diff --git a/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml b/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml
index 18010fb9b..70e8f2e29 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml
+++ b/embassy-stm32/Cargo.toml
@@ -59,12 +59,11 @@ sdio-host = "0.5.0"
 embedded-sdmmc = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/embedded-sdmmc-rs", rev = "a4f293d3a6f72158385f79c98634cb8a14d0d2fc", optional = true }
 critical-section = "1.1"
 atomic-polyfill = "1.0.1"
-stm32-metapac = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/stm32-data-generated", tag = "stm32-data-eecd80c34d4a3035be31404857e6c6e115376f41" }
+stm32-metapac = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/stm32-data-generated", tag = "stm32-data-e89b8cfc30e480036aaf502f34c874ee42d68026" }
 vcell = "0.1.3"
 bxcan = "0.7.0"
 nb = "1.0.0"
 stm32-fmc = "0.3.0"
-seq-macro = "0.3.0"
 cfg-if = "1.0.0"
 embedded-io = { version = "0.6.0" }
 embedded-io-async = { version = "0.6.0", optional = true }
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ critical-section = { version = "1.1", features = ["std"] }
 proc-macro2 = "1.0.36"
 quote = "1.0.15"
-stm32-metapac = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/stm32-data-generated", tag = "stm32-data-eecd80c34d4a3035be31404857e6c6e115376f41", default-features = false, features = ["metadata"]}
+stm32-metapac = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/stm32-data-generated", tag = "stm32-data-e89b8cfc30e480036aaf502f34c874ee42d68026", default-features = false, features = ["metadata"]}
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/build.rs b/embassy-stm32/build.rs
index 3f85d9e61..643f1b6e9 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/build.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/build.rs
@@ -893,6 +893,105 @@ fn main() {
+    // ========
+    // Generate Div/Mul impls for RCC prescalers/dividers/multipliers.
+    let rcc_registers = METADATA
+        .peripherals
+        .iter()
+        .filter_map(|p| p.registers.as_ref())
+        .find(|r| r.kind == "rcc")
+        .unwrap()
+        .ir;
+    for e in rcc_registers.enums {
+        fn is_rcc_name(e: &str) -> bool {
+            match e {
+                "Pllp" | "Pllq" | "Pllr" | "Pllm" | "Plln" => true,
+                "Timpre" | "Pllrclkpre" => false,
+                e if e.ends_with("pre") || e.ends_with("div") || e.ends_with("mul") => true,
+                _ => false,
+            }
+        }
+        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+        struct Frac {
+            num: u32,
+            denom: u32,
+        }
+        impl Frac {
+            fn simplify(self) -> Self {
+                let d = gcd(self.num, self.denom);
+                Self {
+                    num: self.num / d,
+                    denom: self.denom / d,
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        fn gcd(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
+            if b == 0 {
+                return a;
+            }
+            gcd(b, a % b)
+        }
+        fn parse_num(n: &str) -> Result<Frac, ()> {
+            for prefix in ["DIV", "MUL"] {
+                if let Some(n) = n.strip_prefix(prefix) {
+                    let exponent = n.find('_').map(|e| n.len() - 1 - e).unwrap_or(0) as u32;
+                    let mantissa = n.replace('_', "").parse().map_err(|_| ())?;
+                    let f = Frac {
+                        num: mantissa,
+                        denom: 10u32.pow(exponent),
+                    };
+                    return Ok(f.simplify());
+                }
+            }
+            Err(())
+        }
+        if is_rcc_name(e.name) {
+            let enum_name = format_ident!("{}", e.name);
+            let mut muls = Vec::new();
+            let mut divs = Vec::new();
+            for v in e.variants {
+                let Ok(val) = parse_num(v.name) else {
+                    panic!("could not parse mul/div. enum={} variant={}", e.name, v.name)
+                };
+                let variant_name = format_ident!("{}", v.name);
+                let variant = quote!(crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name::#variant_name);
+                let num = val.num;
+                let denom = val.denom;
+                muls.push(quote!(#variant => self * #num / #denom,));
+                divs.push(quote!(#variant => self * #denom / #num,));
+            }
+            g.extend(quote! {
+                impl core::ops::Div<crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name> for crate::time::Hertz {
+                    type Output = crate::time::Hertz;
+                    fn div(self, rhs: crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name) -> Self::Output {
+                        match rhs {
+                            #(#divs)*
+                            #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
+                            _ => unreachable!(),
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                impl core::ops::Mul<crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name> for crate::time::Hertz {
+                    type Output = crate::time::Hertz;
+                    fn mul(self, rhs: crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name) -> Self::Output {
+                        match rhs {
+                            #(#muls)*
+                            #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
+                            _ => unreachable!(),
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    }
     // ========
     // Write foreach_foo! macrotables
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/bus.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/bus.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 495cf7fe1..000000000
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/bus.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-use core::ops::Div;
-use crate::pac::rcc;
-pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
-use crate::time::Hertz;
-impl Div<AHBPrescaler> for Hertz {
-    type Output = Hertz;
-    fn div(self, rhs: AHBPrescaler) -> Self::Output {
-        let divisor = match rhs {
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV1 => 1,
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV2 => 2,
-            #[cfg(any(rcc_wb, rcc_wl5, rcc_wle))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV3 => 3,
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV4 => 4,
-            #[cfg(any(rcc_wb, rcc_wl5, rcc_wle))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV5 => 5,
-            #[cfg(any(rcc_wb, rcc_wl5, rcc_wle))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV6 => 6,
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV8 => 8,
-            #[cfg(any(rcc_wb, rcc_wl5, rcc_wle))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV10 => 10,
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV16 => 16,
-            #[cfg(any(rcc_wb, rcc_wl5, rcc_wle))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV32 => 32,
-            #[cfg(not(rcc_wba))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV64 => 64,
-            #[cfg(not(rcc_wba))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV128 => 128,
-            #[cfg(not(rcc_wba))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV256 => 256,
-            #[cfg(not(rcc_wba))]
-            AHBPrescaler::DIV512 => 512,
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        };
-        Hertz(self.0 / divisor)
-    }
-impl Div<APBPrescaler> for Hertz {
-    type Output = Hertz;
-    fn div(self, rhs: APBPrescaler) -> Self::Output {
-        let divisor = match rhs {
-            APBPrescaler::DIV1 => 1,
-            APBPrescaler::DIV2 => 2,
-            APBPrescaler::DIV4 => 4,
-            APBPrescaler::DIV8 => 8,
-            APBPrescaler::DIV16 => 16,
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        };
-        Hertz(self.0 / divisor)
-    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/c0.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/c0.rs
index 8f45e7c0f..efa56de7b 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/c0.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/c0.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::flash::vals::Latency;
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hsidiv, Ppre, Sw};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f2.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f2.rs
index 44de5bf19..07b816bf5 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f2.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f2.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-use core::convert::TryFrom;
-use core::ops::{Div, Mul};
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::flash::vals::Latency;
-use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Pllp, Pllsrc, Sw};
+use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Sw;
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{
+    Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Pllm as PLLPreDiv, Plln as PLLMul, Pllp as PLLPDiv, Pllq as PLLQDiv, Pllsrc as PLLSrc,
+    Ppre as APBPrescaler,
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::bd::BackupDomain;
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
@@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ pub enum HSESrc {
 pub struct PLLConfig {
     pub pre_div: PLLPreDiv,
     pub mul: PLLMul,
-    pub main_div: PLLMainDiv,
-    pub pll48_div: PLL48Div,
+    pub p_div: PLLPDiv,
+    pub q_div: PLLQDiv,
 impl Default for PLLConfig {
     fn default() -> Self {
         PLLConfig {
-            pre_div: PLLPreDiv(16),
-            mul: PLLMul(192),
-            main_div: PLLMainDiv::Div2,
-            pll48_div: PLL48Div(4),
+            pre_div: PLLPreDiv::DIV16,
+            mul: PLLMul::MUL192,
+            p_div: PLLPDiv::DIV2,
+            q_div: PLLQDiv::DIV4,
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ impl Default for PLLConfig {
 impl PLLConfig {
     pub fn clocks(&self, src_freq: Hertz) -> PLLClocks {
         let in_freq = src_freq / self.pre_div;
-        let vco_freq = Hertz((src_freq.0 as u64 * self.mul.0 as u64 / self.pre_div.0 as u64) as u32);
-        let main_freq = vco_freq / self.main_div;
-        let pll48_freq = vco_freq / self.pll48_div;
+        let vco_freq = src_freq / self.pre_div * self.mul;
+        let main_freq = vco_freq / self.p_div;
+        let pll48_freq = vco_freq / self.q_div;
         PLLClocks {
@@ -72,129 +72,6 @@ impl PLLConfig {
-/// Clock source for both main PLL and PLLI2S
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
-pub enum PLLSrc {
-    HSE,
-    HSI,
-impl Into<Pllsrc> for PLLSrc {
-    fn into(self) -> Pllsrc {
-        match self {
-            PLLSrc::HSE => Pllsrc::HSE,
-            PLLSrc::HSI => Pllsrc::HSI,
-        }
-    }
-/// Division factor for both main PLL and PLLI2S
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
-pub struct PLLPreDiv(u8);
-impl TryFrom<u8> for PLLPreDiv {
-    type Error = &'static str;
-    fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        match value {
-            2..=63 => Ok(PLLPreDiv(value)),
-            _ => Err("PLLPreDiv must be within range 2..=63"),
-        }
-    }
-impl Div<PLLPreDiv> for Hertz {
-    type Output = Hertz;
-    fn div(self, rhs: PLLPreDiv) -> Self::Output {
-        Hertz(self.0 / u32::from(rhs.0))
-    }
-/// Multiplication factor for main PLL
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
-pub struct PLLMul(u16);
-impl Mul<PLLMul> for Hertz {
-    type Output = Hertz;
-    fn mul(self, rhs: PLLMul) -> Self::Output {
-        Hertz(self.0 * u32::from(rhs.0))
-    }
-impl TryFrom<u16> for PLLMul {
-    type Error = &'static str;
-    fn try_from(value: u16) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        match value {
-            192..=432 => Ok(PLLMul(value)),
-            _ => Err("PLLMul must be within range 192..=432"),
-        }
-    }
-/// PLL division factor for the main system clock
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
-pub enum PLLMainDiv {
-    Div2,
-    Div4,
-    Div6,
-    Div8,
-impl Into<Pllp> for PLLMainDiv {
-    fn into(self) -> Pllp {
-        match self {
-            PLLMainDiv::Div2 => Pllp::DIV2,
-            PLLMainDiv::Div4 => Pllp::DIV4,
-            PLLMainDiv::Div6 => Pllp::DIV6,
-            PLLMainDiv::Div8 => Pllp::DIV8,
-        }
-    }
-impl Div<PLLMainDiv> for Hertz {
-    type Output = Hertz;
-    fn div(self, rhs: PLLMainDiv) -> Self::Output {
-        let divisor = match rhs {
-            PLLMainDiv::Div2 => 2,
-            PLLMainDiv::Div4 => 4,
-            PLLMainDiv::Div6 => 6,
-            PLLMainDiv::Div8 => 8,
-        };
-        Hertz(self.0 / divisor)
-    }
-/// PLL division factor for USB OTG FS / SDIO / RNG
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
