1 +
 .../src => embassy-extras/src/usb}/ |   0
 .../ => embassy-extras/src/usb/   |  56 ++++---
 .../src/usb}/                    |  26 +--
 embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml                      |   1 +
 embassy-stm32/src/                |   2 +-
 embassy-stm32/src/                      |  20 +++
 embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml           |   1 +
 .../src/bin/                     |   9 +-
 .../src/bin/                    | 148 ------------------
 embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml                    |   2 -
 embassy-stm32f4/src/                    |   6 -
 13 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
 rename {embassy-stm32f4/src => embassy-extras/src/usb}/ (100%)
 rename embassy-stm32f4/src/ => embassy-extras/src/usb/ (75%)
 rename {embassy-stm32f4/src => embassy-extras/src/usb}/ (92%)
 delete mode 100644 embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/

diff --git a/embassy-extras/Cargo.toml b/embassy-extras/Cargo.toml
index 3c42b5c2f..5d07901a9 100644
--- a/embassy-extras/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-extras/Cargo.toml
@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ embassy = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy" }
 defmt = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true }
 log = { version = "0.4.11", optional = true }
 cortex-m = "0.7.1"
+usb-device = "0.2.7"
diff --git a/embassy-extras/src/ b/embassy-extras/src/
index 4a95173cf..536e86c61 100644
--- a/embassy-extras/src/
+++ b/embassy-extras/src/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ pub(crate) mod fmt;
 pub mod peripheral;
 pub mod ring_buffer;
+pub mod usb;
 /// Low power blocking wait loop using WFE/SEV.
 pub fn low_power_wait_until(mut condition: impl FnMut() -> bool) {
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-extras/src/usb/
similarity index 100%
rename from embassy-stm32f4/src/
rename to embassy-extras/src/usb/
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-extras/src/usb/
similarity index 75%
rename from embassy-stm32f4/src/
rename to embassy-extras/src/usb/
index 1d43c4f51..182cd87d0 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-extras/src/usb/
@@ -6,41 +6,48 @@ use usb_device::bus::UsbBus;
 use usb_device::class::UsbClass;
 use usb_device::device::UsbDevice;
-use crate::interrupt;
-use crate::usb_serial::{ReadInterface, UsbSerial, WriteInterface};
-use embassy_extras::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
+mod cdc_acm;
+pub mod usb_serial;
-pub struct State<'bus, B, T>
+use crate::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
+use embassy::interrupt::Interrupt;
+use usb_serial::{ReadInterface, UsbSerial, WriteInterface};
+/// Marker trait to mark an interrupt to be used with the [`Usb`] abstraction.
+pub unsafe trait USBInterrupt: Interrupt {}
+pub(crate) struct State<'bus, B, T, I>
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B>,
+    I: USBInterrupt,
     device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
     pub(crate) classes: T,
+    _interrupt: PhantomData<I>,
-pub struct Usb<'bus, B, T>
+pub struct Usb<'bus, B, T, I>
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B>,
+    I: USBInterrupt,
     // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
-    inner: RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
+    inner: RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T, I>>>,
-impl<'bus, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
+impl<'bus, B, T, I> Usb<'bus, B, T, I>
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B>,
+    I: USBInterrupt,
-    pub fn new<S: IntoClassSet<B, T>>(
-        device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
-        class_set: S,
-        irq: interrupt::OTG_FS,
-    ) -> Self {
+    pub fn new<S: IntoClassSet<B, T>>(device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>, class_set: S, irq: I) -> Self {
         let state = State {
             classes: class_set.into_class_set(),
+            _interrupt: PhantomData,
         let mutex = PeripheralMutex::new(state, irq);
         Self {
@@ -58,16 +65,18 @@ where
-impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
+impl<'bus, 'c, B, T, I> Usb<'bus, B, T, I>
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, Index0>,
+    I: USBInterrupt,
+    /// Take a serial class that was passed as the first class in a tuple
     pub fn take_serial_0<'a>(
         self: Pin<&'a Self>,
     ) -> (
-        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T>,
-        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T>,
+        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T, I>,
+        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T, I>,
