use core::task::Poll; use atomic_polyfill::{AtomicU8, Ordering}; use embassy::interrupt::{Interrupt, InterruptExt}; use embassy::util::AtomicWaker; use futures::future::poll_fn; use super::*; use crate::interrupt; use crate::pac; use crate::pac::dma::{regs, vals}; use crate::pac::dma_channels; use crate::pac::interrupts; use crate::pac::peripheral_count; use crate::pac::peripheral_dma_channels; use crate::pac::peripherals; use crate::peripherals; const CH_COUNT: usize = peripheral_count!(DMA) * 8; const CH_STATUS_NONE: u8 = 0; const CH_STATUS_COMPLETED: u8 = 1; const CH_STATUS_ERROR: u8 = 2; struct State { ch_wakers: [AtomicWaker; CH_COUNT], ch_status: [AtomicU8; CH_COUNT], } impl State { const fn new() -> Self { const AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new(); const AU: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(CH_STATUS_NONE); Self { ch_wakers: [AW; CH_COUNT], ch_status: [AU; CH_COUNT], } } } static STATE: State = State::new(); #[allow(unused)] // Used by usart/ which may or may not be enabled pub(crate) async unsafe fn transfer_p2m( ch: &mut impl Channel, ch_func: u8, src: *const u8, dst: &mut [u8], ) { let n = ch.num(); let c = ch.regs(); // ndtr is max 16 bits. assert!(dst.len() <= 0xFFFF); // Reset status // Generate a DMB here to flush the store buffer (M7) before enabling the DMA STATE.ch_status[n].store(CH_STATUS_NONE, Ordering::Release); unsafe { c.par().write_value(src as _); c.m0ar().write_value(dst.as_ptr() as _); c.ndtr().write_value(regs::Ndtr(dst.len() as _));|w| { w.set_dir(vals::Dir::PERIPHERALTOMEMORY); w.set_msize(vals::Size::BITS8); w.set_psize(vals::Size::BITS8); w.set_minc(vals::Inc::INCREMENTED); w.set_pinc(vals::Inc::FIXED); w.set_chsel(ch_func); w.set_teie(true); w.set_tcie(true); w.set_en(true); }); } let res = poll_fn(|cx| { STATE.ch_wakers[n].register(cx.waker()); match STATE.ch_status[n].load(Ordering::Acquire) { CH_STATUS_NONE => Poll::Pending, x => Poll::Ready(x), } }) .await; // TODO handle error assert!(res == CH_STATUS_COMPLETED); } #[allow(unused)] // Used by usart/ which may or may not be enabled pub(crate) async unsafe fn transfer_m2p( ch: &mut impl Channel, ch_func: u8, src: &[u8], dst: *mut u8, ) { let n = ch.num(); let c = ch.regs(); // ndtr is max 16 bits. assert!(src.len() <= 0xFFFF); // Reset status // Generate a DMB here to flush the store buffer (M7) before enabling the DMA STATE.ch_status[n].store(CH_STATUS_NONE, Ordering::Release); unsafe { c.par().write_value(dst as _); c.m0ar().write_value(src.as_ptr() as _); c.ndtr().write_value(regs::Ndtr(src.len() as _));|w| { w.set_dir(vals::Dir::MEMORYTOPERIPHERAL); w.set_msize(vals::Size::BITS8); w.set_psize(vals::Size::BITS8); w.set_minc(vals::Inc::INCREMENTED); w.set_pinc(vals::Inc::FIXED); w.set_chsel(ch_func); w.set_teie(true); w.set_tcie(true); w.set_en(true); }); } let res = poll_fn(|cx| { STATE.ch_wakers[n].register(cx.waker()); match STATE.ch_status[n].load(Ordering::Acquire) { CH_STATUS_NONE => { let left = c.ndtr().read().ndt(); Poll::Pending } x => Poll::Ready(x), } }) .await; // TODO handle error assert!