    feature = "nightly",
    feature(type_alias_impl_trait, async_fn_in_trait, impl_trait_projections)
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", allow(incomplete_features))]
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]

    feature = "nrf51",
    feature = "nrf52805",
    feature = "nrf52810",
    feature = "nrf52811",
    feature = "nrf52820",
    feature = "nrf52832",
    feature = "nrf52833",
    feature = "nrf52840",
    feature = "nrf5340-app-s",
    feature = "nrf5340-app-ns",
    feature = "nrf5340-net",
    feature = "nrf9160-s",
    feature = "nrf9160-ns",
compile_error!("No chip feature activated. You must activate exactly one of the following features: nrf52810, nrf52811, nrf52832, nrf52833, nrf52840");

#[cfg(all(feature = "reset-pin-as-gpio", not(feature = "_nrf52")))]
compile_error!("feature `reset-pin-as-gpio` is only valid for nRF52 series chips.");

#[cfg(all(feature = "nfc-pins-as-gpio", not(any(feature = "_nrf52", feature = "_nrf5340-app"))))]
compile_error!("feature `nfc-pins-as-gpio` is only valid for nRF52, or nRF53's application core.");

// This mod MUST go first, so that the others see its macros.
pub(crate) mod fmt;
pub(crate) mod util;

#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
mod time_driver;

pub mod buffered_uarte;
pub mod gpio;
#[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
pub mod gpiote;
#[cfg(any(feature = "nrf52832", feature = "nrf52833", feature = "nrf52840"))]
pub mod i2s;
pub mod nvmc;
    feature = "nrf52810",
    feature = "nrf52811",
    feature = "nrf52832",
    feature = "nrf52833",
    feature = "nrf52840",
    feature = "_nrf5340-app",
    feature = "_nrf9160"
pub mod pdm;
pub mod ppi;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "nrf52805", feature = "nrf52820", feature = "_nrf5340-net")))]
pub mod pwm;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "nrf51", feature = "_nrf9160", feature = "_nrf5340-net")))]
pub mod qdec;
#[cfg(any(feature = "nrf52840", feature = "_nrf5340-app"))]
pub mod qspi;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "_nrf5340-app", feature = "_nrf9160")))]
pub mod rng;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "nrf52820", feature = "_nrf5340-net")))]
pub mod saadc;
pub mod spim;
pub mod spis;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "_nrf5340", feature = "_nrf9160")))]
pub mod temp;
pub mod timer;
pub mod twim;
pub mod twis;
pub mod uarte;
    feature = "_nrf5340-app",
    feature = "nrf52820",
    feature = "nrf52833",
    feature = "nrf52840"
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
pub mod usb;
#[cfg(not(feature = "_nrf5340"))]
pub mod wdt;

// This mod MUST go last, so that it sees all the `impl_foo!` macros
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52805", path = "chips/nrf52805.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52810", path = "chips/nrf52810.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52811", path = "chips/nrf52811.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52820", path = "chips/nrf52820.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52832", path = "chips/nrf52832.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52833", path = "chips/nrf52833.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nrf52840", path = "chips/nrf52840.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "_nrf5340-app", path = "chips/nrf5340_app.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "_nrf5340-net", path = "chips/nrf5340_net.rs")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "_nrf9160", path = "chips/nrf9160.rs")]
mod chip;

pub mod interrupt {
    //! Interrupt definitions and macros to bind them.
    pub use cortex_m::interrupt::{CriticalSection, Mutex};
    pub use embassy_cortex_m::interrupt::{Binding, Handler, Interrupt, InterruptExt, Priority};

    pub use crate::chip::irqs::*;

    /// Macro to bind interrupts to handlers.
    /// This defines the right interrupt handlers, and creates a unit struct (like `struct Irqs;`)
    /// and implements the right [`Binding`]s for it. You can pass this struct to drivers to
    /// prove at compile-time that the right interrupts have been bound.
    // developer note: this macro can't be in `embassy-cortex-m` due to the use of `$crate`.
    macro_rules! bind_interrupts {
        ($vis:vis struct $name:ident { $($irq:ident => $($handler:ty),*;)* }) => {
            $vis struct $name;

                unsafe extern "C" fn $irq() {
                        <$handler as $crate::interrupt::Handler<$crate::interrupt::$irq>>::on_interrupt();

                    unsafe impl $crate::interrupt::Binding<$crate::interrupt::$irq, $handler> for $name {}