     ) {
         let this = self.get_ref();
@@ -86,16 +95,18 @@ where
-impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
+impl<'bus, 'c, B, T, I> Usb<'bus, B, T, I>
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, Index1>,
+    I: USBInterrupt,
+    /// Take a serial class that was passed as the second class in a tuple
     pub fn take_serial_1<'a>(
         self: Pin<&'a Self>,
     ) -> (
-        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T>,
-        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T>,
+        ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T, I>,
+        WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T, I>,
     ) {
         let this = self.get_ref();
@@ -114,12 +125,13 @@ where
-impl<'bus, B, T> PeripheralState for State<'bus, B, T>
+impl<'bus, B, T, I> PeripheralState for State<'bus, B, T, I>
     B: UsbBus,
     T: ClassSet<B>,
+    I: USBInterrupt,
-    type Interrupt = interrupt::OTG_FS;
+    type Interrupt = I;
     fn on_interrupt(&mut self) {
         self.classes.poll_all(&mut self.device);
@@ -153,7 +165,10 @@ where
     _bus: PhantomData<B>,
+/// The first class into a [`ClassSet`]
 pub struct Index0;
+/// The second class into a [`ClassSet`]
 pub struct Index1;
 impl<B, C1> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet1<B, C1>
@@ -205,6 +220,7 @@ where
+/// Trait for a USB State that has a serial class inside
 pub trait SerialState<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus, I> {
     fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>;
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-extras/src/usb/
similarity index 92%
rename from embassy-stm32f4/src/
rename to embassy-extras/src/usb/
index 00d92c9c5..9cbfb2da4 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-extras/src/usb/
@@ -9,19 +9,20 @@ use usb_device::bus::UsbBus;
 use usb_device::class_prelude::*;
 use usb_device::UsbError;
-use crate::cdc_acm::CdcAcmClass;
-use crate::usb::{ClassSet, SerialState, State};
-use embassy_extras::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
-use embassy_extras::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
+use super::cdc_acm::CdcAcmClass;
+use crate::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
+use crate::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
+use crate::usb::{ClassSet, SerialState, State, USBInterrupt};
-pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T, INT>
     I: Unpin,
     B: UsbBus,
     T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
+    INT: USBInterrupt,
     // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
-    pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
+    pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T, INT>>>,
     pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
     pub(crate) _index: PhantomData<I>,
@@ -30,23 +31,25 @@ where
 /// This interface is buffered, meaning that after the write returns the bytes might not be fully
 /// on the wire just yet
-pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T, INT>
     I: Unpin,
     B: UsbBus,
     T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
+    INT: USBInterrupt,
     // Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
-    pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
+    pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T, INT>>>,
     pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
     pub(crate) _index: PhantomData<I>,
-impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T, INT> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T, INT>
     I: Unpin,
     B: UsbBus,
     T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
+    INT: USBInterrupt,
     fn poll_fill_buf(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<&[u8]>> {
         let this = self.get_mut();
@@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ where
             match serial.poll_fill_buf(cx) {
                 Poll::Ready(Ok(buf)) => {
                     let buf: &[u8] = buf;
+                    // NOTE(unsafe) This part of the buffer won't be modified until the user calls
+                    // consume, which will invalidate this ref
                     let buf: &[u8] = unsafe { core::mem::transmute(buf) };
@@ -81,11 +86,12 @@ where
-impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
+impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T, INT> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T, INT>
     I: Unpin,
     B: UsbBus,
     T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
+    INT: USBInterrupt,
     fn poll_write(
         self: Pin<&mut Self>,
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml
index 6701ff8f3..136bd7fc7 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ stm32l0x3 = ["stm32l0xx-hal/stm32l0x3"]
 embassy = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy" }
+embassy-extras = {version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-extras" }
 defmt = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true }
 log = { version = "0.4.11", optional = true }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/ b/embassy-stm32/src/
index 7def7be58..5ad7ef8ef 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::pac::NVIC_PRIO_BITS;
 // Re-exports
 pub use cortex_m::interrupt::{CriticalSection, Mutex};
-pub use embassy::interrupt::{declare, take, Interrupt, InterruptExt};
+pub use embassy::interrupt::{declare, take, Interrupt};
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
 #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/ b/embassy-stm32/src/
index a1f40b2c7..d15d4130e 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/
@@ -33,3 +33,23 @@ pub use {stm32l0xx_hal as hal, stm32l0xx_hal::pac};
 pub mod fmt;
 pub mod interrupt;
+    feature = "stm32f401",
+    feature = "stm32f405",
+    feature = "stm32f407",
+    feature = "stm32f411",
+    feature = "stm32f412",
+    feature = "stm32f413",
+    feature = "stm32f415",
+    feature = "stm32f417",
+    feature = "stm32f423",
+    feature = "stm32f427",
+    feature = "stm32f429",
+    feature = "stm32f437",
+    feature = "stm32f439",
+    feature = "stm32f446",
+    feature = "stm32f469",
+    feature = "stm32f479",
+unsafe impl embassy_extras::usb::USBInterrupt for interrupt::OTG_FS {}
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml
index e4f2aa7a1..e97bd9beb 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/Cargo.toml
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ stm32f479 = ["stm32f4xx-hal/stm32f469", "embassy-stm32f4/stm32f469"]
 embassy = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy", features = ["defmt", "defmt-trace"] }
 embassy-traits = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-traits", features = ["defmt"] }
 embassy-stm32f4 = { version = "*", path = "../embassy-stm32f4" }
+embassy-extras = {version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-extras" }
 defmt = "0.2.0"
 defmt-rtt = "0.2.0"
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
index bf8ca4252..f1c4631d7 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #[path = "../"]
 mod example_common;
@@ -9,12 +11,12 @@ use example_common::*;
 use cortex_m_rt::entry;
 use defmt::panic;
 use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
+use embassy::interrupt::InterruptExt;
 use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
 use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
 use embassy::util::Forever;
-use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::InterruptExt;
-use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
-use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
+use embassy_extras::usb::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
+use embassy_extras::usb::Usb;
 use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac, rtc};
 use futures::future::{select, Either};
 use futures::pin_mut;
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
     let usb = Usb::new(device, serial, irq);
+    usb.as_mut().start();
     let (mut read_interface, mut write_interface) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/ b/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd2618759..000000000
--- a/embassy-stm32f4-examples/src/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#[path = "../"]
-mod example_common;
-use example_common::*;
-use cortex_m_rt::entry;
-use defmt::panic;
-use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
-use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
-use embassy::util::Forever;
-use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::InterruptExt;
-use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
-use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
-use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac};
-use futures::future::{select, Either};
-use futures::pin_mut;
-use stm32f4xx_hal::otg_fs::{UsbBus, USB};
-use stm32f4xx_hal::prelude::*;
-use usb_device::bus::UsbBusAllocator;
-use usb_device::prelude::*;
-async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
-    info!("Async task");
-    let mut read_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
-    let mut write_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
-    let serial1 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf1, &mut write_buf1);
-    let mut read_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
-    let mut write_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
