use core::convert::Infallible; use core::future::Future; use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::pin::Pin; use core::task::{Context, Poll}; use embassy_hal_internal::impl_peripheral; use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker; use crate::gpio::{AnyPin, Input, Level, Pin as GpioPin}; use crate::pac::exti::regs::Lines; use crate::pac::EXTI; use crate::{interrupt, pac, peripherals, Peripheral}; const EXTI_COUNT: usize = 16; const NEW_AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new(); static EXTI_WAKERS: [AtomicWaker; EXTI_COUNT] = [NEW_AW; EXTI_COUNT]; #[cfg(exti_w)] fn cpu_regs() -> pac::exti::Cpu { EXTI.cpu(crate::pac::CORE_INDEX) } #[cfg(not(exti_w))] fn cpu_regs() -> pac::exti::Exti { EXTI } #[cfg(not(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, gpio_v1, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50)))] fn exticr_regs() -> pac::syscfg::Syscfg { pac::SYSCFG } #[cfg(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50))] fn exticr_regs() -> pac::exti::Exti { EXTI } #[cfg(gpio_v1)] fn exticr_regs() -> pac::afio::Afio { pac::AFIO } pub unsafe fn on_irq() { #[cfg(feature = "low-power")] crate::low_power::on_wakeup_irq(); #[cfg(not(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50)))] let bits =; #[cfg(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50))] let bits = EXTI.rpr(0).read().0 | EXTI.fpr(0).read().0; // We don't handle or change any EXTI lines above 16. let bits = bits & 0x0000FFFF; // Mask all the channels that fired. cpu_regs().imr(0).modify(|w| w.0 &= !bits); // Wake the tasks for pin in BitIter(bits) { EXTI_WAKERS[pin as usize].wake(); } // Clear pending #[cfg(not(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50)))]; #[cfg(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50))] { EXTI.rpr(0).write_value(Lines(bits)); EXTI.fpr(0).write_value(Lines(bits)); } } struct BitIter(u32); impl Iterator for BitIter { type Item = u32; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.0.trailing_zeros() { 32 => None, b => { self.0 &= !(1 << b); Some(b) } } } } /// EXTI input driver pub struct ExtiInput<'d, T: GpioPin> { pin: Input<'d, T>, } impl<'d, T: GpioPin> Unpin for ExtiInput<'d, T> {} impl<'d, T: GpioPin> ExtiInput<'d, T> { pub fn new(pin: Input<'d, T>, _ch: impl Peripheral

+ 'd) -> Self { Self { pin } } pub fn is_high(&mut self) -> bool { } pub fn is_low(&mut self) -> bool { } pub fn get_level(&mut self) -> Level { } pub async fn wait_for_high<'a>(&'a mut self) { let fut = ExtiInputFuture::new(,, true, false); if self.is_high() { return; } fut.await } pub async fn wait_for_low<'a>(&'a mut self) { let fut = ExtiInputFuture::new(,, false, true); if self.is_low() { return; } fut.await } pub async fn wait_for_rising_edge<'a>(&'a mut self) { ExtiInputFuture::new(,, true, false).await } pub async fn wait_for_falling_edge<'a>(&'a mut self) { ExtiInputFuture::new(,, false, true).await } pub async fn wait_for_any_edge<'a>(&'a mut self) { ExtiInputFuture::new(,, true, true).await } } impl<'d, T: GpioPin> embedded_hal_02::digital::v2::InputPin for ExtiInput<'d, T> { type Error = Infallible; fn is_high(&self) -> Result { Ok(! } fn is_low(&self) -> Result { Ok( } } impl<'d, T: GpioPin> embedded_hal_1::digital::ErrorType for ExtiInput<'d, T> { type Error = Infallible; } impl<'d, T: GpioPin> embedded_hal_1::digital::InputPin for ExtiInput<'d, T> { fn is_high(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(self.is_high()) } fn is_low(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(self.is_low()) } } impl<'d, T: GpioPin> embedded_hal_async::digital::Wait for ExtiInput<'d, T> { async fn wait_for_high(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.wait_for_high().await; Ok(()) } async fn wait_for_low(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.wait_for_low().await; Ok(()) } async fn wait_for_rising_edge(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.wait_for_rising_edge().await; Ok(()) } async fn