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-- $Id: testes/code.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
if T==nil then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping opcode tests <<<\n')
print "testing code generation and optimizations"
-- this code gave an error for the code checker
local function f (a)
for k,v,w in a do end
-- testing reuse in constant table
local function checkKlist (func, list)
local k = T.listk(func)
assert(#k == #list)
for i = 1, #k do
assert(k[i] == list[i] and math.type(k[i]) == math.type(list[i]))
local function foo ()
local a
a = 3;
a = 0; a = 0.0; a = -7 + 7
a = 3.78/4; a = 3.78/4
a = -3.78/4; a = 3.78/4; a = -3.78/4
a = -3.79/4; a = 0.0; a = -0;
a = 3; a = 3.0; a = 3; a = 3.0
checkKlist(foo, {3.78/4, -3.78/4, -3.79/4})
-- testing opcodes
-- check that 'f' opcodes match '...'
function check (f, ...)
local arg = {...}
local c = T.listcode(f)
for i=1, #arg do
local opcode = string.match(c[i], "%u%w+")
-- print(arg[i], opcode)
assert(arg[i] == opcode)
assert(c[#arg+2] == undef)
-- check that 'f' opcodes match '...' and that 'f(p) == r'.
function checkR (f, p, r, ...)
local r1 = f(p)
assert(r == r1 and math.type(r) == math.type(r1))
check(f, ...)
-- check that 'a' and 'b' has the same opcodes
function checkequal (a, b)
a = T.listcode(a)
b = T.listcode(b)
assert(#a == #b)
for i = 1, #a do
a[i] = string.gsub(a[i], '%b()', '') -- remove line number
b[i] = string.gsub(b[i], '%b()', '') -- remove line number
assert(a[i] == b[i])
-- some basic instructions
check(function () -- function does not create upvalues
(function () end){f()}
check(function (x) -- function creates upvalues
(function () return x end){f()}
-- sequence of LOADNILs
check(function ()
local a,b,c
local d; local e;
local f,g,h;
d = nil; d=nil; b=nil; a=nil; c=nil;
end, 'LOADNIL', 'RETURN0')
check(function ()
local a,b,c,d = 1,1,1,1
local a,b,c,d = 1,1,1,1
assert(a == nil and b == nil and c == nil and d == nil)
-- single return
check (function (a,b,c) return a end, 'RETURN1')
-- infinite loops
check(function () while true do local a = -1 end end,
check(function () while 1 do local a = -1 end end,
check(function () repeat local x = 1 until true end,
-- concat optimization
check(function (a,b,c,d) return a..b..c..d end,
-- not
check(function () return not not nil end, 'LOADBOOL', 'RETURN1')
check(function () return not not false end, 'LOADBOOL', 'RETURN1')
check(function () return not not true end, 'LOADBOOL', 'RETURN1')
check(function () return not not 1 end, 'LOADBOOL', 'RETURN1')
-- direct access to locals
check(function ()
local a,b,c,d
a = b*a
c.x, a[b] = -((a + d/b - a[b]) ^ a.x), b
-- direct access to constants
check(function ()
local a,b
a.x = 3.2
a.x = b
a[b] = 'x'
-- "get/set table" with numeric indices
check(function (a)
a[1] = a[100]
a[255] = a[256]
a[256] = 5
check(function ()
local a,b
a = a - a
b = a/a
b = 5-4
check(function ()
local a,b
a[true] = false
-- equalities
checkR(function (a) if a == 1 then return 2 end end, 1, 2,
checkR(function (a) if -4.0 == a then return 2 end end, -4, 2,
checkR(function (a) if a == "hi" then return 2 end end, 10, nil,
checkR(function (a) if a == 10000 then return 2 end end, 1, nil,
'EQK', 'JMP', 'LOADI', 'RETURN1') -- number too large
checkR(function (a) if -10000 == a then return 2 end end, -10000, 2,
'EQK', 'JMP', 'LOADI', 'RETURN1') -- number too large
-- comparisons
checkR(function (a) if -10 <= a then return 2 end end, -10, 2,
checkR(function (a) if 128.0 > a then return 2 end end, 129, nil,
checkR(function (a) if -127.0 < a then return 2 end end, -127, nil,
checkR(function (a) if 10 < a then return 2 end end, 11, 2,
checkR(function (a) if 129 < a then return 2 end end, 130, 2,
checkR(function (a) if a >= 23.0 then return 2 end end, 25, 2,
checkR(function (a) if a >= 23.1 then return 2 end end, 0, nil,
checkR(function (a) if a > 2300.0 then return 2 end end, 0, nil,
-- constant folding
local function checkK (func, val)
check(func, 'LOADK', 'RETURN1')
checkKlist(func, {val})
assert(func() == val)
local function checkI (func, val)
check(func, 'LOADI', 'RETURN1')
checkKlist(func, {})
assert(func() == val)
local function checkF (func, val)
check(func, 'LOADF', 'RETURN1')
checkKlist(func, {})
assert(func() == val)
checkF(function () return 0.0 end, 0.0)
checkI(function () return 0 end, 0)
checkI(function () return -0//1 end, 0)
checkK(function () return 3^-1 end, 1/3)
checkK(function () return (1 + 1)^(50 + 50) end, 2^100)
checkK(function () return (-2)^(31 - 2) end, -0x20000000 + 0.0)
checkF(function () return (-3^0 + 5) // 3.0 end, 1.0)
