using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader { public class GlslDecompiler { private delegate string GetInstExpr(ShaderIrOp Op); private Dictionary InstsExpr; private enum OperType { Bool, F32, I32 } private const string IdentationStr = " "; private static string[] ElemTypes = new string[] { "float", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4" }; private GlslDecl Decl; private ShaderIrBlock[] Blocks; private StringBuilder SB; public GlslDecompiler() { InstsExpr = new Dictionary() { { ShaderIrInst.Abs, GetAbsExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Add, GetAddExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.And, GetAndExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Asr, GetAsrExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Band, GetBandExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Bnot, GetBnotExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Bor, GetBorExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Bxor, GetBxorExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Ceil, GetCeilExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Ceq, GetCeqExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Cge, GetCgeExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Cgt, GetCgtExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Clamps, GetClampsExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Clampu, GetClampuExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Cle, GetCleExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Clt, GetCltExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Cne, GetCneExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Exit, GetExitExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fabs, GetAbsExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fadd, GetAddExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fceq, GetCeqExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcequ, GetCequExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcge, GetCgeExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcgeu, GetCgeuExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcgt, GetCgtExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcgtu, GetCgtuExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fclamp, GetFclampExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcle, GetCleExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcleu, GetCleuExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fclt, GetCltExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcltu, GetCltuExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcnan, GetCnanExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcne, GetCneExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcneu, GetCneuExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcnum, GetCnumExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fcos, GetFcosExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fex2, GetFex2Expr }, { ShaderIrInst.Ffma, GetFfmaExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Flg2, GetFlg2Expr }, { ShaderIrInst.Floor, GetFloorExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fmax, GetMaxExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fmin, GetMinExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fmul, GetMulExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fneg, GetNegExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Frcp, GetFrcpExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Frsq, GetFrsqExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fsin, GetFsinExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Fsqrt, GetFsqrtExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Ftos, GetFtosExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Ftou, GetFtouExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Ipa, GetIpaExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Kil, GetKilExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Lsl, GetLslExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Lsr, GetLsrExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Max, GetMaxExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Min, GetMinExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Mul, GetMulExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Neg, GetNegExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Not, GetNotExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Or, GetOrExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Stof, GetStofExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Sub, GetSubExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Texq, GetTexqExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Texs, GetTexsExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Trunc, GetTruncExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Txlf, GetTxlfExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Utof, GetUtofExpr }, { ShaderIrInst.Xor, GetXorExpr } }; } public GlslProgram Decompile(IGalMemory Memory, long Position, GalShaderType ShaderType) { Blocks = ShaderDecoder.Decode(Memory, Position); Decl = new GlslDecl(Blocks, ShaderType); SB = new StringBuilder(); SB.AppendLine("#version 410 core"); PrintDeclTextures(); PrintDeclUniforms(); PrintDeclInAttributes(); PrintDeclOutAttributes(); PrintDeclGprs(); PrintDeclPreds(); PrintBlockScope(Blocks[0], null, null, "void main()", IdentationStr); string GlslCode = SB.ToString(); return new GlslProgram( GlslCode, Decl.Textures.Values, Decl.Uniforms.Values); } private void