#![macro_use] use core::future::Future; use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::ptr; use core::task::Poll; use embassy::interrupt::{Interrupt, InterruptExt}; use embassy::traits::flash::{Error, Flash}; use embassy::util::{AtomicWaker, DropBomb, Unborrow}; use embassy_hal_common::unborrow; use futures::future::poll_fn; use crate::gpio::sealed::Pin as _; use crate::gpio::{self, Pin as GpioPin}; use crate::pac; pub use crate::pac::qspi::ifconfig0::ADDRMODE_A as AddressMode; pub use crate::pac::qspi::ifconfig0::PPSIZE_A as WritePageSize; pub use crate::pac::qspi::ifconfig0::READOC_A as ReadOpcode; pub use crate::pac::qspi::ifconfig0::WRITEOC_A as WriteOpcode; // TODO // - config: // - 32bit address mode // - SPI freq // - SPI sck delay // - Deep power down mode (DPM) // - SPI mode 3 // - activate/deactivate // - set gpio in high drive pub struct DeepPowerDownConfig { /// Time required for entering DPM, in units of 16us pub enter_time: u16, /// Time required for exiting DPM, in units of 16us pub exit_time: u16, } #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Config { pub xip_offset: u32, pub read_opcode: ReadOpcode, pub write_opcode: WriteOpcode, pub write_page_size: WritePageSize, pub deep_power_down: Option<DeepPowerDownConfig>, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { read_opcode: ReadOpcode::READ4IO, write_opcode: WriteOpcode::PP4IO, xip_offset: 0, write_page_size: WritePageSize::_256BYTES, deep_power_down: None, } } } pub struct Qspi<'d, T: Instance> { dpm_enabled: bool, phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>, } impl<'d, T: Instance> Qspi<'d, T> { pub async fn new( _qspi: impl Unborrow<Target = T> + 'd, irq: impl Unborrow<Target = T::Interrupt> + 'd, sck: impl Unborrow<Target = impl GpioPin> + 'd, csn: impl Unborrow<Target = impl GpioPin> + 'd, io0: impl Unborrow<Target = impl GpioPin> + 'd, io1: impl Unborrow<Target = impl GpioPin> + 'd, io2: impl Unborrow<Target = impl GpioPin> + 'd, io3: impl Unborrow<Target = impl GpioPin> + 'd, config: Config, ) -> Qspi<'d, T> { unborrow!(irq, sck, csn, io0, io1, io2, io3); let r = T::regs(); let sck = sck.degrade(); let csn = csn.degrade(); let io0 = io0.degrade(); let io1 = io1.degrade(); let io2 = io2.degrade(); let io3 = io3.degrade(); for pin in [&sck, &csn, &io0, &io1, &io2, &io3] { pin.set_high(); pin.conf().write(|w| w.dir().output().drive().h0h1()); } r.psel.sck.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(sck.psel_bits()) }); r.psel.csn.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(csn.psel_bits()) }); r.psel.io0.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(io0.psel_bits()) }); r.psel.io1.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(io1.psel_bits()) }); r.psel.io2.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(io2.psel_bits()) }); r.psel.io3.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(io3.psel_bits()) }); r.ifconfig0.write(|w| { w.addrmode().variant(AddressMode::_24BIT); w.dpmenable().bit(config.deep_power_down.is_some()); w.ppsize().variant(config.write_page_size); w.readoc().variant(config.read_opcode); w.writeoc().variant(config.write_opcode); w }); if let Some(dpd) = &config.deep_power_down { r.dpmdur.write(|w| unsafe { w.enter().bits(dpd.enter_time); w.exit().bits(dpd.exit_time); w }) } r.ifconfig1.write(|w| unsafe { w.sckdelay().bits(80); w.dpmen().exit(); w.spimode().mode0(); w.sckfreq().bits(3); w }); r.xipoffset.write(|w| unsafe { w.xipoffset().bits(config.xip_offset); w }); irq.set_handler(Self::on_interrupt); irq.unpend(); irq.enable(); // Enable it r.enable.write(|w| w.enable().enabled()); let mut res = Self { dpm_enabled: config.deep_power_down.is_some(), phantom: PhantomData, }; r.events_ready.reset(); r.intenset.write(|w| w.ready().set()); r.tasks_activate.write(|w| w.tasks_activate().bit(true)); res.wait_ready().await; res } fn on_interrupt(_: *mut ()) { let r = T::regs(); let s = T::state(); if r.events_ready.read().bits() != 0 { s.ready_waker.wake(); r.intenclr.write(|w| w.ready().clear()); } } pub async fn custom_instruction( &mut self, opcode: u8, req: &[u8], resp: &mut [u8], ) -> Result<(), Error> { let bomb = DropBomb::new(); assert!(req.len() <= 8); assert!(resp.len() <= 8); let mut dat0: u32 = 0; let mut dat1: u32 = 0; for i in 0..4 { if i < req.len() { dat0 |= (req[i] as u32) << (i * 8); } } for i in 0..4 { if i + 4 < req.len() { dat1 |= (req[i + 4] as u32) << (i * 8); } } let len = core::cmp::max(req.len(), resp.len()) as u8; let r = T::regs(); r.cinstrdat0.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(dat0) }); r.cinstrdat1.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(dat1) }); r.events_ready.reset(); r.intenset.write(|w| w.ready().set()); r.cinstrconf.write(|w| { let w = unsafe { w.opcode().bits(opcode) }; let w = unsafe { w.length().bits(len + 1) }; let w = w.lio2().bit(true); let w = w.lio3().bit(true); let w = w.wipwait().bit(true); let w = w.wren().bit(true); let w = w.lfen().bit(false); let w = w.lfstop().bit(false); w }); self.wait_ready().await; let r = T::regs(); let dat0 = r.cinstrdat0.read().bits(); let dat1 = r.cinstrdat1.read().bits(); for i in 0..4 { if i < resp.len() { resp[i] = (dat0 >> (i * 8)) as u8; } } for i in 0..4 { if i + 4 < resp.len() { resp[i] = (dat1 >> (i * 8)) as u8; } } bomb.defuse(); Ok(()) } async fn wait_ready(&mut self) { poll_fn(move |cx| { let r = T::regs(); let s = T::state(); s.ready_waker.register(cx.waker()); if r.events_ready.read().bits() != 0 { return Poll::Ready(()); } Poll::Pending }) .await } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Drop for Qspi<'d, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { let r = T::regs(); if self.dpm_enabled { info!("qspi: doing deep powerdown..."); r.ifconfig1.modify(|_, w| w.dpmen().enter()); // Wait for DPM enter. // Unfortunately we must spin. There's no way to do this interrupt-driven. // The READY event does NOT fire on DPM enter (but it does fire on DPM exit :shrug:) while r.status.read().dpm().is_disabled() {} // Wait MORE for DPM enter. // I have absolutely no idea why, but the wait above is not enough :'( // Tested with mx25r64 in nrf52840-dk, and with mx25r16 in custom board cortex_m::asm::delay(4096); } // it seems events_ready is not generated in response to deactivate. nrfx doesn't wait for it. r.tasks_deactivate.write(|w| w.tasks_deactivate().set_bit()); // Workaround https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/errata_nRF52840_Rev1/ERR/nRF52840/Rev1/latest/anomaly_840_122.html?cp=4_0_1_2_1_7 // Note that the doc has 2 register writes, but the first one is really the write to tasks_deactivate, // so we only do the second one here. unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(0x40029054 as *mut u32, 1) } r.enable.write(|w| w.enable().disabled()); // Note: we do NOT deconfigure CSN here. If DPM is in use and we disconnect CSN, // leaving it floating, the flash chip might read it as zero which would cause it to // spuriously exit DPM. gpio::deconfigure_pin(r.psel.sck.read().bits()); gpio::deconfigure_pin(r.psel.io0.read().bits()); gpio::deconfigure_pin(r.psel.io1.read().bits()); gpio::deconfigure_pin(r.psel.io2.read().bits()); gpio::deconfigure_pin(r.psel.io3.read().bits()); info!