//! Async byte stream pipe.

use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::future::Future;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};

use crate::blocking_mutex::raw::RawMutex;
use crate::blocking_mutex::Mutex;
use crate::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
use crate::waitqueue::WakerRegistration;

/// Write-only access to a [`Pipe`].
pub struct Writer<'p, M, const N: usize>
    M: RawMutex,
    pipe: &'p Pipe<M, N>,

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Clone for Writer<'p, M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Writer { pipe: self.pipe }

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Writer<'p, M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    /// Write some bytes to the pipe.
    /// See [`Pipe::write()`]
    pub fn write<'a>(&'a self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> WriteFuture<'a, M, N> {

    /// Attempt to immediately write some bytes to the pipe.
    /// See [`Pipe::try_write()`]
    pub fn try_write(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, TryWriteError> {

/// Future returned by [`Pipe::write`] and  [`Writer::write`].
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct WriteFuture<'p, M, const N: usize>
    M: RawMutex,
    pipe: &'p Pipe<M, N>,
    buf: &'p [u8],

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Future for WriteFuture<'p, M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    type Output = usize;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        match self.pipe.try_write_with_context(Some(cx), self.buf) {
            Ok(n) => Poll::Ready(n),
            Err(TryWriteError::Full) => Poll::Pending,

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Unpin for WriteFuture<'p, M, N> where M: RawMutex {}

/// Read-only access to a [`Pipe`].
pub struct Reader<'p, M, const N: usize>
    M: RawMutex,
    pipe: &'p Pipe<M, N>,

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Clone for Reader<'p, M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Reader { pipe: self.pipe }

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Reader<'p, M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    /// Read some bytes from the pipe.
    /// See [`Pipe::read()`]
    pub fn read<'a>(&'a self, buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> ReadFuture<'a, M, N> {

    /// Attempt to immediately read some bytes from the pipe.
    /// See [`Pipe::try_read()`]
    pub fn try_read(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TryReadError> {

/// Future returned by [`Pipe::read`] and  [`Reader::read`].
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct ReadFuture<'p, M, const N: usize>
    M: RawMutex,
    pipe: &'p Pipe<M, N>,
    buf: &'p mut [u8],

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Future for ReadFuture<'p, M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    type Output = usize;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        match self.pipe.try_read_with_context(Some(cx), self.buf) {
            Ok(n) => Poll::Ready(n),
            Err(TryReadError::Empty) => Poll::Pending,

impl<'p, M, const N: usize> Unpin for ReadFuture<'p, M, N> where M: RawMutex {}

/// Error returned by [`try_read`](Pipe::try_read).
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum TryReadError {
    /// No data could be read from the pipe because it is currently
    /// empty, and reading would require blocking.

/// Error returned by [`try_write`](Pipe::try_write).
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum TryWriteError {
    /// No data could be written to the pipe because it is
    /// currently full, and writing would require blocking.

struct PipeState<const N: usize> {
    buffer: RingBuffer<N>,
    read_waker: WakerRegistration,
    write_waker: WakerRegistration,

impl<const N: usize> PipeState<N> {
    const fn new() -> Self {
        PipeState {
            buffer: RingBuffer::new(),
            read_waker: WakerRegistration::new(),
            write_waker: WakerRegistration::new(),

    fn clear(&mut self) {

    fn try_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TryReadError> {
        self.try_read_with_context(None, buf)

    fn try_read_with_context(&mut self, cx: Option<&mut Context<'_>>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TryReadError> {
        if self.buffer.is_full() {

        let available = self.buffer.pop_buf();
        if available.is_empty() {
            if let Some(cx) = cx {
            return Err(TryReadError::Empty);

        let n = available.len().min(buf.len());

    fn try_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, TryWriteError> {
        self.try_write_with_context(None, buf)

    fn try_write_with_context(&mut self, cx: Option<&mut Context<'_>>, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, TryWriteError> {
        if self.buffer.is_empty() {

        let available = self.buffer.push_buf();
        if available.is_empty() {
            if let Some(cx) = cx {
            return Err(TryWriteError::Full);

        let n = available.len().min(buf.len());