PrintDeclTextures() { PrintDecls(Decl.Textures, "uniform sampler2D"); } private void PrintDeclUniforms() { if (Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.Vertex) { SB.AppendLine("uniform vec2 " + GlslDecl.FlipUniformName + ";"); } foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Decl.Uniforms.Values.OrderBy(DeclKeySelector)) { SB.AppendLine($"uniform {GetDecl(DeclInfo)}[{DeclInfo.Index + 1}];"); } if (Decl.Uniforms.Count > 0) { SB.AppendLine(); } } private void PrintDeclInAttributes() { if (Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.Fragment) { SB.AppendLine("in vec4 " + GlslDecl.PositionOutAttrName + ";"); } PrintDeclAttributes(Decl.InAttributes.Values, "in"); } private void PrintDeclOutAttributes() { if (Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.Vertex) { SB.AppendLine("out vec4 " + GlslDecl.PositionOutAttrName + ";"); } PrintDeclAttributes(Decl.OutAttributes.Values, "out"); } private void PrintDeclAttributes(IEnumerable Decls, string InOut) { int Count = 0; foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Decls.OrderBy(DeclKeySelector)) { if (DeclInfo.Index >= 0) { SB.AppendLine("layout (location = " + DeclInfo.Index + ") " + InOut + " " + GetDecl(DeclInfo) + ";"); Count++; } } if (Count > 0) { SB.AppendLine(); } } private void PrintDeclGprs() { PrintDecls(Decl.Gprs); } private void PrintDeclPreds() { PrintDecls(Decl.Preds, "bool"); } private void PrintDecls(IReadOnlyDictionary Dict, string CustomType = null) { foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Dict.Values.OrderBy(DeclKeySelector)) { string Name; if (CustomType != null) { Name = CustomType + " " + DeclInfo.Name + ";"; } else if (DeclInfo.Name == GlslDecl.FragmentOutputName) { Name = "layout (location = 0) out " + GetDecl(DeclInfo) + ";" + Environment.NewLine; } else { Name = GetDecl(DeclInfo) + ";"; } SB.AppendLine(Name); } if (Dict.Count > 0) { SB.AppendLine(); } } private int DeclKeySelector(ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo) { return DeclInfo.Cbuf << 24 | DeclInfo.Index; } private string GetDecl(ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo) { return ElemTypes[DeclInfo.Size - 1] + " " + DeclInfo.Name; } private void PrintBlockScope( ShaderIrBlock Block, ShaderIrBlock EndBlock, ShaderIrBlock LoopBlock, string ScopeName, string Identation, bool IsDoWhile = false) { string UpIdent = Identation.Substring(0, Identation.Length - IdentationStr.Length); if (IsDoWhile) { SB.AppendLine(UpIdent + "do {"); } else { SB.AppendLine(UpIdent + ScopeName + " {"); } while (Block != null && Block != EndBlock) { ShaderIrNode[] Nodes = Block.GetNodes(); Block = PrintNodes(Block, EndBlock, LoopBlock, Identation, Nodes); } if (IsDoWhile) { SB.AppendLine(UpIdent + "} " + ScopeName + ";"); } else { SB.AppendLine(UpIdent + "}"); } } private ShaderIrBlock PrintNodes( ShaderIrBlock Block, ShaderIrBlock EndBlock, ShaderIrBlock LoopBlock, string Identation, params ShaderIrNode[] Nodes) { /* * Notes about control flow and if-else/loop generation: * The code assumes that the program has sane control flow, * that is, there's no jumps to a location after another jump or * jump target (except for the end of an if-else block), and backwards * jumps to a location before the last loop dominator. * Such cases needs to be transformed on a step before the GLSL code * generation to ensure that we have sane graphs to work with. * TODO: Such transformation is not yet implemented. */ string NewIdent = Identation + IdentationStr; ShaderIrBlock LoopTail = GetLoopTailBlock(Block); if (LoopTail != null && LoopBlock != Block) { //Shoock! kuma shock! We have a loop here! //The entire sequence needs to be inside a do-while block. ShaderIrBlock LoopEnd = GetDownBlock(LoopTail); PrintBlockScope(Block, LoopEnd, Block, "while (false)", NewIdent, IsDoWhile: true); return LoopEnd; } foreach (ShaderIrNode Node in Nodes) { if (Node is ShaderIrCond Cond) { string IfExpr = GetSrcExpr(Cond.Pred, true); if (Cond.Not) { IfExpr = "!(" + IfExpr + ")"; } if (Cond.Child is ShaderIrOp Op && Op.Inst == ShaderIrInst.Bra) { //Branch is a loop branch and would result in infinite recursion. if (Block.Branch.Position <= Block.Position) { SB.AppendLine(Identation + "if (" + IfExpr + ") {"); SB.AppendLine(Identation + IdentationStr + "continue;"); SB.AppendLine(Identation + "}"); continue; } string SubScopeName = "if (!" + IfExpr + ")"; PrintBlockScope(Block.Next, Block.Branch, LoopBlock, SubScopeName, NewIdent); ShaderIrBlock IfElseEnd = GetUpBlock(Block.Branch).Branch; if (IfElseEnd?.Position > Block.Branch.Position) { PrintBlockScope(Block.Branch, IfElseEnd, LoopBlock, "else", NewIdent); return IfElseEnd; } return Block.Branch; } else { SB.AppendLine(Identation + "if (" + IfExpr + ") {"); PrintNodes(Block, EndBlock, LoopBlock, NewIdent, Cond.Child); SB.AppendLine(Identation + "}"); } } else if (Node is ShaderIrAsg Asg) { if (IsValidOutOper(Asg.Dst)) { string Expr = GetSrcExpr(Asg.Src, true); Expr = GetExprWithCast(Asg.Dst, Asg.Src, Expr); SB.AppendLine(Identation + GetDstOperName(Asg.Dst) + " = " + Expr + ";"); } } else if (Node is ShaderIrOp Op) { if (Op.Inst == ShaderIrInst.Bra) { if (Block.Branch.Position <= Block.Position) { SB.AppendLine(Identation + "continue;"); } continue; } else if (Op.Inst == ShaderIrInst.Exit) { //Do everything that needs to be done before //the shader ends here. if (Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.Vertex) { SB.AppendLine(Identation + "gl_Position.xy *= flip;"); SB.AppendLine(Identation + GlslDecl.PositionOutAttrName + " = gl_Position;"); SB.AppendLine(Identation + GlslDecl.PositionOutAttrName + ".w = 1;"); } } SB.AppendLine(Identation + GetSrcExpr(Op, true) + ";"); } else if (Node is ShaderIrCmnt Cmnt) { SB.AppendLine(Identation + "// " + Cmnt.Comment); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } return Block.Next; } private ShaderIrBlock GetUpBlock(ShaderIrBlock Block) { return Blocks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EndPosition == Block.Position); } private ShaderIrBlock GetDownBlock(ShaderIrBlock Block) { return Blocks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position == Block.EndPosition); } private ShaderIrBlock GetLoopTailBlock(ShaderIrBlock LoopHead) { ShaderIrBlock Tail = null; foreach (ShaderIrBlock Block in LoopHead.Sources) { if (Block.Position >= LoopHead.Position) { if (Tail == null || Tail.Position < Block.Position) { Tail = Block; } } } return Tail; } private bool IsValidOutOper(ShaderIrNode Node) { if (Node is ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr && Gpr.IsConst) { return false; } else if (Node is ShaderIrOperPred Pred && Pred.IsConst) { return false; } return true; } private string GetDstOperName(ShaderIrNode Node) { if (Node is ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf) { return GetOutAbufName(Abuf); } else if (Node is ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr) { return GetName(Gpr); } else if (Node is ShaderIrOperPred Pred) { return GetName(Pred); } throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Node)); } private string GetSrcExpr(ShaderIrNode Node, bool Entry = false) { switch (Node) { case ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf: return GetName (Abuf); case ShaderIrOperCbuf Cbuf: return GetName (Cbuf); case ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr: return GetName (Gpr); case ShaderIrOperImm Imm: return GetValue(Imm); case ShaderIrOperImmf Immf: return GetValue(Immf); case ShaderIrOperPred Pred: return GetName (Pred); case ShaderIrOp Op: string Expr; if (InstsExpr.TryGetValue(Op.Inst, out GetInstExpr GetExpr)) { Expr = GetExpr(Op); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(Op.Inst.ToString()); } if (!Entry && NeedsParentheses(Op)) { Expr = "(" + Expr + ")"; } return Expr; default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Node)); } } private static bool NeedsParentheses(ShaderIrOp Op) { switch (Op.Inst) { case ShaderIrInst.Frcp: return true; case ShaderIrInst.Ipa: case ShaderIrInst.Texq: case ShaderIrInst.Texs: case ShaderIrInst.Txlf: return false; } return Op.OperandB != null || Op.OperandC != null; } private string GetName(ShaderIrOperCbuf Cbuf) { if (!Decl.Uniforms.TryGetValue(Cbuf.Index, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (Cbuf.Offs != null) { //Note: We assume that the register value is always a multiple of 4. //This may not be aways the case. string Offset = "(floatBitsToInt(" + GetSrcExpr(Cbuf.Offs) + ") >> 2)"; return DeclInfo.Name + "[" + Cbuf.Pos + " + " + Offset + "]"; } else { return DeclInfo.Name + "[" + Cbuf.Pos + "]"; } } private string GetOutAbufName(ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf) { return GetName(Decl.OutAttributes, Abuf); } private string GetName(ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf) { if (Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.Vertex) { switch (Abuf.Offs) { case GlslDecl.VertexIdAttr: return "gl_VertexID"; case GlslDecl.InstanceIdAttr: return "gl_InstanceID"; } } else if (Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.TessEvaluation) { switch (Abuf.Offs) { case GlslDecl.TessCoordAttrX: return "gl_TessCoord.x"; case GlslDecl.TessCoordAttrY: return "gl_TessCoord.y"; case GlslDecl.TessCoordAttrZ: return "gl_TessCoord.z"; } } return GetName(Decl.InAttributes, Abuf); } private string GetName(IReadOnlyDictionary Dict, ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf) { int Index = Abuf.Offs >> 4; int Elem = (Abuf.Offs >> 2) & 3; if (!Dict.TryGetValue(Index, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return DeclInfo.Size > 1 ? DeclInfo.Name + "." + GetAttrSwizzle(Elem) : DeclInfo.Name; } private string GetName(ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr) { return Gpr.IsConst ? "0" : GetNameWithSwizzle(Decl.Gprs, Gpr.Index); } private string GetValue(ShaderIrOperImm Imm) { //Only use hex is the value is too big and would likely be hard to read as int. if (Imm.Value > 0xfff || Imm.Value < -0xfff) { return "0x" + Imm.Value.ToString("x8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { return Imm.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } private string GetValue(ShaderIrOperImmf Immf) { return Immf.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } private string GetName(ShaderIrOperPred Pred) { return Pred.IsConst ? "true" : GetNameWithSwizzle(Decl.Preds, Pred.Index); } private string GetNameWithSwizzle(IReadOnlyDictionary Dict, int Index) { int VecIndex = Index >> 2; if (Dict.TryGetValue(VecIndex, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo)) { if (DeclInfo.Size > 1 && Index < VecIndex + DeclInfo.Size) { return DeclInfo.Name + "." + GetAttrSwizzle(Index & 3); } } if (!Dict.TryGetValue(Index, out DeclInfo)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return DeclInfo.Name; } private string GetAttrSwizzle(int Elem) { return "xyzw".Substring(Elem, 1); } private string GetAbsExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "abs"); private string GetAddExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "+"); private string GetAndExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "&"); private string GetAsrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, ">>"); private string GetBandExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "&&"); private string GetBnotExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "!"); private string GetBorExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "||"); private string GetBxorExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "^^"); private string GetCeilExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "ceil"); private string GetClampsExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "clamp(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandC) + ")"; } private string GetClampuExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "int(clamp(uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + "), " + "uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + "), " + "uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandC) + ")))"; } private string GetCeqExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "=="); private string GetCequExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExprWithNaN(Op, "=="); private string GetCgeExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, ">="); private string GetCgeuExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExprWithNaN(Op, ">="); private string GetCgtExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, ">"); private string GetCgtuExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExprWithNaN(Op, ">"); private string GetCleExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "<="); private string GetCleuExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExprWithNaN(Op, "<="); private string GetCltExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "<"); private string GetCltuExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExprWithNaN(Op, "<"); private string GetCnanExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "isnan"); private string GetCneExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "!="); private string GetCneuExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExprWithNaN(Op, "!="); private string GetCnumExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "!isnan"); private string GetExitExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => "return"; private string GetFcosExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "cos"); private string GetFex2Expr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "exp2"); private string GetFfmaExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTernaryExpr(Op, "*", "+"); private string GetFclampExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTernaryCall(Op, "clamp"); private string GetFlg2Expr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "log2"); private string GetFloorExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "floor"); private string GetFrcpExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "1 / "); private string GetFrsqExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "inversesqrt"); private string GetFsinExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "sin"); private string GetFsqrtExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "sqrt"); private string GetFtosExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "int(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ")"; } private string GetFtouExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "int(uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + "))"; } private string GetIpaExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetSrcExpr(Op.OperandA); private string GetKilExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => "discard"; private string GetLslExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "<<"); private string GetLsrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "int(uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ") >> " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ")"; } private string GetMaxExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryCall(Op, "max"); private string GetMinExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryCall(Op, "min"); private string GetMulExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "*"); private string GetNegExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "-"); private string GetNotExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "~"); private string GetOrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "|"); private string GetStofExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "float(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ")"; } private string GetSubExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "-"); private string GetTexqExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { ShaderIrMetaTexq Meta = (ShaderIrMetaTexq)Op.MetaData; string Ch = "xyzw".Substring(Meta.Elem, 1); if (Meta.Info == ShaderTexqInfo.Dimension) { string Sampler = GetTexSamplerName(Op); string Lod = GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA); //??? return "textureSize(" + Sampler + ", " + Lod + ")." + Ch; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(Meta.Info.ToString()); } } private string GetTexsExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { ShaderIrMetaTex Meta = (ShaderIrMetaTex)Op.MetaData; string Sampler = GetTexSamplerName(Op); string Coords = GetTexSamplerCoords(Op); string Ch = "rgba".Substring(Meta.Elem, 1); return "texture(" + Sampler + ", " + Coords + ")." + Ch; } private string GetTxlfExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { ShaderIrMetaTex Meta = (ShaderIrMetaTex)Op.MetaData; string Sampler = GetTexSamplerName(Op); string Coords = GetITexSamplerCoords(Op); string Ch = "rgba".Substring(Meta.Elem, 1); return "texelFetch(" + Sampler + ", " + Coords + ", 0)." + Ch; } private string GetTruncExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "trunc"); private string GetUtofExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "float(uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + "))"; } private string GetXorExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "^"); private string GetUnaryCall(ShaderIrOp Op, string FuncName) { return FuncName + "(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ")"; } private string GetBinaryCall(ShaderIrOp Op, string FuncName) { return FuncName + "(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ")"; } private string GetTernaryCall(ShaderIrOp Op, string FuncName) { return FuncName + "(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandC) + ")"; } private string GetUnaryExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr) { return Opr + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA); } private string GetBinaryExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr) { return GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + " " + Opr + " " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB); } private string GetBinaryExprWithNaN(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr) { string A = GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA); string B = GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB); string NaNCheck = " || isnan(" + A + ")" + " || isnan(" + B + ")"; return A + " " + Opr + " " + B + NaNCheck; } private string GetTernaryExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr1, string Opr2) { return GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + " " + Opr1 + " " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + " " + Opr2 + " " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandC); } private string GetTexSamplerName(ShaderIrOp Op) { ShaderIrOperImm Node = (ShaderIrOperImm)Op.OperandC; int Handle = ((ShaderIrOperImm)Op.OperandC).Value; if (!Decl.Textures.TryGetValue(Handle, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return DeclInfo.Name; } private string GetTexSamplerCoords(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "vec2(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ")"; } private string GetITexSamplerCoords(ShaderIrOp Op) { return "ivec2(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ", " + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ")"; } private string GetOperExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, ShaderIrNode Oper) { return GetExprWithCast(Op, Oper, GetSrcExpr(Oper)); } private static string GetExprWithCast(ShaderIrNode Dst, ShaderIrNode Src, string Expr) { //Note: The "DstType" (of the cast) is the type that the operation //uses on the source operands, while the "SrcType" is the destination //type of the operand result (if it is a operation) or just the type //of the variable for registers/uniforms/attributes. OperType DstType = GetSrcNodeType(Dst); OperType SrcType = GetDstNodeType(Src); if (DstType != SrcType) { //Check for invalid casts //(like bool to int/float and others). if (SrcType != OperType.F32 && SrcType != OperType.I32) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } switch (Src) { case ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr: { //When the Gpr is ZR, just return the 0 value directly, //since the float encoding for 0 is 0. if (Gpr.IsConst) { return "0"; } break; } case ShaderIrOperImm Imm: { //For integer immediates being used as float, //it's better (for readability) to just return the float value. if (DstType == OperType.F32) { float Value = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(Imm.Value); if (!float.IsNaN(Value) && !float.IsInfinity(Value)) { return Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } break; } } switch (DstType) { case OperType.F32: Expr = "intBitsToFloat(" + Expr + ")"; break; case OperType.I32: Expr = "floatBitsToInt(" + Expr + ")"; break; } } return Expr; } private static OperType GetDstNodeType(ShaderIrNode Node) { //Special case instructions with the result type different //from the input types (like integer <-> float conversion) here. if (Node is ShaderIrOp Op) { switch (Op.Inst) { case ShaderIrInst.Stof: case ShaderIrInst.Txlf: case ShaderIrInst.Utof: return OperType.F32; case ShaderIrInst.Ftos: case ShaderIrInst.Ftou: return OperType.I32; } } return GetSrcNodeType(Node); } private static OperType GetSrcNodeType(ShaderIrNode Node) { switch (Node) { case ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf: return Abuf.Offs == GlslDecl.VertexIdAttr || Abuf.Offs == GlslDecl.InstanceIdAttr ? OperType.I32 : OperType.F32; case ShaderIrOperCbuf Cbuf: return OperType.F32; case ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr: return OperType.F32; case ShaderIrOperImm Imm: return OperType.I32; case ShaderIrOperImmf Immf: return OperType.F32; case ShaderIrOperPred Pred: return OperType.Bool; case ShaderIrOp Op: if (Op.Inst > ShaderIrInst.B_Start && Op.Inst < ShaderIrInst.B_End) { return OperType.Bool; } else if (Op.Inst > ShaderIrInst.F_Start && Op.Inst < ShaderIrInst.F_End) { return OperType.F32; } else if (Op.Inst > ShaderIrInst.I_Start && Op.Inst < ShaderIrInst.I_End) { return OperType.I32; } break; } throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Node)); } } }