emmauss f2b9a9c2b0
Render Profiler in GUI (#854)
* move profiler output to gui

* addressed commits, rebased

* removed whitespaces
2020-02-06 11:25:47 +00:00

801 lines
29 KiB

using Gtk;
using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Debugger.Profiler;
using SkiaSharp;
using SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using GUI = Gtk.Builder.ObjectAttribute;
namespace Ryujinx.Debugger.UI
public class ProfilerWidget : Box
private Thread _profilerThread;
private double _prevTime;
private bool _profilerRunning;
private TimingFlag[] _timingFlags;
private bool _initComplete = false;
private bool _redrawPending = true;
private bool _doStep = false;
// Layout
private const int LineHeight = 16;
private const int MinimumColumnWidth = 200;
private const int TitleHeight = 24;
private const int TitleFontHeight = 16;
private const int LinePadding = 2;
private const int ColumnSpacing = 15;
private const int FilterHeight = 24;
private const int BottomBarHeight = FilterHeight + LineHeight;
// Sorting
private List<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> _unsortedProfileData;
private IComparer<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> _sortAction = new ProfileSorters.TagAscending();
// Flag data
private long[] _timingFlagsAverages;
private long[] _timingFlagsLast;
// Filtering
private string _filterText = "";
private bool _regexEnabled = false;
// Scrolling
private float _scrollPos = 0;
// Profile data storage
private List<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> _sortedProfileData;
private long _captureTime;
// Graph
private SKColor[] _timingFlagColors = new[]
new SKColor(150, 25, 25, 50), // FrameSwap = 0
new SKColor(25, 25, 150, 50), // SystemFrame = 1
private const float GraphMoveSpeed = 40000;
private const float GraphZoomSpeed = 50;
private float _graphZoom = 1;
private float _graphPosition = 0;
private int _rendererHeight => _renderer.AllocatedHeight;
private int _rendererWidth => _renderer.AllocatedWidth;
// Event management
private long _lastOutputUpdate;
private long _lastOutputDraw;
private long _lastOutputUpdateDuration;
private long _lastOutputDrawDuration;
private double _lastFrameTimeMs;
private double _updateTimer;
private bool _profileUpdated = false;
private readonly object _profileDataLock = new object();
private SkRenderer _renderer;
[GUI] ScrolledWindow _scrollview;
[GUI] CheckButton _enableCheckbutton;
[GUI] Scrollbar _outputScrollbar;
[GUI] Entry _filterBox;
[GUI] ComboBox _modeBox;
[GUI] CheckButton _showFlags;
[GUI] CheckButton _showInactive;
[GUI] Button _stepButton;
[GUI] CheckButton _pauseCheckbutton;
public ProfilerWidget() : this(new Builder("Ryujinx.Debugger.UI.ProfilerWidget.glade")) { }
public ProfilerWidget(Builder builder) : base(builder.GetObject("_profilerBox").Handle)
this.KeyPressEvent += ProfilerWidget_KeyPressEvent;
this.Expand = true;
_renderer = new SkRenderer();
_renderer.Expand = true;
_outputScrollbar.ValueChanged += _outputScrollbar_ValueChanged;
_renderer.DrawGraphs += _renderer_DrawGraphs;
_filterBox.Changed += _filterBox_Changed;
_stepButton.Clicked += _stepButton_Clicked;
if (Profile.UpdateRate <= 0)
// Perform step regardless of flag type
Profile.RegisterFlagReceiver((t) =>
if (_pauseCheckbutton.Active)
_doStep = true;
private void _stepButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_pauseCheckbutton.Active)
_doStep = true;
_profileUpdated = true;
private void _filterBox_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
_filterText = _filterBox.Text;
_profileUpdated = true;
private void _outputScrollbar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_scrollPos = -(float)Math.Max(0, _outputScrollbar.Value);
_profileUpdated = true;
private void _renderer_DrawGraphs(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (e is SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs se)
public void RegisterParentDebugger(DebuggerWidget debugger)
debugger.DebuggerEnabled += Debugger_DebuggerAttached;
debugger.DebuggerDisabled += Debugger_DebuggerDettached;
