diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/cordic.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 952ee187a..000000000
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/cordic.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-//! CORDIC co-processor
-use crate::peripherals;
-use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, Peripheral, PeripheralRef};
-pub use enums::*;
-mod enums {
-    /// CORDIC function
-    #[allow(missing_docs)]
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum Function {
-        Cos = 0,
-        Sin,
-        Phase,
-        Modulus,
-        Arctan,
-        Cosh,
-        Sinh,
-        Arctanh,
-        Ln,
-        Sqrt,
-    }
-    /// CORDIC precision
-    #[allow(missing_docs)]
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum Precision {
-        Iters4 = 1,
-        Iters8,
-        Iters12,
-        Iters16,
-        Iters20,
-        Iters24,
-        Iters28,
-        Iters32,
-        Iters36,
-        Iters40,
-        Iters44,
-        Iters48,
-        Iters52,
-        Iters56,
-        Iters60,
-    }
-    /// CORDIC scale
-    #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
-    #[allow(missing_docs)]
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
-    pub enum Scale {
-        #[default]
-        A1_R1 = 0,
-        A1o2_R2,
-        A1o4_R4,
-        A1o8_R8,
-        A1o16_R16,
-        A1o32_R32,
-        A1o64_R64,
-        A1o128_R128,
-    }
-    /// CORDIC argument/result count
-    #[allow(missing_docs)]
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
-    pub enum Count {
-        #[default]
-        One,
-        Two,
-    }
-    /// CORDIC argument/result data width
-    #[allow(missing_docs)]
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum Width {
-        Bits32,
-        Bits16,
-    }
-    /// Cordic driver running mode
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum Mode {
-        /// After caculation start, a read to RDATA register will block AHB until the caculation finished
-        ZeroOverhead,
-        /// Use CORDIC interrupt to trigger a read result value
-        Interrupt,
-        /// Use DMA to write/read value
-        Dma,
-    }
-/// Low-level CORDIC access.
-#[cfg(feature = "unstable-pac")]
-pub mod low_level {
-    pub use super::sealed::*;
-pub(crate) mod sealed {
-    use super::*;
-    use crate::pac::cordic::vals;
-    /// Cordic instance
-    pub trait Instance {
-        /// Get access to CORDIC registers
-        fn regs() -> crate::pac::cordic::Cordic;
-        /// Set Function value
-        fn set_func(&self, func: Function) {
-            Self::regs()
-                .csr()
-                .modify(|v| v.set_func(vals::Func::from_bits(func as u8)));
-        }
-        /// Set Precision value
-        fn set_precision(&self, precision: Precision) {
-            Self::regs()
-                .csr()
-                .modify(|v| v.set_precision(vals::Precision::from_bits(precision as u8)))
-        }
-        /// Set Scale value
-        fn set_scale(&self, scale: Scale) {
-            Self::regs()
-                .csr()
-                .modify(|v| v.set_scale(vals::Scale::from_bits(scale as u8)))
-        }
-        /// Enable global interrupt
-        fn enable_irq(&self) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| v.set_ien(true))
-        }
-        /// Disable global interrupt
-        fn disable_irq(&self) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| v.set_ien(false))
-        }
-        /// Enable Read DMA
-        fn enable_read_dma(&self) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_dmaren(true);
-            })
-        }
-        /// Disable Read DMA
-        fn disable_read_dma(&self) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_dmaren(false);
-            })
-        }
-        /// Enable Write DMA
-        fn enable_write_dma(&self) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_dmawen(true);
-            })
-        }
-        /// Disable Write DMA
