//! Multicore support //! //! This module handles setup of the 2nd cpu core on the rp2040, which we refer to as core1. //! It provides functionality for setting up the stack, and starting core1. //! //! The entrypoint for core1 can be any function that never returns, including closures. //! //! Enable the `critical-section-impl` feature in embassy-rp when sharing data across cores using //! the `embassy-sync` primitives and `CriticalSectionRawMutex`. //! //! # Usage //! //! ```no_run //! # #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] //! use embassy_rp::multicore::Stack; //! use static_cell::StaticCell; //! use embassy_executor::Executor; //! //! static mut CORE1_STACK: Stack<4096> = Stack::new(); //! static EXECUTOR0: StaticCell<Executor> = StaticCell::new(); //! static EXECUTOR1: StaticCell<Executor> = StaticCell::new(); //! //! # // workaround weird error: `main` function not found in crate `rust_out` //! # let _ = (); //! //! #[embassy_executor::task] //! async fn core0_task() { //! // ... //! } //! //! #[embassy_executor::task] //! async fn core1_task() { //! // ... //! } //! //! #[cortex_m_rt::entry] //! fn main() -> ! { //! let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default()); //! //! embassy_rp::multicore::spawn_core1(p.CORE1, unsafe { &mut CORE1_STACK }, move || { //! let executor1 = EXECUTOR1.init(Executor::new()); //! executor1.run(|spawner| spawner.spawn(core1_task()).unwrap()); //! }); //! //! let executor0 = EXECUTOR0.init(Executor::new()); //! executor0.run(|spawner| spawner.spawn(core0_task()).unwrap()) //! } //! ``` use core::mem::ManuallyDrop; use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, AtomicBool, Ordering}; use crate::interrupt::InterruptExt; use crate::peripherals::CORE1; use crate::{gpio, install_stack_guard, interrupt, pac}; const PAUSE_TOKEN: u32 = 0xDEADBEEF; const RESUME_TOKEN: u32 = !0xDEADBEEF; static IS_CORE1_INIT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); #[inline(always)] fn core1_setup(stack_bottom: *mut usize) { if let Err(_) = install_stack_guard(stack_bottom) { // currently only happens if the MPU was already set up, which // would indicate that the core is already in use from outside // embassy, somehow. trap if so since we can't deal with that. cortex_m::asm::udf(); } unsafe { gpio::init(); } } /// Data type for a properly aligned stack of N bytes #[repr(C, align(32))] pub struct Stack<const SIZE: usize> { /// Memory to be used for the stack pub mem: [u8; SIZE], } impl<const SIZE: usize> Stack<SIZE> { /// Construct a stack of length SIZE, initialized to 0 pub const fn new() -> Stack<SIZE> { Stack { mem: [0_u8; SIZE] } } } #[cfg(feature = "rt")] #[interrupt] #[link_section = ".data.ram_func"] unsafe fn SIO_IRQ_PROC1() { let sio = pac::SIO; // Clear IRQ sio.fifo().st().write(|w| w.set_wof(false)); while sio.fifo().st().read().vld() { // Pause CORE1 execution and disable interrupts if fifo_read_wfe() == PAUSE_TOKEN { cortex_m::interrupt::disable(); // Signal to CORE0 that execution is paused fifo_write(PAUSE_TOKEN); // Wait for `resume` signal from CORE0 while fifo_read_wfe() != RESUME_TOKEN { cortex_m::asm::nop(); } cortex_m::interrupt::enable(); // Signal to CORE0 that execution is resumed fifo_write(RESUME_TOKEN); } } } /// Spawn a function on this core pub fn spawn_core1<F, const SIZE: usize>(_core1: CORE1, stack: &'static mut Stack<SIZE>, entry: F) where F: FnOnce() -> bad::Never + Send + 'static, { // The first two ignored `u64` parameters are there to take up all of the registers, // which means that the rest of the arguments are taken from the stack, // where we're able to put them from core 0. extern "C" fn core1_startup<F: FnOnce() -> bad::Never>( _: u64, _: u64, entry: *mut ManuallyDrop<F>, stack_bottom: *mut usize, ) -> ! { core1_setup(stack_bottom); let entry = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(&mut *entry) }; // make sure the preceding read doesn't get reordered past the following fifo write compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // Signal that it's safe for core 0 to get rid of the original value now. fifo_write(1); IS_CORE1_INIT.store(true, Ordering::Release); // Enable