stm32/rcc: port F1 to new API.

This commit is contained in:
Dario Nieuwenhuis 2024-02-12 21:54:53 +01:00
parent 739c69bd63
commit b7c147445a
5 changed files with 266 additions and 170 deletions

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@ -1,191 +1,257 @@
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::pac::flash::vals::Latency; use crate::pac::flash::vals::Latency;
use crate::pac::rcc::vals::*; use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Pllsrc;
#[cfg(any(rcc_f1, rcc_f1cl))]
use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Usbpre;
pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{
Adcpre as ADCPrescaler, Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Pllmul as PllMul, Pllxtpre as PllPreDiv, Ppre as APBPrescaler,
Sw as Sysclk,
use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC}; use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
use crate::time::Hertz; use crate::time::Hertz;
/// HSI speed /// HSI speed
pub const HSI_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz(8_000_000); pub const HSI_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz(8_000_000);
/// Configuration of the clocks #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// pub enum HseMode {
#[non_exhaustive] /// crystal/ceramic oscillator (HSEBYP=0)
#[derive(Default)] Oscillator,
pub struct Config { /// external analog clock (low swing) (HSEBYP=1)
pub hse: Option<Hertz>, Bypass,
pub sys_ck: Option<Hertz>, #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub hclk: Option<Hertz>, pub struct Hse {
pub pclk1: Option<Hertz>, /// HSE frequency.
pub pclk2: Option<Hertz>, pub freq: Hertz,
pub adcclk: Option<Hertz>, /// HSE mode.
pub pllxtpre: bool, pub mode: HseMode,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum PllSource {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Pll {
pub src: PllSource,
/// PLL pre-divider.
/// On some F3 chips, this must be 2 if `src == HSI`. Init will panic if this is not the case.
pub prediv: PllPreDiv,
/// PLL multiplication factor.
pub mul: PllMul,
/// Clocks configutation
pub struct Config {
pub hsi: bool,
pub hse: Option<Hse>,
pub sys: Sysclk,
pub pll: Option<Pll>,
pub ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler,
pub apb1_pre: APBPrescaler,
pub apb2_pre: APBPrescaler,
pub adc_pre: ADCPrescaler,
pub ls: super::LsConfig, pub ls: super::LsConfig,
} }
pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) { impl Default for Config {
let pllxtpre_div = if config.pllxtpre { 2 } else { 1 }; fn default() -> Self {
let pllsrcclk =|hse| hse.0 / pllxtpre_div).unwrap_or(HSI_FREQ.0 / 2); Self {
hsi: true,
hse: None,
sys: Sysclk::HSI,
pll: None,
ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler::DIV1,
apb1_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
apb2_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
ls: Default::default(),
let sysclk =|sys| sys.0).unwrap_or(pllsrcclk); // ensure ADC is not out of range by default even if APB2 is maxxed out (36mhz)
let pllmul = sysclk / pllsrcclk; adc_pre: ADCPrescaler::DIV6,
let (pllmul_bits, real_sysclk) = if pllmul == 1 {
(None,|hse| hse.0).unwrap_or(HSI_FREQ.0))
} else {
let pllmul = core::cmp::min(core::cmp::max(pllmul, 1), 16);
(Some(pllmul as u8 - 2), pllsrcclk * pllmul)
assert!(real_sysclk <= 72_000_000);
let hpre_bits = config
.map(|hclk| match real_sysclk / hclk.0 {
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => 0b0111,
2 => 0b1000,
3..=5 => 0b1001,
6..=11 => 0b1010,
12..=39 => 0b1011,
40..=95 => 0b1100,
96..=191 => 0b1101,
192..=383 => 0b1110,
_ => 0b1111,
let hclk = if hpre_bits >= 0b1100 {
real_sysclk / (1 << (hpre_bits - 0b0110))
} else {
real_sysclk / (1 << (hpre_bits - 0b0111))
assert!(hclk <= 72_000_000);
let ppre1_bits = config
.map(|pclk1| match hclk / pclk1.0 {
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => 0b011,
2 => 0b100,
3..=5 => 0b101,
6..=11 => 0b110,
_ => 0b111,
let ppre1 = 1 << (ppre1_bits - 0b011);
let pclk1 = hclk / u32::try_from(ppre1).unwrap();
let timer_mul1 = if ppre1 == 1 { 1 } else { 2 };
assert!(pclk1 <= 36_000_000);
let ppre2_bits = config
.map(|pclk2| match hclk / pclk2.0 {
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => 0b011,
2 => 0b100,
3..=5 => 0b101,
6..=11 => 0b110,
_ => 0b111,
let ppre2 = 1 << (ppre2_bits - 0b011);
let pclk2 = hclk / u32::try_from(ppre2).unwrap();
let timer_mul2 = if ppre2 == 1 { 1 } else { 2 };
assert!(pclk2 <= 72_000_000);
FLASH.acr().write(|w| {
w.set_latency(if real_sysclk <= 24_000_000 {
} else if real_sysclk <= 48_000_000 {
} else {
// the prefetch buffer is enabled by default, let's keep it enabled
// the USB clock is only valid if an external crystal is used, the PLL is enabled, and the
// PLL output frequency is a supported one.
// usbpre == false: divide clock by 1.5, otherwise no division
let (usbpre, _usbclk_valid) = match (config.hse, pllmul_bits, real_sysclk) {
(Some(_), Some(_), 72_000_000) => (false, true),
(Some(_), Some(_), 48_000_000) => (true, true),
_ => (true, false),
let apre_bits: u8 = config
.map(|adcclk| match pclk2 / adcclk.0 {
0..=2 => 0b00,
3..=4 => 0b01,
5..=7 => 0b10,
_ => 0b11,
