using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation; using ARMeilleure.Translation; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Numerics; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operand.Factory; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operation.Factory; namespace ARMeilleure.CodeGen.RegisterAllocators { class HybridAllocator : IRegisterAllocator { private const int RegistersCount = 16; private const int MaxIROperands = 4; private struct BlockInfo { public bool HasCall { get; } public int IntFixedRegisters { get; } public int VecFixedRegisters { get; } public BlockInfo(bool hasCall, int intFixedRegisters, int vecFixedRegisters) { HasCall = hasCall; IntFixedRegisters = intFixedRegisters; VecFixedRegisters = vecFixedRegisters; } } private struct LocalInfo { public int Uses { get; set; } public int UsesAllocated { get; set; } public int Register { get; set; } public int SpillOffset { get; set; } public int Sequence { get; set; } public Operand Temp { get; set; } public OperandType Type { get; } private int _first; private int _last; public bool IsBlockLocal => _first == _last; public LocalInfo(OperandType type, int uses, int blkIndex) { Uses = uses; Type = type; UsesAllocated = 0; Register = 0; SpillOffset = 0; Sequence = 0; Temp = default; _first = -1; _last = -1; SetBlockIndex(blkIndex); } public void SetBlockIndex(int blkIndex) { if (_first == -1 || blkIndex < _first) { _first = blkIndex; } if (_last == -1 || blkIndex > _last) { _last = blkIndex; } } } public AllocationResult RunPass(ControlFlowGraph cfg, StackAllocator stackAlloc, RegisterMasks regMasks) { int intUsedRegisters = 0; int vecUsedRegisters = 0; int intFreeRegisters = regMasks.IntAvailableRegisters; int vecFreeRegisters = regMasks.VecAvailableRegisters; var blockInfo = new BlockInfo[cfg.Blocks.Count]; var localInfo = new LocalInfo[cfg.Blocks.Count * 3]; int localInfoCount = 0; // The "visited" state is stored in the MSB of the local's value. const ulong VisitedMask = 1ul << 63; bool IsVisited(Operand local) { return (local.GetValueUnsafe() & VisitedMask) != 0; } void SetVisited(Operand local) { local.GetValueUnsafe() |= VisitedMask | (uint)++localInfoCount; } ref LocalInfo GetLocalInfo(Operand local) { Debug.Assert(local.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable); if (!IsVisited(local)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Local was not visisted yet. Used before defined?"); } return ref localInfo[(uint)local.GetValueUnsafe() - 1]; } for (int index = cfg.PostOrderBlocks.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { BasicBlock block = cfg.PostOrderBlocks[index]; int intFixedRegisters = 0; int vecFixedRegisters = 0; bool hasCall = false; for (Operation node = block.Operations.First; node != default; node = node.ListNext) { if (node.Instruction == Instruction.Call) { hasCall = true; } for (int i = 0; i < node.SourcesCount; i++) { Operand source = node.GetSource(i); if (source.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable) { GetLocalInfo(source).SetBlockIndex(block.Index); } else if (source.Kind == OperandKind.Memory) { MemoryOperand memOp = source.GetMemory(); if (memOp.BaseAddress != default) { GetLocalInfo(memOp.BaseAddress).SetBlockIndex(block.Index); } if (memOp.Index != default) { GetLocalInfo(memOp.Index).SetBlockIndex(block.Index); } } } for (int i = 0; i < node.DestinationsCount; i++) { Operand dest = node.GetDestination(i); if (dest.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable) { if (IsVisited(dest)) { GetLocalInfo(dest).SetBlockIndex(block.Index); } else { SetVisited(dest); if (localInfoCount > localInfo.Length) { Array.Resize(ref localInfo, localInfoCount * 2); } GetLocalInfo(dest) = new LocalInfo(dest.Type, UsesCount(dest), block.Index); } } else if (dest.Kind == OperandKind.Register) { if (dest.Type.IsInteger()) { intFixedRegisters |= 1 << dest.GetRegister().Index; } else { vecFixedRegisters |= 1 << dest.GetRegister().Index; } } } } blockInfo[block.Index] = new BlockInfo(hasCall, intFixedRegisters, vecFixedRegisters); } int sequence = 0; for (int index = cfg.PostOrderBlocks.