private void Debugger_DebuggerDettached(object sender, EventArgs e)
_profilerRunning = false;
if (_profilerThread != null)
private void Debugger_DebuggerAttached(object sender, EventArgs e)
_profilerRunning = false;
if (_profilerThread != null)
_profilerRunning = true;
_profilerThread = new Thread(UpdateLoop)
Name = "Profiler.UpdateThread"
private void ProfilerWidget_KeyPressEvent(object o, Gtk.KeyPressEventArgs args)
switch (args.Event.Key)
case Gdk.Key.Left:
_graphPosition += (long)(GraphMoveSpeed * _lastFrameTimeMs);
case Gdk.Key.Right:
_graphPosition = Math.Max(_graphPosition - (long)(GraphMoveSpeed * _lastFrameTimeMs), 0);
case Gdk.Key.Up:
_graphZoom = MathF.Min(_graphZoom + (float)(GraphZoomSpeed * _lastFrameTimeMs), 100.0f);
case Gdk.Key.Down:
_graphZoom = MathF.Max(_graphZoom - (float)(GraphZoomSpeed * _lastFrameTimeMs), 1f);
_profileUpdated = true;
public void UpdateLoop()
_lastOutputUpdate = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks;
_lastOutputDraw = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks;
while (_profilerRunning)
_lastOutputUpdate = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks;
int timeToSleepMs = (_pauseCheckbutton.Active || !_enableCheckbutton.Active) ? 33 : 1;
if (Profile.ProfilingEnabled() && _enableCheckbutton.Active)
double time = (double)PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerSecond;
Update(time - _prevTime);
_lastOutputUpdateDuration = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks - _lastOutputUpdate;
_prevTime = time;
Gdk.Threads.AddIdle(1000, ()=>
return true;
public void Update(double frameTime)
_lastFrameTimeMs = frameTime;
// Get timing data if enough time has passed
_updateTimer += frameTime;
if (_doStep || ((Profile.UpdateRate > 0) && (!_pauseCheckbutton.Active && (_updateTimer > Profile.UpdateRate))))
_updateTimer = 0;
_captureTime = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks;
_timingFlags = Profile.GetTimingFlags();
_doStep = false;
_profileUpdated = true;
_unsortedProfileData = Profile.GetProfilingData();
(_timingFlagsAverages, _timingFlagsLast) = Profile.GetTimingAveragesAndLast();
// Filtering
if (_profileUpdated)
lock (_profileDataLock)
_sortedProfileData = _showInactive.Active ? _unsortedProfileData : _unsortedProfileData.FindAll(kvp => kvp.Value.IsActive);
if (_sortAction != null)
if (_regexEnabled)
Regex filterRegex = new Regex(_filterText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (_filterText != "")
_sortedProfileData = _sortedProfileData.Where((pair => filterRegex.IsMatch(pair.Key.Search))).ToList();
catch (ArgumentException argException)
// Skip filtering for invalid regex
// Regular filtering
_sortedProfileData = _sortedProfileData.Where((pair => pair.Key.Search.ToLower().Contains(_filterText.ToLower()))).ToList();
_profileUpdated = false;
_redrawPending = true;
_initComplete = true;
private string GetTimeString(long timestamp)
float time = (float)timestamp / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond;
return (time < 1) ? $"{time * 1000:F3}us" : $"{time:F3}ms";
private void FilterBackspace()
if (_filterText.Length <= 1)
_filterText = "";
_filterText = _filterText.Remove(_filterText.Length - 1, 1);
private float GetLineY(float offset, float lineHeight, float padding, bool centre, int line)
return offset + lineHeight + padding + ((lineHeight + padding) * line) - ((centre) ? padding : 0);
public void Draw(SKCanvas canvas)
_lastOutputDraw = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks;
if (!Visible ||
!_initComplete ||
!_enableCheckbutton.Active ||
float viewTop = TitleHeight + 5;
float viewBottom = _rendererHeight - FilterHeight - LineHeight;
float columnWidth;
float maxColumnWidth = MinimumColumnWidth;
float yOffset = _scrollPos + viewTop;
float xOffset = 10;
float timingWidth;
float contentHeight = GetLineY(0, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, _sortedProfileData.Count - 1);
_outputScrollbar.Adjustment.Upper = contentHeight;
_outputScrollbar.Adjustment.Lower = 0;
_outputScrollbar.Adjustment.PageSize = viewBottom - viewTop;
