using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace Ryujinx.OsHle.Ipc { class IpcMessage { public IpcMessageType Type { get; set; } public IpcHandleDesc HandleDesc { get; set; } public List PtrBuff { get; private set; } public List SendBuff { get; private set; } public List ReceiveBuff { get; private set; } public List ExchangeBuff { get; private set; } public List RecvListBuff { get; private set; } public List ResponseObjIds { get; private set; } public bool IsDomain { get; private set; } public IpcDomCmd DomCmd { get; private set; } public int DomObjId { get; private set; } public byte[] RawData { get; set; } public IpcMessage() { PtrBuff = new List(); SendBuff = new List(); ReceiveBuff = new List(); ExchangeBuff = new List(); RecvListBuff = new List(); ResponseObjIds = new List(); } public IpcMessage(bool Domain) : this() { IsDomain = Domain; } public IpcMessage(byte[] Data, long CmdPtr, bool Domain) : this() { using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream(Data)) { BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MS); Initialize(Reader, CmdPtr, Domain); } } private void Initialize(BinaryReader Reader, long CmdPtr, bool Domain) { IsDomain = Domain; int Word0 = Reader.ReadInt32(); int Word1 = Reader.ReadInt32(); Type = (IpcMessageType)(Word0 & 0xffff); int PtrBuffCount = (Word0 >> 16) & 0xf; int SendBuffCount = (Word0 >> 20) & 0xf; int RecvBuffCount = (Word0 >> 24) & 0xf; int XchgBuffCount = (Word0 >> 28) & 0xf; int RawDataSize = (Word1 >> 0) & 0x3ff; int RecvListFlags = (Word1 >> 10) & 0xf; bool HndDescEnable = ((Word1 >> 31) & 0x1) != 0; if (HndDescEnable) { HandleDesc = new IpcHandleDesc(Reader); } for (int Index = 0; Index < PtrBuffCount; Index++) { PtrBuff.Add(new IpcPtrBuffDesc(Reader)); } void ReadBuff(List Buff, int Count) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Buff.Add(new IpcBuffDesc(Reader)); } } ReadBuff(SendBuff, SendBuffCount); ReadBuff(ReceiveBuff, RecvBuffCount); ReadBuff(ExchangeBuff, XchgBuffCount); RawDataSize *= 4; long RecvListPos = Reader.BaseStream.Position + RawDataSize; long Pad0 = GetPadSize16(Reader.BaseStream.Position + CmdPtr); Reader.BaseStream.Seek(Pad0, SeekOrigin.Current); int RecvListCount = RecvListFlags - 2; if (RecvListCount == 0) { RecvListCount = 1; } else if (RecvListCount < 0) { RecvListCount = 0; } if (Domain) { int DomWord0 = Reader.ReadInt32(); DomCmd = (IpcDomCmd)(DomWord0 & 0xff); RawDataSize = (DomWord0 >> 16) & 0xffff; DomObjId = Reader.ReadInt32(); Reader.ReadInt64(); //Padding } RawData = Reader.ReadBytes(RawDataSize); Reader.BaseStream.Seek(RecvListPos, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int Index = 0; Index < RecvListCount; Index++) { RecvListBuff.Add(new IpcRecvListBuffDesc(Reader)); } } public byte[] GetBytes(long CmdPtr) { //todo using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(MS); int Word0; int Word1; Word0 = (int)Type; Word0 |= (PtrBuff.Count & 0xf) << 16; Word0 |= (SendBuff.Count & 0xf) << 20; Word0 |= (ReceiveBuff.Count & 0xf) << 24; Word0 |= (ExchangeBuff.Count & 0xf) << 28; byte[] HandleData = new byte[0]; if (HandleDesc != null) { HandleData = HandleDesc.GetBytes(); } int DataLength = RawData?.Length ?? 0; int Pad0 = (int)GetPadSize16(CmdPtr + 8 + HandleData.Length); //Apparently, padding after Raw Data is 16 bytes, however when there is //padding before Raw Data too, we need to subtract the size of this padding. //This is the weirdest padding I've seen so far... int Pad1 = 0x10 - Pad0; DataLength = (DataLength + Pad0 + Pad1 + (IsDomain ? 0x10 : 0)) / 4; DataLength += ResponseObjIds.Count; Word1 = DataLength & 0x3ff; if (HandleDesc != null) { Word1 |= 1 << 31; } Writer.Write(Word0); Writer.Write(Word1); Writer.Write(HandleData); MS.Seek(Pad0, SeekOrigin.Current); if (IsDomain) { Writer.Write(ResponseObjIds.Count); Writer.Write(0); Writer.Write(0L); } if (RawData != null) { Writer.Write(RawData); } foreach (int Id in ResponseObjIds) { Writer.Write(Id); } Writer.Write(new byte[Pad1]); return MS.ToArray(); } } private long GetPadSize16(long Position) { if ((Position & 0xf) != 0) { return 0x10 - (Position & 0xf); } return 0; } public long GetSendBuffPtr() { if (SendBuff.Count > 0 && SendBuff[0].Position != 0) { return SendBuff[0].Position; } if (PtrBuff.Count > 0 && PtrBuff[0].Position != 0) { return PtrBuff[0].Position; } return -1; } } }