use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::ptr; use crate::cmd::CmdPacket; use crate::consts::TlPacketType; use crate::evt::{CcEvt, EvtBox, EvtPacket}; #[allow(unused_imports)] use crate::shci::{SchiCommandStatus, ShciBleInitCmdParam, ShciOpcode}; use crate::sub::mm; use crate::tables::{SysTable, WirelessFwInfoTable}; use crate::unsafe_linked_list::LinkedListNode; use crate::{channels, Ipcc, SYSTEM_EVT_QUEUE, SYS_CMD_BUF, TL_DEVICE_INFO_TABLE, TL_SYS_TABLE}; pub struct Sys { phantom: PhantomData<Sys>, } impl Sys { /// TL_Sys_Init pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { unsafe { LinkedListNode::init_head(SYSTEM_EVT_QUEUE.as_mut_ptr()); TL_SYS_TABLE.as_mut_ptr().write_volatile(SysTable { pcmd_buffer: SYS_CMD_BUF.as_mut_ptr(), sys_queue: SYSTEM_EVT_QUEUE.as_ptr(), }); } Self { phantom: PhantomData } } /// Returns CPU2 wireless firmware information (if present). pub fn wireless_fw_info(&self) -> Option<WirelessFwInfoTable> { let info = unsafe { TL_DEVICE_INFO_TABLE.as_mut_ptr().read_volatile().wireless_fw_info_table }; // Zero version indicates that CPU2 wasn't active and didn't fill the information table if info.version != 0 { Some(info) } else { None } } pub async fn write(&self, opcode: ShciOpcode, payload: &[u8]) { Ipcc::send(channels::cpu1::IPCC_SYSTEM_CMD_RSP_CHANNEL, || unsafe { CmdPacket::write_into(SYS_CMD_BUF.as_mut_ptr(), TlPacketType::SysCmd, opcode as u16, payload); }) .await; } /// `HW_IPCC_SYS_CmdEvtNot` pub async fn write_and_get_response(&self, opcode: ShciOpcode, payload: &[u8]) -> SchiCommandStatus { self.write(opcode, payload).await; Ipcc::flush(channels::cpu1::IPCC_SYSTEM_CMD_RSP_CHANNEL).await; unsafe { let p_event_packet = SYS_CMD_BUF.as_ptr() as *const EvtPacket; let p_command_event = &((*p_event_packet).evt_serial.evt.payload) as *const _ as *const CcEvt; let p_payload = &((*p_command_event).payload) as *const u8; ptr::read_volatile(p_payload).try_into().unwrap() } } #[cfg(feature = "mac")] pub async fn shci_c2_mac_802_15_4_init(&self) -> SchiCommandStatus { self.write_and_get_response(ShciOpcode::Mac802_15_4Init, &[]).await } #[cfg(feature = "ble")] pub async fn shci_c2_ble_init(&self, param: ShciBleInitCmdParam) -> SchiCommandStatus { self.write_and_get_response(ShciOpcode::BleInit, param.payload()).await } /// `HW_IPCC_SYS_EvtNot` pub async fn read(&self) -> EvtBox<mm::MemoryManager> { Ipcc::receive(channels::cpu2::IPCC_SYSTEM_EVENT_CHANNEL, || unsafe { if let Some(node_ptr) = LinkedListNode::remove_head(SYSTEM_EVT_QUEUE.as_mut_ptr()) { Some(EvtBox::new(node_ptr.cast())) } else { None } }) .await } }