diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Dma/DmaClass.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Dma/DmaClass.cs
index cbd0902da6..df7e55a11d 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Dma/DmaClass.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Dma/DmaClass.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 using Ryujinx.Common;
-using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Device;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture;
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
@@ -330,11 +330,95 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Dma
                     // TODO: Implement remap functionality.
                     // Buffer to buffer copy.
-                    memoryManager.Physical.BufferCache.CopyBuffer(memoryManager, srcGpuVa, dstGpuVa, size);
+                    bool srcIsPitchKind = memoryManager.GetKind(srcGpuVa).IsPitch();
+                    bool dstIsPitchKind = memoryManager.GetKind(dstGpuVa).IsPitch();
+                    if (!srcIsPitchKind && dstIsPitchKind)
+                    {
+                        CopyGobBlockLinearToLinear(memoryManager, srcGpuVa, dstGpuVa, size);
+                    }
+                    else if (srcIsPitchKind && !dstIsPitchKind)
+                    {
+                        CopyGobLinearToBlockLinear(memoryManager, srcGpuVa, dstGpuVa, size);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        memoryManager.Physical.BufferCache.CopyBuffer(memoryManager, srcGpuVa, dstGpuVa, size);
+                    }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Copies block linear data with block linear GOBs to a block linear destination with linear GOBs.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="memoryManager">GPU memory manager</param>
+        /// <param name="srcGpuVa">Source GPU virtual address</param>
+        /// <param name="dstGpuVa">Destination GPU virtual address</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Size in bytes of the copy</param>
+        private static void CopyGobBlockLinearToLinear(MemoryManager memoryManager, ulong srcGpuVa, ulong dstGpuVa, ulong size)
+        {
+            if (((srcGpuVa | dstGpuVa | size) & 0xf) == 0)
+            {
+                for (ulong offset = 0; offset < size; offset += 16)
+                {
+                    Vector128<byte> data = memoryManager.Read<Vector128<byte>>(ConvertGobLinearToBlockLinearAddress(srcGpuVa + offset), true);
+                    memoryManager.Write(dstGpuVa + offset, data);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for (ulong offset = 0; offset < size; offset++)
+                {
+                    byte data = memoryManager.Read<byte>(ConvertGobLinearToBlockLinearAddress(srcGpuVa + offset), true);
+                    memoryManager.Write(dstGpuVa + offset, data);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Copies block linear data with linear GOBs to a block linear destination with block linear GOBs.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="memoryManager">GPU memory manager</param>
+        /// <param name="srcGpuVa">Source GPU virtual address</param>
+        /// <param name="dstGpuVa">Destination GPU virtual address</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Size in bytes of the copy</param>
+        private static void CopyGobLinearToBlockLinear(MemoryManager memoryManager, ulong srcGpuVa, ulong dstGpuVa, ulong size)
+        {
+            if (((srcGpuVa | dstGpuVa | size) & 0xf) == 0)
+            {
+                for (ulong offset = 0; offset < size; offset += 16)
+                {
+                    Vector128<byte> data = memoryManager.Read<Vector128<byte>>(srcGpuVa + offset, true);
+                    memoryManager.Write(ConvertGobLinearToBlockLinearAddress(dstGpuVa + offset), data);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for (ulong offset = 0; offset < size; offset++)
+                {
+                    byte data = memoryManager.Read<byte>(srcGpuVa + offset, true);
+                    memoryManager.Write(ConvertGobLinearToBlockLinearAddress(dstGpuVa + offset), data);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Calculates the GOB block linear address from a linear address.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="address">Linear address</param>
+        /// <returns>Block linear address</returns>
+        private static ulong ConvertGobLinearToBlockLinearAddress(ulong address)
+        {
+            // y2 y1 y0 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0 -> x5 y2 y1 x4 y0 x3 x2 x1 x0
+            return (address & ~0x1f0UL) |
+                ((address & 0x40) >> 2) |
+                ((address & 0x10) << 1) |
+                ((address & 0x180) >> 1) |
+                ((address & 0x20) << 3);
+        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Performs a buffer to buffer, or buffer to texture copy, then optionally releases a semaphore.