-pub struct PLL48Div(u8);
-impl Div<PLL48Div> for Hertz {
-    type Output = Hertz;
-    fn div(self, rhs: PLL48Div) -> Self::Output {
-        Hertz(self.0 / u32::from(rhs.0))
-    }
-impl TryFrom<u8> for PLL48Div {
-    type Error = &'static str;
-    fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        match value {
-            2..=15 => Ok(PLL48Div(value)),
-            _ => Err("PLL48Div must be within range 2..=15"),
-        }
-    }
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
 pub struct PLLClocks {
     pub in_freq: Hertz,
@@ -367,11 +244,11 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
     assert!(pll_clocks.pll48_freq <= Hertz(48_000_000));
     RCC.pllcfgr().write(|w| {
-        w.set_pllsrc(config.pll_mux.into());
-        w.set_pllm(config.pll.pre_div.0);
-        w.set_plln(config.pll.mul.0);
-        w.set_pllp(config.pll.main_div.into());
-        w.set_pllq(config.pll.pll48_div.0);
+        w.set_pllsrc(config.pll_mux);
+        w.set_pllm(config.pll.pre_div);
+        w.set_plln(config.pll.mul);
+        w.set_pllp(config.pll.p_div);
+        w.set_pllq(config.pll.q_div);
     let (sys_clk, sw) = match config.mux {
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f4.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f4.rs
index ad106ce38..754a0d570 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f4.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f4.rs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+use stm32_metapac::rcc::vals::{Pllm, Plln, Pllq, Pllr};
 use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Ppre, Sw};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::bd::{BackupDomain, RtcClockSource};
@@ -170,12 +172,12 @@ fn setup_pll(
     let real_pll48clk = vco_in * plln / pllq;
     RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
-        w.set_pllm(pllm as u8);
-        w.set_plln(plln as u16);
+        w.set_pllm(Pllm::from_bits(pllm as u8));
+        w.set_plln(Plln::from_bits(plln as u16));
         w.set_pllp(Pllp::from_bits(pllp as u8));
-        w.set_pllq(pllq as u8);
+        w.set_pllq(Pllq::from_bits(pllq as u8));
         w.set_pllsrc(Pllsrc::from_bits(use_hse as u8));
-        w.set_pllr(0);
+        w.set_pllr(Pllr::from_bits(0));
     let real_pllsysclk = vco_in * plln / sysclk_div;
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f7.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f7.rs
index f32559e26..565f6aa9f 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f7.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/f7.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 use crate::pac::pwr::vals::Vos;
-use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Ppre, Sw};
+use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Pllm, Plln, Pllp, Pllq, Pllsrc, Ppre, Sw};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::bd::{BackupDomain, RtcClockSource};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ pub struct Config {
 fn setup_pll(pllsrcclk: u32, use_hse: bool, pllsysclk: Option<u32>, pll48clk: bool) -> PllResults {
-    use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Pllp, Pllsrc};
     let sysclk = pllsysclk.unwrap_or(pllsrcclk);
     if pllsysclk.is_none() && !pll48clk {
         RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| w.set_pllsrc(Pllsrc::from_bits(use_hse as u8)));
@@ -84,10 +82,10 @@ fn setup_pll(pllsrcclk: u32, use_hse: bool, pllsysclk: Option<u32>, pll48clk: bo
     let real_pll48clk = vco_in * plln / pllq;
     RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
-        w.set_pllm(pllm as u8);
-        w.set_plln(plln as u16);
+        w.set_pllm(Pllm::from_bits(pllm as u8));
+        w.set_plln(Plln::from_bits(plln as u16));
         w.set_pllp(Pllp::from_bits(pllp as u8));
-        w.set_pllq(pllq as u8);
+        w.set_pllq(Pllq::from_bits(pllq as u8));
         w.set_pllsrc(Pllsrc::from_bits(use_hse as u8));
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g0.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g0.rs
index 7f0a2c7fb..5ac409113 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g0.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g0.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::flash::vals::Latency;
-use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{self, Hsidiv, Ppre, Sw};
+use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{self, Hsidiv, Sw};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Pllm, Plln, Pllp, Pllq, Pllr, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
 use crate::time::Hertz;
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ pub struct PllConfig {
     /// The initial divisor of that clock signal
     pub m: Pllm,
     /// The PLL VCO multiplier, which must be in the range `8..=86`.
-    pub n: u8,
+    pub n: Plln,
     /// The final divisor for `PLLRCLK` output which drives the system clock
     pub r: Pllr,
     /// The divisor for the `PLLQCLK` output, if desired
-    pub q: Option<Pllr>,
+    pub q: Option<Pllq>,
     /// The divisor for the `PLLPCLK` output, if desired
-    pub p: Option<Pllr>,
+    pub p: Option<Pllp>,
 impl Default for PllConfig {
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ impl Default for PllConfig {
         // HSI16 / 1 * 8 / 2 = 64 MHz
         PllConfig {
             source: PllSrc::HSI16,
-            m: Pllm::Div1,
-            n: 8,
-            r: Pllr::Div2,
+            m: Pllm::DIV1,
+            n: Plln::MUL8,
+            r: Pllr::DIV2,
             q: None,
             p: None,
@@ -92,87 +92,6 @@ pub enum PllSrc {
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum Pllm {
-    Div1,
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
-    Div5,
-    Div6,
-    Div7,
-    Div8,
-impl From<Pllm> for u8 {
-    fn from(v: Pllm) -> Self {
-        match v {
-            Pllm::Div1 => 0b000,
-            Pllm::Div2 => 0b001,
-            Pllm::Div3 => 0b010,
-            Pllm::Div4 => 0b011,
-            Pllm::Div5 => 0b100,
-            Pllm::Div6 => 0b101,
-            Pllm::Div7 => 0b110,
-            Pllm::Div8 => 0b111,
-        }
-    }
-impl From<Pllm> for u32 {
-    fn from(v: Pllm) -> Self {
-        match v {
-            Pllm::Div1 => 1,
-            Pllm::Div2 => 2,
-            Pllm::Div3 => 3,
-            Pllm::Div4 => 4,
-            Pllm::Div5 => 5,
-            Pllm::Div6 => 6,
-            Pllm::Div7 => 7,
-            Pllm::Div8 => 8,
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum Pllr {
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
-    Div5,
-    Div6,
-    Div7,
-    Div8,
-impl From<Pllr> for u8 {
-    fn from(v: Pllr) -> Self {
-        match v {
-            Pllr::Div2 => 0b000,
-            Pllr::Div3 => 0b001,
-            Pllr::Div4 => 0b010,
-            Pllr::Div5 => 0b011,
-            Pllr::Div6 => 0b101,
-            Pllr::Div7 => 0b110,
-            Pllr::Div8 => 0b111,
-        }
-    }
-impl From<Pllr> for u32 {
-    fn from(v: Pllr) -> Self {
-        match v {
-            Pllr::Div2 => 2,
-            Pllr::Div3 => 3,
-            Pllr::Div4 => 4,
-            Pllr::Div5 => 5,
-            Pllr::Div6 => 6,
-            Pllr::Div7 => 7,
-            Pllr::Div8 => 8,
-        }
-    }
 /// Clocks configutation
 pub struct Config {
     pub mux: ClockSrc,
@@ -194,29 +113,28 @@ impl Default for Config {
 impl PllConfig {
-    pub(crate) fn init(self) -> u32 {
-        assert!(self.n >= 8 && self.n <= 86);
+    pub(crate) fn init(self) -> Hertz {
         let (src, input_freq) = match self.source {
-            PllSrc::HSI16 => (vals::Pllsrc::HSI16, HSI_FREQ.0),
-            PllSrc::HSE(freq) => (vals::Pllsrc::HSE, freq.0),
+            PllSrc::HSI16 => (vals::Pllsrc::HSI16, HSI_FREQ),
+            PllSrc::HSE(freq) => (vals::Pllsrc::HSE, freq),
-        let m_freq = input_freq / u32::from(self.m);
+        let m_freq = input_freq / self.m;
         // RM0454 § 5.4.4:
         // > Caution: The software must set these bits so that the PLL input frequency after the
         // > /M divider is between 2.66 and 16 MHz.
-        debug_assert!(m_freq >= 2_660_000 && m_freq <= 16_000_000);
+        debug_assert!(m_freq.0 >= 2_660_000 && m_freq.0 <= 16_000_000);
         let n_freq = m_freq * self.n as u32;
         // RM0454 § 5.4.4:
         // > Caution: The software must set these bits so that the VCO output frequency is between
         // > 64 and 344 MHz.
-        debug_assert!(n_freq >= 64_000_000 && n_freq <= 344_000_000);
+        debug_assert!(n_freq.0 >= 64_000_000 && n_freq.0 <= 344_000_000);
-        let r_freq = n_freq / u32::from(self.r);
+        let r_freq = n_freq / self.r;
         // RM0454 § 5.4.4:
         // > Caution: The software must set this bitfield so as not to exceed 64 MHz on this clock.
-        debug_assert!(r_freq <= 64_000_000);
+        debug_assert!(r_freq.0 <= 64_000_000);
         // RM0454 § 5.2.3:
         // > To modify the PLL configuration, proceed as follows:
@@ -239,25 +157,16 @@ impl PllConfig {
-        // Configure PLLSYSCFGR
-        RCC.pllsyscfgr().modify(|w| {
-            w.set_pllr(u8::from(self.r));
+        // Configure PLLCFGR
+        RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
+            w.set_pllr(self.r);
-            if let Some(q) = self.q {
-                w.set_pllq(u8::from(q));
-            }
+            w.set_pllq(self.q.unwrap_or(Pllq::DIV2));
-            if let Some(p) = self.p {
-                w.set_pllp(u8::from(p));
-            }
+            w.set_pllp(self.p.unwrap_or(Pllp::DIV2));
-            w.set_pllm(self.m as u8);
+            w.set_pllm(self.m);
@@ -269,7 +178,7 @@ impl PllConfig {
         // > 5. Enable the desired PLL outputs by configuring PLLPEN, PLLQEN, and PLLREN in PLL
         // > configuration register (RCC_PLLCFGR).
-        RCC.pllsyscfgr().modify(|w| {
+        RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
             // We'll use R for system clock, so enable that unconditionally
@@ -293,14 +202,14 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
-            (HSI_FREQ.0 >> div.to_bits(), Sw::HSI)
+            (HSI_FREQ / div, Sw::HSI)
         ClockSrc::HSE(freq) => {
             // Enable HSE
             RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
             while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
-            (freq.0, Sw::HSE)
+            (freq, Sw::HSE)
         ClockSrc::PLL(pll) => {
             let freq = pll.init();
@@ -310,15 +219,15 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             // Enable LSI
             RCC.csr().write(|w| w.set_lsion(true));
             while !RCC.csr().read().lsirdy() {}
-            (LSI_FREQ.0, Sw::LSI)
+            (LSI_FREQ, Sw::LSI)
     // Determine the flash latency implied by the target clock speed
     // RM0454 § 3.3.4:
-    let target_flash_latency = if sys_clk <= 24_000_000 {
+    let target_flash_latency = if sys_clk.0 <= 24_000_000 {
-    } else if sys_clk <= 48_000_000 {
+    } else if sys_clk.0 <= 48_000_000 {
     } else {
@@ -374,27 +283,25 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(target_flash_latency));
-    let ahb_freq = Hertz(sys_clk) / config.ahb_pre;
+    let ahb_freq = sys_clk / config.ahb_pre;
     let (apb_freq, apb_tim_freq) = match config.apb_pre {
-        APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq.0, ahb_freq.0),
+        APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.to_bits() - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq.0 / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     if config.low_power_run {
-        assert!(sys_clk <= 2_000_000);
+        assert!(sys_clk.0 <= 2_000_000);
         PWR.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_lpr(true));
     set_freqs(Clocks {
-        sys: Hertz(sys_clk),
+        sys: sys_clk,
         ahb1: ahb_freq,
-        apb1: Hertz(apb_freq),
-        apb1_tim: Hertz(apb_tim_freq),
+        apb1: apb_freq,
+        apb1_tim: apb_tim_freq,
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g4.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g4.rs
index 41bebc918..08ccc5fe9 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g4.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/g4.rs
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ use stm32_metapac::flash::vals::Latency;
 use stm32_metapac::rcc::vals::{Adcsel, Pllsrc, Sw};
 use stm32_metapac::FLASH;
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{
+    Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Pllm as PllM, Plln as PllN, Pllp as PllP, Pllq as PllQ, Pllr as PllR, Ppre as APBPrescaler,
 use crate::pac::{PWR, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral;
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
@@ -61,181 +63,6 @@ impl Into<Pllsrc> for PllSrc {
-seq_macro::seq!(P in 2..=31 {
-    /// Output divider for the PLL P output.