(res == CH_STATUS_COMPLETED); } unsafe fn on_irq() { peripherals! { (dma, $dma:ident) => { for isrn in 0..2 { let isr = pac::$dma.isr(isrn).read(); pac::$dma.ifcr(isrn).write_value(isr); let dman = ::num() as usize; for chn in 0..4 { let n = dman * 8 + isrn * 4 + chn; if isr.teif(chn) { STATE.ch_status[n].store(CH_STATUS_ERROR, Ordering::Relaxed); STATE.ch_wakers[n].wake(); } else if isr.tcif(chn) { STATE.ch_status[n].store(CH_STATUS_COMPLETED, Ordering::Relaxed); STATE.ch_wakers[n].wake(); } } } }; } } /// safety: must be called only once pub(crate) unsafe fn init() { interrupts! { (DMA, $irq:ident) => { interrupt::$irq::steal().enable(); }; } } pub(crate) mod sealed { use super::*; pub trait Dma { fn num() -> u8; fn regs() -> &'static pac::dma::Dma; } pub trait Channel { fn dma_regs() -> &'static pac::dma::Dma; fn num(&self) -> usize; fn ch_num(&self) -> u8; fn regs(&self) -> pac::dma::St { Self::dma_regs().st(self.ch_num() as _) } } pub trait PeripheralChannel: Channel { fn request(&self) -> u8; } } pub trait Dma: sealed::Dma + Sized {} pub trait Channel: sealed::Channel + Sized {} pub trait PeripheralChannel: sealed::PeripheralChannel + Sized {} macro_rules! impl_dma { ($peri:ident, $num:expr) => { impl Dma for peripherals::$peri {} impl sealed::Dma for peripherals::$peri { fn num() -> u8 { $num } fn regs() -> &'static pac::dma::Dma { &pac::$peri } } }; } macro_rules! impl_dma_channel { ($channel_peri:ident, $dma_peri:ident, $dma_num:expr, $ch_num:expr) => { impl Channel for peripherals::$channel_peri {} impl sealed::Channel for peripherals::$channel_peri { #[inline] fn dma_regs() -> &'static pac::dma::Dma { &crate::pac::$dma_peri } fn num(&self) -> usize { ($dma_num * 8) + $ch_num } fn ch_num(&self) -> u8 { $ch_num } } impl WriteDma for peripherals::$channel_peri where Self: sealed::PeripheralChannel, T: 'static, { type WriteDmaFuture<'a> = impl Future; fn transfer<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8], dst: *mut u8) -> Self::WriteDmaFuture<'a> where T: 'a, { let request = sealed::PeripheralChannel::::request(self); unsafe { transfer_m2p(self, request, buf, dst) } } } impl ReadDma for peripherals::$channel_peri where Self: sealed::PeripheralChannel, T: 'static, { type ReadDmaFuture<'a> = impl Future; fn transfer<'a>( &'a mut self, src: *const u8, buf: &'a mut [u8], ) -> Self::ReadDmaFuture<'a> where T: 'a, { let request = sealed::PeripheralChannel::::request(self); unsafe { transfer_p2m(self, request, src, buf) } } } }; } peripherals! { (dma, DMA1) => { impl_dma!(DMA1, 0); dma_channels! { ($channel_peri:ident, DMA1, $channel_num:expr) => { impl_dma_channel!($channel_peri, DMA1, 0, $channel_num); }; } }; (dma, DMA2) => { impl_dma!(DMA2, 1); dma_channels! { ($channel_peri:ident, DMA2, $channel_num:expr) => { impl_dma_channel!($channel_peri, DMA2, 1, $channel_num); }; } }; } interrupts! { (DMA, $irq:ident) => { #[crate::interrupt] unsafe fn $irq () { on_irq() } }; } pub struct P2M; pub struct M2P; #[cfg(usart)] use crate::usart; peripheral_dma_channels! { ($peri:ident, usart, $kind:ident, RX, $channel_peri:ident, $dma_peri:ident, $channel_num:expr, $event_num:expr) => { impl usart::RxDma for peripherals::$channel_peri { } impl usart::sealed::RxDma for peripherals::$channel_peri { } impl sealed::PeripheralChannel for peripherals::$channel_peri { fn request(&self) -> u8 { $event_num } } impl PeripheralChannel for peripherals::$channel_peri { } }; ($peri:ident, usart, $kind:ident, TX, $channel_peri:ident, $dma_peri:ident, $channel_num:expr, $event_num:expr) => { impl usart::TxDma for peripherals::$channel_peri { } impl usart::sealed::TxDma for peripherals::$channel_peri { } impl sealed::PeripheralChannel for peripherals::$channel_peri { fn request(&self) -> u8 { $event_num } } impl PeripheralChannel for peripherals::$channel_peri { } }; }