         /// </summary>
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureCache.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureCache.cs
index 89ad8aa075..1624830812 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureCache.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureCache.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture;
-using Ryujinx.Memory;
 using Ryujinx.Memory.Range;
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/MemoryManager.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/MemoryManager.cs
index 977fbdf988..c57f1a6f17 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/MemoryManager.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/MemoryManager.cs
@@ -264,7 +264,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
         /// <param name="pa">CPU virtual address to map into</param>
         /// <param name="va">GPU virtual address to be mapped</param>
         /// <param name="size">Size in bytes of the mapping</param>
-        public void Map(ulong pa, ulong va, ulong size)
+        /// <param name="kind">Kind of the resource located at the mapping</param>
+        public void Map(ulong pa, ulong va, ulong size, PteKind kind)
             lock (_pageTable)
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
                 for (ulong offset = 0; offset < size; offset += PageSize)
-                    SetPte(va + offset, pa + offset);
+                    SetPte(va + offset, PackPte(pa + offset, kind));
@@ -462,14 +463,37 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
                 return PteUnmapped;
-            ulong baseAddress = GetPte(va);
+            ulong pte = GetPte(va);
-            if (baseAddress == PteUnmapped)
+            if (pte == PteUnmapped)
                 return PteUnmapped;
-            return baseAddress + (va & PageMask);
+            return UnpackPaFromPte(pte) + (va & PageMask);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the kind of a given memory page.
+        /// This might indicate the type of resource that can be allocated on the page, and also texture tiling.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="va">GPU virtual address</param>
+        /// <returns>Kind of the memory page</returns>
+        public PteKind GetKind(ulong va)
+        {
+            if (!ValidateAddress(va))
+            {
+                return PteKind.Invalid;
+            }
+            ulong pte = GetPte(va);
+            if (pte == PteUnmapped)
+            {
+                return PteKind.Invalid;
+            }
+            return UnpackKindFromPte(pte);
         /// <summary>
@@ -512,5 +536,36 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
             _pageTable[l0][l1] = pte;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a page table entry from a physical address and kind.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="pa">Physical address</param>
+        /// <param name="kind">Kind</param>
+        /// <returns>Page table entry</returns>
+        private static ulong PackPte(ulong pa, PteKind kind)
+        {
+            return pa | ((ulong)kind << 56);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Unpacks kind from a page table entry.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="pte">Page table entry</param>
+        /// <returns>Kind</returns>
+        private static PteKind UnpackKindFromPte(ulong pte)
+        {
+            return (PteKind)(pte >> 56);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Unpacks physical address from a page table entry.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="pte">Page table entry</param>
+        /// <returns>Physical address</returns>
+        private static ulong UnpackPaFromPte(ulong pte)
+        {
+            return pte & 0xffffffffffffffUL;
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/PteKind.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/PteKind.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ceb6bcf4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/PteKind.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Kind of the resource at the given memory mapping.