("qspi: dropped"); } } impl<'d, T: Instance> Flash for Qspi<'d, T> { #[rustfmt::skip] type ReadFuture<'a> where Self: 'a = impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + 'a; #[rustfmt::skip] type WriteFuture<'a> where Self: 'a = impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + 'a; #[rustfmt::skip] type ErasePageFuture<'a> where Self: 'a = impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + 'a; fn read<'a>(&'a mut self, address: usize, data: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::ReadFuture<'a> { async move { let bomb = DropBomb::new(); assert_eq!(data.as_ptr() as u32 % 4, 0); assert_eq!(data.len() as u32 % 4, 0); assert_eq!(address as u32 % 4, 0); let r = T::regs(); r.read .src .write(|w| unsafe { w.src().bits(address as u32) }); r.read .dst .write(|w| unsafe { w.dst().bits(data.as_ptr() as u32) }); r.read .cnt .write(|w| unsafe { w.cnt().bits(data.len() as u32) }); r.events_ready.reset(); r.intenset.write(|w| w.ready().set()); r.tasks_readstart.write(|w| w.tasks_readstart().bit(true)); self.wait_ready().await; bomb.defuse(); Ok(()) } } fn write<'a>(&'a mut self, address: usize, data: &'a [u8]) -> Self::WriteFuture<'a> { async move { let bomb = DropBomb::new(); assert_eq!(data.as_ptr() as u32 % 4, 0); assert_eq!(data.len() as u32 % 4, 0); assert_eq!(address as u32 % 4, 0); let r = T::regs(); r.write .src .write(|w| unsafe { w.src().bits(data.as_ptr() as u32) }); r.write .dst .write(|w| unsafe { w.dst().bits(address as u32) }); r.write .cnt .write(|w| unsafe { w.cnt().bits(data.len() as u32) }); r.events_ready.reset(); r.intenset.write(|w| w.ready().set()); r.tasks_writestart.write(|w| w.tasks_writestart().bit(true)); self.wait_ready().await; bomb.defuse(); Ok(()) } } fn erase<'a>(&'a mut self, address: usize) -> Self::ErasePageFuture<'a> { async move { let bomb = DropBomb::new(); assert_eq!(address as u32 % 4096, 0); let r = T::regs(); r.erase .ptr .write(|w| unsafe { w.ptr().bits(address as u32) }); r.erase.len.write(|w| w.len()._4kb()); r.events_ready.reset(); r.intenset.write(|w| w.ready().set()); r.tasks_erasestart.write(|w| w.tasks_erasestart().bit(true)); self.wait_ready().await; bomb.defuse(); Ok(()) } } fn size(&self) -> usize { 256 * 4096 // TODO } fn read_size(&self) -> usize { 4 // TODO } fn write_size(&self) -> usize { 4 // TODO } fn erase_size(&self) -> usize { 4096 // TODO } } pub(crate) mod sealed { use super::*; pub struct State { pub ready_waker: AtomicWaker, } impl State { pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { ready_waker: AtomicWaker::new(), } } } pub trait Instance { fn regs() -> &'static pac::qspi::RegisterBlock; fn state() -> &'static State; } } pub trait Instance: Unborrow<Target = Self> + sealed::Instance + 'static { type Interrupt: Interrupt; } macro_rules! impl_qspi { ($type:ident, $pac_type:ident, $irq:ident) => { impl crate::qspi::sealed::Instance for peripherals::$type { fn regs() -> &'static pac::qspi::RegisterBlock { unsafe { &*pac::$pac_type::ptr() } } fn state() -> &'static crate::qspi::sealed::State { static STATE: crate::qspi::sealed::State = crate::qspi::sealed::State::new(); &STATE } } impl crate::qspi::Instance for peripherals::$type { type Interrupt = crate::interrupt::$irq; } }; }