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum PllP {
-        // Note: If PLL P is set to 0 the PLLP bit controls the output division. There does not seem to
-        // a good reason to do this so the API does not support it.
-        // Div1 is invalid
-        #(
-            Div~P,
-        )*
-    }
-    impl From<PllP> for u8 {
-        /// Returns the register value for the P output divider.
-        fn from(val: PllP) -> u8 {
-            match val {
-                #(
-                    PllP::Div~P => P,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl PllP {
-    /// Returns the numeric value of the P output divider.
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        val as u32
-    }
-/// Output divider for the PLL Q output.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PllQ {
-    Div2,
-    Div4,
-    Div6,
-    Div8,
-impl PllQ {
-    /// Returns the numeric value of the Q output divider.
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        (val as u32 + 1) * 2
-    }
-impl From<PllQ> for u8 {
-    /// Returns the register value for the Q output divider.
-    fn from(val: PllQ) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PllQ::Div2 => 0b00,
-            PllQ::Div4 => 0b01,
-            PllQ::Div6 => 0b10,
-            PllQ::Div8 => 0b11,
-        }
-    }
-/// Output divider for the PLL R output.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PllR {
-    Div2,
-    Div4,
-    Div6,
-    Div8,
-impl PllR {
-    /// Returns the numeric value of the R output divider.
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        (val as u32 + 1) * 2
-    }
-impl From<PllR> for u8 {
-    /// Returns the register value for the R output divider.
-    fn from(val: PllR) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PllR::Div2 => 0b00,
-            PllR::Div4 => 0b01,
-            PllR::Div6 => 0b10,
-            PllR::Div8 => 0b11,
-        }
-    }
-seq_macro::seq!(N in 8..=127 {
-    /// Multiplication factor for the PLL VCO input clock.
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum PllN {
-        #(
-            Mul~N,
-        )*
-    }
-    impl From<PllN> for u8 {
-        /// Returns the register value for the N multiplication factor.
-        fn from(val: PllN) -> u8 {
-            match val {
-                #(
-                    PllN::Mul~N => N,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    impl PllN {
-        /// Returns the numeric value of the N multiplication factor.
-        pub fn to_mul(self) -> u32 {
-            match self {
-                #(
-                    PllN::Mul~N => N,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// PLL Pre-division. This must be set such that the PLL input is between 2.66 MHz and 16 MHz.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub enum PllM {
-    Div1,
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
-    Div5,
-    Div6,
-    Div7,
-    Div8,
-    Div9,
-    Div10,
-    Div11,
-    Div12,
-    Div13,
-    Div14,
-    Div15,
-    Div16,
-impl PllM {
-    /// Returns the numeric value of the M pre-division.
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        val as u32 + 1
-    }
-impl From<PllM> for u8 {
-    /// Returns the register value for the M pre-division.
-    fn from(val: PllM) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PllM::Div1 => 0b0000,
-            PllM::Div2 => 0b0001,
-            PllM::Div3 => 0b0010,
-            PllM::Div4 => 0b0011,
-            PllM::Div5 => 0b0100,
-            PllM::Div6 => 0b0101,
-            PllM::Div7 => 0b0110,
-            PllM::Div8 => 0b0111,
-            PllM::Div9 => 0b1000,
-            PllM::Div10 => 0b1001,
-            PllM::Div11 => 0b1010,
-            PllM::Div12 => 0b1011,
-            PllM::Div13 => 0b1100,
-            PllM::Div14 => 0b1101,
-            PllM::Div15 => 0b1110,
-            PllM::Div16 => 0b1111,
-        }
-    }
 /// PLL Configuration
 /// Use this struct to configure the PLL source, input frequency, multiplication factor, and output
@@ -360,12 +187,12 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
                 RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
                 while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
-                HSI_FREQ.0
+                HSI_FREQ
             PllSrc::HSE(freq) => {
                 RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
                 while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
-                freq.0
+                freq
@@ -373,7 +200,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(false));
         while RCC.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
-        let internal_freq = src_freq / pll_config.prediv_m.to_div() * pll_config.mul_n.to_mul();
+        let internal_freq = src_freq / pll_config.prediv_m * pll_config.mul_n;
         RCC.pllcfgr().write(|w| {
@@ -383,26 +210,26 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         let pll_p_freq = pll_config.div_p.map(|div_p| {
             RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
-                w.set_pllpdiv(div_p.into());
+                w.set_pllp(div_p);
-            Hertz(internal_freq / div_p.to_div())
+            internal_freq / div_p
         let pll_q_freq = pll_config.div_q.map(|div_q| {
             RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
-                w.set_pllq(div_q.into());
+                w.set_pllq(div_q);
-            Hertz(internal_freq / div_q.to_div())
+            internal_freq / div_q
         let pll_r_freq = pll_config.div_r.map(|div_r| {
             RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
-                w.set_pllr(div_r.into());
+                w.set_pllr(div_r);
-            Hertz(internal_freq / div_r.to_div())
+            internal_freq / div_r
         // Enable the PLL
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/h.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/h.rs
index 5f9cc1c8b..a11fd4737 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/h.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/h.rs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ use crate::pac::pwr::vals::Vos;
 pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Adcdacsel as AdcClockSource;
 pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Adcsel as AdcClockSource;
-pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Ckpersel as PerClockSource;
 use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Ckpersel, Hsidiv, Pllrge, Pllsrc, Pllvcosel, Sw, Timpre};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Ckpersel as PerClockSource, Plldiv as PllDiv, Pllm as PllPreDiv, Plln as PllMul};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::bd::{BackupDomain, LseCfg, RtcClockSource};
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const VCO_WIDE_RANGE: RangeInclusive<u32> = 192_000_000..=836_000_000;
 #[cfg(any(pwr_h7rm0399, pwr_h7rm0433))]
 const VCO_WIDE_RANGE: RangeInclusive<u32> = 192_000_000..=960_000_000;
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub enum VoltageScale {
@@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ pub struct Pll {
     pub source: PllSource,
-    /// PLL pre-divider (DIVM). Must be between 1 and 63.
-    pub prediv: u8,
+    /// PLL pre-divider (DIVM).
+    pub prediv: PllPreDiv,
-    /// PLL multiplication factor. Must be between 4 and 512.
-    pub mul: u16,
+    /// PLL multiplication factor.
+    pub mul: PllMul,
-    /// PLL P division factor. If None, PLL P output is disabled. Must be between 1 and 128.
+    /// PLL P division factor. If None, PLL P output is disabled.
     /// On PLL1, it must be even (in particular, it cannot be 1.)
-    pub divp: Option<u16>,
-    /// PLL Q division factor. If None, PLL Q output is disabled. Must be between 1 and 128.
-    pub divq: Option<u16>,
-    /// PLL R division factor. If None, PLL R output is disabled. Must be between 1 and 128.
-    pub divr: Option<u16>,
+    pub divp: Option<PllDiv>,
+    /// PLL Q division factor. If None, PLL Q output is disabled.
+    pub divq: Option<PllDiv>,
+    /// PLL R division factor. If None, PLL R output is disabled.
+    pub divr: Option<PllDiv>,
 fn apb_div_tim(apb: &APBPrescaler, clk: Hertz, tim: TimerPrescaler) -> Hertz {
@@ -604,9 +604,9 @@ fn init_pll(num: usize, config: Option<Pll>, input: &PllInput) -> PllOutput {
         // "To save power when PLL1 is not used, the value of PLL1M must be set to 0.""
-        RCC.pllckselr().write(|w| w.set_divm(num, 0));
+        RCC.pllckselr().write(|w| w.set_divm(num, PllPreDiv::from_bits(0)));
-        RCC.pllcfgr(num).write(|w| w.set_divm(0));
+        RCC.pllcfgr(num).write(|w| w.set_divm(PllPreDiv::from_bits(0)));
         return PllOutput {
             p: None,
@@ -615,9 +615,6 @@ fn init_pll(num: usize, config: Option<Pll>, input: &PllInput) -> PllOutput {
-    assert!(1 <= config.prediv && config.prediv <= 63);
-    assert!(4 <= config.mul && config.mul <= 512);
     let source = config.source;
@@ -653,22 +650,16 @@ fn init_pll(num: usize, config: Option<Pll>, input: &PllInput) -> PllOutput {
     let p = config.divp.map(|div| {
-        assert!(1 <= div && div <= 128);
         if num == 0 {
             // on PLL1, DIVP must be even.
-            assert!(div % 2 == 0);
+            // The enum value is 1 less than the divider, so check it's odd.
