revert pads to 2.0.2, rev to 2.0.5
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 223 additions and 251 deletions
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 6e2661b1-3e7d-40e6-9ec2-caae744d8465) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp a9527cba-366f-4b93-826e-4375bdccec3b) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -535,401 +535,373 @@
(pad "MP" thru_hole circle (at -3.5 2.5 330) (size 2.5 2.5) (drill 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (tstamp eed81766-93c9-4f80-a999-e79589d455b9))
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2_ZigZag" (layer "F.Cu")
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 624D0678) (tstamp 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006158f16b)
(at 80.74 81.13 180)
(property "Sheetfile" "PhobGCC_2_0_0_proto_1.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006157aadd")
(attr through_hole exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom)
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "SW9" (at -0.750779 2.442285 180) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp a2b47d70-db2c-4241-883e-1f655c446a82)
(tstamp ca75c077-f24e-4105-bb17-e07a86a020b8)
(fp_text value "Dleft" (at -0.750779 2.442285 180) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 8cfce5d7-bae2-486f-8fbd-86494f11bffa)
(tstamp 2902cb0a-8f42-4c95-9ea3-5e179bfad9e8)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 04f7542c-a368-454c-952f-780eff45389c))
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 1ee13c93-be90-443e-872f-c5b6e8a21902))
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp e45b8ec7-d294-4982-9f84-ea22c44fca3a))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 638e8e08-783a-4a52-b0f2-efa3d26b20e9))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 29da739d-c2ca-49f2-9ee2-ee6636ae1dea))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 471eb4c1-1fb6-4731-b769-cc81195874cc))
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp a8caaf32-6833-4065-a1df-1481de0313ff))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 6a625978-850a-45fd-8737-a5233c233ebd))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 10 "/Dleft") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3125 1.857945) (mid -0.013607 0.625035) (end 2.297223 1.835424) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 -1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0.9 2) (end -1.6 2) (width 0.2))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start 1.4 2.8) (end -1.918204 2.8) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.6) (end -1.8 3.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.9 4.4) (end -1.45 4.4) (width 0.2))
(arc (start 2.4 -2.8) (mid 0.000001 -0.753827) (end -2.4 -2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
(xy 4.2 -0.9)
(xy 2.5 -0.9)
(xy 1.99 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.81)
(xy 1.99 -1.81)
(xy 2.5 -2)
(xy 4.2 -2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
) (tstamp ca9b0406-e98b-4c03-a45d-b83e9191d24d))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 -2)
(xy -2.5 -2)
(xy -1.99 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.09)
(xy -1.99 -1.09)
(xy -2.5 -0.9)
(xy -4.2 -0.9)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
) (tstamp f09b019e-77fc-4bdf-929e-199e22d4cb41))
(pad "2" smd custom (at 0 -3.2 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 1 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3 1.85) (mid -0.001107 0.61709) (end 2.309723 1.827479) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
(arc (start 2.4 2.8) (mid -0.000001 0.753827) (end -2.4 2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.2 2.001)
(xy 2.499 2.001)
(xy 1.989 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.091)
(xy 1.989 1.091)
(xy 2.499 0.901)
(xy 4.2 0.901)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -1.99 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.81)
(xy -1.99 1.81)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start -1.05 1.6) (end 0.1 1.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.2) (end -1.9 3.2) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 4) (end -1.8 4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 2.4) (end -1.65 2.4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.1 4.8) (end -1.1 4.8) (width 0.2))
) (tstamp fa69b467-0b34-40f7-b9bf-71b5c948fcb8))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layers "F.Cu" "F.SilkS") (tstamp 8123c297-1ea0-46e9-8bb8-7e77e5a9d90e) (hatch edge 0.508)
) (tstamp e2b3c15f-d02f-4b2f-9280-cfb1bf389e80))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp e956ff4d-e455-4edd-96aa-f86004139587) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
(xy 77.74 79.93)
(xy 83.74 79.93)
(xy 83.74 82.33)
(xy 77.74 82.33)
(xy 77.74 79.83)
(xy 83.74 79.83)
(xy 83.74 82.43)
(xy 77.74 82.43)
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2_ZigZag" (layer "F.Cu")
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 624D0678) (tstamp 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006158f174)
(at 88.69 73.18 -90)