wait_for_falling_edge(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.wait_for_falling_edge().await; Ok(()) } async fn wait_for_any_edge(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.wait_for_any_edge().await; Ok(()) } } #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"] struct ExtiInputFuture<'a> { pin: u8, phantom: PhantomData<&'a mut AnyPin>, } impl<'a> ExtiInputFuture<'a> { fn new(pin: u8, port: u8, rising: bool, falling: bool) -> Self { critical_section::with(|_| { let pin = pin as usize; exticr_regs().exticr(pin / 4).modify(|w| w.set_exti(pin % 4, port)); EXTI.rtsr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(pin, rising)); EXTI.ftsr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(pin, falling)); // clear pending bit #[cfg(not(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50)))]|w| w.set_line(pin, true)); #[cfg(any(exti_c0, exti_g0, exti_l5, exti_u5, exti_h5, exti_h50))] { EXTI.rpr(0).write(|w| w.set_line(pin, true)); EXTI.fpr(0).write(|w| w.set_line(pin, true)); } cpu_regs().imr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(pin, true)); }); Self { pin, phantom: PhantomData, } } } impl<'a> Drop for ExtiInputFuture<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { critical_section::with(|_| { let pin = as _; cpu_regs().imr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(pin, false)); }); } } impl<'a> Future for ExtiInputFuture<'a> { type Output = (); fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { EXTI_WAKERS[ as usize].register(cx.waker()); let imr = cpu_regs().imr(0).read(); if !imr.line( as _) { Poll::Ready(()) } else { Poll::Pending } } } macro_rules! foreach_exti_irq { ($action:ident) => { foreach_interrupt!( (EXTI0) => { $action!(EXTI0); }; (EXTI1) => { $action!(EXTI1); }; (EXTI2) => { $action!(EXTI2); }; (EXTI3) => { $action!(EXTI3); }; (EXTI4) => { $action!(EXTI4); }; (EXTI5) => { $action!(EXTI5); }; (EXTI6) => { $action!(EXTI6); }; (EXTI7) => { $action!(EXTI7); }; (EXTI8) => { $action!(EXTI8); }; (EXTI9) => { $action!(EXTI9); }; (EXTI10) => { $action!(EXTI10); }; (EXTI11) => { $action!(EXTI11); }; (EXTI12) => { $action!(EXTI12); }; (EXTI13) => { $action!(EXTI13); }; (EXTI14) => { $action!(EXTI14); }; (EXTI15) => { $action!(EXTI15); }; // plus the weird ones (EXTI0_1) => { $action!( EXTI0_1 ); }; (EXTI15_10) => { $action!(EXTI15_10); }; (EXTI15_4) => { $action!(EXTI15_4); }; (EXTI1_0) => { $action!(EXTI1_0); }; (EXTI2_3) => { $action!(EXTI2_3); }; (EXTI2_TSC) => { $action!(EXTI2_TSC); }; (EXTI3_2) => { $action!(EXTI3_2); }; (EXTI4_15) => { $action!(EXTI4_15); }; (EXTI9_5) => { $action!(EXTI9_5); }; ); }; } macro_rules! impl_irq { ($e:ident) => { #[cfg(feature = "rt")] #[interrupt] unsafe fn $e() { on_irq() } }; } foreach_exti_irq!(impl_irq); pub(crate) mod sealed { pub trait Channel {} } pub trait Channel: sealed::Channel + Sized { fn number(&self) -> usize; fn degrade(self) -> AnyChannel { AnyChannel { number: self.number() as u8, } } } pub struct AnyChannel { number: u8, } impl_peripheral!(AnyChannel); impl sealed::Channel for AnyChannel {} impl Channel for AnyChannel { fn number(&self) -> usize { self.number as usize } } macro_rules! impl_exti { ($type:ident, $number:expr) => { impl sealed::Channel for peripherals::$type {} impl Channel for peripherals::$type { fn number(&self) -> usize { $number as usize } } }; } impl_exti!(EXTI0, 0); impl_exti!(EXTI1, 1); impl_exti!(EXTI2, 2); impl_exti!(EXTI3, 3); impl_exti!(EXTI4, 4); impl_exti!(EXTI5, 5); impl_exti!(EXTI6, 6); impl_exti!(EXTI7, 7); impl_exti!(EXTI8, 8); impl_exti!(EXTI9, 9); impl_exti!(EXTI10, 10); impl_exti!(EXTI11, 11); impl_exti!(EXTI12, 12); impl_exti!(EXTI13, 13); impl_exti!(EXTI14, 14); impl_exti!(EXTI15, 15); macro_rules! enable_irq { ($e:ident) => { crate::interrupt::typelevel::$e::enable(); }; } /// safety: must be called only once pub(crate) unsafe fn init(_cs: critical_section::CriticalSection) { use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Interrupt; foreach_exti_irq!(enable_irq); }