/// A bounded byte-oriented pipe for communicating between asynchronous tasks
/// with backpressure.
/// The pipe will buffer up to the provided number of bytes. Once the
/// buffer is full, attempts to `write` new bytes will wait until buffer space is freed up.
/// All data written will become available in the same order as it was written.
pub struct Pipe<M, const N: usize>
    M: RawMutex,
    inner: Mutex<M, RefCell<PipeState<N>>>,

impl<M, const N: usize> Pipe<M, N>
    M: RawMutex,
    /// Establish a new bounded pipe. For example, to create one with a NoopMutex:
    /// ```
    /// use embassy_sync::pipe::Pipe;
    /// use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::NoopRawMutex;
    /// // Declare a bounded pipe, with a buffer of 256 bytes.
    /// let mut pipe = Pipe::<NoopRawMutex, 256>::new();
    /// ```
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: Mutex::new(RefCell::new(PipeState::new())),

    fn lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut PipeState<N>) -> R) -> R {
        self.inner.lock(|rc| f(&mut *rc.borrow_mut()))

    fn try_read_with_context(&self, cx: Option<&mut Context<'_>>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TryReadError> {
        self.lock(|c| c.try_read_with_context(cx, buf))

    fn try_write_with_context(&self, cx: Option<&mut Context<'_>>, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, TryWriteError> {
        self.lock(|c| c.try_write_with_context(cx, buf))

    /// Get a writer for this pipe.
    pub fn writer(&self) -> Writer<'_, M, N> {
        Writer { pipe: self }

    /// Get a reader for this pipe.
    pub fn reader(&self) -> Reader<'_, M, N> {
        Reader { pipe: self }

    /// Write some bytes to the pipe.
    /// This method writes a nonzero amount of bytes from `buf` into the pipe, and
    /// returns the amount of bytes written.
    /// If it is not possible to write a nonzero amount of bytes because the pipe's buffer is full,
    /// this method will wait until it is. See [`try_write`](Self::try_write) for a variant that
    /// returns an error instead of waiting.
    /// It is not guaranteed that all bytes in the buffer are written, even if there's enough
    /// free space in the pipe buffer for all. In other words, it is possible for `write` to return
    /// without writing all of `buf` (returning a number less than `buf.len()`) and still leave
    /// free space in the pipe buffer. You should always `write` in a loop, or use helpers like
    /// `write_all` from the `embedded-io` crate.
    pub fn write<'a>(&'a self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> WriteFuture<'a, M, N> {
        WriteFuture { pipe: self, buf }

    /// Attempt to immediately write some bytes to the pipe.
    /// This method will either write a nonzero amount of bytes to the pipe immediately,
    /// or return an error if the pipe is empty. See [`write`](Self::write) for a variant
    /// that waits instead of returning an error.
    pub fn try_write(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, TryWriteError> {
        self.lock(|c| c.try_write(buf))

    /// Read some bytes from the pipe.
    /// This method reads a nonzero amount of bytes from the pipe into `buf` and
    /// returns the amount of bytes read.
    /// If it is not possible to read a nonzero amount of bytes because the pipe's buffer is empty,
    /// this method will wait until it is. See [`try_read`](Self::try_read) for a variant that
    /// returns an error instead of waiting.
    /// It is not guaranteed that all bytes in the buffer are read, even if there's enough
    /// space in `buf` for all. In other words, it is possible for `read` to return
    /// without filling `buf` (returning a number less than `buf.len()`) and still leave bytes
    /// in the pipe buffer. You should always `read` in a loop, or use helpers like
    /// `read_exact` from the `embedded-io` crate.
    pub fn read<'a>(&'a self, buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> ReadFuture<'a, M, N> {
        ReadFuture { pipe: self, buf }

    /// Attempt to immediately read some bytes from the pipe.
    /// This method will either read a nonzero amount of bytes from the pipe immediately,
    /// or return an error if the pipe is empty. See [`read`](Self::read) for a variant
    /// that waits instead of returning an error.
    pub fn try_read(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TryReadError> {
        self.lock(|c| c.try_read(buf))

    /// Clear the data in the pipe's buffer.
    pub fn clear(&self) {
        self.lock(|c| c.clear())