(property "Sheetfile" "PhobGCC_2_0_0_proto_1.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006157b24d")
(attr through_hole exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom)
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "SW10" (at -0.750779 2.442285 -90) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 9cc84175-c55e-4a7b-8c12-87b2301a5dc5)
(tstamp 27792339-96aa-456f-97bd-92f46f99c363)
(fp_text value "Dup" (at -0.750779 2.442285 -90) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp ce7959a0-e590-4461-90c8-10582e33de29)
(tstamp f1edfb03-e4be-48d6-8c11-f9cfbb2135de)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 4147fc2f-14ee-4480-86b3-d1163b2b7bb4))
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 7737b8ff-d8ee-444e-9f31-fa4d06be95a5))
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp fb42d9ca-61d9-4a86-ab7a-e340a9bd4d8c))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 9fdd9a7f-78bf-4d14-958c-5083f9126ede))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 1649514f-be2c-4397-84a3-b203c4176700))
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 87af81b5-cad9-406d-8283-65af2b602860))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp b28ef261-063d-448f-8ef0-25d86b62b1da))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp f6f1d552-75bb-4b55-b8a4-e2bf105fbebb))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2 270) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 11 "/Dup") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3125 1.857945) (mid -0.013607 0.625035) (end 2.297223 1.835424) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 -1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0.9 2) (end -1.6 2) (width 0.2))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start 1.4 2.8) (end -1.918204 2.8) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.6) (end -1.8 3.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.9 4.4) (end -1.45 4.4) (width 0.2))
(arc (start 2.4 -2.8) (mid 0.000001 -0.753827) (end -2.4 -2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
(xy 4.2 -0.9)
(xy 2.5 -0.9)
(xy 1.99 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.81)
(xy 1.99 -1.81)
(xy 2.5 -2)
(xy 4.2 -2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
) (tstamp a36fff7f-51c3-496d-90c7-3fbd1ab36f5d))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 -2)
(xy -2.5 -2)
(xy -1.99 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.09)
(xy -1.99 -1.09)
(xy -2.5 -0.9)
(xy -4.2 -0.9)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
) (tstamp 5d0d7524-b89d-4f6c-9d44-8457b02a6678))
(pad "2" smd custom (at 0 -3.2 270) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 1 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3 1.85) (mid -0.013261 0.617175) (end 2.295891 1.807488) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
(arc (start 2.4 2.8) (mid -0.000001 0.753827) (end -2.4 2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.2 2.001)
(xy 2.499 2.001)
(xy 1.989 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.091)
(xy 1.989 1.091)
(xy 2.499 0.901)
(xy 4.2 0.901)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -1.99 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.81)
(xy -1.99 1.81)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start -1.05 1.6) (end 0.1 1.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.2) (end -1.9 3.2) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 4) (end -1.8 4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 2.4) (end -1.65 2.4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.1 4.8) (end -1.1 4.8) (width 0.2))
) (tstamp b3f9a8c4-da0e-4b6b-9418-b8b1ae9a69ed))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layers "F.Cu" "F.SilkS") (tstamp 04fbe4c7-d2f8-40a6-8a6c-0c081cf9c22d) (hatch edge 0.508)
) (tstamp 35af6bdd-53ff-42e4-b72a-2b3ff4a35922))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 73c3bc2f-5c04-45ab-a74e-bb865b4065e4) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
(xy 87.49 76.18)
(xy 87.49 70.18)
(xy 89.89 70.18)
(xy 89.89 76.18)
(xy 87.39 76.18)
(xy 87.39 70.18)
(xy 89.99 70.18)
(xy 89.99 76.18)
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2_ZigZag" (layer "F.Cu")
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 624D0678) (tstamp 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006158f17d)
(at 96.64 81.13 180)
(property "Sheetfile" "PhobGCC_2_0_0_proto_1.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006157b84b")
(attr through_hole exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom)
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "SW11" (at -0.750779 2.442285 180) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp d1fda242-40cb-4dbc-8a1e-3b10e70b6b71)
(tstamp ce5a0737-4574-43c4-8820-2d26c3912c9e)
(fp_text value "Dright" (at -0.750779 2.442285 180) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp cb7e3fd6-3656-4dd5-bda9-6fce40ac61f9)
(tstamp 231c7a8f-bda3-47fb-aab7-21543e5f3c6a)
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 07feb8e4-d2d2-46dd-9913-283bf9db9cde))