let apre = (apre_bits + 1) << 1;
let adcclk = pclk2 / unwrap!(u32::try_from(apre));
assert!(adcclk <= 14_000_000);
if config.hse.is_some() {
// enable HSE and wait for it to be ready|w| w.set_hseon(true));
while ! {}
} }
if let Some(pllmul_bits) = pllmul_bits { /// Initialize and Set the clock frequencies
let pllctpre_flag: u8 = if config.pllxtpre { 1 } else { 0 }; pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
RCC.cfgr() // Configure HSI
.modify(|w| w.set_pllxtpre(Pllxtpre::from_bits(pllctpre_flag))); let hsi = match config.hsi {
false => {|w| w.set_hsion(false));
true => {|w| w.set_hsion(true));
while ! {}
// Configure HSE
let hse = match config.hse {
None => {|w| w.set_hseon(false));
Some(hse) => {
match hse.mode {
HseMode::Bypass => assert!(max::HSE_BYP.contains(&hse.freq)),
HseMode::Oscillator => assert!(max::HSE_OSC.contains(&hse.freq)),
}|w| w.set_hsebyp(hse.mode != HseMode::Oscillator));|w| w.set_hseon(true));
while ! {}
// Enable PLL
let pll =|pll| {
let (src_val, src_freq) = match pll.src {
PllSource::HSI => {
if pll.prediv != PllPreDiv::DIV2 {
panic!("if PLL source is HSI, PLL prediv must be 2.");
(Pllsrc::HSI_DIV2, unwrap!(hsi))
PllSource::HSE => (Pllsrc::HSE_DIV_PREDIV, unwrap!(hse)),
let in_freq = src_freq / pll.prediv;
let out_freq = in_freq * pll.mul;
// enable PLL and wait for it to be ready
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| { RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
w.set_pllmul(Pllmul::from_bits(pllmul_bits)); w.set_pllmul(pll.mul);
w.set_pllsrc(Pllsrc::from_bits(config.hse.is_some() as u8)); w.set_pllsrc(src_val);
}); });|w| w.set_pllon(true));|w| w.set_pllon(true));
while ! {} while ! {}
// Only needed for stm32f103? out_freq
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
w.set_usbpre(Usbpre::from_bits(usbpre as u8));
w.set_sw(if pllmul_bits.is_some() {
} else if config.hse.is_some() {
} else {
}); });
#[cfg(any(rcc_f1, rcc_f1cl))]
let usb = match pll {
Some(Hertz(72_000_000)) => {
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| w.set_usbpre(Usbpre::DIV1_5));
Some(Hertz(48_000_000)) => {
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| w.set_usbpre(Usbpre::DIV1));
_ => None,
// Configure sysclk
let sys = match config.sys {
Sysclk::HSI => unwrap!(hsi),
Sysclk::HSE => unwrap!(hse),
Sysclk::PLL1_P => unwrap!(pll),
_ => unreachable!(),
let hclk = sys / config.ahb_pre;
let (pclk1, pclk1_tim) = super::util::calc_pclk(hclk, config.apb1_pre);
let (pclk2, pclk2_tim) = super::util::calc_pclk(hclk, config.apb2_pre);
let adc = pclk2 / config.adc_pre;
// Set latency based on HCLK frquency
let latency = match hclk.0 {
..=24_000_000 => Latency::WS0,
..=48_000_000 => Latency::WS1,
_ => Latency::WS2,
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| {
// RM0316: "The prefetch buffer must be kept on when using a prescaler
// different from 1 on the AHB clock.", "Half-cycle access cannot be
// used when there is a prescaler different from 1 on the AHB clock"
if config.ahb_pre != AHBPrescaler::DIV1 {
// Set prescalers
// CFGR has been written before (PLL, PLL48) don't overwrite these settings
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
// Wait for the new prescalers to kick in
// "The clocks are divided with the new prescaler factor from
// 1 to 16 AHB cycles after write"
// CFGR has been written before (PLL, PLL48, clock divider) don't overwrite these settings
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| w.set_sw(config.sys));
while RCC.cfgr().read().sws() != config.sys {}
let rtc =; let rtc =;
set_clocks!( set_clocks!(
sys: Some(Hertz(real_sysclk)), hsi: hsi,
pclk1: Some(Hertz(pclk1)), hse: hse,
pclk2: Some(Hertz(pclk2)), pll1_p: pll,
pclk1_tim: Some(Hertz(pclk1 * timer_mul1)), sys: Some(sys),
pclk2_tim: Some(Hertz(pclk2 * timer_mul2)), pclk1: Some(pclk1),
hclk1: Some(Hertz(hclk)), pclk2: Some(pclk2),
adc: Some(Hertz(adcclk)), pclk1_tim: Some(pclk1_tim),
pclk2_tim: Some(pclk2_tim),
hclk1: Some(hclk),
adc: Some(adc),
rtc: rtc, rtc: rtc,
#[cfg(any(rcc_f1, rcc_f1cl))]
usb: usb,
lse: None,
); );
} }
mod max {
use core::ops::RangeInclusive;
use crate::time::Hertz;
pub(crate) const HSE_OSC: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(4_000_000)..=Hertz(16_000_000);
pub(crate) const HSE_BYP: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(1_000_000)..=Hertz(25_000_000);
pub(crate) const HSE_OSC: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(3_000_000)..=Hertz(25_000_000);
pub(crate) const HSE_BYP: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(1_000_000)..=Hertz(50_000_000);
pub(crate) const HCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(72_000_000);
pub(crate) const PCLK1: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(36_000_000);
pub(crate) const PCLK2: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(72_000_000);
pub(crate) const PLL_IN: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(1_000_000)..=Hertz(25_000_000);
pub(crate) const PLL_OUT: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(16_000_000)..=Hertz(72_000_000);
pub(crate) const ADC: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(14_000_000);