+            assert!(div.to_bits() % 2 == 1);
         vco_clk / div
-    let q = config.divq.map(|div| {
-        assert!(1 <= div && div <= 128);
-        vco_clk / div
-    });
-    let r = config.divr.map(|div| {
-        assert!(1 <= div && div <= 128);
-        vco_clk / div
-    });
+    let q = config.divq.map(|div| vco_clk / div);
+    let r = config.divr.map(|div| vco_clk / div);
     RCC.pllcfgr(num).write(|w| {
@@ -699,10 +690,10 @@ fn init_pll(num: usize, config: Option<Pll>, input: &PllInput) -> PllOutput {
     RCC.plldivr(num).write(|w| {
-        w.set_plln(config.mul - 1);
-        w.set_pllp((config.divp.unwrap_or(1) - 1) as u8);
-        w.set_pllq((config.divq.unwrap_or(1) - 1) as u8);
-        w.set_pllr((config.divr.unwrap_or(1) - 1) as u8);
+        w.set_plln(config.mul);
+        w.set_pllp(config.divp.unwrap_or(PllDiv::DIV2));
+        w.set_pllq(config.divq.unwrap_or(PllDiv::DIV2));
+        w.set_pllr(config.divr.unwrap_or(PllDiv::DIV2));
     RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(num, true));
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l0.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l0.rs
index 7358be31b..b42361268 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l0.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l0.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 use super::bd::BackupDomain;
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
 use super::RtcClockSource;
 pub use crate::pac::pwr::vals::Vos as VoltageScale;
 use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Msirange, Plldiv, Pllmul, Pllsrc, Ppre, Sw};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::{crs, CRS, SYSCFG};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l1.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l1.rs
index 90524fb37..e445a716e 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l1.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l1.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Msirange, Plldiv, Pllmul, Pllsrc, Ppre, Sw};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
 use crate::time::Hertz;
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l4.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l4.rs
index 2fbb9920e..0e35b42e8 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l4.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l4.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-use stm32_metapac::rcc::regs::Cfgr;
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
-use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Msirange, Pllsrc, Ppre, Sw};
+use crate::pac::rcc::regs::Cfgr;
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{
+    Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Msirange as MSIRange, Pllm as PllPreDiv, Plln as PllMul, Pllp as PllPDiv, Pllq as PllQDiv,
+    Pllr as PllRDiv, Ppre as APBPrescaler,
+use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Msirange, Pllsrc, Sw};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::bd::{BackupDomain, RtcClockSource};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
@@ -17,62 +19,11 @@ pub const LSI_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz(32_000);
 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub enum ClockSrc {
-    PLL(PLLSource, PLLClkDiv, PLLSrcDiv, PLLMul, Option<PLL48Div>),
+    PLL(PLLSource, PllRDiv, PllPreDiv, PllMul, Option<PllQDiv>),
-/// MSI Clock Range
-/// These ranges control the frequency of the MSI. Internally, these ranges map
-/// to the `MSIRANGE` bits in the `RCC_ICSCR` register.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum MSIRange {
-    /// Around 100 kHz
-    Range0,
-    /// Around 200 kHz
-    Range1,
-    /// Around 400 kHz
-    Range2,
-    /// Around 800 kHz
-    Range3,
-    /// Around 1 MHz
-    Range4,
-    /// Around 2 MHz
-    Range5,
-    /// Around 4 MHz (reset value)
-    Range6,
-    /// Around 8 MHz
-    Range7,
-    /// Around 16 MHz
-    Range8,
-    /// Around 24 MHz
-    Range9,
-    /// Around 32 MHz
-    Range10,
-    /// Around 48 MHz
-    Range11,
-impl Default for MSIRange {
-    fn default() -> MSIRange {
-        MSIRange::Range6
-    }
-pub type PLL48Div = PLLClkDiv;
-pub type PLLSAI1RDiv = PLLClkDiv;
-pub type PLLSAI1QDiv = PLLClkDiv;
-pub type PLLSAI1PDiv = PLLClkDiv;
-/// PLL divider
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PLLDiv {
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
 /// PLL clock input source
 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub enum PLLSource {
@@ -81,95 +32,6 @@ pub enum PLLSource {
-seq_macro::seq!(N in 8..=86 {
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum PLLMul {
-        #(
-            Mul~N,
-        )*
-    }
-    impl From<PLLMul> for u8 {
-        fn from(val: PLLMul) -> u8 {
-            match val {
-                #(
-                    PLLMul::Mul~N => N,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    impl PLLMul {
-        pub fn to_mul(self) -> u32 {
-            match self {
-                #(
-                    PLLMul::Mul~N => N,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PLLClkDiv {
-    Div2,
-    Div4,
-    Div6,
-    Div8,
-impl PLLClkDiv {
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        (val as u32 + 1) * 2
-    }
-impl From<PLLClkDiv> for u8 {
-    fn from(val: PLLClkDiv) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PLLClkDiv::Div2 => 0b00,
-            PLLClkDiv::Div4 => 0b01,
-            PLLClkDiv::Div6 => 0b10,
-            PLLClkDiv::Div8 => 0b11,
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PLLSrcDiv {
-    Div1,
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
-    Div5,
-    Div6,
-    Div7,
-    Div8,
-impl PLLSrcDiv {
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        val as u32 + 1
-    }
-impl From<PLLSrcDiv> for u8 {
-    fn from(val: PLLSrcDiv) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div1 => 0b000,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div2 => 0b001,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div3 => 0b010,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div4 => 0b011,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div5 => 0b100,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div6 => 0b101,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div7 => 0b110,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div8 => 0b111,
-        }
-    }
 impl From<PLLSource> for Pllsrc {
     fn from(val: PLLSource) -> Pllsrc {
         match val {
@@ -180,57 +42,13 @@ impl From<PLLSource> for Pllsrc {
-impl From<MSIRange> for Msirange {
-    fn from(val: MSIRange) -> Msirange {
-        match val {
-            MSIRange::Range0 => Msirange::RANGE100K,
-            MSIRange::Range1 => Msirange::RANGE200K,
-            MSIRange::Range2 => Msirange::RANGE400K,
-            MSIRange::Range3 => Msirange::RANGE800K,
-            MSIRange::Range4 => Msirange::RANGE1M,
-            MSIRange::Range5 => Msirange::RANGE2M,
-            MSIRange::Range6 => Msirange::RANGE4M,
-            MSIRange::Range7 => Msirange::RANGE8M,
-            MSIRange::Range8 => Msirange::RANGE16M,
-            MSIRange::Range9 => Msirange::RANGE24M,
-            MSIRange::Range10 => Msirange::RANGE32M,
-            MSIRange::Range11 => Msirange::RANGE48M,
-        }
-    }
-impl From<MSIRange> for u32 {
-    fn from(val: MSIRange) -> u32 {
-        match val {
-            MSIRange::Range0 => 100_000,
-            MSIRange::Range1 => 200_000,
-            MSIRange::Range2 => 400_000,
-            MSIRange::Range3 => 800_000,
-            MSIRange::Range4 => 1_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range5 => 2_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range6 => 4_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range7 => 8_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range8 => 16_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range9 => 24_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range10 => 32_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range11 => 48_000_000,
-        }
-    }
 /// Clocks configutation
 pub struct Config {
     pub mux: ClockSrc,
     pub ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler,
     pub apb1_pre: APBPrescaler,
     pub apb2_pre: APBPrescaler,
-    pub pllsai1: Option<(
-        PLLMul,
-        PLLSrcDiv,
-        Option<PLLSAI1RDiv>,
-        Option<PLLSAI1QDiv>,
-        Option<PLLSAI1PDiv>,
-    )>,
+    pub pllsai1: Option<(PllMul, PllPreDiv, Option<PllRDiv>, Option<PllQDiv>, Option<PllPDiv>)>,
     #[cfg(not(any(stm32l471, stm32l475, stm32l476, stm32l486)))]
     pub hsi48: bool,
     pub rtc_mux: RtcClockSource,
@@ -242,7 +60,7 @@ impl Default for Config {
     fn default() -> Config {
         Config {
-            mux: ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::Range6),
+            mux: ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::RANGE4M),
             ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler::DIV1,
             apb1_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
             apb2_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
@@ -262,7 +80,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         // Turn on MSI and configure it to 4MHz.
         RCC.cr().modify(|w| {
             w.set_msirgsel(true); // MSI Range is provided by MSIRANGE[3:0].
-            w.set_msirange(MSIRange::default().into());
+            w.set_msirange(MSIRange::RANGE4M);
@@ -298,40 +116,40 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             while !RCC.cr().read().msirdy() {}
             // Enable as clock source for USB, RNG if running at 48 MHz
-            if let MSIRange::Range11 = range {
+            if range == MSIRange::RANGE48M {
                 RCC.ccipr().modify(|w| {
-            (range.into(), Sw::MSI)
+            (msirange_to_hertz(range), Sw::MSI)
         ClockSrc::HSI16 => {
             // Enable HSI16
             RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
             while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
-            (HSI_FREQ.0, Sw::HSI16)
+            (HSI_FREQ, Sw::HSI16)
         ClockSrc::HSE(freq) => {
             // Enable HSE
             RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
             while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
-            (freq.0, Sw::HSE)
+            (freq, Sw::HSE)
-        ClockSrc::PLL(src, div, prediv, mul, pll48div) => {
+        ClockSrc::PLL(src, divr, prediv, mul, divq) => {
             let src_freq = match src {
                 PLLSource::HSE(freq) => {
                     // Enable HSE
                     RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
                     while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
-                    freq.0
+                    freq
                 PLLSource::HSI16 => {
                     // Enable HSI
                     RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
                     while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
-                    HSI_FREQ.0
+                    HSI_FREQ
                 PLLSource::MSI(range) => {
                     // Enable MSI
@@ -343,7 +161,8 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
                     while !RCC.cr().read().msirdy() {}
-                    range.into()
+                    msirange_to_hertz(range)
@@ -351,28 +170,28 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(false));
             while RCC.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
-            let freq = (src_freq / prediv.to_div() * mul.to_mul()) / div.to_div();
+            let freq = src_freq / prediv * mul / divr;
             #[cfg(any(stm32l4px, stm32l4qx, stm32l4rx, stm32l4sx))]
-            assert!(freq <= 120_000_000);
+            assert!(freq.0 <= 120_000_000);
             #[cfg(not(any(stm32l4px, stm32l4qx, stm32l4rx, stm32l4sx)))]
-            assert!(freq <= 80_000_000);
+            assert!(freq.0 <= 80_000_000);
             RCC.pllcfgr().write(move |w| {
-                w.set_plln(mul.into());
-                w.set_pllm(prediv.into());
-                w.set_pllr(div.into());
-                if let Some(pll48div) = pll48div {
-                    w.set_pllq(pll48div.into());
+                w.set_plln(mul);
+                w.set_pllm(prediv);
+                w.set_pllr(divr);
+                if let Some(divq) = divq {
+                    w.set_pllq(divq);
             // Enable as clock source for USB, RNG if PLL48 divisor is provided
-            if let Some(pll48div) = pll48div {
-                let freq = (src_freq / prediv.to_div() * mul.to_mul()) / pll48div.to_div();
-                assert!(freq == 48_000_000);
+            if let Some(divq) = divq {
+                let freq = src_freq / prediv * mul / divq;
+                assert!(freq.0 == 48_000_000);
                 RCC.ccipr().modify(|w| {
@@ -380,25 +199,25 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             if let Some((mul, prediv, r_div, q_div, p_div)) = config.pllsai1 {
                 RCC.pllsai1cfgr().write(move |w| {
-                    w.set_pllsai1n(mul.into());
-                    w.set_pllsai1m(prediv.into());
+                    w.set_plln(mul);
+                    w.set_pllm(prediv);
                     if let Some(r_div) = r_div {
-                        w.set_pllsai1r(r_div.into());
-                        w.set_pllsai1ren(true);
+                        w.set_pllr(r_div);
+                        w.set_pllren(true);
                     if let Some(q_div) = q_div {
-                        w.set_pllsai1q(q_div.into());
-                        w.set_pllsai1qen(true);
-                        let freq = (src_freq / prediv.to_div() * mul.to_mul()) / q_div.to_div();
-                        if freq == 48_000_000 {
+                        w.set_pllq(q_div);
+                        w.set_pllqen(true);
+                        let freq = src_freq / prediv * mul / q_div;
+                        if freq.0 == 48_000_000 {
                             RCC.ccipr().modify(|w| {
                     if let Some(p_div) = p_div {
-                        w.set_pllsai1pdiv(p_div.into());
-                        w.set_pllsai1pen(true);
+                        w.set_pllp(p_div);
+                        w.set_pllpen(true);
@@ -425,17 +244,13 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
     // Set flash wait states
     FLASH.acr().modify(|w| {
-        w.set_latency(if sys_clk <= 16_000_000 {
-            0b000