fifo interrupt on CORE1 for `pause` functionality. unsafe { interrupt::SIO_IRQ_PROC1.enable() }; entry() } // Reset the core let psm = pac::PSM; psm.frce_off().modify(|w| w.set_proc1(true)); while !psm.frce_off().read().proc1() { cortex_m::asm::nop(); } psm.frce_off().modify(|w| w.set_proc1(false)); // The ARM AAPCS ABI requires 8-byte stack alignment. // #[align] on `struct Stack` ensures the bottom is aligned, but the top could still be // unaligned if the user chooses a stack size that's not multiple of 8. // So, we round down to the next multiple of 8. let stack_words = stack.mem.len() / 8 * 2; let mem = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(stack.mem.as_mut_ptr() as *mut usize, stack_words) }; // Set up the stack let mut stack_ptr = unsafe { mem.as_mut_ptr().add(mem.len()) }; // We don't want to drop this, since it's getting moved to the other core. let mut entry = ManuallyDrop::new(entry); // Push the arguments to `core1_startup` onto the stack. unsafe { // Push `stack_bottom`. stack_ptr = stack_ptr.sub(1); stack_ptr.cast::<*mut usize>().write(mem.as_mut_ptr()); // Push `entry`. stack_ptr = stack_ptr.sub(1); stack_ptr.cast::<*mut ManuallyDrop<F>>().write(&mut entry); } // Make sure the compiler does not reorder the stack writes after to after the // below FIFO writes, which would result in them not being seen by the second // core. // // From the compiler perspective, this doesn't guarantee that the second core // actually sees those writes. However, we know that the RP2040 doesn't have // memory caches, and writes happen in-order. compiler_fence(Ordering::Release); let p = unsafe { cortex_m::Peripherals::steal() }; let vector_table = p.SCB.vtor.read(); // After reset, core 1 is waiting to receive commands over FIFO. // This is the sequence to have it jump to some code. let cmd_seq = [ 0, 0, 1, vector_table as usize, stack_ptr as usize, core1_startup::<F> as usize, ]; let mut seq = 0; let mut fails = 0; loop { let cmd = cmd_seq[seq] as u32; if cmd == 0 { fifo_drain(); cortex_m::asm::sev(); } fifo_write(cmd); let response = fifo_read(); if cmd == response { seq += 1; } else { seq = 0; fails += 1; if fails > 16 { // The second core isn't responding, and isn't going to take the entrypoint panic!("CORE1 not responding"); } } if seq >= cmd_seq.len() { break; } } // Wait until the other core has copied `entry` before returning. fifo_read(); } /// Pause execution on CORE1. pub fn pause_core1() { if IS_CORE1_INIT.load(Ordering::Acquire) { fifo_write(PAUSE_TOKEN); // Wait for CORE1 to signal it has paused execution. while fifo_read() != PAUSE_TOKEN {} } } /// Resume CORE1 execution. pub fn resume_core1() { if IS_CORE1_INIT.load(Ordering::Acquire) { fifo_write(RESUME_TOKEN); // Wait for CORE1 to signal it has resumed execution. while fifo_read() != RESUME_TOKEN {} } } // Push a value to the inter-core FIFO, block until space is available #[inline(always)] fn fifo_write(value: u32) { let sio = pac::SIO; // Wait for the FIFO to have enough space while !sio.fifo().st().read().rdy() { cortex_m::asm::nop(); } sio.fifo().wr().write_value(value); // Fire off an event to the other core. // This is required as the other core may be `wfe` (waiting for event) cortex_m::asm::sev(); } // Pop a value from inter-core FIFO, block until available #[inline(always)] fn fifo_read() -> u32 { let sio = pac::SIO; // Wait until FIFO has data while !sio.fifo().st().read().vld() { cortex_m::asm::nop(); } sio.fifo().rd().read() } // Pop a value from inter-core FIFO, `wfe` until available #[inline(always)] #[allow(unused)] fn fifo_read_wfe() -> u32 { let sio = pac::SIO; // Wait until FIFO has data while !sio.fifo().st().read().vld() { cortex_m::asm::wfe(); } sio.fifo().rd().read() } // Drain inter-core FIFO #[inline(always)] fn fifo_drain() { let sio = pac::SIO; while sio.fifo().st().read().vld() { let _ = sio.fifo().rd().read(); } } // https://github.com/nvzqz/bad-rs/blob/master/src/never.rs mod bad { pub(crate) type Never = <F as HasOutput>::Output; pub trait HasOutput { type Output; } impl<O> HasOutput for fn() -> O { type Output = O; } type F = fn() -> !; }