Emmanuel Hansen 6e02cac952
Avalonia - Use content dialog for user profile manager (#3455)
* remove content dialog placeholder from all windows

* remove redundant window argument

* redesign user profile window

* wip

* use avalonia auto name generator

* add edit and new user options

* move profile image selection to content dialog

* remove usings

* fix updater

* address review

* adjust avatar dialog size

* add validation for user editor

* fix typo

* Shorten some labels
2022-07-24 14:38:38 -03:00

421 lines
18 KiB

using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Threading;
using LibHac;
using LibHac.Account;
using LibHac.Common;
using LibHac.Fs;
using LibHac.Fs.Fsa;
using LibHac.Fs.Shim;
using LibHac.FsSystem;
using LibHac.Ns;
using LibHac.Tools.Fs;
using LibHac.Tools.FsSystem;
using LibHac.Tools.FsSystem.NcaUtils;
using Ryujinx.Ava.Common.Locale;
using Ryujinx.Ava.Ui.Controls;
using Ryujinx.Ava.Ui.Windows;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.HLE.FileSystem;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Account.Acc;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Helper;
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static LibHac.Fs.ApplicationSaveDataManagement;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common
internal static class ApplicationHelper
private static HorizonClient _horizonClient;
private static AccountManager _accountManager;
private static VirtualFileSystem _virtualFileSystem;
private static StyleableWindow _owner;
public static void Initialize(VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem, AccountManager accountManager, HorizonClient horizonClient, StyleableWindow owner)
_owner = owner;
_virtualFileSystem = virtualFileSystem;
_horizonClient = horizonClient;
_accountManager = accountManager;
private static bool TryFindSaveData(string titleName, ulong titleId,
BlitStruct<ApplicationControlProperty> controlHolder, in SaveDataFilter filter, out ulong saveDataId)
saveDataId = default;
Result result = _horizonClient.Fs.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out SaveDataInfo saveDataInfo,
SaveDataSpaceId.User, in filter);
if (ResultFs.TargetNotFound.Includes(result))
ref ApplicationControlProperty control = ref controlHolder.Value;
Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Creating save directory for Title: {titleName} [{titleId:x16}]");
if (Utilities.IsZeros(controlHolder.ByteSpan))
// If the current application doesn't have a loaded control property, create a dummy one
// and set the savedata sizes so a user savedata will be created.
control = ref new BlitStruct<ApplicationControlProperty>(1).Value;
// The set sizes don't actually matter as long as they're non-zero because we use directory savedata.
control.UserAccountSaveDataSize = 0x4000;
control.UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize = 0x4000;
"No control file was found for this game. Using a dummy one instead. This may cause inaccuracies in some games.");
Uid user = new Uid((ulong)_accountManager.LastOpenedUser.UserId.High, (ulong)_accountManager.LastOpenedUser.UserId.Low);
result = _horizonClient.Fs.EnsureApplicationSaveData(out _, new LibHac.Ncm.ApplicationId(titleId), in control, in user);
if (result.IsFailure())
Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(async () =>
await ContentDialogHelper.CreateErrorDialog(
string.Format(LocaleManager.Instance["DialogMessageCreateSaveErrorMessage"], result.ToStringWithName()));
return false;
// Try to find the savedata again after creating it
result = _horizonClient.Fs.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, in filter);
if (result.IsSuccess())
saveDataId = saveDataInfo.SaveDataId;
return true;
Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(async () =>
await ContentDialogHelper.CreateErrorDialog(string.Format(LocaleManager.Instance["DialogMessageFindSaveErrorMessage"], result.ToStringWithName()));
return false;
public static void OpenSaveDir(in SaveDataFilter saveDataFilter, ulong titleId,
BlitStruct<ApplicationControlProperty> controlData, string titleName)
if (!TryFindSaveData(titleName, titleId, controlData, in saveDataFilter, out ulong saveDataId))
string saveRootPath = Path.Combine(_virtualFileSystem.GetNandPath(), $"user/save/{saveDataId:x16}");
if (!Directory.Exists(saveRootPath))
// Inconsistent state. Create the directory
string committedPath = Path.Combine(saveRootPath, "0");
string workingPath = Path.Combine(saveRootPath, "1");
// If the committed directory exists, that path will be loaded the next time the savedata is mounted
if (Directory.Exists(committedPath))
// If the working directory exists and the committed directory doesn't,
// the working directory will be loaded the next time the savedata is mounted
if (!Directory.Exists(workingPath))
public static async Task ExtractSection(NcaSectionType ncaSectionType, string titleFilePath,
int programIndex = 0)
OpenFolderDialog folderDialog = new() { Title = LocaleManager.Instance["FolderDialogExtractTitle"] };
string destination = await folderDialog.ShowAsync(_owner);
var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(destination))
Thread extractorThread = new(() =>
Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(async () =>
UserResult result = await ContentDialogHelper.CreateConfirmationDialog(
string.Format(LocaleManager.Instance["DialogNcaExtractionMessage"], ncaSectionType, Path.GetFileName(titleFilePath)),
if (result == UserResult.Cancel)