-        fn disable_write_dma(&self) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_dmawen(false);
-            })
-        }
-        /// Set NARGS value
-        fn set_argument_count(&self, n: Count) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_nargs(match n {
-                    Count::One => vals::Num::NUM1,
-                    Count::Two => vals::Num::NUM2,
-                })
-            })
-        }
-        /// Set NRES value
-        fn set_result_count(&self, n: Count) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_nres(match n {
-                    Count::One => vals::Num::NUM1,
-                    Count::Two => vals::Num::NUM2,
-                });
-            })
-        }
-        /// Set ARGSIZE and RESSIZE value
-        fn set_data_width(&self, arg: Width, res: Width) {
-            Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
-                v.set_argsize(match arg {
-                    Width::Bits32 => vals::Size::BITS32,
-                    Width::Bits16 => vals::Size::BITS16,
-                });
-                v.set_ressize(match res {
-                    Width::Bits32 => vals::Size::BITS32,
-                    Width::Bits16 => vals::Size::BITS16,
-                })
-            })
-        }
-        /// Read RRDY flag
-        fn ready_to_read(&self) -> bool {
-            Self::regs().csr().read().rrdy()
-        }
-        /// Write value to WDATA
-        fn write_argument(&self, arg: u32) {
-            Self::regs().wdata().write_value(arg)
-        }
-        /// Read value from RDATA
-        fn read_result(&self) -> u32 {
-            Self::regs().rdata().read()
-        }
-    }
-/// CORDIC driver
-pub struct Cordic<'d, T: Instance> {
-    cordic: PeripheralRef<'d, T>,
-    config: Config,
-    //state: State,
-/// CORDIC instance trait
-pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + Peripheral<P = Self> + crate::rcc::RccPeripheral {}
-/// CORDIC configuration
-pub struct Config {
-    function: Function,
-    precision: Precision,
-    scale: Scale,
-    mode: Mode,
-    first_result: bool,
-// CORDIC running state
-//struct State {
-//    input_buf: [u32; 8],
-//    buf_len: usize,
-impl Config {
-    /// Create a config for Cordic driver
-    pub fn new(function: Function, precision: Precision, scale: Option<Scale>, mode: Mode, first_result: bool) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            function,
-            precision,
-            scale: scale.unwrap_or_default(),
-            mode,
-            first_result,
-        }
-    }
-    fn check_scale(&self) -> bool {
-        let scale_raw = self.scale as u8;
-        match self.function {
-            Function::Cos | Function::Sin | Function::Phase | Function::Modulus => 0 == scale_raw,
-            Function::Arctan => (0..=7).contains(&scale_raw),
-            Function::Cosh | Function::Sinh | Function::Arctanh => 1 == scale_raw,
-            Function::Ln => (1..=4).contains(&scale_raw),
-            Function::Sqrt => (0..=2).contains(&scale_raw),
-        }
-    }
-impl<'d, T: Instance> Cordic<'d, T> {
-    /// Create a Cordic driver instance
-    ///
-    /// Note:  
-    /// If you need a periperhal -> CORDIC -> peripehral mode,  
-    /// you may want to set Cordic into [Mode::ZeroOverhead] mode, and add extra arguemnts with [Self::extra_config]
-    pub fn new(cordic: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, config: Config) -> Self {
-        T::enable_and_reset();
-        into_ref!(cordic);
-        if !config.check_scale() {
-            panic!("Scale value is not compatible with Function")
-        }
-        let mut instance = Self {
-            cordic,
-            config,
-            // state: State {
-            //     input_buf: [0u32; 8],
-            //     buf_len: 0,
-            // },
-        };
-        instance.reconfigure();
-        instance
-    }
-    /// Set a new config for Cordic driver  
-    pub fn set_config(&mut self, config: Config) {
-        self.config = config;
-        self.reconfigure();
-    }
-    /// Set extra config for data count and data width.