-        } else if sys_clk <= 32_000_000 {
-            0b001
-        } else if sys_clk <= 48_000_000 {
-            0b010
-        } else if sys_clk <= 64_000_000 {
-            0b011
-        } else {
-            0b100
-        });
+        w.set_latency(match sys_clk.0 {
+            0..=16_000_000 => 0,
+            0..=32_000_000 => 1,
+            0..=48_000_000 => 2,
+            0..=64_000_000 => 3,
+            _ => 4,
+        })
     RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
@@ -445,43 +260,50 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
-    let ahb_freq: u32 = match config.ahb_pre {
-        AHBPrescaler::DIV1 => sys_clk,
-        pre => {
-            let pre: Hpre = pre.into();
-            let pre = 1 << (pre.to_bits() as u32 - 7);
-            sys_clk / pre
-        }
-    };
+    let ahb_freq = sys_clk / config.ahb_pre;
     let (apb1_freq, apb1_tim_freq) = match config.apb1_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.to_bits() - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     let (apb2_freq, apb2_tim_freq) = match config.apb2_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.to_bits() - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     set_freqs(Clocks {
-        sys: Hertz(sys_clk),
-        ahb1: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        ahb2: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        ahb3: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        apb1: Hertz(apb1_freq),
-        apb2: Hertz(apb2_freq),
-        apb1_tim: Hertz(apb1_tim_freq),
-        apb2_tim: Hertz(apb2_tim_freq),
+        sys: sys_clk,
+        ahb1: ahb_freq,
+        ahb2: ahb_freq,
+        ahb3: ahb_freq,
+        apb1: apb1_freq,
+        apb2: apb2_freq,
+        apb1_tim: apb1_tim_freq,
+        apb2_tim: apb2_tim_freq,
+fn msirange_to_hertz(range: Msirange) -> Hertz {
+    match range {
+        MSIRange::RANGE100K => Hertz(100_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE200K => Hertz(200_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE400K => Hertz(400_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE800K => Hertz(800_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE1M => Hertz(1_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE2M => Hertz(2_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE4M => Hertz(4_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE8M => Hertz(8_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE16M => Hertz(16_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE24M => Hertz(24_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE32M => Hertz(32_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE48M => Hertz(48_000_000),
+        _ => unreachable!(),
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l5.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l5.rs
index 652bdcb7b..d9b3ee282 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l5.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/l5.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-use stm32_metapac::PWR;
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
-use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Msirange, Pllsrc, Ppre, Sw};
-use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
+use crate::pac::rcc::regs::Cfgr;
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{
+    Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Msirange as MSIRange, Pllm as PllPreDiv, Plln as PllMul, Pllp as PllPDiv, Pllq as PllQDiv,
+    Pllr as PllRDiv, Ppre as APBPrescaler,
+use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Msirange, Pllsrc, Sw};
+use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
+use crate::rcc::bd::RtcClockSource;
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
 use crate::time::Hertz;
@@ -16,62 +19,11 @@ pub const LSI_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz(32_000);
 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub enum ClockSrc {
-    PLL(PLLSource, PLLClkDiv, PLLSrcDiv, PLLMul, Option<PLL48Div>),
+    PLL(PLLSource, PllRDiv, PllPreDiv, PllMul, Option<PllQDiv>),
-/// MSI Clock Range
-/// These ranges control the frequency of the MSI. Internally, these ranges map
-/// to the `MSIRANGE` bits in the `RCC_ICSCR` register.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum MSIRange {
-    /// Around 100 kHz
-    Range0,
-    /// Around 200 kHz
-    Range1,
-    /// Around 400 kHz
-    Range2,
-    /// Around 800 kHz
-    Range3,
-    /// Around 1 MHz
-    Range4,
-    /// Around 2 MHz
-    Range5,
-    /// Around 4 MHz (reset value)
-    Range6,
-    /// Around 8 MHz
-    Range7,
-    /// Around 16 MHz
-    Range8,
-    /// Around 24 MHz
-    Range9,
-    /// Around 32 MHz
-    Range10,
-    /// Around 48 MHz
-    Range11,
-impl Default for MSIRange {
-    fn default() -> MSIRange {
-        MSIRange::Range6
-    }
-pub type PLL48Div = PLLClkDiv;
-pub type PLLSAI1RDiv = PLLClkDiv;
-pub type PLLSAI1QDiv = PLLClkDiv;
-pub type PLLSAI1PDiv = PLLClkDiv;
-/// PLL divider
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PLLDiv {
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
 /// PLL clock input source
 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub enum PLLSource {
@@ -80,95 +32,6 @@ pub enum PLLSource {
-seq_macro::seq!(N in 8..=86 {
-    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-    pub enum PLLMul {
-        #(
-            Mul~N,
-        )*
-    }
-    impl From<PLLMul> for u8 {
-        fn from(val: PLLMul) -> u8 {
-            match val {
-                #(
-                    PLLMul::Mul~N => N,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    impl PLLMul {
-        pub fn to_mul(self) -> u32 {
-            match self {
-                #(
-                    PLLMul::Mul~N => N,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PLLClkDiv {
-    Div2,
-    Div4,
-    Div6,
-    Div8,
-impl PLLClkDiv {
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        (val as u32 + 1) * 2
-    }
-impl From<PLLClkDiv> for u8 {
-    fn from(val: PLLClkDiv) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PLLClkDiv::Div2 => 0b00,
-            PLLClkDiv::Div4 => 0b01,
-            PLLClkDiv::Div6 => 0b10,
-            PLLClkDiv::Div8 => 0b11,
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub enum PLLSrcDiv {
-    Div1,
-    Div2,
-    Div3,
-    Div4,
-    Div5,
-    Div6,
-    Div7,
-    Div8,
-impl PLLSrcDiv {
-    pub fn to_div(self) -> u32 {
-        let val: u8 = self.into();
-        val as u32 + 1
-    }
-impl From<PLLSrcDiv> for u8 {
-    fn from(val: PLLSrcDiv) -> u8 {
-        match val {
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div1 => 0b000,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div2 => 0b001,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div3 => 0b010,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div4 => 0b011,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div5 => 0b100,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div6 => 0b101,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div7 => 0b110,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div8 => 0b111,
-        }
-    }
 impl From<PLLSource> for Pllsrc {
     fn from(val: PLLSource) -> Pllsrc {
         match val {
@@ -179,75 +42,59 @@ impl From<PLLSource> for Pllsrc {
-impl From<MSIRange> for Msirange {
-    fn from(val: MSIRange) -> Msirange {
-        match val {
-            MSIRange::Range0 => Msirange::RANGE100K,
-            MSIRange::Range1 => Msirange::RANGE200K,
-            MSIRange::Range2 => Msirange::RANGE400K,
-            MSIRange::Range3 => Msirange::RANGE800K,
-            MSIRange::Range4 => Msirange::RANGE1M,
-            MSIRange::Range5 => Msirange::RANGE2M,
-            MSIRange::Range6 => Msirange::RANGE4M,
-            MSIRange::Range7 => Msirange::RANGE8M,
-            MSIRange::Range8 => Msirange::RANGE16M,
-            MSIRange::Range9 => Msirange::RANGE24M,
-            MSIRange::Range10 => Msirange::RANGE32M,
-            MSIRange::Range11 => Msirange::RANGE48M,
-        }
-    }
-impl From<MSIRange> for u32 {
-    fn from(val: MSIRange) -> u32 {
-        match val {
-            MSIRange::Range0 => 100_000,
-            MSIRange::Range1 => 200_000,
-            MSIRange::Range2 => 400_000,
-            MSIRange::Range3 => 800_000,
-            MSIRange::Range4 => 1_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range5 => 2_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range6 => 4_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range7 => 8_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range8 => 16_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range9 => 24_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range10 => 32_000_000,
-            MSIRange::Range11 => 48_000_000,
-        }
-    }
 /// Clocks configutation
 pub struct Config {
     pub mux: ClockSrc,
     pub ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler,
     pub apb1_pre: APBPrescaler,
     pub apb2_pre: APBPrescaler,
-    pub pllsai1: Option<(
-        PLLMul,
-        PLLSrcDiv,
-        Option<PLLSAI1RDiv>,
-        Option<PLLSAI1QDiv>,
-        Option<PLLSAI1PDiv>,
-    )>,
+    pub pllsai1: Option<(PllMul, PllPreDiv, Option<PllRDiv>, Option<PllQDiv>, Option<PllPDiv>)>,
     pub hsi48: bool,
+    pub rtc_mux: RtcClockSource,
+    pub lse: Option<Hertz>,
+    pub lsi: bool,
 impl Default for Config {
     fn default() -> Config {
         Config {
-            mux: ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::Range6),
+            mux: ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::RANGE4M),
             ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler::DIV1,
             apb1_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
             apb2_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
             pllsai1: None,
             hsi48: false,
+            rtc_mux: RtcClockSource::LSI,
+            lsi: true,
+            lse: None,
 pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
+    // Switch to MSI to prevent problems with PLL configuration.
+    if !RCC.cr().read().msion() {
+        // Turn on MSI and configure it to 4MHz.
+        RCC.cr().modify(|w| {
+            w.set_msirgsel(true); // MSI Range is provided by MSIRANGE[3:0].
+            w.set_msirange(MSIRange::RANGE4M);
+            w.set_msipllen(false);
+            w.set_msion(true)
+        });
+        // Wait until MSI is running
+        while !RCC.cr().read().msirdy() {}
+    }
+    if RCC.cfgr().read().sws() != Sw::MSI {
+        // Set MSI as a clock source, reset prescalers.
+        RCC.cfgr().write_value(Cfgr::default());
+        // Wait for clock switch status bits to change.
+        while RCC.cfgr().read().sws() != Sw::MSI {}
+    }
+    //BackupDomain::configure_ls(config.rtc_mux, config.lsi, config.lse.map(|_| Default::default()));
     PWR.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_vos(stm32_metapac::pwr::vals::Vos::RANGE0));
     let (sys_clk, sw) = match config.mux {
         ClockSrc::MSI(range) => {
@@ -255,47 +102,53 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             RCC.cr().write(|w| {
                 let bits: Msirange = range.into();
-                w.set_msipllen(false);
+                if config.rtc_mux == RtcClockSource::LSE {
+                    // If LSE is enabled, enable calibration of MSI
+                    w.set_msipllen(true);
+                } else {
+                    w.set_msipllen(false);
+                }
             while !RCC.cr().read().msirdy() {}
             // Enable as clock source for USB, RNG if running at 48 MHz
-            if let MSIRange::Range11 = range {
+            if range == MSIRange::RANGE48M {
                 RCC.ccipr1().modify(|w| {
-            (range.into(), Sw::MSI)
+            (msirange_to_hertz(range), Sw::MSI)
         ClockSrc::HSI16 => {
             // Enable HSI16
             RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
             while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
-            (HSI_FREQ.0, Sw::HSI16)
+            (HSI_FREQ, Sw::HSI16)
         ClockSrc::HSE(freq) => {
             // Enable HSE
             RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
             while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
-            (freq.0, Sw::HSE)
+            (freq, Sw::HSE)
-        ClockSrc::PLL(src, div, prediv, mul, pll48div) => {
+        ClockSrc::PLL(src, divr, prediv, mul, divq) => {
             let src_freq = match src {
                 PLLSource::HSE(freq) => {
                     // Enable HSE
                     RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
                     while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
-                    freq.0
+                    freq
                 PLLSource::HSI16 => {
                     // Enable HSI
                     RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
                     while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
-                    HSI_FREQ.0
+                    HSI_FREQ
                 PLLSource::MSI(range) => {
                     // Enable MSI
@@ -307,7 +160,8 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
                     while !RCC.cr().read().msirdy() {}
-                    range.into()
+                    msirange_to_hertz(range)
@@ -315,23 +169,23 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(false));
             while RCC.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
-            let freq = (src_freq / prediv.to_div() * mul.to_mul()) / div.to_div();
+            let freq = src_freq / prediv * mul / divr;
             RCC.pllcfgr().write(move |w| {
-                w.set_plln(mul.into());
-                w.set_pllm(prediv.into());
-                w.set_pllr(div.into());
-                if let Some(pll48div) = pll48div {
-                    w.set_pllq(pll48div.into());
+                w.set_plln(mul);
+                w.set_pllm(prediv);
+                w.set_pllr(divr);
+                if let Some(divq) = divq {
+                    w.set_pllq(divq);
             // Enable as clock source for USB, RNG if PLL48 divisor is provided
-            if let Some(pll48div) = pll48div {
-                let freq = (src_freq / prediv.to_div() * mul.to_mul()) / pll48div.to_div();
-                assert!(freq == 48_000_000);
+            if let Some(divq) = divq {
+                let freq = src_freq / prediv * mul / divq;
+                assert!(freq.0 == 48_000_000);
                 RCC.ccipr1().modify(|w| {