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 83d54c3b-ecaa-4132-95e5-14e741587922))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp b871029f-c752-44d9-a416-440f68895a7a))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp d1bfad69-c408-4b3b-a3f6-dc150b533f5d))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 0c100e24-d6e9-4165-9e6a-35608d735eda))
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 4dadde73-8e76-4cfe-b75e-df86e70b9bf2))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 71f8263d-ecbe-4680-9fab-3e7606b7c02c))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 3088288d-3cfa-4c14-8168-16550ce6caa8))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 12 "/Dright") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3125 1.857945) (mid -0.013607 0.625035) (end 2.297223 1.835424) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 -1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0.9 2) (end -1.6 2) (width 0.2))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start 1.4 2.8) (end -1.918204 2.8) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.6) (end -1.8 3.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.9 4.4) (end -1.45 4.4) (width 0.2))
(arc (start 2.4 -2.8) (mid 0.000001 -0.753827) (end -2.4 -2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
(xy 4.2 -0.9)
(xy 2.5 -0.9)
(xy 1.99 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.81)
(xy 1.99 -1.81)
(xy 2.5 -2)
(xy 4.2 -2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
) (tstamp 97cd87b7-6249-4621-8741-ba4965b5c7c0))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 -2)
(xy -2.5 -2)
(xy -1.99 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.09)
(xy -1.99 -1.09)
(xy -2.5 -0.9)
(xy -4.2 -0.9)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
) (tstamp 6ebe6d63-4056-48e8-9eff-d825f638146f))
(pad "2" smd custom (at 0 -3.2 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 1 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3 1.85) (mid -0.001107 0.61709) (end 2.309723 1.827479) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
(arc (start 2.4 2.8) (mid -0.000001 0.753827) (end -2.4 2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.2 2.001)
(xy 2.499 2.001)
(xy 1.989 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.091)
(xy 1.989 1.091)
(xy 2.499 0.901)
(xy 4.2 0.901)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -1.99 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.81)
(xy -1.99 1.81)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start -1.05 1.6) (end 0.1 1.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.2) (end -1.9 3.2) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 4) (end -1.8 4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 2.4) (end -1.65 2.4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.1 4.8) (end -1.1 4.8) (width 0.2))
) (tstamp 983588ea-d427-4fc5-beaf-a1955398b5ae))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layers "F.Cu" "F.SilkS") (tstamp 5c69c92f-8577-4762-94d2-038bdb51da9e) (hatch edge 0.508)
) (tstamp 4fc19362-ead1-43c9-864e-c345502a3d15))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp c9789b4c-cc81-459b-b9d0-f302a21ecbc2) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
(xy 93.64 79.93)
(xy 99.64 79.93)
(xy 99.64 82.33)
(xy 93.64 82.33)
(xy 93.64 79.83)
(xy 99.64 79.83)
(xy 99.64 82.43)
(xy 93.64 82.43)
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2_ZigZag" (layer "F.Cu")
(footprint "PhobGCC_2_0_0_footprints:Dpad_Contact_TL3315NF_2" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 624D0678) (tstamp 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006158f186)
(at 88.69 89.08 90)
(property "Sheetfile" "PhobGCC_2_0_0_proto_1.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00006157bdeb")
(attr through_hole exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom)
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "SW12" (at -0.750779 2.442285 90) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 94bb2f7b-5983-43de-8861-af44fbacda04)
(tstamp f6ed04a0-ba11-4b67-938a-2ac59d652fb6)
(fp_text value "Ddown" (at -0.750779 2.442285 90) (layer "F.SilkS") hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 3f882143-69f6-4780-9523-1cd7c786db0f)
(tstamp 86283825-26b2-484d-a379-58509c7afb04)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 71c1f8d6-11b9-4ca6-8ec7-861b23e7fcf2))
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp d11b3d18-878f-4056-a7fd-a44cbc5acc24))
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp decc9afa-d6b9-4d61-8500-62bee78418f2))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp dd4890e1-2d6d-45fc-b459-daed19394f8c))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2 270) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(fp_circle (center 0 -3.2) (end 0.75 -3.18) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 5776c7b2-505a-4422-8b44-5d47c379972c))
(fp_circle (center 0 3.2) (end 0.75 3.12) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 77dbfddd-e2d7-43c4-9e2f-d61569f3a788))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.53 -0.05) (layer "F.Mask") (width 0.12) (fill solid) (tstamp 7b4f6d54-7ed6-4901-bb69-20ba0e1e7347))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 -2.5) (layer "Dwgs.User") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp f20e7d11-a476-4b8a-926b-dff7faa8a7ed))