-    pub fn extra_config(&mut self, arg_cnt: Count, arg_width: Width, res_width: Width) {
-        let peri = &self.cordic;
-        peri.set_argument_count(arg_cnt);
-        peri.set_data_width(arg_width, res_width);
-    }
-    fn reconfigure(&mut self) {
-        let peri = &self.cordic;
-        let config = &self.config;
-        if peri.ready_to_read() {
-            warn!("At least 1 result hasn't been read, reconfigure will cause DATA LOST");
-        };
-        peri.disable_irq();
-        peri.disable_write_dma();
-        peri.disable_read_dma();
-        // clean RRDY flag
-        while peri.ready_to_read() {
-            peri.read_result();
-        }
-        peri.set_func(config.function);
-        peri.set_precision(config.precision);
-        peri.set_scale(config.scale);
-        if config.first_result {
-            peri.set_result_count(Count::One)
-        } else {
-            peri.set_result_count(Count::Two)
-        }
-        match config.mode {
-            Mode::ZeroOverhead => (),
-            Mode::Interrupt => {
-                peri.enable_irq();
-            }
-            Mode::Dma => {
-                peri.enable_write_dma();
-                peri.enable_read_dma();
-            }
-        }
-        //self.state.input_buf.fill(0u32);
-    }
-    /// Run a CORDIC calculation
-    pub fn calc_32bit(&mut self, arg1s: &[f64], arg2s: Option<&[f64]>, output: &mut [f64]) -> usize {
-        match self.config.mode {
-            Mode::ZeroOverhead => {
-                if arg2s.is_none() {
-                    self.cordic.set_argument_count(Count::One);
-                    self.cordic.set_result_count(if self.config.first_result {
-                        if output.len() < arg1s.len() {
-                            panic!("Output buf length is not long enough")
-                        }
-                        Count::One
-                    } else {
-                        if output.len() < 2 * arg1s.len() {
-                            panic!("Output buf length is not long enough")
-                        }
-                        Count::Two
-                    });
-                    let mut cnt = 0;
-                    for &arg in arg1s.iter() {
-                        self.cordic.write_argument(f64_to_q1_31(arg));
-                        output[cnt] = q1_31_to_f64(self.cordic.read_result());
-                        cnt += 1;
-                    }
-                    cnt
-                } else {
-                    todo!()
-                }
-            }
-            Mode::Interrupt => todo!(),
-            Mode::Dma => todo!(),
-        }
-    }
-impl<'d, T: Instance> Drop for Cordic<'d, T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        T::disable();
-    }
-    ($inst:ident, cordic, CORDIC, GLOBAL, $irq:ident) => {
-        impl Instance for peripherals::$inst {
-        }
-        impl sealed::Instance for peripherals::$inst {
-            fn regs() -> crate::pac::cordic::Cordic {
-                crate::pac::$inst
-            }
-        }
-    };
-macro_rules! floating_fixed_convert {
-    ($f_to_q:ident, $q_to_f:ident, $unsigned_bin_typ:ty, $signed_bin_typ:ty, $float_ty:ty, $offset:literal, $min_positive:literal) => {
-        /// convert float point to fixed point format
-        pub fn $f_to_q(value: $float_ty) -> $unsigned_bin_typ {
-            const MIN_POSITIVE: $float_ty = unsafe { core::mem::transmute($min_positive) };
-            assert!(
-                (-1.0 as $float_ty) <= value,
-                "input value {} should be equal or greater than -1",
-                value
-            );
-            let value = if value == 1.0 as $float_ty{
-                (1.0 as $float_ty) - MIN_POSITIVE
-            } else {
-                assert!(
-                    value <= (1.0 as $float_ty) - MIN_POSITIVE,
-                    "input value {} should be equal or less than 1-2^(-{})",
-                    value, $offset
-                );
-                value
-            };
-            (value * ((1 as $unsigned_bin_typ << $offset) as $float_ty)) as $unsigned_bin_typ
-        }
-        #[inline(always)]
-        /// convert fixed point to float point format
-        pub fn $q_to_f(value: $unsigned_bin_typ) -> $float_ty {
-            // It's needed to convert from unsigned to signed first, for correct result.