View file

@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
use defmt::info; use defmt::info;
use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_stm32::time::Hertz;
use embassy_stm32::Config; use embassy_stm32::Config;
use embassy_time::Timer; use embassy_time::Timer;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _}; use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
#[embassy_executor::main] #[embassy_executor::main]
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) -> ! { async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) -> ! {
let mut config = Config::default(); let config = Config::default();
config.rcc.sys_ck = Some(Hertz(36_000_000));
let _p = embassy_stm32::init(config); let _p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
loop { loop {

View file

@ -21,9 +21,23 @@ bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
#[embassy_executor::main] #[embassy_executor::main]
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) { async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
let mut config = Config::default(); let mut config = Config::default();
config.rcc.hse = Some(Hertz(8_000_000)); {
config.rcc.sys_ck = Some(Hertz(48_000_000)); use embassy_stm32::rcc::*;
config.rcc.pclk1 = Some(Hertz(24_000_000)); config.rcc.hse = Some(Hse {
freq: Hertz(8_000_000),
// Oscillator for bluepill, Bypass for nucleos.
mode: HseMode::Oscillator,
config.rcc.pll = Some(Pll {
src: PllSource::HSE,
prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV1,
mul: PllMul::MUL9,
config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::PLL1_P;
config.rcc.ahb_pre = AHBPrescaler::DIV1;
config.rcc.apb1_pre = APBPrescaler::DIV2;
config.rcc.apb2_pre = APBPrescaler::DIV1;
let mut p = embassy_stm32::init(config); let mut p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
info!("Hello World!"); info!("Hello World!");

View file

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ rustflags = [
] ]
[build] [build]
target = "thumbv6m-none-eabi" #target = "thumbv6m-none-eabi"
#target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi" #target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi"
#target = "thumbv7em-none-eabi" target = "thumbv7em-none-eabi"
#target = "thumbv8m.main-none-eabihf" #target = "thumbv8m.main-none-eabihf"
[env] [env]

View file

@ -247,6 +247,24 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
config.rcc = embassy_stm32::rcc::WPAN_DEFAULT; config.rcc = embassy_stm32::rcc::WPAN_DEFAULT;
} }
#[cfg(feature = "stm32f103c8")]
use embassy_stm32::rcc::*;
config.rcc.hse = Some(Hse {
freq: Hertz(8_000_000),
mode: HseMode::Oscillator,
config.rcc.pll = Some(Pll {
src: PllSource::HSE,
prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV1,
mul: PllMul::MUL9,
config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::PLL1_P;
config.rcc.ahb_pre = AHBPrescaler::DIV1;
config.rcc.apb1_pre = APBPrescaler::DIV2;
config.rcc.apb2_pre = APBPrescaler::DIV1;
#[cfg(feature = "stm32f207zg")] #[cfg(feature = "stm32f207zg")]
{ {
use embassy_stm32::rcc::*; use embassy_stm32::rcc::*;