using ARMeilleure.Decoders; using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation; using ARMeilleure.Memory; using ARMeilleure.Translation; using ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC; using System; using System.Reflection; using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitHelper; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions { static class InstEmitMemoryHelper { private const int PageBits = 12; private const int PageMask = (1 << PageBits) - 1; private enum Extension { Zx, Sx32, Sx64 } public static void EmitLoadZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { EmitLoad(context, address, Extension.Zx, rt, size); } public static void EmitLoadSx32(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { EmitLoad(context, address, Extension.Sx32, rt, size); } public static void EmitLoadSx64(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { EmitLoad(context, address, Extension.Sx64, rt, size); } private static void EmitLoad(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Extension ext, int rt, int size) { bool isSimd = IsSimd(context); if ((uint)size > (isSimd ? 4 : 3)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size)); } if (isSimd) { EmitReadVector(context, address, context.VectorZero(), rt, 0, size); } else { EmitReadInt(context, address, rt, size); } if (!isSimd && !(context.CurrOp is OpCode32 && rt == State.RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc)) { Operand value = GetInt(context, rt); if (ext == Extension.Sx32 || ext == Extension.Sx64) { OperandType destType = ext == Extension.Sx64 ? OperandType.I64 : OperandType.I32; switch (size) { case 0: value = context.SignExtend8 (destType, value); break; case 1: value = context.SignExtend16(destType, value); break; case 2: value = context.SignExtend32(destType, value); break; } } SetInt(context, rt, value); } } public static void EmitLoadSimd( ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand vector, int rt, int elem, int size) { EmitReadVector(context, address, vector, rt, elem, size); } public static void EmitStore(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { bool isSimd = IsSimd(context); if ((uint)size > (isSimd ? 4 : 3)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size)); } if (isSimd) { EmitWriteVector(context, address, rt, 0, size); } else { EmitWriteInt(context, address, rt, size); } } public static void EmitStoreSimd( ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int elem, int size) { EmitWriteVector(context, address, rt, elem, size); } private static bool IsSimd(ArmEmitterContext context) { return context.CurrOp is IOpCodeSimd && !(context.CurrOp is OpCodeSimdMemMs || context.CurrOp is OpCodeSimdMemSs); } private static void EmitReadInt(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { Operand lblSlowPath = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand physAddr = EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, lblSlowPath, write: false, size); Operand value = null; switch (size) { case 0: value = context.Load8 (physAddr); break; case 1: value = context.Load16(physAddr); break; case 2: value = context.Load (OperandType.I32, physAddr); break; case 3: value = context.Load (OperandType.I64, physAddr); break; } SetInt(context, rt, value); if (!context.Memory.Type.IsHostMapped()) { context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblSlowPath, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold); EmitReadIntFallback(context, address, rt, size); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); } } public static Operand EmitReadIntAligned(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int size) { if ((uint)size > 4) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size)); } Operand physAddr = EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, null, write: false, size); return size switch { 0 => context.Load8(physAddr), 1 => context.Load16(physAddr), 2 => context.Load(OperandType.I32, physAddr), 3 => context.Load(OperandType.I64, physAddr), _ => context.Load(OperandType.V128, physAddr) }; } private static void EmitReadVector( ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand vector, int rt, int elem, int size) { Operand lblSlowPath = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand physAddr = EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, lblSlowPath, write: false, size); Operand value = null; switch (size) { case 0: value = context.VectorInsert8 (vector, context.Load8(physAddr), elem); break; case 1: value = context.VectorInsert16(vector, context.Load16(physAddr), elem); break; case 2: value = context.VectorInsert (vector, context.Load(OperandType.I32, physAddr), elem); break; case 3: value = context.VectorInsert (vector, context.Load(OperandType.I64, physAddr), elem); break; case 4: value = context.Load (OperandType.V128, physAddr); break; } context.Copy(GetVec(rt), value); if (!context.Memory.Type.IsHostMapped()) { context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblSlowPath, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold); EmitReadVectorFallback(context, address, vector, rt, elem, size); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); } } private static Operand VectorCreate(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand value) { return context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), value, 0); } private static void EmitWriteInt(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { Operand lblSlowPath = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand physAddr = EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, lblSlowPath, write: true, size); Operand value = GetInt(context, rt); if (size < 3 && value.Type == OperandType.I64) { value = context.ConvertI64ToI32(value); } switch (size) { case 0: context.Store8 (physAddr, value); break; case 1: context.Store16(physAddr, value); break; case 2: context.Store (physAddr, value); break; case 3: context.Store (physAddr, value); break; } if (!context.Memory.Type.IsHostMapped()) { context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblSlowPath, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold); EmitWriteIntFallback(context, address, rt, size); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); } } public static void EmitWriteIntAligned(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand value, int size) { if ((uint)size > 4) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size)); } Operand physAddr = EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, null, write: true, size); if (size < 3 && value.Type == OperandType.I64) { value = context.ConvertI64ToI32(value); } if (size == 0) { context.Store8(physAddr, value); } else if (size == 1) { context.Store16(physAddr, value); } else { context.Store(physAddr, value); } } private static void EmitWriteVector( ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int elem, int size) { Operand lblSlowPath = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand physAddr = EmitPtPointerLoad(context, address, lblSlowPath, write: true, size); Operand value = GetVec(rt); switch (size) { case 0: context.Store8 (physAddr, context.VectorExtract8(value, elem)); break; case 1: context.Store16(physAddr, context.VectorExtract16(value, elem)); break; case 2: context.Store (physAddr, context.VectorExtract(OperandType.I32, value, elem)); break; case 3: context.Store (physAddr, context.VectorExtract(OperandType.I64, value, elem)); break; case 4: context.Store (physAddr, value); break; } if (!context.Memory.Type.IsHostMapped()) { context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblSlowPath, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold); EmitWriteVectorFallback(context, address, rt, elem, size); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); } } public static Operand EmitPtPointerLoad(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand lblSlowPath, bool write, int size) { if (context.Memory.Type.IsHostMapped()) { return EmitHostMappedPointer(context, address); } int ptLevelBits = context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits - PageBits; int ptLevelSize = 1 << ptLevelBits; int ptLevelMask = ptLevelSize - 1; Operand addrRotated = size != 0 ? context.RotateRight(address, Const(size)) : address; Operand addrShifted = context.ShiftRightUI(addrRotated, Const(PageBits - size)); Operand pte = Ptc.State == PtcState.Disabled ? Const(context.Memory.PageTablePointer.ToInt64()) : Const(context.Memory.PageTablePointer.ToInt64(), true, Ptc.PageTablePointerIndex); Operand pteOffset = context.BitwiseAnd(addrShifted, Const(addrShifted.Type, ptLevelMask)); if (pteOffset.Type == OperandType.I32) { pteOffset = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, pteOffset); } pte = context.Load(OperandType.I64, context.Add(pte, context.ShiftLeft(pteOffset, Const(3)))); if (addrShifted.Type == OperandType.I32) { addrShifted = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, addrShifted); } // If the VA is out of range, or not aligned to the access size, force PTE to 0 by masking it. pte = context.BitwiseAnd(pte, context.ShiftRightSI(context.Add(addrShifted, Const(-(long)ptLevelSize)), Const(63))); if (lblSlowPath != null) { if (write) { context.BranchIf(lblSlowPath, pte, Const(0L), Comparison.LessOrEqual); pte = context.BitwiseAnd(pte, Const(0xffffffffffffUL)); // Ignore any software protection bits. (they are still used by C# memory access) } else { pte = context.ShiftLeft(pte, Const(1)); context.BranchIf(lblSlowPath, pte, Const(0L), Comparison.LessOrEqual); pte = context.ShiftRightUI(pte, Const(1)); } } else { // When no label is provided to jump to a slow path if the address is invalid, // we do the validation ourselves, and throw if needed. Operand lblNotWatched = Label(); // Is the page currently being tracked for read/write? If so we need to call SignalMemoryTracking. context.BranchIf(lblNotWatched, pte, Const(0L), Comparison.GreaterOrEqual, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold); // Signal memory tracking. Size here doesn't matter as address is assumed to be size aligned here. context.Call(typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.SignalMemoryTracking)), address, Const(1UL), Const(write ? 