-            -(value as $signed_bin_typ as $float_ty) / ((1 as $unsigned_bin_typ << $offset) as $float_ty)
-        }
-    };
-    f64_to_q1_31,
-    q1_31_to_f64,
-    u32,
-    i32,
-    f64,
-    31,
-    0x3E00_0000_0000_0000u64 // binary form of 1f64^(-31)
-    f32_to_q1_15,
-    q1_15_to_f32,
-    u16,
-    i16,
-    f32,
-    15,
-    0x3800_0000u32 // binary form of 1f32^(-15)
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/enums.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/enums.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4697a1df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/enums.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/// CORDIC function
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum Function {
+    Cos = 0,
+    Sin,
+    Phase,
+    Modulus,
+    Arctan,
+    Cosh,
+    Sinh,
+    Arctanh,
+    Ln,
+    Sqrt,
+/// CORDIC precision
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum Precision {
+    Iters4 = 1,
+    Iters8,
+    Iters12,
+    Iters16,
+    Iters20,
+    Iters24,
+    Iters28,
+    Iters32,
+    Iters36,
+    Iters40,
+    Iters44,
+    Iters48,
+    Iters52,
+    Iters56,
+    Iters60,
+/// CORDIC scale
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub enum Scale {
+    #[default]
+    A1_R1 = 0,
+    A1o2_R2,
+    A1o4_R4,
+    A1o8_R8,
+    A1o16_R16,
+    A1o32_R32,
+    A1o64_R64,
+    A1o128_R128,
+/// CORDIC argument/result count
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub enum Count {
+    #[default]
+    One,
+    Two,
+/// CORDIC argument/result data width
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum Width {
+    Bits32,
+    Bits16,
+/// Cordic driver running mode
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum Mode {
+    /// After caculation start, a read to RDATA register will block AHB until the caculation finished
+    ZeroOverhead,
+    /// Use CORDIC interrupt to trigger a read result value
+    Interrupt,
+    /// Use DMA to write/read value
+    Dma,
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/mod.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0a69b757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+//! CORDIC co-processor
+use crate::peripherals;
+use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, Peripheral, PeripheralRef};
+mod enums;
+pub use enums::*;
+pub mod utils;
+pub(crate) mod sealed;
+/// Low-level CORDIC access.
+#[cfg(feature = "unstable-pac")]
+pub mod low_level {
+    pub use super::sealed::*;
+/// CORDIC driver
+pub struct Cordic<'d, T: Instance> {
+    cordic: PeripheralRef<'d, T>,
+    config: Config,
+    //state: State,
+/// CORDIC instance trait
+pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + Peripheral<P = Self> + crate::rcc::RccPeripheral {}
+/// CORDIC configuration
+pub struct Config {
+    function: Function,
+    precision: Precision,
+    scale: Scale,
+    mode: Mode,
+    first_result: bool,
+// CORDIC running state
+//struct State {
+//    input_buf: [u32; 8],
+//    buf_len: usize,
+impl Config {
+    /// Create a config for Cordic driver
+    pub fn new(function: Function, precision: Precision, scale: Option<Scale>, mode: Mode, first_result: bool) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            function,
+            precision,
+            scale: scale.unwrap_or_default(),
+            mode,
+            first_result,
+        }
+    }
+    fn check_scale(&self) -> bool {
+        let scale_raw = self.scale as u8;
+        match self.function {
+            Function::Cos | Function::Sin | Function::Phase | Function::Modulus => 0 == scale_raw,
+            Function::Arctan => (0..=7).contains(&scale_raw),
+            Function::Cosh | Function::Sinh | Function::Arctanh => 1 == scale_raw,
+            Function::Ln => (1..=4).contains(&scale_raw),
+            Function::Sqrt => (0..=2).contains(&scale_raw),
+        }
+    }
+impl<'d, T: Instance> Cordic<'d, T> {
+    /// Create a Cordic driver instance
+    ///
+    /// Note:  
+    /// If you need a periperhal -> CORDIC -> peripehral mode,  
+    /// you may want to set Cordic into [Mode::ZeroOverhead] mode, and add extra arguemnts with [Self::extra_config]
+    pub fn new(cordic: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, config: Config) -> Self {
+        T::enable_and_reset();
+        into_ref!(cordic);
+        if !config.check_scale() {
+            panic!("Scale value is not compatible with Function")
+        }
+        let mut instance = Self {
+            cordic,
+            config,
+            // state: State {
+            //     input_buf: [0u32; 8],
+            //     buf_len: 0,
+            // },
+        };
+        instance.reconfigure();
+        instance
+    }
+    /// Set a new config for Cordic driver  
+    pub fn set_config(&mut self, config: Config) {
+        self.config = config;
+        self.reconfigure();
+    }
+    /// Set extra config for data count and data width.
