using ARMeilleure.Translation; using ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC; using Gdk; using Gtk; using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading; using Ryujinx.Input; using Ryujinx.Input.GTK3; using Ryujinx.Input.HLE; using Ryujinx.Ui.Widgets; using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx.Ui { using Image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image; using Key = Input.Key; using Switch = HLE.Switch; public abstract class RendererWidgetBase : DrawingArea { private const int SwitchPanelWidth = 1280; private const int SwitchPanelHeight = 720; private const int TargetFps = 60; public ManualResetEvent WaitEvent { get; set; } public NpadManager NpadManager { get; } public TouchScreenManager TouchScreenManager { get; } public Switch Device { get; private set; } public IRenderer Renderer { get; private set; } public bool ScreenshotRequested { get; set; } public static event EventHandler StatusUpdatedEvent; private bool _isActive; private bool _isStopped; private bool _toggleFullscreen; private bool _toggleDockedMode; private readonly long _ticksPerFrame; private long _ticks = 0; private readonly Stopwatch _chrono; private KeyboardHotkeyState _prevHotkeyState; private readonly ManualResetEvent _exitEvent; // Hide Cursor const int CursorHideIdleTime = 8; // seconds private static readonly Cursor _invisibleCursor = new Cursor(Display.Default, CursorType.BlankCursor); private long _lastCursorMoveTime; private bool _hideCursorOnIdle; private InputManager _inputManager; private IKeyboard _keyboardInterface; private GraphicsDebugLevel _glLogLevel; private string _gpuVendorName; private int _windowHeight; private int _windowWidth; private bool _isMouseInClient; public RendererWidgetBase(InputManager inputManager, GraphicsDebugLevel glLogLevel) { var mouseDriver = new GTK3MouseDriver(this); _inputManager = inputManager; _inputManager.SetMouseDriver(mouseDriver); NpadManager = _inputManager.CreateNpadManager(); TouchScreenManager = _inputManager.CreateTouchScreenManager(); _keyboardInterface = (IKeyboard)_inputManager.KeyboardDriver.GetGamepad("0"); WaitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); _glLogLevel = glLogLevel; Destroyed += Renderer_Destroyed; _chrono = new Stopwatch(); _ticksPerFrame = Stopwatch.Frequency / TargetFps; AddEvents((int)(EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.ScrollMask | EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask | EventMask.KeyPressMask | EventMask.KeyReleaseMask)); _exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); _hideCursorOnIdle = ConfigurationState.Instance.HideCursorOnIdle; _lastCursorMoveTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); ConfigurationState.Instance.HideCursorOnIdle.Event += HideCursorStateChanged; } public abstract void InitializeRenderer(); public abstract void SwapBuffers(); public abstract string GetGpuVendorName(); private void HideCursorStateChanged(object sender, ReactiveEventArgs state) { Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { _hideCursorOnIdle = state.NewValue; if (_hideCursorOnIdle) { _lastCursorMoveTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); } else { Window.Cursor = null; } }); } private void Renderer_Destroyed(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConfigurationState.Instance.HideCursorOnIdle.Event -= HideCursorStateChanged; NpadManager.Dispose(); Dispose(); } protected override bool OnMotionNotifyEvent(EventMotion evnt) { if (_hideCursorOnIdle) { _lastCursorMoveTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); } if (ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableMouse) { Window.Cursor = _invisibleCursor; } _isMouseInClient = true; return false; } protected override bool OnEnterNotifyEvent(EventCrossing evnt) { Window.Cursor = ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableMouse ? _invisibleCursor : null; _isMouseInClient = true; return base.OnEnterNotifyEvent(evnt); } protected override bool OnLeaveNotifyEvent(EventCrossing evnt) { Window.Cursor = null; _isMouseInClient = false; return base.OnLeaveNotifyEvent(evnt); } protected override void OnGetPreferredHeight(out int minimumHeight, out int naturalHeight) { Gdk.Monitor monitor = Display.GetMonitorAtWindow(Window); // If the monitor is at least 1080p, use the Switch panel size as minimal size. if (monitor.Geometry.Height >= 1080) { minimumHeight = SwitchPanelHeight; } // Otherwise, we default minimal size to 480p 16:9. else { minimumHeight = 480; } naturalHeight = minimumHeight; } protected override void OnGetPreferredWidth(out int minimumWidth, out int naturalWidth) { Gdk.Monitor monitor = Display.GetMonitorAtWindow(Window); // If the monitor is at least 1080p, use the Switch panel size as minimal size. if (monitor.Geometry.Height >= 1080) { minimumWidth = SwitchPanelWidth; } // Otherwise, we default minimal size to 480p 16:9. else { minimumWidth = 854; } naturalWidth = minimumWidth; } protected override bool OnConfigureEvent(EventConfigure evnt) { bool result = base.OnConfigureEvent(evnt); Gdk.Monitor monitor = Display.GetMonitorAtWindow(Window); _windowWidth = evnt.Width * monitor.ScaleFactor; _windowHeight = evnt.Height * monitor.ScaleFactor; Renderer?.Window.SetSize(_windowWidth, _windowHeight); return result; } private void HandleScreenState(KeyboardStateSnapshot keyboard) { bool toggleFullscreen = keyboard.IsPressed(Key.F11) || ((keyboard.IsPressed(Key.AltLeft) || keyboard.IsPressed(Key.AltRight)) && keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Enter)) || keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Escape); bool fullScreenToggled = ParentWindow.State.HasFlag(Gdk.WindowState.Fullscreen); if (toggleFullscreen != _toggleFullscreen) { if (toggleFullscreen) { if (fullScreenToggled) { ParentWindow.Unfullscreen(); (Toplevel as MainWindow)?.ToggleExtraWidgets(true); } else { if (keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Escape)) { if (!ConfigurationState.Instance.ShowConfirmExit || GtkDialog.CreateExitDialog()) { Exit(); } } else { ParentWindow.Fullscreen(); (Toplevel as MainWindow)?.ToggleExtraWidgets(false); } } } } _toggleFullscreen = toggleFullscreen; bool toggleDockedMode = keyboard.IsPressed(Key.F9); if (toggleDockedMode != _toggleDockedMode) { if (toggleDockedMode) { ConfigurationState.Instance.System.EnableDockedMode.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.System.EnableDockedMode.Value; } } _toggleDockedMode = toggleDockedMode; if (_hideCursorOnIdle && !ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableMouse) { long cursorMoveDelta = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - _lastCursorMoveTime; Window.Cursor = (cursorMoveDelta >= CursorHideIdleTime * Stopwatch.Frequency) ? _invisibleCursor : null; } if(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableMouse && _isMouseInClient) { Window.Cursor = _invisibleCursor; } } public void Initialize(Switch device) { Device = device; IRenderer renderer = Device.Gpu.Renderer; if (renderer is ThreadedRenderer tr) { renderer = tr.BaseRenderer; } Renderer = renderer; Renderer?.Window.SetSize(_windowWidth, _windowHeight); if (Renderer != null) { Renderer.ScreenCaptured += Renderer_ScreenCaptured; } NpadManager.Initialize(device, ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.InputConfig, ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableKeyboard, ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableMouse); TouchScreenManager.Initialize(device); } private unsafe void Renderer_ScreenCaptured(object sender, ScreenCaptureImageInfo e) { if (e.Data.Length > 0 && e.Height > 0 && e.Width > 0) { Task.Run(() => { lock (this) { var currentTime = DateTime.Now; string filename = $"ryujinx_capture_{currentTime.Year}-{currentTime.Month:D2}-{currentTime.Day:D2}_{currentTime.Hour:D2}-{currentTime.Minute:D2}-{currentTime.Second:D2}.png"; string