
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-pac")]
pub use stm32_metapac as pac;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable-pac"))]
pub(crate) use stm32_metapac as pac;

// This must go FIRST so that all the other modules see its macros.
pub mod fmt;

// Utilities
pub mod interrupt;
pub mod time;

// Always-present hardware
pub mod dma;
pub mod gpio;
pub mod rcc;
#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
mod time_driver;
pub mod timer;

// Sometimes-present hardware

pub mod adc;
pub mod can;
pub mod dac;
pub mod dcmi;
#[cfg(all(eth, feature = "net"))]
pub mod eth;
#[cfg(feature = "exti")]
pub mod exti;
pub mod i2c;

pub mod crc;
pub mod pwm;
pub mod rng;
pub mod sdmmc;
pub mod spi;
pub mod usart;

#[cfg(feature = "subghz")]
pub mod subghz;

// This must go last, so that it sees all the impl_foo! macros defined earlier.
mod generated {


    use crate::interrupt;

    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/generated.rs"));
pub use embassy_macros::interrupt;
pub use generated::{peripherals, Peripherals};

pub struct Config {
    pub rcc: rcc::Config,
    pub enable_debug_during_sleep: bool,

impl Default for Config {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            rcc: Default::default(),
            enable_debug_during_sleep: true,

/// Initialize embassy.
pub fn init(config: Config) -> Peripherals {
    let p = Peripherals::take();

    unsafe {
        if config.enable_debug_during_sleep {
            crate::pac::DBGMCU.cr().modify(|cr| {
                crate::pac::dbgmcu! {
                    (cr, $fn_name:ident) => {

        #[cfg(feature = "exti")]


        // must be after rcc init
        #[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