+    pub fn extra_config(&mut self, arg_cnt: Count, arg_width: Width, res_width: Width) {
+        let peri = &self.cordic;
+        peri.set_argument_count(arg_cnt);
+        peri.set_data_width(arg_width, res_width);
+    }
+    fn reconfigure(&mut self) {
+        let peri = &self.cordic;
+        let config = &self.config;
+        if peri.ready_to_read() {
+            warn!("At least 1 result hasn't been read, reconfigure will cause DATA LOST");
+        };
+        peri.disable_irq();
+        peri.disable_write_dma();
+        peri.disable_read_dma();
+        // clean RRDY flag
+        while peri.ready_to_read() {
+            peri.read_result();
+        }
+        peri.set_func(config.function);
+        peri.set_precision(config.precision);
+        peri.set_scale(config.scale);
+        if config.first_result {
+            peri.set_result_count(Count::One)
+        } else {
+            peri.set_result_count(Count::Two)
+        }
+        match config.mode {
+            Mode::ZeroOverhead => (),
+            Mode::Interrupt => {
+                peri.enable_irq();
+            }
+            Mode::Dma => {
+                peri.enable_write_dma();
+                peri.enable_read_dma();
+            }
+        }
+        //self.state.input_buf.fill(0u32);
+    }
+    /// Run a CORDIC calculation
+    pub fn calc_32bit(&mut self, arg1s: &[f64], arg2s: Option<&[f64]>, output: &mut [f64]) -> usize {
+        match self.config.mode {
+            Mode::ZeroOverhead => {
+                if arg2s.is_none() {
+                    self.cordic.set_argument_count(Count::One);
+                    self.cordic.set_result_count(if self.config.first_result {
+                        if output.len() < arg1s.len() {
+                            panic!("Output buf length is not long enough")
+                        }
+                        Count::One
+                    } else {
+                        if output.len() < 2 * arg1s.len() {
+                            panic!("Output buf length is not long enough")
+                        }
+                        Count::Two
+                    });
+                    let mut cnt = 0;
+                    for &arg in arg1s.iter() {
+                        self.cordic.write_argument(utils::f64_to_q1_31(arg));
+                        output[cnt] = utils::q1_31_to_f64(self.cordic.read_result());
+                        cnt += 1;
+                    }
+                    cnt
+                } else {
+                    todo!()
+                }
+            }
+            Mode::Interrupt => todo!(),
+            Mode::Dma => todo!(),
+        }
+    }
+impl<'d, T: Instance> Drop for Cordic<'d, T> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        T::disable();
+    }
+    ($inst:ident, cordic, CORDIC, GLOBAL, $irq:ident) => {
+        impl Instance for peripherals::$inst {
+        }
+        impl sealed::Instance for peripherals::$inst {
+            fn regs() -> crate::pac::cordic::Cordic {
+                crate::pac::$inst
+            }
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/sealed.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/sealed.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f00e380c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/sealed.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+use super::*;
+use crate::pac::cordic::vals;
+/// Cordic instance
+pub trait Instance {
+    /// Get access to CORDIC registers
+    fn regs() -> crate::pac::cordic::Cordic;
+    /// Set Function value
+    fn set_func(&self, func: Function) {
+        Self::regs()
+            .csr()
+            .modify(|v| v.set_func(vals::Func::from_bits(func as u8)));
+    }
+    /// Set Precision value
+    fn set_precision(&self, precision: Precision) {
+        Self::regs()
+            .csr()
+            .modify(|v| v.set_precision(vals::Precision::from_bits(precision as u8)))
+    }
+    /// Set Scale value
+    fn set_scale(&self, scale: Scale) {
+        Self::regs()
+            .csr()
+            .modify(|v| v.set_scale(vals::Scale::from_bits(scale as u8)))
+    }
+    /// Enable global interrupt
+    fn enable_irq(&self) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| v.set_ien(true))
