use embassy_net_driver_channel as ch; use embassy_net_driver_channel::driver::{HardwareAddress, LinkState}; use heapless::String; use crate::ioctl::Shared; use crate::proto::{self, CtrlMsg}; /// Errors reported by control. #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Error { Failed(u32), Timeout, Internal, } /// Handle for managing the network and WiFI state. pub struct Control<'a> { state_ch: ch::StateRunner<'a>, shared: &'a Shared, } /// WiFi mode. #[allow(unused)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] enum WifiMode { /// No mode. None = 0, /// Client station. Sta = 1, /// Access point mode. Ap = 2, /// Repeater mode. ApSta = 3, } pub use proto::CtrlWifiSecProt as Security; /// WiFi status. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct Status { /// Service Set Identifier. pub ssid: String<32>, /// Basic Service Set Identifier. pub bssid: [u8; 6], /// Received Signal Strength Indicator. pub rssi: i32, /// WiFi channel. pub channel: u32, /// Security mode. pub security: Security, } macro_rules! ioctl { ($self:ident, $req_variant:ident, $resp_variant:ident, $req:ident, $resp:ident) => { let mut msg = proto::CtrlMsg { msg_id: proto::CtrlMsgId::$req_variant as _, msg_type: proto::CtrlMsgType::Req as _, payload: Some(proto::CtrlMsgPayload::$req_variant($req)), }; $self.ioctl(&mut msg).await?; #[allow(unused_mut)] let Some(proto::CtrlMsgPayload::$resp_variant(mut $resp)) = msg.payload else { warn!("unexpected response variant"); return Err(Error::Internal); }; if $resp.resp != 0 { return Err(Error::Failed($resp.resp)); } }; } impl<'a> Control<'a> { pub(crate) fn new(state_ch: ch::StateRunner<'a>, shared: &'a Shared) -> Self { Self { state_ch, shared } } /// Initialize device. pub async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { debug!("wait for init event..."); self.shared.init_wait().await; debug!("set heartbeat"); self.set_heartbeat(10).await?; debug!("set wifi mode"); self.set_wifi_mode(WifiMode::Sta as _).await?; let mac_addr = self.get_mac_addr().await?; debug!("mac addr: {:02x}", mac_addr); self.state_ch.set_hardware_address(HardwareAddress::Ethernet(mac_addr)); Ok(()) } /// Get the current status. pub async fn get_status(&mut self) -> Result { let req = proto::CtrlMsgReqGetApConfig {}; ioctl!(self, ReqGetApConfig, RespGetApConfig, req, resp); trim_nulls(&mut resp.ssid); Ok(Status { ssid: resp.ssid, bssid: parse_mac(&resp.bssid)?, rssi: resp.rssi as _, channel: resp.chnl, security: resp.sec_prot, }) } /// Connect to the network identified by ssid using the provided password. pub async fn connect(&mut self, ssid: &str, password: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let req = proto::CtrlMsgReqConnectAp { ssid: unwrap!(String::try_from(ssid)), pwd: unwrap!(String::try_from(password)), bssid: String::new(), listen_interval: 3, is_wpa3_supported: false, }; ioctl!(self, ReqConnectAp, RespConnectAp, req, resp); self.state_ch.set_link_state(LinkState::Up); Ok(()) } /// Disconnect from any currently connected network. pub async fn disconnect(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let req = proto::CtrlMsgReqGetStatus {}; ioctl!(self, ReqDisconnectAp, RespDisconnectAp, req, resp); self.state_ch.set_link_state(LinkState::Down); Ok(()) } /// duration in seconds, clamped to [10, 3600] async fn set_heartbeat(&mut self, duration: u32) -> Result<(), Error> { let req = proto::CtrlMsgReqConfigHeartbeat { enable: true, duration }; ioctl!(self, ReqConfigHeartbeat, RespConfigHeartbeat, req, resp); Ok(()) } async fn get_mac_addr(&mut self) -> Result<[u8; 6], Error> { let req = proto::CtrlMsgReqGetMacAddress { mode: WifiMode::Sta as _, }; ioctl!(self, ReqGetMacAddress, RespGetMacAddress, req, resp); parse_mac(&resp.mac) } async fn set_wifi_mode(&mut self, mode: u32) -> Result<(), Error> { let req = proto::CtrlMsgReqSetMode { mode }; ioctl!(self, ReqSetWifiMode, RespSetWifiMode, req, resp); Ok(()) } async fn ioctl(&mut self, msg: &mut CtrlMsg) -> Result<(), Error> { debug!("ioctl req: {:?}", &msg); let mut buf = [0u8; 128]; let req_len = noproto::write(msg, &mut buf).map_err(|_| { warn!("failed to serialize control request"); Error::Internal })?; struct CancelOnDrop<'a>(&'a Shared); impl CancelOnDrop<'_> { fn defuse(self) { core::mem::forget(self); } } impl Drop for CancelOnDrop<'_> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.0.ioctl_cancel(); } } let ioctl = CancelOnDrop(self.shared); let resp_len = ioctl.0.ioctl(&mut buf, req_len).await; ioctl.defuse(); *msg = noproto::read(&buf[..resp_len]).map_err(|_| { warn!("failed to serialize control request"); Error::Internal })?; debug!("ioctl resp: {:?}", msg); Ok(()) } } // WHY IS THIS A STRING? WHYYYY fn parse_mac(mac: &str) -> Result<[u8; 6], Error> { fn nibble_from_hex(b: u8) -> Result { match b { b'0'..=b'9' => Ok(b - b'0'), b'a'..=b'f' => Ok(b + 0xa - b'a'), b'A'..=b'F' => Ok(b + 0xa - b'A'), _ => { warn!("invalid hex digit {}", b); Err(Error::Internal) } } } let mac = mac.as_bytes(); let mut res = [0; 6]; if mac.len() != 17 { warn!("unexpected MAC length"); return Err(Error::Internal); } for (i, b) in res.iter_mut().enumerate() { *b = (nibble_from_hex(mac[i * 3])? << 4) | nibble_from_hex(mac[i * 3 + 1])? } Ok(res) } fn trim_nulls(s: &mut String) { while s.chars().rev().next() == Some(0 as char) { s.pop(); } }