+    /// </summary>
+    public enum PteKind : byte
+    {
+        Invalid = 0xff,
+        Pitch = 0x00,
+        Z16 = 0x01,
+        Z162C = 0x02,
+        Z16MS22C = 0x03,
+        Z16MS42C = 0x04,
+        Z16MS82C = 0x05,
+        Z16MS162C = 0x06,
+        Z162Z = 0x07,
+        Z16MS22Z = 0x08,
+        Z16MS42Z = 0x09,
+        Z16MS82Z = 0x0a,
+        Z16MS162Z = 0x0b,
+        Z162CZ = 0x36,
+        Z16MS22CZ = 0x37,
+        Z16MS42CZ = 0x38,
+        Z16MS82CZ = 0x39,
+        Z16MS162CZ = 0x5f,
+        Z164CZ = 0x0c,
+        Z16MS24CZ = 0x0d,
+        Z16MS44CZ = 0x0e,
+        Z16MS84CZ = 0x0f,
+        Z16MS164CZ = 0x10,
+        S8Z24 = 0x11,
+        S8Z241Z = 0x12,
+        S8Z24MS21Z = 0x13,
+        S8Z24MS41Z = 0x14,
+        S8Z24MS81Z = 0x15,
+        S8Z24MS161Z = 0x16,
+        S8Z242CZ = 0x17,
+        S8Z24MS22CZ = 0x18,
+        S8Z24MS42CZ = 0x19,
+        S8Z24MS82CZ = 0x1a,
+        S8Z24MS162CZ = 0x1b,
+        S8Z242CS = 0x1c,
+        S8Z24MS22CS = 0x1d,
+        S8Z24MS42CS = 0x1e,
+        S8Z24MS82CS = 0x1f,
+        S8Z24MS162CS = 0x20,
+        S8Z244CSZV = 0x21,
+        S8Z24MS24CSZV = 0x22,
+        S8Z24MS44CSZV = 0x23,
+        S8Z24MS84CSZV = 0x24,
+        S8Z24MS164CSZV = 0x25,
+        V8Z24MS4VC12 = 0x26,
+        V8Z24MS4VC4 = 0x27,
+        V8Z24MS8VC8 = 0x28,
+        V8Z24MS8VC24 = 0x29,
+        V8Z24MS4VC121ZV = 0x2e,
+        V8Z24MS4VC41ZV = 0x2f,
+        V8Z24MS8VC81ZV = 0x30,
+        V8Z24MS8VC241ZV = 0x31,
+        V8Z24MS4VC122CS = 0x32,
+        V8Z24MS4VC42CS = 0x33,
+        V8Z24MS8VC82CS = 0x34,
+        V8Z24MS8VC242CS = 0x35,
+        V8Z24MS4VC122CZV = 0x3a,
+        V8Z24MS4VC42CZV = 0x3b,
+        V8Z24MS8VC82CZV = 0x3c,
+        V8Z24MS8VC242CZV = 0x3d,
+        V8Z24MS4VC122ZV = 0x3e,
+        V8Z24MS4VC42ZV = 0x3f,
+        V8Z24MS8VC82ZV = 0x40,
+        V8Z24MS8VC242ZV = 0x41,
+        V8Z24MS4VC124CSZV = 0x42,
+        V8Z24MS4VC44CSZV = 0x43,
+        V8Z24MS8VC84CSZV = 0x44,
+        V8Z24MS8VC244CSZV = 0x45,
+        Z24S8 = 0x46,
+        Z24S81Z = 0x47,
+        Z24S8MS21Z = 0x48,
+        Z24S8MS41Z = 0x49,
+        Z24S8MS81Z = 0x4a,
+        Z24S8MS161Z = 0x4b,
+        Z24S82CS = 0x4c,
+        Z24S8MS22CS = 0x4d,
+        Z24S8MS42CS = 0x4e,
+        Z24S8MS82CS = 0x4f,
+        Z24S8MS162CS = 0x50,
+        Z24S82CZ = 0x51,
+        Z24S8MS22CZ = 0x52,
+        Z24S8MS42CZ = 0x53,
+        Z24S8MS82CZ = 0x54,
+        Z24S8MS162CZ = 0x55,
+        Z24S84CSZV = 0x56,
+        Z24S8MS24CSZV = 0x57,
+        Z24S8MS44CSZV = 0x58,
+        Z24S8MS84CSZV = 0x59,
+        Z24S8MS164CSZV = 0x5a,
+        Z24V8MS4VC12 = 0x5b,
+        Z24V8MS4VC4 = 0x5c,
+        Z24V8MS8VC8 = 0x5d,
+        Z24V8MS8VC24 = 0x5e,
+        YUVB8C12Y = 0x60,
+        YUVB8C22Y = 0x61,
+        YUVB10C12Y = 0x62,
+        YUVB10C22Y = 0x6b,
+        YUVB12C12Y = 0x6c,
+        YUVB12C22Y = 0x6d,
+        Z24V8MS4VC121ZV = 0x63,
+        Z24V8MS4VC41ZV = 0x64,
+        Z24V8MS8VC81ZV = 0x65,
+        Z24V8MS8VC241ZV = 0x66,
+        Z24V8MS4VC122CS = 0x67,
+        Z24V8MS4VC42CS = 0x68,
+        Z24V8MS8VC82CS = 0x69,
+        Z24V8MS8VC242CS = 0x6a,
+        Z24V8MS4VC122CZV = 0x6f,
+        Z24V8MS4VC42CZV = 0x70,
