using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr; using System; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions.InstGenHelper; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions { static class InstGenMemory { public static string ImageLoadOrStore(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation; bool isBindless = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0; bool isArray = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Array) != 0; bool isIndexed = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Indexed) != 0; string texCall = texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageLoad ? "imageLoad" : "imageStore"; int srcIndex = isBindless ? 1 : 0; string Src(VariableType type) { return GetSoureExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(srcIndex++), type); } string indexExpr = null; if (isIndexed) { indexExpr = Src(VariableType.S32); } string imageName = OperandManager.GetImageName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); texCall += "(" + imageName; int coordsCount = texOp.Type.GetDimensions(); int pCount = coordsCount + (isArray ? 1 : 0); void Append(string str) { texCall += ", " + str; } if (pCount > 1) { string[] elems = new string[pCount]; for (int index = 0; index < pCount; index++) { elems[index] = Src(VariableType.S32); } Append("ivec" + pCount + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")"); } else { Append(Src(VariableType.S32)); } if (texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageStore) { VariableType type = texOp.Format.GetComponentType(); string[] cElems = new string[4]; for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { if (srcIndex < texOp.SourcesCount) { cElems[index] = Src(type); } else { cElems[index] = type switch { VariableType.S32 => NumberFormatter.FormatInt(0), VariableType.U32 => NumberFormatter.FormatUint(0), _ => NumberFormatter.FormatFloat(0) }; } } string prefix = type switch { VariableType.S32 => "i", VariableType.U32 => "u", _ => string.Empty }; Append(prefix + "vec4(" + string.Join(", ", cElems) + ")"); } texCall += ")" + (texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageLoad ? GetMask(texOp.Index) : ""); return texCall; } public static string LoadAttribute(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { IAstNode src1 = operation.GetSource(0); IAstNode src2 = operation.GetSource(1); if (!(src1 is AstOperand attr) || attr.Type != OperandType.Attribute) { throw new InvalidOperationException("First source of LoadAttribute must be a attribute."); } string indexExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src2, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 1)); return OperandManager.GetAttributeName(attr, context.Config, isOutAttr: false, indexExpr); } public static string LoadConstant(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { IAstNode src1 = operation.GetSource(0); IAstNode src2 = operation.GetSource(1); string offsetExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src2, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 1)); offsetExpr = Enclose(offsetExpr, src2, Instruction.ShiftRightS32, isLhs: true); if (src1 is AstOperand oper && oper.Type == OperandType.Constant) { return OperandManager.GetConstantBufferName(oper.Value, offsetExpr, context.Config.Stage, context.CbIndexable); } else { string slotExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src1, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0)); return OperandManager.GetConstantBufferName(slotExpr, offsetExpr, context.Config.Stage); } } public static string LoadLocal(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { return LoadLocalOrShared(context, operation, DefaultNames.LocalMemoryName); } public static string LoadShared(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { return LoadLocalOrShared(context, operation, DefaultNames.SharedMemoryName); } private static string LoadLocalOrShared(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation, string arrayName) { IAstNode src1 = operation.GetSource(0); string offsetExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src1, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0)); return $"{arrayName}[{offsetExpr}]"; } public static string LoadStorage(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { IAstNode src1 = operation.GetSource(0); IAstNode src2 = operation.GetSource(1); string indexExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src1, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0)); string offsetExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src2, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 1)); return GetStorageBufferAccessor(indexExpr, offsetExpr, context.Config.Stage); } public static string Lod(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation; int coordsCount = texOp.Type.GetDimensions(); bool isBindless = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0; bool isIndexed = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Indexed) != 0; string indexExpr = null; if (isIndexed) { indexExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(0), VariableType.S32); } string samplerName = OperandManager.GetSamplerName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); int coordsIndex = isBindless || isIndexed ? 