use core::task::Waker; use smoltcp::phy::Device as SmolDevice; use smoltcp::phy::DeviceCapabilities; use smoltcp::time::Instant as SmolInstant; use crate::packet_pool::PacketBoxExt; use crate::{Packet, PacketBox, PacketBuf}; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum LinkState { Down, Up, } // 'static required due to the "fake GAT" in smoltcp::phy::Device. // pub trait Device { fn is_transmit_ready(&mut self) -> bool; fn transmit(&mut self, pkt: PacketBuf); fn receive(&mut self) -> Option<PacketBuf>; fn register_waker(&mut self, waker: &Waker); fn capabilities(&self) -> DeviceCapabilities; fn link_state(&mut self) -> LinkState; fn ethernet_address(&self) -> [u8; 6]; } impl<T: ?Sized + Device> Device for &'static mut T { fn is_transmit_ready(&mut self) -> bool { T::is_transmit_ready(self) } fn transmit(&mut self, pkt: PacketBuf) { T::transmit(self, pkt) } fn receive(&mut self) -> Option<PacketBuf> { T::receive(self) } fn register_waker(&mut self, waker: &Waker) { T::register_waker(self, waker) } fn capabilities(&self) -> DeviceCapabilities { T::capabilities(self) } fn link_state(&mut self) -> LinkState { T::link_state(self) } fn ethernet_address(&self) -> [u8; 6] { T::ethernet_address(self) } } pub struct DeviceAdapter<D: Device> { pub device: D, caps: DeviceCapabilities, } impl<D: Device> DeviceAdapter<D> { pub(crate) fn new(device: D) -> Self { Self { caps: device.capabilities(), device, } } } impl<'a, D: Device + 'static> SmolDevice<'a> for DeviceAdapter<D> { type RxToken = RxToken; type TxToken = TxToken<'a, D>; fn receive(&'a mut self) -> Option<(Self::RxToken, Self::TxToken)> { let tx_pkt = PacketBox::new(Packet::new())?; let rx_pkt = self.device.receive()?; let rx_token = RxToken { pkt: rx_pkt }; let tx_token = TxToken { device: &mut self.device, pkt: tx_pkt, }; Some((rx_token, tx_token)) } /// Construct a transmit token. fn transmit(&'a mut self) -> Option<Self::TxToken> { if !self.device.is_transmit_ready() { return None; } let tx_pkt = PacketBox::new(Packet::new())?; Some(TxToken { device: &mut self.device, pkt: tx_pkt, }) } /// Get a description of device capabilities. fn capabilities(&self) -> DeviceCapabilities { self.caps.clone() } } pub struct RxToken { pkt: PacketBuf, } impl smoltcp::phy::RxToken for RxToken { fn consume<R, F>(mut self, _timestamp: SmolInstant, f: F) -> smoltcp::Result<R> where F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> smoltcp::Result<R>, { f(&mut self.pkt) } } pub struct TxToken<'a, D: Device> { device: &'a mut D, pkt: PacketBox, } impl<'a, D: Device> smoltcp::phy::TxToken for TxToken<'a, D> { fn consume<R, F>(self, _timestamp: SmolInstant, len: usize, f: F) -> smoltcp::Result<R> where F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> smoltcp::Result<R>, { let mut buf = self.pkt.slice(0..len); let r = f(&mut buf)?; self.device.transmit(buf); Ok(r) } }