+        Z24V8MS8VC82CZV = 0x71,
+        Z24V8MS8VC242CZV = 0x72,
+        Z24V8MS4VC122ZV = 0x73,
+        Z24V8MS4VC42ZV = 0x74,
+        Z24V8MS8VC82ZV = 0x75,
+        Z24V8MS8VC242ZV = 0x76,
+        Z24V8MS4VC124CSZV = 0x77,
+        Z24V8MS4VC44CSZV = 0x78,
+        Z24V8MS8VC84CSZV = 0x79,
+        Z24V8MS8VC244CSZV = 0x7a,
+        ZF32 = 0x7b,
+        ZF321Z = 0x7c,
+        ZF32MS21Z = 0x7d,
+        ZF32MS41Z = 0x7e,
+        ZF32MS81Z = 0x7f,
+        ZF32MS161Z = 0x80,
+        ZF322CS = 0x81,
+        ZF32MS22CS = 0x82,
+        ZF32MS42CS = 0x83,
+        ZF32MS82CS = 0x84,
+        ZF32MS162CS = 0x85,
+        ZF322CZ = 0x86,
+        ZF32MS22CZ = 0x87,
+        ZF32MS42CZ = 0x88,
+        ZF32MS82CZ = 0x89,
+        ZF32MS162CZ = 0x8a,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC12 = 0x8b,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC4 = 0x8c,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC8 = 0x8d,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC24 = 0x8e,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC121CS = 0x8f,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC41CS = 0x90,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC81CS = 0x91,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC241CS = 0x92,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC121ZV = 0x97,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC41ZV = 0x98,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC81ZV = 0x99,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC241ZV = 0x9a,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC121CZV = 0x9b,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC41CZV = 0x9c,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC81CZV = 0x9d,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC241CZV = 0x9e,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC122CS = 0x9f,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC42CS = 0xa0,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC82CS = 0xa1,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC242CS = 0xa2,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC122CSZV = 0xa3,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS4VC42CSZV = 0xa4,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC82CSZV = 0xa5,
+        X8Z24X16V8S8MS8VC242CSZV = 0xa6,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC12 = 0xa7,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC4 = 0xa8,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC8 = 0xa9,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC24 = 0xaa,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC121CS = 0xab,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC41CS = 0xac,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC81CS = 0xad,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC241CS = 0xae,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC121ZV = 0xb3,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC41ZV = 0xb4,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC81ZV = 0xb5,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC241ZV = 0xb6,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC121CZV = 0xb7,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC41CZV = 0xb8,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC81CZV = 0xb9,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC241CZV = 0xba,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC122CS = 0xbb,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC42CS = 0xbc,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC82CS = 0xbd,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC242CS = 0xbe,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC122CSZV = 0xbf,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS4VC42CSZV = 0xc0,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC82CSZV = 0xc1,
+        ZF32X16V8S8MS8VC242CSZV = 0xc2,
+        ZF32X24S8 = 0xc3,
+        ZF32X24S81CS = 0xc4,
+        ZF32X24S8MS21CS = 0xc5,
+        ZF32X24S8MS41CS = 0xc6,
+        ZF32X24S8MS81CS = 0xc7,
+        ZF32X24S8MS161CS = 0xc8,
+        ZF32X24S82CSZV = 0xce,
+        ZF32X24S8MS22CSZV = 0xcf,
+        ZF32X24S8MS42CSZV = 0xd0,
+        ZF32X24S8MS82CSZV = 0xd1,
+        ZF32X24S8MS162CSZV = 0xd2,
+        ZF32X24S82CS = 0xd3,
+        ZF32X24S8MS22CS = 0xd4,
+        ZF32X24S8MS42CS = 0xd5,
+        ZF32X24S8MS82CS = 0xd6,
+        ZF32X24S8MS162CS = 0xd7,
+        S8 = 0x2a,
+        S82S = 0x2b,
+        Generic16Bx2 = 0xfe,
+        C322C = 0xd8,
+        C322CBR = 0xd9,
+        C322CBA = 0xda,
+        C322CRA = 0xdb,
+        C322BRA = 0xdc,
+        C32MS22C = 0xdd,
+        C32MS22CBR = 0xde,
+        C32MS24CBRA = 0xcc,
+        C32MS42C = 0xdf,
+        C32MS42CBR = 0xe0,
+        C32MS42CBA = 0xe1,
+        C32MS42CRA = 0xe2,
+        C32MS42BRA = 0xe3,
+        C32MS44CBRA = 0x2c,
+        C32MS8MS162C = 0xe4,
+        C32MS8MS162CRA = 0xe5,
+        C642C = 0xe6,
+        C642CBR = 0xe7,
+        C642CBA = 0xe8,
+        C642CRA = 0xe9,
+        C642BRA = 0xea,
+        C64MS22C = 0xeb,
+        C64MS22CBR = 0xec,
+        C64MS24CBRA = 0xcd,
+        C64MS42C = 0xed,
+        C64MS42CBR = 0xee,
+        C64MS42CBA = 0xef,
+        C64MS42CRA = 0xf0,
+        C64MS42BRA = 0xf1,
+        C64MS44CBRA = 0x2d,
+        C64MS8MS162C = 0xf2,
+        C64MS8MS162CRA = 0xf3,
+        C1282C = 0xf4,
+        C1282CR = 0xf5,
+        C128MS22C = 0xf6,
+        C128MS22CR = 0xf7,
+        C128MS42C = 0xf8,
+        C128MS42CR = 0xf9,
+        C128MS8MS162C = 0xfa,
+        C128MS8MS162CR = 0xfb,
+        X8C24 = 0xfc,
+        PitchNoSwizzle = 0xfd,
+        SmSkedMessage = 0xca,
+        SmHostMessage = 0xcb
+    }
+    static class PteKindExtensions
+    {
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Checks if the kind is pitch.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="kind">Kind to check</param>
+        /// <returns>True if pitch, false otherwise</returns>
+        public static bool IsPitch(this PteKind kind)
+        {
+            return kind == PteKind.Pitch || kind == PteKind.PitchNoSwizzle;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/ResourceName.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/ResourceName.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d2dc77a1..0000000000
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/ResourceName.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Name of a GPU resource.