1 : 0)); context.MarkLabel(lblNotWatched); pte = context.BitwiseAnd(pte, Const(0xffffffffffffUL)); // Ignore any software protection bits. (they are still used by C# memory access) Operand lblNonNull = Label(); // Skip exception if the PTE address is non-null (not zero). context.BranchIfTrue(lblNonNull, pte, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold); // The call is not expected to return (it should throw). context.Call(typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ThrowInvalidMemoryAccess)), address); context.MarkLabel(lblNonNull); } Operand pageOffset = context.BitwiseAnd(address, Const(address.Type, PageMask)); if (pageOffset.Type == OperandType.I32) { pageOffset = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, pageOffset); } return context.Add(pte, pageOffset); } public static Operand EmitHostMappedPointer(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address) { if (address.Type == OperandType.I32) { address = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, address); } if (context.Memory.Type == MemoryManagerType.HostMapped) { Operand mask = Const(ulong.MaxValue >> (64 - context.Memory.AddressSpaceBits)); address = context.BitwiseAnd(address, mask); } Operand baseAddr = Ptc.State == PtcState.Disabled ? Const(context.Memory.PageTablePointer.ToInt64()) : Const(context.Memory.PageTablePointer.ToInt64(), true, Ptc.PageTablePointerIndex); return context.Add(baseAddr, address); } private static void EmitReadIntFallback(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { MethodInfo info = null; switch (size) { case 0: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadByte)); break; case 1: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadUInt16)); break; case 2: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadUInt32)); break; case 3: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadUInt64)); break; } SetInt(context, rt, context.Call(info, address)); } private static void EmitReadVectorFallback( ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, Operand vector, int rt, int elem, int size) { MethodInfo info = null; switch (size) { case 0: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadByte)); break; case 1: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadUInt16)); break; case 2: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadUInt32)); break; case 3: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadUInt64)); break; case 4: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.ReadVector128)); break; } Operand value = context.Call(info, address); switch (size) { case 0: value = context.VectorInsert8 (vector, value, elem); break; case 1: value = context.VectorInsert16(vector, value, elem); break; case 2: value = context.VectorInsert (vector, value, elem); break; case 3: value = context.VectorInsert (vector, value, elem); break; } context.Copy(GetVec(rt), value); } private static void EmitWriteIntFallback(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int size) { MethodInfo info = null; switch (size) { case 0: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteByte)); break; case 1: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteUInt16)); break; case 2: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteUInt32)); break; case 3: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteUInt64)); break; } Operand value = GetInt(context, rt); if (size < 3 && value.Type == OperandType.I64) { value = context.ConvertI64ToI32(value); } context.Call(info, address, value); } private static void EmitWriteVectorFallback( ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, int rt, int elem, int size) { MethodInfo info = null; switch (size) { case 0: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteByte)); break; case 1: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteUInt16)); break; case 2: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteUInt32)); break; case 3: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteUInt64)); break; case 4: info = typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.WriteVector128)); break; } Operand value = null; if (size < 4) { switch (size) { case 0: value = context.VectorExtract8 (GetVec(rt), elem); break; case 1: value = context.VectorExtract16(GetVec(rt), elem); break; case 2: value = context.VectorExtract (OperandType.I32, GetVec(rt), elem); break; case 3: value = context.VectorExtract (OperandType.I64, GetVec(rt), elem); break; } } else { value = GetVec(rt); } context.Call(info, address, value); } private static Operand GetInt(ArmEmitterContext context, int rt) { return context.CurrOp is OpCode32 ? GetIntA32(context, rt) : GetIntOrZR(context, rt); } private static void SetInt(ArmEmitterContext context, int rt, Operand value) { if (context.CurrOp is OpCode32) { SetIntA32(context, rt, value); } else { SetIntOrZR(context, rt, value); } } // ARM32 helpers. public static Operand GetMemM(ArmEmitterContext context, bool setCarry = true) { switch (context.CurrOp) { case OpCode32MemRsImm op: return GetMShiftedByImmediate(context, op, setCarry); case OpCode32MemReg op: return GetIntA32(context, op.Rm); case OpCode32Mem op: return Const(op.Immediate); case OpCode32SimdMemImm op: return Const(op.Immediate); default: throw InvalidOpCodeType(context.CurrOp); } } private static Exception InvalidOpCodeType(OpCode opCode) { return new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid OpCode type \"{opCode?.GetType().Name ?? "null"}\"."); } public static Operand GetMShiftedByImmediate(ArmEmitterContext context, OpCode32MemRsImm op, bool setCarry) { Operand m = GetIntA32(context, op.Rm); int shift = op.Immediate; if (shift == 0) { switch (op.ShiftType) { case ShiftType.Lsr: shift = 32; break; case ShiftType.Asr: shift = 32; break; case ShiftType.Ror: shift = 1; break; } } if (shift != 0) { setCarry &= false; switch (op.ShiftType) { case ShiftType.Lsl: m = InstEmitAluHelper.GetLslC(context, m, setCarry, shift); break; case ShiftType.Lsr: m = InstEmitAluHelper.GetLsrC(context, m, setCarry, shift); break; case ShiftType.Asr: m = InstEmitAluHelper.GetAsrC(context, m, setCarry, shift); break; case ShiftType.Ror: if (op.Immediate != 0) { m = InstEmitAluHelper.GetRorC(context, m, setCarry, shift); } else { m = InstEmitAluHelper.GetRrxC(context, m, setCarry); } break; } } return m; } } }