checkI(function () return -3 % 5 end, 2)
checkF(function () return -((2.0^8 + -(-1)) % 8)/2 * 4 - 3 end, -5.0)
checkF(function () return -((2^8 + -(-1)) % 8)//2 * 4 - 3 end, -7.0)
checkI(function () return 0xF0.0 | 0xCC.0 ~ 0xAA & 0xFD end, 0xF4)
checkI(function () return ~(~0xFF0 | 0xFF0) end, 0)
checkI(function () return ~~-1024.0 end, -1024)
checkI(function () return ((100 << 6) << -4) >> 2 end, 100)
-- borders around MAXARG_sBx ((((1 << 17) - 1) >> 1) == 65535)
local a = 17; local sbx = ((1 << a) - 1) >> 1 -- avoid folding
checkI(function () return 65535 end, sbx)
checkI(function () return -65535 end, -sbx)
checkI(function () return 65536 end, sbx + 1)
checkK(function () return 65537 end, sbx + 2)
checkK(function () return -65536 end, -(sbx + 1))
checkF(function () return 65535.0 end, sbx + 0.0)
checkF(function () return -65535.0 end, -sbx + 0.0)
checkF(function () return 65536.0 end, (sbx + 1.0))
checkK(function () return 65537.0 end, (sbx + 2.0))
checkK(function () return -65536.0 end, -(sbx + 1.0))
-- immediate operands
checkR(function (x) return x + 1 end, 10, 11, 'ADDI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return 128 + x end, 0.0, 128.0, 'ADDI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x * -127 end, -1.0, 127.0, 'MULI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return 20 * x end, 2, 40, 'MULI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x ^ -2 end, 2, 0.25, 'POWI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x / 40 end, 40, 1.0, 'DIVI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x // 1 end, 10.0, 10.0, 'IDIVI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x % (100 - 10) end, 91, 1, 'MODI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return 1 << x end, 3, 8, 'SHLI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x << 2 end, 10, 40, 'SHRI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x >> 2 end, 8, 2, 'SHRI', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x & 1 end, 9, 1, 'BANDK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return 10 | x end, 1, 11, 'BORK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return -10 ~ x end, -1, 9, 'BXORK', 'RETURN1')
-- K operands in arithmetic operations
checkR(function (x) return x + 0.0 end, 1, 1.0, 'ADDK', 'RETURN1')
-- check(function (x) return 128 + x end, 'ADDK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x * -10000 end, 2, -20000, 'MULK', 'RETURN1')
-- check(function (x) return 20 * x end, 'MULK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x ^ 0.5 end, 4, 2.0, 'POWK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x / 2.0 end, 4, 2.0, 'DIVK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x // 10000 end, 10000, 1, 'IDIVK', 'RETURN1')
checkR(function (x) return x % (100.0 - 10) end, 91, 1.0, 'MODK', 'RETURN1')
-- no foldings (and immediate operands)
check(function () return -0.0 end, 'LOADF', 'UNM', 'RETURN1')
check(function () return 3/0 end, 'LOADI', 'DIVI', 'RETURN1')
check(function () return 0%0 end, 'LOADI', 'MODI', 'RETURN1')
check(function () return -4//0 end, 'LOADI', 'IDIVI', 'RETURN1')
check(function (x) return x >> 2.0 end, 'LOADF', 'SHR', 'RETURN1')
check(function (x) return x & 2.0 end, 'LOADF', 'BAND', 'RETURN1')
-- basic 'for' loops
check(function () for i = -10, 10.5 do end end,
check(function () for i = 0xfffffff, 10.0, 1 do end end,
-- bug in constant folding for 5.1
check(function () return -nil end, 'LOADNIL', 'UNM', 'RETURN1')
check(function ()
local a,b,c
b[c], a = c, b
b[a], a = c, b
a, b = c, a
a = a
-- no code for a = a
-- x == nil , x ~= nil
-- checkequal(function (b) if (a==nil) then a=1 end; if a~=nil then a=1 end end,
-- function () if (a==9) then a=1 end; if a~=9 then a=1 end end)
-- check(function () if a==nil then a='a' end end,
do -- tests for table access in upvalues
local t
check(function () t.x = t.y end, 'GETTABUP', 'SETTABUP')
check(function (a) t[a()] = t[a()] end,
-- de morgan
checkequal(function () local a; if not (a or b) then b=a end end,
function () local a; if (not a and not b) then b=a end end)
checkequal(function (l) local a; return 0 <= a and a <= l end,
function (l) local a; return not (not(a >= 0) or not(a <= l)) end)
-- if-break optimizations
check(function (a, b)
while a do
if b then break else a = a + 1 end
'TEST', 'JMP', 'TEST', 'JMP', 'ADDI', 'JMP', 'RETURN0')
function (a) while a < 10 do a = a + 1 end end,
function (a)
if not (a < 10) then goto exit end
a = a + 1
goto loop
function (a) repeat local x = a + 1; a = x until a > 0 end,
function (a)
::loop:: do
local x = a + 1
a = x
if not (a > 0) then goto loop end
print 'OK'