using ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC; using Gtk; using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Common.GraphicsDriver; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Common.System; using Ryujinx.Common.SystemInfo; using Ryujinx.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Modules; using Ryujinx.Ui; using Ryujinx.Ui.Widgets; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg; using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx { class Program { public static double WindowScaleFactor { get; private set; } public static string Version { get; private set; } public static string ConfigurationPath { get; set; } [DllImport("libX11")] private extern static int XInitThreads(); static void Main(string[] args) { // Parse Arguments. string launchPathArg = null; string baseDirPathArg = null; bool startFullscreenArg = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { string arg = args[i]; if (arg == "-r" || arg == "--root-data-dir") { if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Invalid option '{arg}'"); continue; } baseDirPathArg = args[++i]; } else if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--fullscreen") { startFullscreenArg = true; } else if (launchPathArg == null) { launchPathArg = arg; } } // Make process DPI aware for proper window sizing on high-res screens. ForceDpiAware.Windows(); WindowScaleFactor = ForceDpiAware.GetWindowScaleFactor(); // Delete backup files after updating. Task.Run(Updater.CleanupUpdate); Version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute().InformationalVersion; Console.Title = $"Ryujinx Console {Version}"; // NOTE: GTK3 doesn't init X11 in a multi threaded way. // This ends up causing race condition and abort of XCB when a context is created by SPB (even if SPB do call XInitThreads). if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux()) { XInitThreads(); } string systemPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $"{Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "bin")};{systemPath}"); // Hook unhandled exception and process exit events. GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException += (GLib.UnhandledExceptionArgs e) => ProcessUnhandledException(e.ExceptionObject as Exception, e.IsTerminating); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) => ProcessUnhandledException(e.ExceptionObject as Exception, e.IsTerminating); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Exit(); // Setup base data directory. AppDataManager.Initialize(baseDirPathArg); // Initialize the configuration. ConfigurationState.Initialize(); // Initialize the logger system. LoggerModule.Initialize(); // Initialize Discord integration. DiscordIntegrationModule.Initialize(); // Sets ImageSharp Jpeg Encoder Quality. SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration.Default.ImageFormatsManager.SetEncoder(JpegFormat.Instance, new JpegEncoder() { Quality = 100 }); string localConfigurationPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Config.json"); string appDataConfigurationPath = Path.Combine(AppDataManager.BaseDirPath, "Config.json"); // Now load the configuration as the other subsystems are now registered ConfigurationPath = File.Exists(localConfigurationPath) ? localConfigurationPath : File.Exists(appDataConfigurationPath) ? appDataConfigurationPath : null; if (ConfigurationPath == null) { // No configuration, we load the default values and save it to disk ConfigurationPath = appDataConfigurationPath; ConfigurationState.Instance.LoadDefault(); ConfigurationState.Instance.ToFileFormat().SaveConfig(ConfigurationPath); } else { if (ConfigurationFileFormat.TryLoad(ConfigurationPath, out ConfigurationFileFormat configurationFileFormat)) { ConfigurationState.Instance.Load(configurationFileFormat, ConfigurationPath); } else { ConfigurationState.Instance.LoadDefault(); Logger.Warning?.PrintMsg(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to load config! Loading the default config instead.\nFailed config location {ConfigurationPath}"); } } // Logging system information. PrintSystemInfo(); // Enable OGL multithreading on the driver, when available. BackendThreading threadingMode = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.BackendThreading; DriverUtilities.ToggleOGLThreading(threadingMode == BackendThreading.Off); // Initialize Gtk. Application.Init(); // Check if keys exists. bool hasSystemProdKeys = File.Exists(Path.Combine(AppDataManager.KeysDirPath, "prod.keys")); bool hasCommonProdKeys = AppDataManager.Mode == AppDataManager.LaunchMode.UserProfile && File.Exists(Path.Combine(AppDataManager.KeysDirPathUser, "prod.keys")); if (!hasSystemProdKeys && !hasCommonProdKeys) { UserErrorDialog.CreateUserErrorDialog(UserError.NoKeys); } // Show the main window UI. MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(); mainWindow.Show(); if (launchPathArg != null) { mainWindow.LoadApplication(launchPathArg, startFullscreenArg); } if (ConfigurationState.Instance.CheckUpdatesOnStart.Value && Updater.CanUpdate(false)) { Updater.BeginParse(mainWindow, false).ContinueWith(task => { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Updater Error: {task.Exception}"); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } Application.Run(); } private static void PrintSystemInfo() { Logger.Notice.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Ryujinx Version: {Version}"); SystemInfo.Gather().Print(); var enabledLogs = Logger.GetEnabledLevels(); Logger.Notice.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Logs Enabled: {(enabledLogs.Count == 0 ? "" : string.Join(", ", enabledLogs))}"); if (AppDataManager.Mode == AppDataManager.LaunchMode.Custom) { Logger.Notice.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Launch Mode: Custom Path {AppDataManager.BaseDirPath}"); } else { Logger.Notice.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Launch Mode: {AppDataManager.Mode}"); } } private static void ProcessUnhandledException(Exception ex, bool isTerminating) { Ptc.Close(); PtcProfiler.Stop(); string message = $"Unhandled exception caught: {ex}"; Logger.Error?.PrintMsg(LogClass.Application, message); if (Logger.Error == null) { Logger.Notice.PrintMsg(LogClass.Application, message); } if (isTerminating) { Exit(); } } public static void Exit() { DiscordIntegrationModule.Exit(); Ptc.Dispose(); PtcProfiler.Dispose(); Logger.Shutdown(); } } }