#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(min_type_alias_impl_trait)] #![feature(impl_trait_in_bindings)] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] #![allow(incomplete_features)] #[path = "../example_common.rs"] mod example_common; use example_common::*; use cortex_m_rt::entry; use defmt::panic; use embassy::executor::{task, Executor}; use embassy::traits::uart::{Read, Write}; use embassy::util::{Forever, Steal}; use embassy_nrf::gpio::NoPin; use embassy_nrf::{interrupt, peripherals, rtc, uarte, Peripherals}; use futures::pin_mut; #[task] async fn run() { let p = unsafe { Peripherals::steal() }; let mut config = uarte::Config::default(); config.parity = uarte::Parity::EXCLUDED; config.baudrate = uarte::Baudrate::BAUD115200; let irq = interrupt::take!(UARTE0_UART0); let uart = unsafe { uarte::Uarte::new(p.UARTE0, irq, p.P0_08, p.P0_06, NoPin, NoPin, config) }; pin_mut!(uart); info!("uarte initialized!"); // Message must be in SRAM let mut buf = [0; 8]; buf.copy_from_slice(b"Hello!\r\n"); unwrap!(uart.as_mut().write(&buf).await); info!("wrote hello in uart!"); loop { info!("reading..."); unwrap!(uart.as_mut().read(&mut buf).await); info!("writing..."); unwrap!(uart.as_mut().write(&buf).await); /* // `receive()` doesn't return until the buffer has been completely filled with // incoming data, which in this case is 8 bytes. // // This example shows how to use `select` to run an uart receive concurrently with a // 1 second timer, effectively adding a timeout to the receive operation. let recv_fut = uart.read(&mut buf); let timer_fut = Timer::after(Duration::from_millis(1000)); let received_len = match select(recv_fut, timer_fut).await { // recv_fut completed first, so we've received `buf_len` bytes. Either::Left(_) => buf_len, // timer_fut completed first. `select` gives us back the future that didn't complete, which // is `recv_fut` in this case, so we can do further stuff with it. // // The recv_fut would stop the uart read automatically when dropped. However, we want to know how // many bytes have been received, so we have to "gracefully stop" it with `.stop()`. Either::Right((_, recv_fut)) => recv_fut.stop().await, }; let received = &mut buf[..received_len]; if !received.is_empty() { info!("read done, got {}", received); // Echo back received data unwrap!(uart.write(received).await); } */ } } static RTC: Forever> = Forever::new(); static ALARM: Forever> = Forever::new(); static EXECUTOR: Forever = Forever::new(); #[entry] fn main() -> ! { info!("Hello World!"); let p = unwrap!(embassy_nrf::Peripherals::take()); unsafe { embassy_nrf::system::configure(Default::default()) }; let rtc = RTC.put(rtc::RTC::new(p.RTC1, interrupt::take!(RTC1))); rtc.start(); unsafe { embassy::time::set_clock(rtc) }; let alarm = ALARM.put(rtc.alarm0()); let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new()); executor.set_alarm(alarm); executor.run(|spawner| { unwrap!(spawner.spawn(run())); }); }