1 : 0; string coordsExpr; if (coordsCount > 1) { string[] elems = new string[coordsCount]; for (int index = 0; index < coordsCount; index++) { elems[index] = GetSoureExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(coordsIndex + index), VariableType.F32); } coordsExpr = "vec" + coordsCount + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")"; } else { coordsExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(coordsIndex), VariableType.F32); } return $"textureQueryLod({samplerName}, {coordsExpr}){GetMask(texOp.Index)}"; } public static string StoreLocal(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { return StoreLocalOrShared(context, operation, DefaultNames.LocalMemoryName); } public static string StoreShared(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { return StoreLocalOrShared(context, operation, DefaultNames.SharedMemoryName); } private static string StoreLocalOrShared(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation, string arrayName) { IAstNode src1 = operation.GetSource(0); IAstNode src2 = operation.GetSource(1); string offsetExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src1, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0)); VariableType srcType = OperandManager.GetNodeDestType(context, src2); string src = TypeConversion.ReinterpretCast(context, src2, srcType, VariableType.U32); return $"{arrayName}[{offsetExpr}] = {src}"; } public static string StoreStorage(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { IAstNode src1 = operation.GetSource(0); IAstNode src2 = operation.GetSource(1); IAstNode src3 = operation.GetSource(2); string indexExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src1, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0)); string offsetExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, src2, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 1)); VariableType srcType = OperandManager.GetNodeDestType(context, src3); string src = TypeConversion.ReinterpretCast(context, src3, srcType, VariableType.U32); string sb = GetStorageBufferAccessor(indexExpr, offsetExpr, context.Config.Stage); return $"{sb} = {src}"; } public static string TextureSample(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation; bool isBindless = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0; bool isGather = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Gather) != 0; bool hasDerivatives = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Derivatives) != 0; bool intCoords = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.IntCoords) != 0; bool hasLodBias = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.LodBias) != 0; bool hasLodLevel = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.LodLevel) != 0; bool hasOffset = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Offset) != 0; bool hasOffsets = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Offsets) != 0; bool isArray = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Array) != 0; bool isIndexed = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Indexed) != 0; bool isMultisample = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Multisample) != 0; bool isShadow = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Shadow) != 0; // This combination is valid, but not available on GLSL. // For now, ignore the LOD level and do a normal sample. // TODO: How to implement it properly? if (hasLodLevel && isArray && isShadow) { hasLodLevel = false; } string texCall = intCoords ? "texelFetch" : "texture"; if (isGather) { texCall += "Gather"; } else if (hasDerivatives) { texCall += "Grad"; } else if (hasLodLevel && !intCoords) { texCall += "Lod"; } if (hasOffset) { texCall += "Offset"; } else if (hasOffsets) { texCall += "Offsets"; } int srcIndex = isBindless ? 