@@ -339,25 +193,25 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             if let Some((mul, prediv, r_div, q_div, p_div)) = config.pllsai1 {
                 RCC.pllsai1cfgr().write(move |w| {
-                    w.set_pllsai1n(mul.into());
-                    w.set_pllsai1m(prediv.into());
+                    w.set_plln(mul);
+                    w.set_pllm(prediv);
                     if let Some(r_div) = r_div {
-                        w.set_pllsai1r(r_div.into());
-                        w.set_pllsai1ren(true);
+                        w.set_pllr(r_div);
+                        w.set_pllren(true);
                     if let Some(q_div) = q_div {
-                        w.set_pllsai1q(q_div.into());
-                        w.set_pllsai1qen(true);
-                        let freq = (src_freq / prediv.to_div() * mul.to_mul()) / q_div.to_div();
-                        if freq == 48_000_000 {
+                        w.set_pllq(q_div);
+                        w.set_pllqen(true);
+                        let freq = src_freq / prediv * mul / q_div;
+                        if freq.0 == 48_000_000 {
                             RCC.ccipr1().modify(|w| {
                     if let Some(p_div) = p_div {
-                        w.set_pllsai1pdiv(p_div.into());
-                        w.set_pllsai1pen(true);
+                        w.set_pllp(p_div);
+                        w.set_pllpen(true);
@@ -384,7 +238,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
     // Set flash wait states
     // VCORE Range 0 (performance), others TODO
     FLASH.acr().modify(|w| {
-        w.set_latency(match sys_clk {
+        w.set_latency(match sys_clk.0 {
             0..=20_000_000 => 0,
             0..=40_000_000 => 1,
             0..=60_000_000 => 2,
@@ -401,43 +255,50 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
-    let ahb_freq: u32 = match config.ahb_pre {
-        AHBPrescaler::DIV1 => sys_clk,
-        pre => {
-            let pre: Hpre = pre.into();
-            let pre = 1 << (pre.to_bits() as u32 - 7);
-            sys_clk / pre
-        }
-    };
+    let ahb_freq = sys_clk / config.ahb_pre;
     let (apb1_freq, apb1_tim_freq) = match config.apb1_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.to_bits() - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     let (apb2_freq, apb2_tim_freq) = match config.apb2_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.to_bits() - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     set_freqs(Clocks {
-        sys: Hertz(sys_clk),
-        ahb1: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        ahb2: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        ahb3: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        apb1: Hertz(apb1_freq),
-        apb2: Hertz(apb2_freq),
-        apb1_tim: Hertz(apb1_tim_freq),
-        apb2_tim: Hertz(apb2_tim_freq),
+        sys: sys_clk,
+        ahb1: ahb_freq,
+        ahb2: ahb_freq,
+        ahb3: ahb_freq,
+        apb1: apb1_freq,
+        apb2: apb2_freq,
+        apb1_tim: apb1_tim_freq,
+        apb2_tim: apb2_tim_freq,
+fn msirange_to_hertz(range: Msirange) -> Hertz {
+    match range {
+        MSIRange::RANGE100K => Hertz(100_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE200K => Hertz(200_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE400K => Hertz(400_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE800K => Hertz(800_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE1M => Hertz(1_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE2M => Hertz(2_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE4M => Hertz(4_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE8M => Hertz(8_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE16M => Hertz(16_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE24M => Hertz(24_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE32M => Hertz(32_000_000),
+        MSIRange::RANGE48M => Hertz(48_000_000),
+        _ => unreachable!(),
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/mod.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/mod.rs
index a32990890..52dc386b4 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/mod.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/mod.rs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ pub use crate::rcc::bd::RtcClockSource;
 use crate::time::Hertz;
 pub(crate) mod bd;
-mod bus;
 mod mco;
 pub use mco::*;
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/u5.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/u5.rs
index 14b8577df..d8fb17301 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/u5.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/u5.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-use stm32_metapac::rcc::vals::{Msirange, Msirgsel, Pllm, Pllmboost, Pllrge, Pllsrc, Sw};
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Msirange, Plldiv, Pllm, Plln, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
+use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Msirgsel, Pllmboost, Pllrge, Pllsrc, Sw};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, PWR, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
 use crate::time::Hertz;
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ pub use crate::pac::pwr::vals::Vos as VoltageScale;
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 pub enum ClockSrc {
     /// Use an internal medium speed oscillator (MSIS) as the system clock.
-    MSI(MSIRange),
+    MSI(Msirange),
     /// Use the external high speed clock as the system clock.
     /// HSE clocks faster than 25 MHz require at least `VoltageScale::RANGE3`, and HSE clocks must
@@ -31,29 +30,29 @@ pub enum ClockSrc {
 impl Default for ClockSrc {
     fn default() -> Self {
         // The default system clock source is MSIS @ 4 MHz, per RM0456 § 11.4.9
-        ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::Range4mhz)
+        ClockSrc::MSI(Msirange::RANGE_4MHZ)
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub struct PllConfig {
     /// The clock source for the PLL.
     pub source: PllSrc,
     /// The PLL prescaler.
     /// The clock speed of the `source` divided by `m` must be between 4 and 16 MHz.
-    pub m: PllM,
+    pub m: Pllm,
     /// The PLL multiplier.
     /// The multiplied clock – `source` divided by `m` times `n` – must be between 128 and 544
     /// MHz. The upper limit may be lower depending on the `Config { voltage_range }`.
-    pub n: PllN,
+    pub n: Plln,
     /// The divider for the R output.
     /// When used to drive the system clock, `source` divided by `m` times `n` divided by `r`
     /// must not exceed 160 MHz. System clocks above 55 MHz require a non-default
     /// `Config { voltage_range }`.
-    pub r: PllClkDiv,
+    pub r: Plldiv,
 impl PllConfig {
@@ -61,27 +60,27 @@ impl PllConfig {
     pub const fn hsi16_160mhz() -> Self {
         PllConfig {
             source: PllSrc::HSI16,
-            m: PllM::NotDivided,
-            n: PllN::Mul10,
-            r: PllClkDiv::NotDivided,
+            m: Pllm::DIV1,
+            n: Plln::MUL10,
+            r: Plldiv::DIV1,
     /// A configuration for MSIS @ 48 MHz / 3 * 10 / 1 = 160 MHz
     pub const fn msis_160mhz() -> Self {
         PllConfig {
-            source: PllSrc::MSIS(MSIRange::Range48mhz),
-            m: PllM::Div3,
-            n: PllN::Mul10,
-            r: PllClkDiv::NotDivided,
+            source: PllSrc::MSIS(Msirange::RANGE_48MHZ),
+            m: Pllm::DIV3,
+            n: Plln::MUL10,
+            r: Plldiv::DIV1,
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub enum PllSrc {
     /// Use an internal medium speed oscillator as the PLL source.
-    MSIS(MSIRange),
+    MSIS(Msirange),
     /// Use the external high speed clock as the system PLL source.
     /// HSE clocks faster than 25 MHz require at least `VoltageScale::RANGE3`, and HSE clocks must
@@ -101,75 +100,6 @@ impl Into<Pllsrc> for PllSrc {
-seq_macro::seq!(N in 2..=128 {
-    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
-    pub enum PllClkDiv {
-        NotDivided = 1,
-        #(
-            Div~N = N,
-        )*
-    }
-    impl PllClkDiv {
-        fn to_div(&self) -> u8 {
-            match self {
-                PllClkDiv::NotDivided => 0,
-                #(
-                    PllClkDiv::Div~N => N - 1,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-seq_macro::seq!(N in 4..=512 {
-    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
-    pub enum PllN {
-        NotMultiplied = 1,
-        #(
-            Mul~N = N,
-        )*
-    }
-    impl PllN {
-        fn to_mul(&self) -> u16 {
-            match self {
-                PllN::NotMultiplied => 0,
-                #(
-                    PllN::Mul~N => N - 1,
-                )*
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// Pre-division
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum PllM {
-    NotDivided = 0b0000,
-    Div2 = 0b0001,
-    Div3 = 0b0010,
-    Div4 = 0b0011,
-    Div5 = 0b0100,
-    Div6 = 0b0101,
-    Div7 = 0b0110,
-    Div8 = 0b0111,
-    Div9 = 0b1000,
-    Div10 = 0b1001,
-    Div11 = 0b1010,
-    Div12 = 0b1011,
-    Div13 = 0b1100,
-    Div14 = 0b1101,
-    Div15 = 0b1110,
-    Div16 = 0b1111,
-impl Into<Pllm> for PllM {
-    fn into(self) -> Pllm {
-        Pllm::from_bits(self as u8)
-    }
 impl Into<Sw> for ClockSrc {
     fn into(self) -> Sw {
         match self {
@@ -181,56 +111,6 @@ impl Into<Sw> for ClockSrc {
-#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
-pub enum MSIRange {
-    /// The 48 MHz MSI speed is unavailable in `VoltageScale::RANGE4`.
-    Range48mhz = 48_000_000,
-    Range24mhz = 24_000_000,
-    Range16mhz = 16_000_000,
-    Range12mhz = 12_000_000,
-    Range4mhz = 4_000_000,
-    Range2mhz = 2_000_000,
-    Range1_33mhz = 1_330_000,
-    Range1mhz = 1_000_000,
-    Range3_072mhz = 3_072_000,
-    Range1_536mhz = 1_536_000,
-    Range1_024mhz = 1_024_000,
-    Range768khz = 768_000,
-    Range400khz = 400_000,
-    Range200khz = 200_000,
-    Range133khz = 133_000,
-    Range100khz = 100_000,
-impl Into<u32> for MSIRange {
-    fn into(self) -> u32 {
-        self as u32
-    }
-impl Into<Msirange> for MSIRange {
-    fn into(self) -> Msirange {
-        match self {
-            MSIRange::Range48mhz => Msirange::RANGE_48MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range24mhz => Msirange::RANGE_24MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range16mhz => Msirange::RANGE_16MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range12mhz => Msirange::RANGE_12MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range4mhz => Msirange::RANGE_4MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range2mhz => Msirange::RANGE_2MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range1_33mhz => Msirange::RANGE_1_33MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range1mhz => Msirange::RANGE_1MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range3_072mhz => Msirange::RANGE_3_072MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range1_536mhz => Msirange::RANGE_1_536MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range1_024mhz => Msirange::RANGE_1_024MHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range768khz => Msirange::RANGE_768KHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range400khz => Msirange::RANGE_400KHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range200khz => Msirange::RANGE_200KHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range133khz => Msirange::RANGE_133KHZ,
-            MSIRange::Range100khz => Msirange::RANGE_100KHZ,
-        }
-    }
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 pub struct Config {
     pub mux: ClockSrc,
@@ -273,11 +153,11 @@ impl Config {
-    unsafe fn init_msis(&self, range: MSIRange) -> Hertz {
+    unsafe fn init_msis(&self, range: Msirange) -> Hertz {
         // Check MSI output per RM0456 § 11.4.10
         match self.voltage_range {
             VoltageScale::RANGE4 => {
-                assert!(range as u32 <= 24_000_000);
+                assert!(msirange_to_hertz(range).0 <= 24_000_000);
             _ => {}
@@ -291,8 +171,7 @@ impl Config {
         RCC.icscr1().modify(|w| {
-            let bits: Msirange = range.into();
-            w.set_msisrange(bits);
+            w.set_msisrange(range);
         RCC.cr().write(|w| {
@@ -300,7 +179,7 @@ impl Config {
         while !RCC.cr().read().msisrdy() {}
-        Hertz(range as u32)
+        msirange_to_hertz(range)
@@ -344,14 +223,14 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             // Calculate the reference clock, which is the source divided by m
-            let reference_clk = source_clk / (pll.m as u8 as u32 + 1);
+            let reference_clk = source_clk / pll.m;
             // Check limits per RM0456 § 11.4.6
             assert!(Hertz::mhz(4) <= reference_clk && reference_clk <= Hertz::mhz(16));
             // Calculate the PLL1 VCO clock and PLL1 R output clock
-            let pll1_clk = reference_clk * (pll.n as u8 as u32);
-            let pll1r_clk = pll1_clk / (pll.r as u8 as u32);
+            let pll1_clk = reference_clk * pll.n;
+            let pll1r_clk = pll1_clk / pll.r;
             // Check system clock per RM0456 § 11.4.9
             assert!(pll1r_clk <= Hertz::mhz(160));
@@ -387,11 +266,11 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
                 } else {
                     // Bypass, giving EPOD 4-16 MHz
-                    Pllmboost::BYPASS
+                    Pllmboost::DIV1
             } else {
                 // Nothing to do
-                Pllmboost::BYPASS
+                Pllmboost::DIV1
             // Disable the PLL, and wait for it to disable
@@ -402,7 +281,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             RCC.pll1cfgr().write(|w| {
                 // Configure PLL1 source and prescaler
-                w.set_pllm(pll.m.into());
+                w.set_pllm(pll.m);
                 // Configure PLL1 input frequncy range
                 let input_range = if reference_clk <= Hertz::mhz(8) {
@@ -422,9 +301,9 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
             // Configure the PLL divisors
             RCC.pll1divr().modify(|w| {
                 // Set the VCO multiplier
-                w.set_plln(pll.n.to_mul());
+                w.set_plln(pll.n);
                 // Set the R output divisor
-                w.set_pllr(pll.r.to_div());
+                w.set_pllr(pll.r);
             // Do we need the EPOD booster to reach the target clock speed per § 10.5.4?