// Reexports

#[cfg(feature = "unstable-pac")]
pub use chip::pac;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable-pac"))]
pub(crate) use chip::pac;
pub use chip::{peripherals, Peripherals, EASY_DMA_SIZE};
pub use embassy_cortex_m::executor;
pub use embassy_cortex_m::interrupt::_export::interrupt;
pub use embassy_hal_common::{into_ref, Peripheral, PeripheralRef};

pub mod config {
    //! Configuration options used when initializing the HAL.

    /// High frequency clock source.
    pub enum HfclkSource {
        /// Internal source
        /// External source from xtal.

    /// Low frequency clock source
    pub enum LfclkSource {
        /// Internal RC oscillator
        /// Synthesized from the high frequency clock source.
        #[cfg(not(any(feature = "_nrf5340", feature = "_nrf9160")))]
        /// External source from xtal.
        /// External source from xtal with low swing applied.
        #[cfg(not(any(feature = "_nrf5340", feature = "_nrf9160")))]
        /// External source from xtal with full swing applied.
        #[cfg(not(any(feature = "_nrf5340", feature = "_nrf9160")))]

    /// SWD access port protection setting.
    pub enum Debug {
        /// Debugging is allowed (APPROTECT is disabled). Default.
        /// Debugging is not allowed (APPROTECT is enabled).
        /// APPROTECT is not configured (neither to enable it or disable it).
        /// This can be useful if you're already doing it by other means and
        /// you don't want embassy-nrf to touch UICR.

    /// Configuration for peripherals. Default configuration should work on any nRF chip.
    pub struct Config {
        /// High frequency clock source.
        pub hfclk_source: HfclkSource,
        /// Low frequency clock source.
        pub lfclk_source: LfclkSource,
        /// GPIOTE interrupt priority. Should be lower priority than softdevice if used.
        #[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
        pub gpiote_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority,
        /// Time driver interrupt priority. Should be lower priority than softdevice if used.
        #[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
        pub time_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority,
        /// Enable or disable the debug port.
        pub debug: Debug,

    impl Default for Config {
        fn default() -> Self {
            Self {
                // There are hobby nrf52 boards out there without external XTALs...
                // Default everything to internal so it Just Works. User can enable external
                // xtals if they know they have them.
                hfclk_source: HfclkSource::Internal,
                lfclk_source: LfclkSource::InternalRC,
                #[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]
                gpiote_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority::P0,
                #[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
                time_interrupt_priority: crate::interrupt::Priority::P0,

                // In NS mode, default to NotConfigured, assuming the S firmware will do it.
                #[cfg(feature = "_ns")]
                debug: Debug::NotConfigured,
                #[cfg(not(feature = "_ns"))]
                debug: Debug::Allowed,

#[cfg(feature = "_nrf9160")]
mod consts {
    pub const UICR_APPROTECT: *mut u32 = 0x00FF8000 as *mut u32;
    pub const UICR_SECUREAPPROTECT: *mut u32 = 0x00FF802C as *mut u32;
    pub const APPROTECT_ENABLED: u32 = 0x0000_0000;

#[cfg(feature = "_nrf5340-app")]
mod consts {
    pub const UICR_APPROTECT: *mut u32 = 0x00FF8000 as *mut u32;
    pub const UICR_SECUREAPPROTECT: *mut u32 = 0x00FF801C as *mut u32;
    pub const UICR_NFCPINS: *mut u32 = 0x00FF8028 as *mut u32;
    pub const APPROTECT_ENABLED: u32 = 0x0000_0000;
    pub const APPROTECT_DISABLED: u32 = 0x50FA50FA;

#[cfg(feature = "_nrf5340-net")]
mod consts {
    pub const UICR_APPROTECT: *mut u32 = 0x01FF8000 as *mut u32;
    pub const APPROTECT_ENABLED: u32 = 0x0000_0000;
    pub const APPROTECT_DISABLED: u32 = 0x50FA50FA;