    /// Return whether the pipe is full (no free space in the buffer)
    pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == N

    /// Return whether the pipe is empty (no data buffered)
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

    /// Total byte capacity.
    /// This is the same as the `N` generic param.
    pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {

    /// Used byte capacity.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        self.lock(|c| c.buffer.len())

    /// Free byte capacity.
    /// This is equivalent to `capacity() - len()`
    pub fn free_capacity(&self) -> usize {
        N - self.len()

#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
mod io_impls {
    use core::convert::Infallible;

    use super::*;

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::Io for Pipe<M, N> {
        type Error = Infallible;

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::asynch::Read for Pipe<M, N> {
        async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
            Ok(Pipe::read(self, buf).await)

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::asynch::Write for Pipe<M, N> {
        async fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
            Ok(Pipe::write(self, buf).await)

        async fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::Io for &Pipe<M, N> {
        type Error = Infallible;

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::asynch::Read for &Pipe<M, N> {
        async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
            Ok(Pipe::read(self, buf).await)

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::asynch::Write for &Pipe<M, N> {
        async fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
            Ok(Pipe::write(self, buf).await)

        async fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::Io for Reader<'_, M, N> {
        type Error = Infallible;

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::asynch::Read for Reader<'_, M, N> {
        async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
            Ok(Reader::read(self, buf).await)

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::Io for Writer<'_, M, N> {
        type Error = Infallible;

    impl<M: RawMutex, const N: usize> embedded_io::asynch::Write for Writer<'_, M, N> {
        async fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
            Ok(Writer::write(self, buf).await)

        async fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

mod tests {
    use futures_executor::ThreadPool;
    use futures_util::task::SpawnExt;
    use static_cell::StaticCell;

    use super::*;
    use crate::blocking_mutex::raw::{CriticalSectionRawMutex, NoopRawMutex};

    fn capacity<const N: usize>(c: &PipeState<N>) -> usize {
        N - c.buffer.len()

    fn writing_once() {
        let mut c = PipeState::<3>::new();
        assert_eq!(capacity(&c), 2);

    fn writing_when_full() {
        let mut c = PipeState::<3>::new();
        assert_eq!(c.try_write(&[42]), Ok(1));
        assert_eq!(c.try_write(&[43]), Ok(1));
        assert_eq!(c.try_write(&[44]), Ok(1));
        assert_eq!(c.try_write(&[45]), Err(TryWriteError::Full));
        assert_eq!(capacity(&c), 0);

    fn receiving_once_with_one_send() {
        let mut c = PipeState::<3>::new();
        let mut buf = [0; 16];
        assert_eq!(c.try_read(&mut buf), Ok(1));
        assert_eq!(buf[0], 42);
        assert_eq!(capacity(&c), 3);

    fn receiving_when_empty() {
        let mut c = PipeState::<3>::new();
        let mut buf = [0; 16];
        assert_eq!(c.try_read(&mut buf), Err(TryReadError::Empty));
        assert_eq!(capacity(&c), 3);

    fn simple_send_and_receive() {
        let c = Pipe::<NoopRawMutex, 3>::new();
        let mut buf = [0; 16];
        assert_eq!(c.try_read(&mut buf), Ok(1));
        assert_eq!(buf[0], 42);

    fn cloning() {
        let c = Pipe::<NoopRawMutex, 3>::new();
        let r1 = c.reader();
        let w1 = c.writer();

        let _ = r1.clone();
        let _ = w1.clone();

    async fn receiver_receives_given_try_write_async() {
        let executor = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();

        static CHANNEL: StaticCell<Pipe<CriticalSectionRawMutex, 3>> = StaticCell::new();
        let c = &*CHANNEL.init(Pipe::new());
        let c2 = c;
        let f = async move {
            assert_eq!(c2.try_write(&[42]), Ok(1));
        let mut buf = [0; 16];
        assert_eq!(c.read(&mut buf).await, 1);
        assert_eq!(buf[0], 42);

    async fn sender_send_completes_if_capacity() {
        let c = Pipe::<CriticalSectionRawMutex, 1>::new();
        let mut buf = [0; 16];
        assert_eq!(c.read(&mut buf).await, 1);
        assert_eq!(buf[0], 42);