#![macro_use] #![allow(unused_macros)] #[cfg(all(feature = "defmt", feature = "log"))] compile_error!("You may not enable both `defmt` and `log` features."); macro_rules! assert { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::assert!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::assert!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! assert_eq { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::assert_eq!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::assert_eq!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! assert_ne { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::assert_ne!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::assert_ne!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! debug_assert { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::debug_assert!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::debug_assert!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! debug_assert_eq { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::debug_assert_eq!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::debug_assert_eq!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! debug_assert_ne { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::debug_assert_ne!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::debug_assert_ne!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! todo { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::todo!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::todo!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! unreachable { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::unreachable!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::unreachable!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! panic { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] core::panic!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::panic!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! trace { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(feature = "log")] log::trace!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::trace!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! debug { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(fevature = "log")] log::debug!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::debug!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! info { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(feature = "log")] log::info!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::info!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! warn { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(feature = "log")] log::warn!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::warn!($($x)*); } }; } macro_rules! error { ($($x:tt)*) => { { #[cfg(feature = "log")] log::error!($($x)*); #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] defmt::error!($($x)*); } }; } #[cfg(feature = "defmt")] macro_rules! unwrap { ($($x:tt)*) => { defmt::unwrap!($($x)*) }; } #[cfg(not(feature = "defmt"))] macro_rules! unwrap { ($arg:expr) => { match $crate::fmt::Try::into_result($arg) { ::core::result::Result::Ok(t) => t, ::core::result::Result::Err(e) => { ::core::panic!("unwrap of `{}` failed: {:?}", ::core::stringify!($arg), e); } } }; ($arg:expr, $($msg:expr),+ $(,)? ) => { match $crate::fmt::Try::into_result($arg) { ::core::result::Result::Ok(t) => t, ::core::result::Result::Err(e) => { ::core::panic!("unwrap of `{}` failed: {}: {:?}", ::core::stringify!($arg), ::core::format_args!($($msg,)*), e); } } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct NoneError; pub trait Try { type Ok; type Error; fn into_result(self) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Error>; } impl<T> Try for Option<T> { type Ok = T; type Error = NoneError; #[inline] fn into_result(self) -> Result<T, NoneError> { self.ok_or(NoneError) } } impl<T, E> Try for Result<T, E> { type Ok = T; type Error = E; #[inline] fn into_result(self) -> Self { self } }