use core::cell::RefCell; use core::future::Future; use core::task::Context; use core::task::Poll; use embassy::time::{Instant, Timer}; use embassy::util::ThreadModeMutex; use embassy::util::{Forever, WakerRegistration}; use futures::pin_mut; use smoltcp::iface::{InterfaceBuilder, Neighbor, NeighborCache, Route, Routes}; use smoltcp::phy::Device as _; use smoltcp::phy::Medium; use smoltcp::socket::SocketSetItem; use smoltcp::time::Instant as SmolInstant; use smoltcp::wire::{EthernetAddress, IpAddress, IpCidr, Ipv4Address, Ipv4Cidr}; use crate::config::Configurator; use crate::config::Event; use crate::device::{Device, DeviceAdapter, LinkState}; use crate::fmt::*; use crate::{Interface, SocketSet}; const ADDRESSES_LEN: usize = 1; const NEIGHBOR_CACHE_LEN: usize = 8; const SOCKETS_LEN: usize = 2; const LOCAL_PORT_MIN: u16 = 1025; const LOCAL_PORT_MAX: u16 = 65535; struct StackResources { addresses: [IpCidr; ADDRESSES_LEN], neighbor_cache: [Option<(IpAddress, Neighbor)>; NEIGHBOR_CACHE_LEN], sockets: [Option<SocketSetItem<'static>>; SOCKETS_LEN], routes: [Option<(IpCidr, Route)>; 1], } static STACK_RESOURCES: Forever<StackResources> = Forever::new(); static STACK: ThreadModeMutex<RefCell<Option<Stack>>> = ThreadModeMutex::new(RefCell::new(None)); pub(crate) struct Stack { iface: Interface, pub sockets: SocketSet, link_up: bool, next_local_port: u16, configurator: &'static mut dyn Configurator, waker: WakerRegistration, } impl Stack { pub(crate) fn with<R>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut Stack) -> R) -> R { let mut stack = STACK.borrow().borrow_mut(); let stack = stack.as_mut().unwrap(); f(stack) } pub fn get_local_port(&mut self) -> u16 { let res = self.next_local_port; self.next_local_port = if res >= LOCAL_PORT_MAX { LOCAL_PORT_MIN } else { res + 1 }; res } pub(crate) fn wake(&mut self) { self.waker.wake() } fn poll_configurator(&mut self, timestamp: SmolInstant) { let medium = self.iface.device().capabilities().medium; match self .configurator .poll(&mut self.iface, &mut self.sockets, timestamp) { Event::NoChange => {} Event::Configured(config) => { debug!("Acquired IP configuration:"); debug!(" IP address: {}", config.address); set_ipv4_addr(&mut self.iface, config.address); if medium == Medium::Ethernet { if let Some(gateway) = config.gateway { debug!(" Default gateway: {}", gateway); self.iface .routes_mut() .add_default_ipv4_route(gateway) .unwrap(); } else { debug!(" Default gateway: None"); self.iface.routes_mut().remove_default_ipv4_route(); } } for (i, s) in config.dns_servers.iter().enumerate() { debug!(" DNS server {}: {}", i, s); } } Event::Deconfigured => { debug!("Lost IP configuration"); set_ipv4_addr(&mut self.iface, Ipv4Cidr::new(Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED, 0)); if medium == Medium::Ethernet { self.iface.routes_mut().remove_default_ipv4_route(); } } } } fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) { self.iface.device_mut().device.register_waker(cx.waker()); self.waker.register(cx.waker()); let timestamp = instant_to_smoltcp(Instant::now()); if let Err(_) = self.iface.poll(&mut self.sockets, timestamp) { // If poll() returns error, it may not be done yet, so poll again later. cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); return; } // Update link up let old_link_up = self.link_up; self.link_up = self.iface.device_mut().device.link_state() == LinkState::Up; // Print when changed if old_link_up != self.link_up { if self.link_up { info!("Link up!"); } else { info!("Link down!"); } } if old_link_up || self.link_up { self.poll_configurator(timestamp) } if let Some(poll_at) = self.iface.poll_at(&mut self.sockets, timestamp) { let t = Timer::at(instant_from_smoltcp(poll_at)); pin_mut!(t); if t.poll(cx).is_ready() { cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); } } } } fn set_ipv4_addr(iface: &mut Interface, cidr: Ipv4Cidr) { iface.update_ip_addrs(|addrs| { let dest = addrs.iter_mut().next().unwrap(); *dest = IpCidr::Ipv4(cidr); }); } /// Initialize embassy_net. /// This function must be called from thread mode. pub fn init(device: &'static mut dyn Device, configurator: &'static mut dyn Configurator) { const NONE_SOCKET: Option<SocketSetItem<'static>> = None; let res = STACK_RESOURCES.put(StackResources { addresses: [IpCidr::new(Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED.into(), 32)], neighbor_cache: [None; NEIGHBOR_CACHE_LEN], sockets: [NONE_SOCKET; SOCKETS_LEN], routes: [None; 1], }); let medium = device.capabilities().medium; let ethernet_addr = if medium == Medium::Ethernet { device.ethernet_address() } else { [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }; let mut b = InterfaceBuilder::new(DeviceAdapter::new(device)); b = b.ip_addrs(&mut res.addresses[..]); if medium == Medium::Ethernet { b = b.ethernet_addr(EthernetAddress(ethernet_addr)); b = b.neighbor_cache(NeighborCache::new(&mut res.neighbor_cache[..])); b = b.routes(Routes::new(&mut res.routes[..])); } let iface = b.finalize(); let sockets = SocketSet::new(&mut res.sockets[..]); let local_port = loop { let mut res = [0u8; 2]; rand(&mut res); let port = u16::from_le_bytes(res); if port >= LOCAL_PORT_MIN && port <= LOCAL_PORT_MAX { break port; } }; let stack = Stack { iface, sockets, link_up: false, configurator, next_local_port: local_port, waker: WakerRegistration::new(), }; *STACK.borrow().borrow_mut() = Some(stack); } pub fn is_init() -> bool { STACK.borrow().borrow().is_some() } pub async fn run() { futures::future::poll_fn(|cx| { Stack::with(|stack| stack.poll(cx)); Poll::<()>::Pending }) .await } fn instant_to_smoltcp(instant: Instant) -> SmolInstant { SmolInstant::from_millis(instant.as_millis() as i64) } fn instant_from_smoltcp(instant: SmolInstant) -> Instant { Instant::from_millis(instant.total_millis() as u64) } extern "Rust" { fn _embassy_rand(buf: &mut [u8]); } fn rand(buf: &mut [u8]) { unsafe { _embassy_rand(buf) } }