#[cfg(feature = "_nrf52")]
mod consts {
    pub const UICR_PSELRESET1: *mut u32 = 0x10001200 as *mut u32;
    pub const UICR_PSELRESET2: *mut u32 = 0x10001204 as *mut u32;
    pub const UICR_NFCPINS: *mut u32 = 0x1000120C as *mut u32;
    pub const UICR_APPROTECT: *mut u32 = 0x10001208 as *mut u32;
    pub const APPROTECT_ENABLED: u32 = 0x0000_0000;
    pub const APPROTECT_DISABLED: u32 = 0x0000_005a;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
enum WriteResult {
    /// Word was written successfully, needs reset.
    /// Word was already set to the value we wanted to write, nothing was done.
    /// Word is already set to something else, we couldn't write the desired value.

unsafe fn uicr_write(address: *mut u32, value: u32) -> WriteResult {
    uicr_write_masked(address, value, 0xFFFF_FFFF)

unsafe fn uicr_write_masked(address: *mut u32, value: u32, mask: u32) -> WriteResult {
    let curr_val = address.read_volatile();
    if curr_val & mask == value & mask {
        return WriteResult::Noop;

    // We can only change `1` bits to `0` bits.
    if curr_val & value & mask != value & mask {
        return WriteResult::Failed;

    let nvmc = &*pac::NVMC::ptr();
    nvmc.config.write(|w| w.wen().wen());
    while nvmc.ready.read().ready().is_busy() {}
    address.write_volatile(value | !mask);
    while nvmc.ready.read().ready().is_busy() {}
    while nvmc.ready.read().ready().is_busy() {}


/// Initialize peripherals with the provided configuration. This should only be called once at startup.
pub fn init(config: config::Config) -> Peripherals {
    // Do this first, so that it panics if user is calling `init` a second time
    // before doing anything important.
    let peripherals = Peripherals::take();

    let mut needs_reset = false;

    // Setup debug protection.
    match config.debug {
        config::Debug::Allowed => {
            #[cfg(feature = "_nrf52")]
            unsafe {
                let variant = (0x1000_0104 as *mut u32).read_volatile();
                // Get the letter for the build code (b'A' .. b'F')
                let build_code = (variant >> 8) as u8;

                if build_code >= b'F' {
                    // Chips with build code F and higher (revision 3 and higher) have an
                    // improved APPROTECT ("hardware and software controlled access port protection")
                    // which needs explicit action by the firmware to keep it unlocked

                    // UICR.APPROTECT = SwDisabled
                    let res = uicr_write(consts::UICR_APPROTECT, consts::APPROTECT_DISABLED);
                    needs_reset |= res == WriteResult::Written;
                    // APPROTECT.DISABLE = SwDisabled
                    (0x4000_0558 as *mut u32).write_volatile(consts::APPROTECT_DISABLED);
                } else {
                    // nothing to do on older chips, debug is allowed by default.

            #[cfg(feature = "_nrf5340")]
            unsafe {
                let p = &*pac::CTRLAP::ptr();

                let res = uicr_write(consts::UICR_APPROTECT, consts::APPROTECT_DISABLED);
                needs_reset |= res == WriteResult::Written;
                p.approtect.disable.write(|w| w.bits(consts::APPROTECT_DISABLED));

                #[cfg(feature = "_nrf5340-app")]
                    let res = uicr_write(consts::UICR_SECUREAPPROTECT, consts::APPROTECT_DISABLED);
                    needs_reset |= res == WriteResult::Written;
                    p.secureapprotect.disable.write(|w| w.bits(consts::APPROTECT_DISABLED));

            // nothing to do on the nrf9160, debug is allowed by default.
        config::Debug::Disallowed => unsafe {
            // UICR.APPROTECT = Enabled
            let res = uicr_write(consts::UICR_APPROTECT, consts::APPROTECT_ENABLED);
            needs_reset |= res == WriteResult::Written;
            #[cfg(any(feature = "_nrf5340-app", feature = "_nrf9160"))]
                let res = uicr_write(consts::UICR_SECUREAPPROTECT, consts::APPROTECT_ENABLED);
                needs_reset |= res == WriteResult::Written;
        config::Debug::NotConfigured => {}