SKPaint textFont = new SKPaint()
Color = SKColors.White,
TextSize = LineHeight
SKPaint titleFont = new SKPaint()
Color = SKColors.White,
TextSize = TitleFontHeight
SKPaint evenItemBackground = new SKPaint()
Color = SKColors.Gray
canvas.ClipRect(new SKRect(0, viewTop, _rendererWidth, viewBottom), SKClipOperation.Intersect);
for (int i = 1; i < _sortedProfileData.Count; i += 2)
float top = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, i - 1);
float bottom = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, i);
canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(0, top, _rendererWidth, bottom), evenItemBackground);
lock (_profileDataLock)
// Display category
for (int verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < _sortedProfileData.Count; verticalIndex++)
KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> entry = _sortedProfileData[verticalIndex];
if (entry.Key.Category == null)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex);
canvas.DrawText(entry.Key.Category, new SKPoint(xOffset, y), textFont);
columnWidth = textFont.MeasureText(entry.Key.Category);
if (columnWidth > maxColumnWidth)
maxColumnWidth = columnWidth;
canvas.DrawText("Category", new SKPoint(xOffset, TitleFontHeight + 2), titleFont);
columnWidth = titleFont.MeasureText("Category");
if (columnWidth > maxColumnWidth)
maxColumnWidth = columnWidth;
xOffset += maxColumnWidth + ColumnSpacing;
canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(xOffset - ColumnSpacing / 2, 0), new SKPoint(xOffset - ColumnSpacing / 2, viewBottom), textFont);
// Display session group
maxColumnWidth = MinimumColumnWidth;
canvas.ClipRect(new SKRect(0, viewTop, _rendererWidth, viewBottom), SKClipOperation.Intersect);
for (int verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < _sortedProfileData.Count; verticalIndex++)
KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> entry = _sortedProfileData[verticalIndex];
if (entry.Key.SessionGroup == null)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex);
canvas.DrawText(entry.Key.SessionGroup, new SKPoint(xOffset, y), textFont);
columnWidth = textFont.MeasureText(entry.Key.SessionGroup);
if (columnWidth > maxColumnWidth)
maxColumnWidth = columnWidth;
canvas.DrawText("Group", new SKPoint(xOffset, TitleFontHeight + 2), titleFont);
columnWidth = titleFont.MeasureText("Group");
if (columnWidth > maxColumnWidth)
maxColumnWidth = columnWidth;
xOffset += maxColumnWidth + ColumnSpacing;
canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(xOffset - ColumnSpacing / 2, 0), new SKPoint(xOffset - ColumnSpacing / 2, viewBottom), textFont);
// Display session item
maxColumnWidth = MinimumColumnWidth;
canvas.ClipRect(new SKRect(0, viewTop, _rendererWidth, viewBottom), SKClipOperation.Intersect);
for (int verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < _sortedProfileData.Count; verticalIndex++)
KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> entry = _sortedProfileData[verticalIndex];
if (entry.Key.SessionItem == null)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex);
canvas.DrawText(entry.Key.SessionGroup, new SKPoint(xOffset, y), textFont);
columnWidth = textFont.MeasureText(entry.Key.SessionItem);
if (columnWidth > maxColumnWidth)
maxColumnWidth = columnWidth;
canvas.DrawText("Item", new SKPoint(xOffset, TitleFontHeight + 2), titleFont);
columnWidth = titleFont.MeasureText("Item");
if (columnWidth > maxColumnWidth)
maxColumnWidth = columnWidth;
xOffset += maxColumnWidth + ColumnSpacing;
timingWidth = _rendererWidth - xOffset - 370;
canvas.ClipRect(new SKRect(0, viewTop, _rendererWidth, viewBottom), SKClipOperation.Intersect);
canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(xOffset, 0), new SKPoint(xOffset, _rendererHeight), textFont);
int mode = _modeBox.Active;
canvas.ClipRect(new SKRect(xOffset, yOffset,xOffset + timingWidth,yOffset + contentHeight),
switch (mode)
case 0:
DrawGraph(xOffset, yOffset, timingWidth, canvas);
case 1:
DrawBars(xOffset, yOffset, timingWidth, canvas);
canvas.DrawText("Blue: Instant, Green: Avg, Red: Total",