directory = AppDataManager.Mode switch { AppDataManager.LaunchMode.Portable => System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDataManager.BaseDirPath, "screenshots"), _ => System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures), "Ryujinx") }; string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, filename); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to create directory at path {directory}. Error : {ex.GetType().Name}", "Screenshot"); return; } Image image = e.IsBgra ? Image.LoadPixelData(e.Data, e.Width, e.Height) : Image.LoadPixelData(e.Data, e.Width, e.Height); if (e.FlipX) { image.Mutate(x => x.Flip(FlipMode.Horizontal)); } if (e.FlipY) { image.Mutate(x => x.Flip(FlipMode.Vertical)); } image.SaveAsPng(path, new PngEncoder() { ColorType = PngColorType.Rgb }); image.Dispose(); Logger.Notice.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Screenshot saved to {path}", "Screenshot"); } }); } else { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Screenshot is empty. Size : {e.Data.Length} bytes. Resolution : {e.Width}x{e.Height}", "Screenshot"); } } public void Render() { Gtk.Window parent = Toplevel as Gtk.Window; parent.Present(); InitializeRenderer(); Device.Gpu.Renderer.Initialize(_glLogLevel); _gpuVendorName = GetGpuVendorName(); Device.Gpu.Renderer.RunLoop(() => { Device.Gpu.InitializeShaderCache(); Translator.IsReadyForTranslation.Set(); (Toplevel as MainWindow)?.ActivatePauseMenu(); while (_isActive) { if (_isStopped) { return; } _ticks += _chrono.ElapsedTicks; _chrono.Restart(); if (Device.WaitFifo()) { Device.Statistics.RecordFifoStart(); Device.ProcessFrame(); Device.Statistics.RecordFifoEnd(); } while (Device.ConsumeFrameAvailable()) { Device.PresentFrame(SwapBuffers); } if (_ticks >= _ticksPerFrame) { string dockedMode = ConfigurationState.Instance.System.EnableDockedMode ? "Docked" : "Handheld"; float scale = Graphics.Gpu.GraphicsConfig.ResScale; if (scale != 1) { dockedMode += $" ({scale}x)"; } StatusUpdatedEvent?.Invoke(this, new StatusUpdatedEventArgs( Device.EnableDeviceVsync, dockedMode, ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.AspectRatio.Value.ToText(), $"Game: {Device.Statistics.GetGameFrameRate():00.00} FPS", $"FIFO: {Device.Statistics.GetFifoPercent():0.00} %", $"GPU: {_gpuVendorName}")); _ticks = Math.Min(_ticks - _ticksPerFrame, _ticksPerFrame); } } }); } public void Start() { _chrono.Restart(); _isActive = true; Gtk.Window parent = Toplevel as Gtk.Window; Application.Invoke(delegate { parent.Present(); string titleNameSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Device.Application.TitleName) ? string.Empty : $" - {Device.Application.TitleName}"; string titleVersionSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Device.Application.DisplayVersion) ? string.Empty : $" v{Device.Application.DisplayVersion}"; string titleIdSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Device.Application.TitleIdText) ? string.Empty : $" ({Device.Application.TitleIdText.ToUpper()})"; string titleArchSection = Device.Application.TitleIs64Bit ? " (64-bit)" : " (32-bit)"; parent.Title = $"Ryujinx {Program.Version}{titleNameSection}{titleVersionSection}{titleIdSection}{titleArchSection}"; }); Thread renderLoopThread = new Thread(Render) { Name = "GUI.RenderLoop" }; renderLoopThread.Start(); Thread nvStutterWorkaround = null; if (Renderer is Graphics.OpenGL.Renderer) { nvStutterWorkaround = new Thread(NVStutterWorkaround) { Name = "GUI.NVStutterWorkaround" }; nvStutterWorkaround.Start(); } MainLoop(); renderLoopThread.Join(); nvStutterWorkaround?.Join(); Exit(); } public void Exit() { TouchScreenManager?.Dispose(); NpadManager?.Dispose(); if (_isStopped) { return; } _isStopped = true; _isActive = false; _exitEvent.WaitOne(); _exitEvent.Dispose(); } private void NVStutterWorkaround() { while (_isActive) { // When NVIDIA Threaded Optimization is on, the driver will snapshot all threads in the system whenever the application creates any new ones. // The ThreadPool has something called a "GateThread" which terminates itself after some inactivity. // However, it immediately starts up again, since the rules regarding when to terminate and when to start differ. // This creates a new thread every second or so. // The main problem with this is that the thread snapshot can take 70ms, is on the OpenGL thread and will delay rendering any graphics. // This is a little over budget on a frame time of 16ms, so creates a large stutter. // The solution is to keep the ThreadPool active so that it never has a reason to terminate the GateThread. // TODO: This should be removed when the issue with the GateThread is resolved. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((state) => { }); Thread.Sleep(300); } } public void MainLoop() { while (_isActive) { UpdateFrame(); // Polling becomes expensive if it's not slept Thread.Sleep(1); } _exitEvent.Set(); } private bool UpdateFrame() { if (!_isActive) { return true; } if (_isStopped) { return false; } if ((Toplevel as MainWindow).IsFocused) { Application.Invoke(delegate { KeyboardStateSnapshot keyboard = _keyboardInterface.GetKeyboardStateSnapshot(); HandleScreenState(keyboard); if (keyboard.IsPressed(Key.Delete)) { if (!ParentWindow.State.HasFlag(WindowState.Fullscreen)) { Ptc.Continue(); } } }); } NpadManager.Update(ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.AspectRatio.Value.ToFloat()); if ((Toplevel as MainWindow).IsFocused) { KeyboardHotkeyState currentHotkeyState = GetHotkeyState(); if (currentHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.ToggleVSync) && !_prevHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.ToggleVSync)) { Device.EnableDeviceVsync = !Device.EnableDeviceVsync; } if ((currentHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.Screenshot) && !_prevHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.Screenshot)) || ScreenshotRequested) { ScreenshotRequested = false; Renderer.Screenshot(); } if (currentHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.ShowUi) && !_prevHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.ShowUi)) { (Toplevel as MainWindow).ToggleExtraWidgets(true); } if (currentHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.Pause) && !_prevHotkeyState.HasFlag(KeyboardHotkeyState.Pause)) { (Toplevel as MainWindow)?.TogglePause(); } _prevHotkeyState = currentHotkeyState; } // Touchscreen bool hasTouch = false; // Get screen touch position if ((Toplevel as MainWindow).IsFocused && !ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableMouse) { hasTouch = TouchScreenManager.Update(true, (_inputManager.MouseDriver as GTK3MouseDriver).IsButtonPressed(MouseButton.Button1), ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.AspectRatio.Value.ToFloat()); } if (!hasTouch) { TouchScreenManager.Update(false); } Device.Hid.DebugPad.Update(); return true; } [Flags] private enum KeyboardHotkeyState { None = 0, ToggleVSync = 1 << 0, Screenshot = 1 << 1, ShowUi = 1 << 2, Pause = 1 << 3 } private KeyboardHotkeyState GetHotkeyState() { KeyboardHotkeyState state = KeyboardHotkeyState.None; if (_keyboardInterface.IsPressed((Key)ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.Hotkeys.Value.ToggleVsync)) { state |= KeyboardHotkeyState.ToggleVSync; } if (_keyboardInterface.IsPressed((Key)ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.Hotkeys.Value.Screenshot)) { state |= KeyboardHotkeyState.Screenshot; } if (_keyboardInterface.IsPressed((Key)ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.Hotkeys.Value.ShowUi)) { state |= KeyboardHotkeyState.ShowUi; } if (_keyboardInterface.IsPressed((Key)ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.Hotkeys.Value.Pause)) { state |= KeyboardHotkeyState.Pause; } return state; } } }