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { BasicBlock block = cfg.PostOrderBlocks[index]; BlockInfo blkInfo = blockInfo[block.Index]; int intLocalFreeRegisters = intFreeRegisters & ~blkInfo.IntFixedRegisters; int vecLocalFreeRegisters = vecFreeRegisters & ~blkInfo.VecFixedRegisters; int intCallerSavedRegisters = blkInfo.HasCall ? regMasks.IntCallerSavedRegisters : 0; int vecCallerSavedRegisters = blkInfo.HasCall ? regMasks.VecCallerSavedRegisters : 0; int intSpillTempRegisters = SelectSpillTemps( intCallerSavedRegisters & ~blkInfo.IntFixedRegisters, intLocalFreeRegisters); int vecSpillTempRegisters = SelectSpillTemps( vecCallerSavedRegisters & ~blkInfo.VecFixedRegisters, vecLocalFreeRegisters); intLocalFreeRegisters &= ~(intSpillTempRegisters | intCallerSavedRegisters); vecLocalFreeRegisters &= ~(vecSpillTempRegisters | vecCallerSavedRegisters); for (Operation node = block.Operations.First; node != default; node = node.ListNext) { int intLocalUse = 0; int vecLocalUse = 0; Operand AllocateRegister(Operand local) { ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(local); info.UsesAllocated++; Debug.Assert(info.UsesAllocated <= info.Uses); if (info.Register != -1) { Operand reg = Register(info.Register, local.Type.ToRegisterType(), local.Type); if (info.UsesAllocated == info.Uses) { if (local.Type.IsInteger()) { intLocalFreeRegisters |= 1 << info.Register; } else { vecLocalFreeRegisters |= 1 << info.Register; } } return reg; } else { Operand temp = info.Temp; if (temp == default || info.Sequence != sequence) { temp = local.Type.IsInteger() ? GetSpillTemp(local, intSpillTempRegisters, ref intLocalUse) : GetSpillTemp(local, vecSpillTempRegisters, ref vecLocalUse); info.Sequence = sequence; info.Temp = temp; } Operation fillOp = Operation(Instruction.Fill, temp, Const(info.SpillOffset)); block.Operations.AddBefore(node, fillOp); return temp; } } bool folded = false; // If operation is a copy of a local and that local is living on the stack, we turn the copy into // a fill, instead of inserting a fill before it. if (node.Instruction == Instruction.Copy) { Operand source = node.GetSource(0); if (source.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable) { ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(source); if (info.Register == -1) { Operation fillOp = Operation(Instruction.Fill, node.Destination, Const(info.SpillOffset)); block.Operations.AddBefore(node, fillOp); block.Operations.Remove(node); node = fillOp; folded = true; } } } if (!folded) { for (int i = 0; i < node.SourcesCount; i++) { Operand source = node.GetSource(i); if (source.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable) { node.SetSource(i, AllocateRegister(source)); } else if (source.Kind == OperandKind.Memory) { MemoryOperand memOp = source.GetMemory(); if (memOp.BaseAddress != default) { memOp.BaseAddress = AllocateRegister(memOp.BaseAddress); } if (memOp.Index != default) { memOp.Index = AllocateRegister(memOp.Index); } } } } int intLocalAsg = 0; int vecLocalAsg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node.DestinationsCount; i++) { Operand dest = node.GetDestination(i); if (dest.Kind != OperandKind.LocalVariable) { continue; } ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(dest); if (info.UsesAllocated == 0) { int mask = dest.Type.IsInteger() ? intLocalFreeRegisters : vecLocalFreeRegisters; if (info.IsBlockLocal && mask != 0) { int selectedReg = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(mask); info.Register = selectedReg; if (dest.Type.IsInteger()) { intLocalFreeRegisters &= ~(1 << selectedReg); intUsedRegisters |= 1 << selectedReg; } else { vecLocalFreeRegisters &= ~(1 << selectedReg); vecUsedRegisters |= 1 << selectedReg; } } else { info.Register = -1; info.SpillOffset = stackAlloc.Allocate(dest.Type.GetSizeInBytes()); } } info.UsesAllocated++; Debug.Assert(info.UsesAllocated <= info.Uses); if (info.Register != -1) { node.SetDestination(i, Register(info.Register, dest.Type.ToRegisterType(), dest.Type)); } else { Operand temp = info.Temp; if (temp == default || info.Sequence != sequence) { temp = dest.Type.IsInteger() ? GetSpillTemp(dest, intSpillTempRegisters, ref intLocalAsg) : GetSpillTemp(dest, vecSpillTempRegisters, ref vecLocalAsg); info.Sequence = sequence; info.Temp = temp; } node.SetDestination(i, temp); Operation spillOp = Operation(Instruction.Spill, default, Const(info.SpillOffset), temp); block.Operations.AddAfter(node, spillOp); node = spillOp; } } sequence++; intUsedRegisters |= intLocalAsg | intLocalUse; vecUsedRegisters |= vecLocalAsg | vecLocalUse; } } return new AllocationResult(intUsedRegisters, vecUsedRegisters, stackAlloc.TotalSize); } private static int SelectSpillTemps(int mask0, int mask1) { int selection = 0; int count = 0; while (count < MaxIROperands && mask0 != 0) { int mask = mask0 & -mask0; selection |= mask; mask0 &= ~mask; count++; } while (count < MaxIROperands && mask1 != 0) { int mask = mask1 & -mask1; selection |= mask; mask1 &= ~mask; count++; } Debug.Assert(count == MaxIROperands, "No enough registers for spill temps."); return selection; } private static Operand GetSpillTemp(Operand local, int freeMask, ref int useMask) { int selectedReg = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(freeMask & ~useMask); useMask |= 1 << selectedReg; return Register(selectedReg, local.Type.ToRegisterType(), local.Type); } private static int UsesCount(Operand local) { return local.AssignmentsCount + local.UsesCount; } } }