@@ -442,8 +321,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
-    }
-    .0;
+    };
     if config.hsi48 {
         RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_hsi48on(true));
@@ -455,13 +333,13 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
     let wait_states = match config.voltage_range {
         // VOS 1 range VCORE 1.26V - 1.40V
         VoltageScale::RANGE1 => {
-            if sys_clk < 32_000_000 {
+            if sys_clk.0 < 32_000_000 {
-            } else if sys_clk < 64_000_000 {
+            } else if sys_clk.0 < 64_000_000 {
-            } else if sys_clk < 96_000_000 {
+            } else if sys_clk.0 < 96_000_000 {
-            } else if sys_clk < 128_000_000 {
+            } else if sys_clk.0 < 128_000_000 {
             } else {
@@ -469,11 +347,11 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         // VOS 2 range VCORE 1.15V - 1.26V
         VoltageScale::RANGE2 => {
-            if sys_clk < 30_000_000 {
+            if sys_clk.0 < 30_000_000 {
-            } else if sys_clk < 60_000_000 {
+            } else if sys_clk.0 < 60_000_000 {
-            } else if sys_clk < 90_000_000 {
+            } else if sys_clk.0 < 90_000_000 {
             } else {
@@ -481,9 +359,9 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         // VOS 3 range VCORE 1.05V - 1.15V
         VoltageScale::RANGE3 => {
-            if sys_clk < 24_000_000 {
+            if sys_clk.0 < 24_000_000 {
-            } else if sys_clk < 48_000_000 {
+            } else if sys_clk.0 < 48_000_000 {
             } else {
@@ -491,7 +369,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
         // VOS 4 range VCORE 0.95V - 1.05V
         VoltageScale::RANGE4 => {
-            if sys_clk < 12_000_000 {
+            if sys_clk.0 < 12_000_000 {
             } else {
@@ -522,62 +400,70 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
     // Configure the bus prescalers
     RCC.cfgr2().modify(|w| {
-        w.set_hpre(config.ahb_pre.into());
-        w.set_ppre1(config.apb1_pre.into());
-        w.set_ppre2(config.apb2_pre.into());
+        w.set_hpre(config.ahb_pre);
+        w.set_ppre1(config.apb1_pre);
+        w.set_ppre2(config.apb2_pre);
     RCC.cfgr3().modify(|w| {
-        w.set_ppre3(config.apb3_pre.into());
+        w.set_ppre3(config.apb3_pre);
-    let ahb_freq: u32 = match config.ahb_pre {
-        AHBPrescaler::DIV1 => sys_clk,
-        pre => {
-            let pre: u8 = pre.into();
-            let pre = 1 << (pre as u32 - 7);
-            sys_clk / pre
-        }
-    };
+    let ahb_freq = sys_clk / config.ahb_pre;
     let (apb1_freq, apb1_tim_freq) = match config.apb1_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: u8 = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     let (apb2_freq, apb2_tim_freq) = match config.apb2_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: u8 = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     let (apb3_freq, _apb3_tim_freq) = match config.apb3_pre {
         APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
         pre => {
-            let pre: u8 = pre.into();
-            let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre - 3);
-            let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
-            (freq, freq * 2)
+            let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
+            (freq, freq * 2u32)
     set_freqs(Clocks {
-        sys: Hertz(sys_clk),
-        ahb1: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        ahb2: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        ahb3: Hertz(ahb_freq),
-        apb1: Hertz(apb1_freq),
-        apb2: Hertz(apb2_freq),
-        apb3: Hertz(apb3_freq),
-        apb1_tim: Hertz(apb1_tim_freq),
-        apb2_tim: Hertz(apb2_tim_freq),
+        sys: sys_clk,
+        ahb1: ahb_freq,
+        ahb2: ahb_freq,
+        ahb3: ahb_freq,
+        apb1: apb1_freq,
+        apb2: apb2_freq,
+        apb3: apb3_freq,
+        apb1_tim: apb1_tim_freq,
+        apb2_tim: apb2_tim_freq,
+fn msirange_to_hertz(range: Msirange) -> Hertz {
+    match range {
+        Msirange::RANGE_48MHZ => Hertz(48_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_24MHZ => Hertz(24_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_16MHZ => Hertz(16_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_12MHZ => Hertz(12_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_4MHZ => Hertz(4_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_2MHZ => Hertz(2_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_1_33MHZ => Hertz(1_330_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_1MHZ => Hertz(1_000_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_3_072MHZ => Hertz(3_072_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_1_536MHZ => Hertz(1_536_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_1_024MHZ => Hertz(1_024_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_768KHZ => Hertz(768_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_400KHZ => Hertz(400_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_200KHZ => Hertz(200_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_133KHZ => Hertz(133_000),
+        Msirange::RANGE_100KHZ => Hertz(100_000),
+    }
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wb.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wb.rs
index ee45a342b..ee2a8ae10 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wb.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wb.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 use crate::rcc::bd::{BackupDomain, RtcClockSource};
 use crate::rcc::Clocks;
 use crate::time::{khz, mhz, Hertz};
diff --git a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wl.rs b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wl.rs
index 937f55503..7baedfcdb 100644
--- a/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wl.rs
+++ b/embassy-stm32/src/rcc/wl.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-pub use super::bus::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler};
 pub use crate::pac::pwr::vals::Vos as VoltageScale;
 use crate::pac::rcc::vals::Adcsel;
+pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Ppre as APBPrescaler};
 use crate::pac::{FLASH, RCC};
 use crate::rcc::bd::{BackupDomain, RtcClockSource};
 use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
diff --git a/examples/stm32f2/src/bin/pll.rs b/examples/stm32f2/src/bin/pll.rs
index 894937614..62aaa9800 100644
--- a/examples/stm32f2/src/bin/pll.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32f2/src/bin/pll.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use core::convert::TryFrom;
 use defmt::*;
 use embassy_executor::Spawner;
 use embassy_stm32::rcc::{
-    APBPrescaler, ClockSrc, HSEConfig, HSESrc, PLL48Div, PLLConfig, PLLMainDiv, PLLMul, PLLPreDiv, PLLSrc,
+    APBPrescaler, ClockSrc, HSEConfig, HSESrc, PLLConfig, PLLMul, PLLPDiv, PLLPreDiv, PLLQDiv, PLLSrc,
 use embassy_stm32::time::Hertz;
 use embassy_stm32::Config;
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         // 1 MHz PLL input * 240 = 240 MHz PLL VCO
         mul: unwrap!(PLLMul::try_from(240)),
         // 240 MHz PLL VCO / 2 = 120 MHz main PLL output
-        main_div: PLLMainDiv::Div2,
+        p_div: PLLPDiv::DIV2,
         // 240 MHz PLL VCO / 5 = 48 MHz PLL48 output
-        pll48_div: unwrap!(PLL48Div::try_from(5)),
+        q_div: PLLQDiv::DIV5,
     // System clock comes from PLL (= the 120 MHz main PLL output)
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL;
diff --git a/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/adc.rs b/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/adc.rs
index a792748bc..da9b18a0e 100644
--- a/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/adc.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/adc.rs
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     config.rcc.pll = Some(Pll {
         source: PllSrc::HSI16,
-        prediv_m: PllM::Div4,
-        mul_n: PllN::Mul85,
+        prediv_m: PllM::DIV4,
+        mul_n: PllN::MUL85,
         div_p: None,
         div_q: None,
         // Main system clock at 170 MHz
-        div_r: Some(PllR::Div2),
+        div_r: Some(PllR::DIV2),
     config.rcc.adc12_clock_source = AdcClockSource::SysClk;
diff --git a/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/pll.rs b/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/pll.rs
index ef7d4800c..f8159cb53 100644
--- a/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/pll.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/pll.rs
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     config.rcc.pll = Some(Pll {
         source: PllSrc::HSI16,
-        prediv_m: PllM::Div4,
-        mul_n: PllN::Mul85,
+        prediv_m: PllM::DIV4,
+        mul_n: PllN::MUL85,
         div_p: None,
         div_q: None,
         // Main system clock at 170 MHz
-        div_r: Some(PllR::Div2),
+        div_r: Some(PllR::DIV2),
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL;
diff --git a/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs b/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
index 77cfa67d3..9099b609a 100644
--- a/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32g4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     // Change this to `false` to use the HSE clock source for the USB. This example assumes an 8MHz HSE.
     const USE_HSI48: bool = true;
-    let pllq_div = if USE_HSI48 { None } else { Some(PllQ::Div6) };
+    let pllq_div = if USE_HSI48 { None } else { Some(PllQ::DIV6) };
     config.rcc.pll = Some(Pll {
         source: PllSrc::HSE(Hertz(8_000_000)),
-        prediv_m: PllM::Div2,
-        mul_n: PllN::Mul72,
+        prediv_m: PllM::DIV2,
+        mul_n: PllN::MUL72,
         div_p: None,
         div_q: pllq_div,
         // Main system clock at 144 MHz
-        div_r: Some(PllR::Div2),
+        div_r: Some(PllR::DIV2),
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL;
diff --git a/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/eth.rs b/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/eth.rs
index 4e92d0647..2f4454761 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/eth.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/eth.rs
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ use embassy_net::{Ipv4Address, Stack, StackResources};
 use embassy_stm32::eth::generic_smi::GenericSMI;
 use embassy_stm32::eth::{Ethernet, PacketQueue};
 use embassy_stm32::peripherals::ETH;
-use embassy_stm32::rcc::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler, Hse, HseMode, Pll, PllSource, Sysclk, VoltageScale};
+use embassy_stm32::rcc::{
+    AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler, Hse, HseMode, Pll, PllDiv, PllMul, PllPreDiv, PllSource, Sysclk, VoltageScale,
 use embassy_stm32::rng::Rng;
 use embassy_stm32::time::Hertz;
 use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, eth, peripherals, rng, Config};
@@ -42,10 +44,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) -> ! {
     config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
         source: PllSource::Hse,
-        prediv: 2,
-        mul: 125,
-        divp: Some(2),
-        divq: Some(2),
+        prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV2,
+        mul: PllMul::MUL125,
+        divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+        divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
         divr: None,
     config.rcc.ahb_pre = AHBPrescaler::DIV1;
diff --git a/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs b/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
index cbe540a06..3b3c38e17 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 use defmt::{panic, *};
 use embassy_executor::Spawner;
-use embassy_stm32::rcc::{AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler, Hse, HseMode, Pll, PllSource, Sysclk, VoltageScale};
+use embassy_stm32::rcc::{
+    AHBPrescaler, APBPrescaler, Hse, HseMode, Pll, PllDiv, PllMul, PllPreDiv, PllSource, Sysclk, VoltageScale,
 use embassy_stm32::time::Hertz;
 use embassy_stm32::usb::{Driver, Instance};
 use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, pac, peripherals, usb, Config};
@@ -29,9 +31,9 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
         source: PllSource::Hse,
-        prediv: 2,
-        mul: 125,
-        divp: Some(2), // 250mhz
+        prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV2,
+        mul: PllMul::MUL125,
+        divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2), // 250mhz
         divq: None,
         divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/adc.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/adc.rs
index 77922d4bc..7859b86db 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/adc.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/adc.rs
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // SPI1 cksel defaults to pll1_q
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // SPI1 cksel defaults to pll1_q
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.pll2 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(8), // 100mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/camera.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/camera.rs
index 64ca65a02..40ef16cfc 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/camera.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/camera.rs
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // 100mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::Pll1P; // 400 Mhz
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac.rs
index 93df7a319..821221897 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac.rs
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ fn main() -> ! {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // SPI1 cksel defaults to pll1_q
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.pll2 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(8), // 100mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac_dma.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac_dma.rs
index 8c921abca..933641ae4 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac_dma.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/dac_dma.rs
@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // SPI1 cksel defaults to pll1_q
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.pll2 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(8), // 100mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth.rs
index 1b5d71ed3..a6603d507 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth.rs
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) -> ! {
         config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for RNG
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth_client.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth_client.rs
index 3abd31c73..596de2f40 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth_client.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/eth_client.rs
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) -> ! {
         config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for RNG
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/fmc.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/fmc.rs
index de0b351df..7ae87b02c 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/fmc.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/fmc.rs
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // 100mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::Pll1P; // 400 Mhz
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/low_level_timer_api.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/low_level_timer_api.rs
index a1e955c39..f4fa06909 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/low_level_timer_api.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/low_level_timer_api.rs
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for RNG
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // 100 Mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::Pll1P; // 400 Mhz
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/pwm.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/pwm.rs
index 5c8e57aa2..37e4c92cc 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/pwm.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/pwm.rs
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/sdmmc.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/sdmmc.rs
index 752aefdf7..ecb8d6542 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/sdmmc.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/sdmmc.rs
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) -> ! {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(4), // default clock chosen by SDMMCSEL. 200 Mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV4), // default clock chosen by SDMMCSEL. 200 Mhz
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::Pll1P; // 400 Mhz
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi.rs
index 9fe46f031..f128d4a56 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi.rs
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ fn main() -> ! {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(4), // used by SPI3. 100Mhz.