new SKPoint(xOffset, _rendererHeight - TitleFontHeight), titleFont);
canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(xOffset + timingWidth, 0), new SKPoint(xOffset + timingWidth, _rendererHeight), textFont);
xOffset = _rendererWidth - 360;
// Display timestamps
long totalInstant = 0;
long totalAverage = 0;
long totalTime = 0;
long totalCount = 0;
for (int verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < _sortedProfileData.Count; verticalIndex++)
KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> entry = _sortedProfileData[verticalIndex];
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex);
canvas.DrawText($"{GetTimeString(entry.Value.Instant)} ({entry.Value.InstantCount})", new SKPoint(xOffset, y), textFont);
canvas.DrawText(GetTimeString(entry.Value.AverageTime), new SKPoint(150 + xOffset, y), textFont);
canvas.DrawText(GetTimeString(entry.Value.TotalTime), new SKPoint(260 + xOffset, y), textFont);
totalInstant += entry.Value.Instant;
totalAverage += entry.Value.AverageTime;
totalTime += entry.Value.TotalTime;
totalCount += entry.Value.InstantCount;
canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(0, viewTop), new SKPoint(_rendererWidth, viewTop), titleFont);
float yHeight = 0 + TitleFontHeight;
canvas.DrawText("Instant (Count)", new SKPoint(xOffset, yHeight), titleFont);
canvas.DrawText("Average", new SKPoint(150 + xOffset, yHeight), titleFont);
canvas.DrawText("Total (ms)", new SKPoint(260 + xOffset, yHeight), titleFont);
// Totals
yHeight = _rendererHeight - FilterHeight + 3;
int textHeight = LineHeight - 2;
SKPaint detailFont = new SKPaint()
Color = new SKColor(100, 100, 255, 255),
TextSize = textHeight
canvas.DrawLine(new SkiaSharp.SKPoint(0, viewBottom), new SkiaSharp.SKPoint(_rendererWidth,viewBottom), textFont);
string hostTimeString = $"Host {GetTimeString(_timingFlagsLast[(int)TimingFlagType.SystemFrame])} " +
canvas.DrawText(hostTimeString, new SKPoint(5, yHeight), detailFont);
float tempWidth = detailFont.MeasureText(hostTimeString);
detailFont.Color = SKColors.Red;
string gameTimeString = $"Game {GetTimeString(_timingFlagsLast[(int)TimingFlagType.FrameSwap])} " +
canvas.DrawText(gameTimeString, new SKPoint(15 + tempWidth, yHeight), detailFont);
tempWidth += detailFont.MeasureText(gameTimeString);
detailFont.Color = SKColors.White;
canvas.DrawText($"Profiler: Update {GetTimeString(_lastOutputUpdateDuration)} Draw {GetTimeString(_lastOutputDrawDuration)}",
new SKPoint(20 + tempWidth, yHeight), detailFont);
detailFont.Color = SKColors.White;
canvas.DrawText($"{GetTimeString(totalInstant)} ({totalCount})", new SKPoint(xOffset, yHeight), detailFont);
canvas.DrawText(GetTimeString(totalAverage), new SKPoint(150 + xOffset, yHeight), detailFont);
canvas.DrawText(GetTimeString(totalTime), new SKPoint(260 + xOffset, yHeight), detailFont);
_lastOutputDrawDuration = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks - _lastOutputDraw;
private void DrawGraph(float xOffset, float yOffset, float width, SKCanvas canvas)
if (_sortedProfileData.Count != 0)
int left, right;
float top, bottom;
float graphRight = xOffset + width;
float barHeight = (LineHeight - LinePadding);
long history = Profile.HistoryLength;
double timeWidthTicks = history / (double)_graphZoom;
long graphPositionTicks = (long)(_graphPosition * PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond);
long ticksPerPixel = (long)(timeWidthTicks / width);
// Reset start point if out of bounds
if (timeWidthTicks + graphPositionTicks > history)
graphPositionTicks = history - (long)timeWidthTicks;
_graphPosition = (float)graphPositionTicks / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond;
graphPositionTicks = _captureTime - graphPositionTicks;
// Draw timing flags
if (_showFlags.Active)
TimingFlagType prevType = TimingFlagType.Count;
SKPaint timingPaint = new SKPaint
Color = _timingFlagColors.First()
foreach (TimingFlag timingFlag in _timingFlags)
if (prevType != timingFlag.FlagType)
prevType = timingFlag.FlagType;
timingPaint.Color = _timingFlagColors[(int)prevType];