using (FileStream file = new(titleFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
Nca mainNca = null;
Nca patchNca = null;
string extension = Path.GetExtension(titleFilePath).ToLower();
if (extension == ".nsp" || extension == ".pfs0" || extension == ".xci")
PartitionFileSystem pfs;
if (extension == ".xci")
Xci xci = new(_virtualFileSystem.KeySet, file.AsStorage());
pfs = xci.OpenPartition(XciPartitionType.Secure);
pfs = new PartitionFileSystem(file.AsStorage());
foreach (DirectoryEntryEx fileEntry in pfs.EnumerateEntries("/", "*.nca"))
using var ncaFile = new UniqueRef<IFile>();
pfs.OpenFile(ref ncaFile.Ref(), fileEntry.FullPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();
Nca nca = new(_virtualFileSystem.KeySet, ncaFile.Get.AsStorage());
if (nca.Header.ContentType == NcaContentType.Program)
int dataIndex =
Nca.GetSectionIndexFromType(NcaSectionType.Data, NcaContentType.Program);
if (nca.Header.GetFsHeader(dataIndex).IsPatchSection())
patchNca = nca;
mainNca = nca;
else if (extension == ".nca")
mainNca = new Nca(_virtualFileSystem.KeySet, file.AsStorage());
if (mainNca == null)
"Extraction failure. The main NCA was not present in the selected file");
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () =>
await ContentDialogHelper.CreateErrorDialog(LocaleManager.Instance["DialogNcaExtractionMainNcaNotFoundErrorMessage"]);
(Nca updatePatchNca, _) = ApplicationLoader.GetGameUpdateData(_virtualFileSystem,
mainNca.Header.TitleId.ToString("x16"), programIndex, out _);
if (updatePatchNca != null)
patchNca = updatePatchNca;
int index = Nca.GetSectionIndexFromType(ncaSectionType, mainNca.Header.ContentType);
IFileSystem ncaFileSystem = patchNca != null
? mainNca.OpenFileSystemWithPatch(patchNca, index, IntegrityCheckLevel.ErrorOnInvalid)
: mainNca.OpenFileSystem(index, IntegrityCheckLevel.ErrorOnInvalid);
FileSystemClient fsClient = _horizonClient.Fs;
string source = DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString()[10..];
string output = DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString()[10..];
using var uniqueSourceFs = new UniqueRef<IFileSystem>(ncaFileSystem);
using var uniqueOutputFs = new UniqueRef<IFileSystem>(new LocalFileSystem(destination));
fsClient.Register(source.ToU8Span(), ref uniqueSourceFs.Ref());
fsClient.Register(output.ToU8Span(), ref uniqueOutputFs.Ref());
(Result? resultCode, bool canceled) = CopyDirectory(fsClient, $"{source}:/", $"{output}:/", cancellationToken.Token);
if (!canceled)
if (resultCode.Value.IsFailure())
$"LibHac returned error code: {resultCode.Value.ErrorCode}");
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () =>
await ContentDialogHelper.CreateErrorDialog(LocaleManager.Instance["DialogNcaExtractionCheckLogErrorMessage"]);
else if (resultCode.Value.IsSuccess())
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () =>
await ContentDialogHelper.CreateInfoDialog(
catch (ArgumentException ex)
Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () =>
await ContentDialogHelper.CreateErrorDialog(ex.Message);
extractorThread.Name = "GUI.NcaSectionExtractorThread";
extractorThread.IsBackground = true;
public static (Result? result, bool canceled) CopyDirectory(FileSystemClient fs, string sourcePath, string destPath, CancellationToken token)
Result rc = fs.OpenDirectory(out DirectoryHandle sourceHandle, sourcePath.ToU8Span(), OpenDirectoryMode.All);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return (rc, false);
using (sourceHandle)
foreach (DirectoryEntryEx entry in fs.EnumerateEntries(sourcePath, "*", SearchOptions.Default))
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
return (null, true);
string subSrcPath = PathTools.Normalize(PathTools.Combine(sourcePath, entry.Name));
string subDstPath = PathTools.Normalize(PathTools.Combine(destPath, entry.Name));
if (entry.Type == DirectoryEntryType.Directory)
(Result? result, bool canceled) = CopyDirectory(fs, subSrcPath, subDstPath, token);
if (canceled || result.Value.IsFailure())
return (result, canceled);
if (entry.Type == DirectoryEntryType.File)
fs.CreateOrOverwriteFile(subDstPath, entry.Size);
rc = CopyFile(fs, subSrcPath, subDstPath);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return (rc, false);
return (Result.Success, false);
public static Result CopyFile(FileSystemClient fs, string sourcePath, string destPath)
Result rc = fs.OpenFile(out FileHandle sourceHandle, sourcePath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return rc;
using (sourceHandle)
rc = fs.OpenFile(out FileHandle destHandle, destPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Write | OpenMode.AllowAppend);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return rc;
using (destHandle)
const int MaxBufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
rc = fs.GetFileSize(out long fileSize, sourceHandle);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return rc;
int bufferSize = (int)Math.Min(MaxBufferSize, fileSize);
byte[] buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(bufferSize);
for (long offset = 0; offset < fileSize; offset += bufferSize)
int toRead = (int)Math.Min(fileSize - offset, bufferSize);
Span<byte> buf = buffer.AsSpan(0, toRead);
rc = fs.ReadFile(out long _, sourceHandle, offset, buf);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return rc;
rc = fs.WriteFile(destHandle, offset, buf, WriteOption.None);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return rc;
rc = fs.FlushFile(destHandle);
if (rc.IsFailure())
return rc;
return Result.Success;