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jugeeya 2020-05-14 14:20:42 -07:00
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# skyline-rs-template
# Ultimate Training Modpack Plugin
A template for writing skyline plugins for modding switch games using Rust and skyline-rs.
[![Github all releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/total.svg)](https://GitHub.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/releases/)
[Documentation for skyline-rs](https://ultimate-research.github.io/skyline-rs-template/doc/skyline/index.html)
A [Skyline](https://github.com/shadowninja108/Skyline) plugin for adding features to the training mode. It interfaces with a [Tesla](https://github.com/WerWolv/libtesla), a Switch custom overlay, for use as a menu to the features offered in training mode.
## Prerequisites
Built releases can be found [here](https://github.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/releases/).
* [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/install.html) - make sure rustup, cargo, and rustc (preferrably nightly) are installed.
* [git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)
- [Features](#features)
- [Build](#build)
## Setup
<a name="features"/>
1. Install linkle and my fork of Xargo:
# Install linkle
cargo install --features=binaries --git https://github.com/MegatonHammer/linkle
# Features
The features in this modpack are configured through the Tesla menu, which can be accessed at any time with by pressing `L+X+DPad Left`. This button configuration is fully configurable in the file `/config/tesla/config.ini`.
# Install Xargo
cargo install --force --git https://github.com/jam1garner/xargo.git
2. Make a folder for you to store all of your plugins
mkdir plugins
cd plugins
3. Within your plugins folder, clone [rust-std-skyline-squashed](https://github.com/jam1garner/rust-std-skyline-squashed)
# Make sure you are inside of your plugins folder
git clone https://github.com/jam1garner/rust-std-skyline-squashed
Note: you only have to clone the `std` once to be shared between every plugin in the folder.
#### Save States
At any time in Training Mode, you can press `Grab + DPad Down` to save the state of training mode. This will save the position, state, and damage of each fighter, which can then be reverted to at any time with `Grab + DPad Up`. Use this instead of the built-in training mode reset!
## Creating and building a plugin
#### Hitbox Visualization
Currently, hitboxes and grabboxes are supported. When visualization is active, other move effects are temporarily turned off for easier visualization.
1. From within the same folder as where you cloned `rust-std-skyline-squashed` clone this repo and rename it to match the
name of your plugin. To clone and rename all at once, use:
git clone https://github.com/jam1garner/skyline-rs-template [name of plugin]
2. Make sure you're inside the folder for your plugin:
cd [name of plugin]
3. There's a few places you'll need to rename your plugin. First in `Cargo.toml` near the top, change
name = "skyline-rs-template"
To a name suitable for your plugin. Next, go into `src/lib.rs` and edit the following line:
#[skyline::main(name = "module_name_test")]
to reflect what you want your module to be named on your console.
4. Lastly, to compile your plugin use the following command in the root of the project (beside the `Cargo.toml` file):
cargo nro
Your resulting plugin will be the `.nro` found in the folder ```
[plugin name]/target/aarch64-skyline-switch
To install (you must already have skyline installed on your switch), put the plugin on your SD at:
sd:/atmosphere/contents/[title id]/romfs/skyline/plugins
So, for example, smash plugins go in the following folder: ```
##### Mash Toggles
*Note:* Combine this with the shield toggles to force the CPU to perform options OoS when their shield is damaged!
## Troubleshooting
###### Airdodge
CPUs will mash airdodge on the first frame out of hitstun.
**"Cannot be used on stable"**
CPUs will also shield quickly if they are hit and remain grounded.
First, make sure you have a nightly installed: ```
rustup install nightly
Second, make sure it is your default channel: ```
rustup default nightly
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/bin/cargo-nro.rs:280:13
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
###### Jump
CPUs will mash jump on the first frame out of hitstun.
Make sure you are *inside* the root of the plugin you created before running `cargo nro`
###### Attack
CPUs will mash an attack on the first frame out of hitstun and when landing.
Attacks that can be chosen include:
- All aerials, followed by all specials
Have a problem/solution that is missing here? Create an issue or a PR!
###### Random
CPUs will mash an aerial or grounded option on the first frame out of hitstun and when landing.
The aerial options include:
- Airdodge, jump, all aerials, all specials
## Updating
The grounded options include:
- Jump, jab, all tilts, all smashes, all specials, grab, spotdodge, and rolls
For updating your dependencies such as skyline-rs:
##### Ledge Option
CPUs will perform a random ledge option.
Specific ledge options that can be chosen include:
- Normal, roll, jump, and attack
cargo update
CPUs will also perform a defensive option after getting up.
For updating your version of `rust-std-skyline-squashed`:
##### Tech Option
CPUs will perform a random tech option.
Specific tech options that can be chosen include:
- In place, roll, and miss tech
# From inside your plugins folder
CPUs will also perform a defensive option after getting up.
rm -rf && git clone https://github.com/jam1garner/rust-std-skyline-squashed
##### Defensive Option
Choose the defensive option a CPU will perform after teching or getting up from the ledge.
Specific options include:
Flash shield, spotdodge, and jab
##### Shield
###### Infinite
CPUs will hold a shield that does not deteriorate over time or by damage.
###### Hold
CPUs will hold a normal shield.
#### Force CPU DI
##### All DI Toggles
##### Specified Direction
CPUs DI in the direction specified, relative to the player's facing position.
##### Random Direction
CPUs DI randomly in or away.
<a name="build"/>
# Build from Source