int x = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - timingFlag.Timestamp) / timeWidthTicks) * width);
if (x > xOffset)
canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(x, yOffset), new SKPoint(x, _rendererHeight), timingPaint);
SKPaint barPaint = new SKPaint()
Color = SKColors.Green,
// Draw bars
for (int verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < _sortedProfileData.Count; verticalIndex++)
KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> entry = _sortedProfileData[verticalIndex];
long furthest = 0;
bottom = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, verticalIndex);
top = bottom + barHeight;
// Skip rendering out of bounds bars
if (top < 0 || bottom > _rendererHeight)
barPaint.Color = SKColors.Green;
foreach (Timestamp timestamp in entry.Value.GetAllTimestamps())
// Skip drawing multiple timestamps on same pixel
if (timestamp.EndTime < furthest)
furthest = timestamp.EndTime + ticksPerPixel;
left = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - timestamp.BeginTime) / timeWidthTicks) * width);
right = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - timestamp.EndTime) / timeWidthTicks) * width);
left = (int)Math.Max(xOffset +1, left);
// Make sure width is at least 1px
right = Math.Max(left + 1, right);
canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(left, top, right, bottom), barPaint);
// Currently capturing timestamp
barPaint.Color = SKColors.Red;
long entryBegin = entry.Value.BeginTime;
if (entryBegin != -1)
left = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - entryBegin) / timeWidthTicks) * width);
// Make sure width is at least 1px
left = Math.Min(left - 1, (int)graphRight);
left = (int)Math.Max(xOffset + 1, left);
canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(left, top, graphRight, bottom), barPaint);
string label = $"-{MathF.Round(_graphPosition, 2)} ms";
SKPaint labelPaint = new SKPaint()
Color = SKColors.White,
TextSize = LineHeight
float labelWidth = labelPaint.MeasureText(label);
canvas.DrawText(label,new SKPoint(graphRight - labelWidth - LinePadding, FilterHeight + LinePadding) , labelPaint);
canvas.DrawText($"-{MathF.Round((float)((timeWidthTicks / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond) + _graphPosition), 2)} ms",
new SKPoint(xOffset + LinePadding, FilterHeight + LinePadding), labelPaint);
private void DrawBars(float xOffset, float yOffset, float width, SKCanvas canvas)
if (_sortedProfileData.Count != 0)
long maxAverage = 0;
long maxTotal = 0;
long maxInstant = 0;
float barHeight = (LineHeight - LinePadding) / 3.0f;
// Get max values
foreach (KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> kvp in _sortedProfileData)
maxInstant = Math.Max(maxInstant, kvp.Value.Instant);
maxAverage = Math.Max(maxAverage, kvp.Value.AverageTime);
maxTotal = Math.Max(maxTotal, kvp.Value.TotalTime);
SKPaint barPaint = new SKPaint()
Color = SKColors.Blue
for (int verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < _sortedProfileData.Count; verticalIndex++)
KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo> entry = _sortedProfileData[verticalIndex];
// Instant
barPaint.Color = SKColors.Blue;
float bottom = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, verticalIndex);
float top = bottom + barHeight;
float right = (float)entry.Value.Instant / maxInstant * width + xOffset;
// Skip rendering out of bounds bars
if (top < 0 || bottom > _rendererHeight)
canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(xOffset, top, right, bottom), barPaint);
// Average
barPaint.Color = SKColors.Green;
top += barHeight;
bottom += barHeight;
right = (float)entry.Value.AverageTime / maxAverage * width + xOffset;
canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(xOffset, top, right, bottom), barPaint);
// Total
barPaint.Color = SKColors.Red;
top += barHeight;
bottom += barHeight;
right = (float)entry.Value.TotalTime / maxTotal * width + xOffset;
canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(xOffset, top, right, bottom), barPaint);