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // used by SPI3. 100Mhz.
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::Pll1P; // 400 Mhz
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi_dma.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi_dma.rs
index 88d65d5be..d4c0bcdbd 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi_dma.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/spi_dma.rs
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ fn main() -> ! {
         config.rcc.csi = true;
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(4), // used by SPI3. 100Mhz.
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // used by SPI3. 100Mhz.
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::Pll1P; // 400 Mhz
diff --git a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/usb_serial.rs b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
index 14de43568..c1e5144be 100644
--- a/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32h7/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for USB
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
diff --git a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rng.rs b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rng.rs
index 806e49f59..d0208d8a3 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rng.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rng.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 use defmt::*;
 use embassy_executor::Spawner;
-use embassy_stm32::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLClkDiv, PLLMul, PLLSource, PLLSrcDiv};
+use embassy_stm32::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLSource, PllMul, PllPreDiv, PllQDiv, PllRDiv};
 use embassy_stm32::rng::Rng;
 use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, peripherals, rng, Config};
 use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     // 72Mhz clock (16 / 1 * 18 / 4)
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(
-        PLLClkDiv::Div4,
-        PLLSrcDiv::Div1,
-        PLLMul::Mul18,
-        Some(PLLClkDiv::Div6), // 48Mhz (16 / 1 * 18 / 6)
+        PllRDiv::DIV4,
+        PllPreDiv::DIV1,
+        PllMul::MUL18,
+        Some(PllQDiv::DIV6), // 48Mhz (16 / 1 * 18 / 6)
     let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
diff --git a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rtc.rs b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rtc.rs
index eb1eed012..7e2b8c783 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rtc.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/rtc.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use chrono::{NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime};
 use defmt::*;
 use embassy_executor::Spawner;
-use embassy_stm32::rcc::{self, ClockSrc, PLLClkDiv, PLLMul, PLLSource, PLLSrcDiv};
+use embassy_stm32::rcc::{self, ClockSrc, PLLSource, PllMul, PllPreDiv, PllRDiv};
 use embassy_stm32::rtc::{Rtc, RtcConfig};
 use embassy_stm32::time::Hertz;
 use embassy_stm32::Config;
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
         let mut config = Config::default();
         config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(
-            PLLClkDiv::Div2,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div1,
-            PLLMul::Mul20,
+            PllRDiv::DIV2,
+            PllPreDiv::DIV1,
+            PllMul::MUL20,
         config.rcc.lse = Some(Hertz(32_768));
diff --git a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/spe_adin1110_http_server.rs b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/spe_adin1110_http_server.rs
index ba4a9d230..8db89be24 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/spe_adin1110_http_server.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/spe_adin1110_http_server.rs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ use embassy_net_adin1110::{self, Device, Runner, ADIN1110};
 use embedded_hal_bus::spi::ExclusiveDevice;
 use hal::gpio::Pull;
 use hal::i2c::Config as I2C_Config;
-use hal::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLClkDiv, PLLMul, PLLSource, PLLSrcDiv};
+use hal::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLSource, PllMul, PllPreDiv, PllRDiv};
 use hal::spi::{Config as SPI_Config, Spi};
 use hal::time::Hertz;
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
     // 80MHz highest frequency for flash 0 wait.
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(
-        PLLClkDiv::Div2,
-        PLLSrcDiv::Div1,
-        PLLMul::Mul20,
+        PllRDiv::DIV2,
+        PllPreDiv::DIV1,
+        PllMul::MUL20,
     config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for rng
diff --git a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
index 410d6891b..dc0d98ad4 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l4/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     info!("Hello World!");
     let mut config = Config::default();
-    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PLLClkDiv::Div2, PLLSrcDiv::Div1, PLLMul::Mul10, None);
+    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PllRDiv::DIV2, PllPreDiv::DIV1, PllMul::MUL10, None);
     config.rcc.hsi48 = true;
     let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
diff --git a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/rng.rs b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/rng.rs
index 9549d64d8..cc3c99b57 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/rng.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/rng.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 use defmt::*;
 use embassy_executor::Spawner;
-use embassy_stm32::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLClkDiv, PLLMul, PLLSource, PLLSrcDiv};
+use embassy_stm32::rcc::{ClockSrc, PLLSource, PllMul, PllPreDiv, PllQDiv, PllRDiv};
 use embassy_stm32::rng::Rng;
 use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, peripherals, rng, Config};
 use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     let mut config = Config::default();
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(
-        PLLClkDiv::Div2,
-        PLLSrcDiv::Div1,
-        PLLMul::Mul8,
-        Some(PLLClkDiv::Div2),
+        PllRDiv::DIV2,
+        PllPreDiv::DIV1,
+        PllMul::MUL8,
+        Some(PllQDiv::DIV2),
     let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
diff --git a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_ethernet.rs b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_ethernet.rs
index 15b84761b..498147f9d 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_ethernet.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_ethernet.rs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ async fn net_task(stack: &'static Stack<Device<'static, MTU>>) -> ! {
 async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
     let mut config = Config::default();
-    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PLLClkDiv::Div2, PLLSrcDiv::Div1, PLLMul::Mul10, None);
+    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PllRDiv::DIV2, PllPreDiv::DIV1, PllMul::MUL10, None);
     config.rcc.hsi48 = true;
     let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
diff --git a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_hid_mouse.rs b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_hid_mouse.rs
index 7e894e407..db6a9c76f 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_hid_mouse.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_hid_mouse.rs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
 async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     let mut config = Config::default();
-    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PLLClkDiv::Div2, PLLSrcDiv::Div1, PLLMul::Mul10, None);
+    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PllRDiv::DIV2, PllPreDiv::DIV1, PllMul::MUL10, None);
     config.rcc.hsi48 = true;
     let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
diff --git a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
index 0c719560f..e19ecbf08 100644
--- a/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32l5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
 async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     let mut config = Config::default();
-    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PLLClkDiv::Div2, PLLSrcDiv::Div1, PLLMul::Mul10, None);
+    config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(PLLSource::HSI16, PllRDiv::DIV2, PllPreDiv::DIV1, PllMul::MUL10, None);
     config.rcc.hsi48 = true;
     let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
diff --git a/examples/stm32u5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs b/examples/stm32u5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
index 278bd30f0..9b2adb0ac 100644
--- a/examples/stm32u5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
+++ b/examples/stm32u5/src/bin/usb_serial.rs
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
     let mut config = Config::default();
     config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL1R(PllConfig {
         source: PllSrc::HSI16,
-        m: PllM::Div2,
-        n: PllN::Mul10,
-        r: PllClkDiv::NotDivided,
+        m: Pllm::DIV2,
+        n: Plln::MUL10,
+        r: Plldiv::DIV1,
     //config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::Range48mhz);
     config.rcc.hsi48 = true;
diff --git a/tests/stm32/src/common.rs b/tests/stm32/src/common.rs
index 32ba03e4f..79a9b5e86 100644
--- a/tests/stm32/src/common.rs
+++ b/tests/stm32/src/common.rs
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
             // 1 MHz PLL input * 240 = 240 MHz PLL VCO
             mul: unwrap!(PLLMul::try_from(240)),
             // 240 MHz PLL VCO / 2 = 120 MHz main PLL output
-            main_div: PLLMainDiv::Div2,
+            p_div: PLLPDiv::DIV2,
             // 240 MHz PLL VCO / 5 = 48 MHz PLL48 output
-            pll48_div: unwrap!(PLL48Div::try_from(5)),
+            q_div: PLLQDiv::DIV5,
         // System clock comes from PLL (= the 120 MHz main PLL output)
         config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL;
@@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
             source: PllSource::Hse,
-            prediv: 2,
-            mul: 125,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(2),
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV2,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL125,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.ahb_pre = AHBPrescaler::DIV1;
@@ -261,16 +261,16 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
         config.rcc.hsi48 = true; // needed for RNG
         config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::Hsi;
         config.rcc.pll1 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(2),
-            divq: Some(8), // SPI1 cksel defaults to pll1_q
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV2),
+            divq: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // SPI1 cksel defaults to pll1_q
             divr: None,
         config.rcc.pll2 = Some(Pll {
-            prediv: 4,
-            mul: 50,
-            divp: Some(8), // 100mhz
+            prediv: PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            mul: PllMul::MUL50,
+            divp: Some(PllDiv::DIV8), // 100mhz
             divq: None,
             divr: None,
@@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
         config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(
             // 72Mhz clock (16 / 1 * 18 / 4)
-            PLLClkDiv::Div4,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div1,
-            PLLMul::Mul18,
-            Some(PLLClkDiv::Div6), // 48Mhz (16 / 1 * 18 / 6)
+            PllRDiv::DIV4,
+            PllPreDiv::DIV1,
+            PllMul::MUL18,
+            Some(PllQDiv::DIV6), // 48Mhz (16 / 1 * 18 / 6)
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
         config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::PLL(
             // 110Mhz clock (16 / 4 * 55 / 2)
-            PLLClkDiv::Div2,
-            PLLSrcDiv::Div4,
-            PLLMul::Mul55,
+            PllRDiv::DIV2,
+            PllPreDiv::DIV4,
+            PllMul::MUL55,
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ pub fn config() -> Config {
     #[cfg(feature = "stm32u585ai")]
         use embassy_stm32::rcc::*;
-        config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::Range48mhz);
+        config.rcc.mux = ClockSrc::MSI(Msirange::RANGE_48MHZ);
     #[cfg(feature = "stm32l073rz")]