    #[cfg(feature = "_nrf52")]
    unsafe {
        let value = if cfg!(feature = "reset-pin-as-gpio") {
        } else {
        let res1 = uicr_write(consts::UICR_PSELRESET1, value);
        let res2 = uicr_write(consts::UICR_PSELRESET2, value);
        needs_reset |= res1 == WriteResult::Written || res2 == WriteResult::Written;
        if res1 == WriteResult::Failed || res2 == WriteResult::Failed {
            #[cfg(not(feature = "reset-pin-as-gpio"))]
                "You have requested enabling chip reset functionality on the reset pin, by not enabling the Cargo feature `reset-pin-as-gpio`.\n\
                However, UICR is already programmed to some other setting, and can't be changed without erasing it.\n\
                To fix this, erase UICR manually, for example using `probe-rs-cli erase` or `nrfjprog --eraseuicr`."
            #[cfg(feature = "reset-pin-as-gpio")]
                "You have requested using the reset pin as GPIO, by enabling the Cargo feature `reset-pin-as-gpio`.\n\
                However, UICR is already programmed to some other setting, and can't be changed without erasing it.\n\
                To fix this, erase UICR manually, for example using `probe-rs-cli erase` or `nrfjprog --eraseuicr`."

    #[cfg(any(feature = "_nrf52", feature = "_nrf5340-app"))]
    unsafe {
        let value = if cfg!(feature = "nfc-pins-as-gpio") { 0 } else { 1 };
        let res = uicr_write_masked(consts::UICR_NFCPINS, value, 1);
        needs_reset |= res == WriteResult::Written;
        if res == WriteResult::Failed {
            // with nfc-pins-as-gpio, this can never fail because we're writing all zero bits.
            #[cfg(not(feature = "nfc-pins-as-gpio"))]
                "You have requested to use P0.09 and P0.10 pins for NFC, by not enabling the Cargo feature `nfc-pins-as-gpio`.\n\
                However, UICR is already programmed to some other setting, and can't be changed without erasing it.\n\
                To fix this, erase UICR manually, for example using `probe-rs-cli erase` or `nrfjprog --eraseuicr`."

    if needs_reset {

    let r = unsafe { &*pac::CLOCK::ptr() };

    // Start HFCLK.
    match config.hfclk_source {
        config::HfclkSource::Internal => {}
        config::HfclkSource::ExternalXtal => {
            // Datasheet says this is likely to take 0.36ms
            r.events_hfclkstarted.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
            r.tasks_hfclkstart.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
            while r.events_hfclkstarted.read().bits() == 0 {}

    // Configure LFCLK.
    #[cfg(not(any(feature = "_nrf5340", feature = "_nrf9160")))]
    match config.lfclk_source {
        config::LfclkSource::InternalRC => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().rc()),
        config::LfclkSource::Synthesized => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().synth()),

        config::LfclkSource::ExternalXtal => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().xtal()),

        config::LfclkSource::ExternalLowSwing => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| {
        config::LfclkSource::ExternalFullSwing => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| {
    #[cfg(feature = "_nrf9160")]
    match config.lfclk_source {
        config::LfclkSource::InternalRC => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().lfrc()),
        config::LfclkSource::ExternalXtal => r.lfclksrc.write(|w| w.src().lfxo()),

    // Start LFCLK.
    // Datasheet says this could take 100us from synth source
    // 600us from rc source, 0.25s from an external source.
    r.events_lfclkstarted.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
    r.tasks_lfclkstart.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
    while r.events_lfclkstarted.read().bits() == 0 {}

    // Init GPIOTE
    #[cfg(feature = "gpiote")]

    // init RTC time driver
    #[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]

    // Disable UARTE (enabled by default for some reason)
    #[cfg(feature = "_nrf9160")]
    unsafe {
        (*pac::UARTE0::ptr()).enable.write(|w| w.enable().disabled());
        (*pac::UARTE1::ptr()).enable.write(|w| w.enable().disabled());