(pad "1" smd custom (at 0 3.2 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 13 "/Ddown") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3125 1.857945) (mid -0.013607 0.625035) (end 2.297223 1.835424) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 -1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0.9 2) (end -1.6 2) (width 0.2))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start 1.4 2.8) (end -1.918204 2.8) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.6) (end -1.8 3.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.9 4.4) (end -1.45 4.4) (width 0.2))
(arc (start 2.4 -2.8) (mid 0.000001 -0.753827) (end -2.4 -2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
(xy 4.2 -0.9)
(xy 2.5 -0.9)
(xy 1.99 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.1)
(xy 1.24 -1.81)
(xy 1.99 -1.81)
(xy 2.5 -2)
(xy 4.2 -2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
) (tstamp 319b678f-1c19-4b84-aa6d-7a12d8dde798))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 -2)
(xy -2.5 -2)
(xy -1.99 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.8)
(xy -1.24 -1.09)
(xy -1.99 -1.09)
(xy -2.5 -0.9)
(xy -4.2 -0.9)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
) (tstamp 2d804580-45d8-4d5b-af99-e9291a298cf1))
(pad "2" smd custom (at 0 -3.2 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 1 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive")
(options (clearance outline) (anchor circle))
(gr_arc (start -2.3 1.85) (mid -0.001107 0.61709) (end 2.309723 1.827479) (width 0.4))
(gr_line (start 2.00718 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_line (start 0 0) (end 0 1.5) (width 1))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.21718 0.9)
(xy 2.51718 0.9)
(xy 2.00718 0.9)
(xy 1.373203 0.998715)
(xy 2.264353 2)
(xy 2.51718 2)
(xy 4.21718 2)
(arc (start 2.4 2.8) (mid -0.000001 0.753827) (end -2.4 2.8))
) (width 0.2) (fill yes))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 4.2 2.001)
(xy 2.499 2.001)
(xy 1.989 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.801)
(xy 1.239 1.091)
(xy 1.989 1.091)
(xy 2.499 0.901)
(xy 4.2 0.901)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -1.99 1.1) (end 0 0) (width 0.5))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -4.2 0.9)
(xy -2.5 0.9)
(xy -2.05 0.9)
(xy -1.356023 0.998715)
(xy -2.247173 2)
(xy -1.99 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.1)
(xy -1.24 1.81)
(xy -1.99 1.81)
(xy -2.5 2)
(xy -4.2 2)
) (width 0.1) (fill yes))
(gr_line (start -2 1.6) (end -1.6 1.9) (width 0.5))
(gr_arc (start -0.5 5.1) (mid -1.957922 3.201718) (end -0.503318 1.300892) (width 0.35))
(gr_line (start -1.05 1.6) (end 0.1 1.6) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.4 3.2) (end -1.9 3.2) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 4) (end -1.8 4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 1.2 2.4) (end -1.65 2.4) (width 0.2))
(gr_line (start 0.1 4.8) (end -1.1 4.8) (width 0.2))
) (tstamp bc5ec1ad-bf29-4370-b8e3-18f5e1a204d7))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layers "F.Cu" "F.SilkS") (tstamp 8863ba37-2864-4fe6-9ca4-edf77f7a325e) (hatch edge 0.508)
) (tstamp cb848295-591b-4fc5-a51a-bce8a59b5c70))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 9036254a-4409-4c3b-aa32-ac5ac201e1cc) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
(xy 89.89 86.08)
(xy 89.89 92.08)
(xy 87.49 92.08)
(xy 87.49 86.08)
(xy 89.99 86.08)
(xy 89.99 92.08)
(xy 87.39 92.08)
(xy 87.39 86.08)
@ -1329,7 +1301,7 @@
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 90c36bba-1a29-45e8-b811-da09a5fff9bd) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -1630,7 +1602,7 @@
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 60e15300-8155-46eb-97c5-3a21c97347cd) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -8449,7 +8421,7 @@
(gr_text "CLK" (at 165.354 77.5716 -270) (layer "F.SilkS") (tstamp 570435d7-3c2b-4e0e-ae2c-b2335da8cc7a)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify left))
(gr_text "PhobGCC 2.0.4" (at 63.4 33.782 30) (layer "F.SilkS") (tstamp 5f31b97b-d794-46d6-bbd9-7a5638bcf704)
(gr_text "PhobGCC 2.0.5" (at 63.4 33.782 30) (layer "F.SilkS") (tstamp 5f31b97b-d794-46d6-bbd9-7a5638bcf704)
(effects (font (size 3 1.5) (thickness 0.3)))
(gr_text "aR" (at 133.604 34.2392) (layer "F.SilkS") (tstamp 5fe2f3e2-2910-4b5d-a8b2-c685379b0295)
@ -32332,7 +32304,7 @@
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 2f5467a7-bd49-433c-92f2-60a842e66f7b) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.3) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -36625,7 +36597,7 @@
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layers F&B.Cu) (tstamp a2e91511-31c0-434a-9810-cdbc8cc8a456) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(keepout (tracks allowed) (vias allowed) (pads allowed ) (copperpour not_allowed) (footprints allowed))
(fill (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
Add table
Reference in a new issue