-    let serial2 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf2, &mut write_buf2);
-    let device = UsbDeviceBuilder::new(bus, UsbVidPid(0x16c0, 0x27dd))
-        .manufacturer("Fake company")
-        .product("Serial port")
-        .serial_number("TEST")
-        //.device_class(0x02)
-        .build();
-    let irq = interrupt::take!(OTG_FS);
-    irq.set_priority(interrupt::Priority::Level3);
-    let usb = Usb::new(device, (serial1, serial2), irq);
-    pin_mut!(usb);
-    let (mut read_interface1, mut write_interface1) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
-    let (mut read_interface2, mut write_interface2) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_1();
-    let mut buf1 = [0u8; 64];
-    let mut buf2 = [0u8; 64];
-    loop {
-        let mut n1 = 0;
-        let mut n2 = 0;
-        let left = {
-            let read_line1 = async {
-                loop {
-                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface1.read_byte().await);
-                    unwrap!(write_interface1.write_byte(byte).await);
-                    buf1[n1] = byte;
-                    n1 += 1;
-                    if byte == b'\n' || byte == b'\r' || n1 == buf1.len() {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            pin_mut!(read_line1);
-            let read_line2 = async {
-                loop {
-                    let byte = unwrap!(read_interface2.read_byte().await);
-                    unwrap!(write_interface2.write_byte(byte).await);
-                    buf2[n2] = byte;
-                    n2 += 1;
-                    if byte == b'\n' || byte == b'\r' || n2 == buf2.len() {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            pin_mut!(read_line2);
-            match select(read_line1, read_line2).await {
-                Either::Left(_) => true,
-                Either::Right(_) => false,
-            }
-        };
-        if left {
-            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
-            unwrap!(write_interface2.write_all(&buf1[..n1]).await);
-        } else {
-            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(b"\r\n").await);
-            unwrap!(write_interface1.write_all(&buf2[..n2]).await);
-        }
-    }
-static EXECUTOR: Forever<Executor> = Forever::new();
-static USB_BUS: Forever<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>> = Forever::new();
-fn main() -> ! {
-    static mut EP_MEMORY: [u32; 1024] = [0; 1024];
-    info!("Hello World!");
-    let p = unwrap!(pac::Peripherals::take());
-    p.RCC.ahb1enr.modify(|_, w| w.dma1en().enabled());
-    let rcc = p.RCC.constrain();
-    let clocks = rcc
-        .cfgr
-        .use_hse(25.mhz())
-        .sysclk(48.mhz())
-        .require_pll48clk()
-        .freeze();
-|_, w| {
-        w.dbg_sleep().set_bit();
-        w.dbg_standby().set_bit();
-        w.dbg_stop().set_bit()
-    });
-    let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new());
-    let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();
-    let usb = USB {
-        usb_global: p.OTG_FS_GLOBAL,
-        usb_device: p.OTG_FS_DEVICE,
-        usb_pwrclk: p.OTG_FS_PWRCLK,
-        pin_dm: gpioa.pa11.into_alternate_af10(),
-        pin_dp: gpioa.pa12.into_alternate_af10(),
-        hclk: clocks.hclk(),
-    };
-    // Rust analyzer isn't recognizing the static ref magic `cortex-m` does
-    #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
-    let usb_bus = USB_BUS.put(UsbBus::new(usb, unsafe { EP_MEMORY }));
- |spawner| {
-        unwrap!(spawner.spawn(run1(usb_bus)));
-    });
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
index 55e6b84dd..5375261c2 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/Cargo.toml
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ stm32f479 = ["stm32f4xx-hal/stm32f469", "embassy-stm32/stm32f479"]
 embassy = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy" }
 embassy-stm32 = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-stm32" }
-embassy-extras = {version = "0.1.0", path = "../embassy-extras" }
 defmt = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true }
 log = { version = "0.4.11", optional = true }
@@ -43,4 +42,3 @@ embedded-dma    = { version = "0.1.2" }
 stm32f4xx-hal  = { version = "0.8.3", features = ["rt", "can"], git = ""}
 bxcan = "0.5.0"
 nb = "*"
-usb-device = "0.2.7"
diff --git a/embassy-stm32f4/src/ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
index 1d44e379f..0d490525c 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32f4/src/
+++ b/embassy-stm32f4/src/
@@ -316,9 +316,3 @@ pub mod exti;
 pub mod qei;
 pub mod rtc;
 pub mod serial;
-pub mod usb;
-pub mod usb_serial;
-pub(crate) mod cdc_acm;
-pub use cortex_m_rt::interrupt;