1 : 0; string Src(VariableType type) { return GetSoureExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(srcIndex++), type); } string indexExpr = null; if (isIndexed) { indexExpr = Src(VariableType.S32); } string samplerName = OperandManager.GetSamplerName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); texCall += "(" + samplerName; int coordsCount = texOp.Type.GetDimensions(); int pCount = coordsCount; int arrayIndexElem = -1; if (isArray) { arrayIndexElem = pCount++; } // The sampler 1D shadow overload expects a // dummy value on the middle of the vector, who knows why... bool hasDummy1DShadowElem = texOp.Type == (SamplerType.Texture1D | SamplerType.Shadow); if (hasDummy1DShadowElem) { pCount++; } if (isShadow && !isGather) { pCount++; } // On textureGather*, the comparison value is // always specified as an extra argument. bool hasExtraCompareArg = isShadow && isGather; if (pCount == 5) { pCount = 4; hasExtraCompareArg = true; } void Append(string str) { texCall += ", " + str; } VariableType coordType = intCoords ? VariableType.S32 : VariableType.F32; string AssemblePVector(int count) { if (count > 1) { string[] elems = new string[count]; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (arrayIndexElem == index) { elems[index] = Src(VariableType.S32); if (!intCoords) { elems[index] = "float(" + elems[index] + ")"; } } else if (index == 1 && hasDummy1DShadowElem) { elems[index] = NumberFormatter.FormatFloat(0); } else { elems[index] = Src(coordType); } } string prefix = intCoords ? "i" : string.Empty; return prefix + "vec" + count + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")"; } else { return Src(coordType); } } string ApplyScaling(string vector) { if (intCoords) { int index = context.FindTextureDescriptorIndex(texOp); if ((context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment || context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute) && (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) == 0 && texOp.Type != SamplerType.Indexed) { if (pCount == 3 && isArray) { // The array index is not scaled, just x and y. return "ivec3(Helper_TexelFetchScale((" + vector + ").xy, " + index + "), (" + vector + ").z)"; } else if (pCount == 2 && !isArray) { return "Helper_TexelFetchScale(" + vector + ", " + index + ")"; } } // Resolution scaling cannot be applied to this texture right now. // Flag so that we know to blacklist scaling on related textures when binding them. TextureDescriptor descriptor = context.TextureDescriptors[index]; descriptor.Flags |= TextureUsageFlags.ResScaleUnsupported; context.TextureDescriptors[index] = descriptor; } return vector; } Append(ApplyScaling(AssemblePVector(pCount))); string AssembleDerivativesVector(int count) { if (count > 1) { string[] elems = new string[count]; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { elems[index] = Src(VariableType.F32); } return "vec" + count + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")"; } else { return Src(VariableType.F32); } } if (hasExtraCompareArg) { Append(Src(VariableType.F32)); } if (hasDerivatives) { Append(AssembleDerivativesVector(coordsCount)); // dPdx Append(AssembleDerivativesVector(coordsCount)); // dPdy } if (isMultisample) { Append(Src(VariableType.S32)); } else if (hasLodLevel) { Append(Src(coordType)); } string AssembleOffsetVector(int count) { if (count > 1) { string[] elems = new string[count]; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { elems[index] = Src(VariableType.S32); } return "ivec" + count + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")"; } else { return Src(VariableType.S32); } } if (hasOffset) { Append(AssembleOffsetVector(coordsCount)); } else if (hasOffsets) { texCall += $", ivec{coordsCount}[4]("; texCall += AssembleOffsetVector(coordsCount) + ", "; texCall += AssembleOffsetVector(coordsCount) + ", "; texCall += AssembleOffsetVector(coordsCount) + ", "; texCall += AssembleOffsetVector(coordsCount) + ")"; } if (hasLodBias) { Append(Src(VariableType.F32)); } // textureGather* optional extra component index, // not needed for shadow samplers. if (isGather && !isShadow) { Append(Src(VariableType.S32)); } texCall += ")" + (isGather || !isShadow ? GetMask(texOp.Index) : ""); return texCall; } public static string TextureSize(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation) { AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation; bool isBindless = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0; bool isIndexed = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Indexed) != 0; string indexExpr = null; if (isIndexed) { indexExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(0), VariableType.S32); } string samplerName = OperandManager.GetSamplerName(context.Config.Stage, texOp, indexExpr); int lodSrcIndex = isBindless || isIndexed ? 1 : 0; IAstNode lod = operation.GetSource(lodSrcIndex); string lodExpr = GetSoureExpr(context, lod, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, lodSrcIndex)); if (texOp.Index == 3) { return $"textureQueryLevels({samplerName})"; } else { return $"textureSize({samplerName}, {lodExpr}){GetMask(texOp.Index)}"; } } private static string GetStorageBufferAccessor(string slotExpr, string offsetExpr, ShaderStage stage) { string sbName = OperandManager.GetShaderStagePrefix(stage); sbName += "_" + DefaultNames.StorageNamePrefix; return $"{sbName}[{slotExpr}].{DefaultNames.DataName}[{offsetExpr}]"; } private static string GetMask(int index) { return '.' + "rgba".Substring(index, 1); } } }