+    }
+    /// Disable global interrupt
+    fn disable_irq(&self) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| v.set_ien(false))
+    }
+    /// Enable Read DMA
+    fn enable_read_dma(&self) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_dmaren(true);
+        })
+    }
+    /// Disable Read DMA
+    fn disable_read_dma(&self) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_dmaren(false);
+        })
+    }
+    /// Enable Write DMA
+    fn enable_write_dma(&self) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_dmawen(true);
+        })
+    }
+    /// Disable Write DMA
+    fn disable_write_dma(&self) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_dmawen(false);
+        })
+    }
+    /// Set NARGS value
+    fn set_argument_count(&self, n: Count) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_nargs(match n {
+                Count::One => vals::Num::NUM1,
+                Count::Two => vals::Num::NUM2,
+            })
+        })
+    }
+    /// Set NRES value
+    fn set_result_count(&self, n: Count) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_nres(match n {
+                Count::One => vals::Num::NUM1,
+                Count::Two => vals::Num::NUM2,
+            });
+        })
+    }
+    /// Set ARGSIZE and RESSIZE value
+    fn set_data_width(&self, arg: Width, res: Width) {
+        Self::regs().csr().modify(|v| {
+            v.set_argsize(match arg {
+                Width::Bits32 => vals::Size::BITS32,
+                Width::Bits16 => vals::Size::BITS16,
+            });
+            v.set_ressize(match res {
+                Width::Bits32 => vals::Size::BITS32,
+                Width::Bits16 => vals::Size::BITS16,
+            })
+        })
+    }
+    /// Read RRDY flag
+    fn ready_to_read(&self) -> bool {
+        Self::regs().csr().read().rrdy()
+    }
+    /// Write value to WDATA
+    fn write_argument(&self, arg: u32) {
+        Self::regs().wdata().write_value(arg)
+    }
+    /// Read value from RDATA
+    fn read_result(&self) -> u32 {
+        Self::regs().rdata().read()
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/utils.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/utils.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f055c34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/cordic/utils.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+//! Common match utils
+macro_rules! floating_fixed_convert {
+    ($f_to_q:ident, $q_to_f:ident, $unsigned_bin_typ:ty, $signed_bin_typ:ty, $float_ty:ty, $offset:literal, $min_positive:literal) => {
+        /// convert float point to fixed point format
+        pub fn $f_to_q(value: $float_ty) -> $unsigned_bin_typ {
+            const MIN_POSITIVE: $float_ty = unsafe { core::mem::transmute($min_positive) };
+            assert!(
+                (-1.0 as $float_ty) <= value,
+                "input value {} should be equal or greater than -1",
+                value
+            );
+            let value = if value == 1.0 as $float_ty{
+                // make a exception for user specifing exact 1.0 float point,
+                // convert 1.0 to max representable value of q1.x format
+                (1.0 as $float_ty) - MIN_POSITIVE
+            } else {
+                assert!(
+                    value <= (1.0 as $float_ty) - MIN_POSITIVE,
+                    "input value {} should be equal or less than 1-2^(-{})",
+                    value, $offset
+                );
+                value
+            };
+            (value * ((1 as $unsigned_bin_typ << $offset) as $float_ty)) as $unsigned_bin_typ
+        }
+        #[inline(always)]
+        /// convert fixed point to float point format
+        pub fn $q_to_f(value: $unsigned_bin_typ) -> $float_ty {
+            // It's needed to convert from unsigned to signed first, for correct result.
+            -(value as $signed_bin_typ as $float_ty) / ((1 as $unsigned_bin_typ << $offset) as $float_ty)
+        }
+    };
+    f64_to_q1_31,
+    q1_31_to_f64,
+    u32,
+    i32,
+    f64,
+    31,
+    0x3E00_0000_0000_0000u64 // binary form of 1f64^(-31)
+    f32_to_q1_15,
+    q1_15_to_f32,
+    u16,
+    i16,
+    f32,
+    15,
+    0x3800_0000u32 // binary form of 1f32^(-15)