-    /// </summary>
-    public enum ResourceName
-    {
-        Buffer,
-        Texture,
-        TexturePool,
-        SamplerPool
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec/Image/SurfaceReader.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec/Image/SurfaceReader.cs
index a819993216..039a25832b 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec/Image/SurfaceReader.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec/Image/SurfaceReader.cs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.Image
             int width = surface.Width;
             int height = surface.Height;
             int stride = surface.Stride;
             ReadOnlySpan<byte> luma = gmm.DeviceGetSpan(lumaOffset, GetBlockLinearSize(width, height, 1));
             ReadLuma(surface.YPlane.AsSpan(), luma, stride, width, height);
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostAsGpu/NvHostAsGpuDeviceFile.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostAsGpu/NvHostAsGpuDeviceFile.cs
index ac5761d694..3314002c61 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostAsGpu/NvHostAsGpuDeviceFile.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostAsGpu/NvHostAsGpuDeviceFile.cs
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvDrvServices.NvHostAsGpu
                         ulong virtualAddress = arguments.Offset + arguments.BufferOffset;
                         physicalAddress += arguments.BufferOffset;
-                        _asContext.Gmm.Map(physicalAddress, virtualAddress, arguments.MappingSize);
+                        _asContext.Gmm.Map(physicalAddress, virtualAddress, arguments.MappingSize, (PteKind)arguments.Kind);
                         return NvInternalResult.Success;
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvDrvServices.NvHostAsGpu
                     if (_asContext.ValidateFixedBuffer(arguments.Offset, size, pageSize))
-                        _asContext.Gmm.Map(physicalAddress, arguments.Offset, size);
+                        _asContext.Gmm.Map(physicalAddress, arguments.Offset, size, (PteKind)arguments.Kind);
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvDrvServices.NvHostAsGpu
                         _memoryAllocator.AllocateRange(va, size, freeAddressStartPosition);
-                    _asContext.Gmm.Map(physicalAddress, va, size);
+                    _asContext.Gmm.Map(physicalAddress, va, size, (PteKind)arguments.Kind);
                     arguments.Offset = va;
@@ -366,26 +366,30 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvDrvServices.NvHostAsGpu
             for (int index = 0; index < arguments.Length; index++)
-                ulong mapOffs = (ulong)arguments[index].MapOffset << 16;
-                ulong gpuVa = (ulong)arguments[index].GpuOffset << 16;
-                ulong size = (ulong)arguments[index].Pages << 16;
+                ref RemapArguments argument = ref arguments[index];
+                ulong gpuVa = (ulong)argument.GpuOffset << 16;
+                ulong size = (ulong)argument.Pages << 16;
+                int nvmapHandle = argument.NvMapHandle;
-                if (arguments[index].NvMapHandle == 0)
+                if (nvmapHandle == 0)
                     gmm.Unmap(gpuVa, size);
-                    NvMapHandle map = NvMapDeviceFile.GetMapFromHandle(Owner, arguments[index].NvMapHandle);
+                    ulong mapOffs = (ulong)argument.MapOffset << 16;
+                    PteKind kind = (PteKind)argument.Kind;
+                    NvMapHandle map = NvMapDeviceFile.GetMapFromHandle(Owner, nvmapHandle);
                     if (map == null)
-                        Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceNv, $"Invalid NvMap handle 0x{arguments[index].NvMapHandle:x8}!");
+                        Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceNv, $"Invalid NvMap handle 0x{nvmapHandle:x8}!");
                         return NvInternalResult.InvalidInput;
-                    gmm.Map(mapOffs + map.Address, gpuVa, size);
+                    gmm.Map(mapOffs + map.Address, gpuVa, size, kind);
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostChannel/NvHostChannelDeviceFile.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostChannel/NvHostChannelDeviceFile.cs
index f0c968eb36..f73e38917f 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostChannel/NvHostChannelDeviceFile.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Nv/NvDrvServices/NvHostChannel/NvHostChannelDeviceFile.cs
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvDrvServices.NvHostChannel
                         if (va != NvMemoryAllocator.PteUnmapped && va <= uint.MaxValue && (va + (uint)map.Size) <= uint.MaxValue)
                             _host1xContext.MemoryAllocator.AllocateRange(va, (uint)map.Size, freeAddressStartPosition);
-                            _host1xContext.Smmu.Map(map.Address, va, (uint)map.Size);
+                            _host1xContext.Smmu.Map(map.Address, va, (uint)map.Size, PteKind.Pitch); // FIXME: This should not use the GMMU.
                             map.DmaMapAddress = va;