// As we pass a slice to the function whose contents will not ever change,
// the compiler writes it into the flash and thus the pointer to it will
// reference static memory. Since EasyDMA requires slices to reside in RAM,
// this function call will fail.
let result = spim.write_from_ram(&[1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(result, Err(Error::BufferNotInRAM));
// The data is still static and located in flash. However, since we are assigning
// it to a variable, the compiler will load it into memory. Passing a reference to the
// variable will yield a pointer that references dynamic memory, thus making EasyDMA happy.
// This function call succeeds.
let data = [1, 2, 3];
let result = spim.write_from_ram(&data);
Each peripheral struct which uses EasyDMA ([`Spim`](spim::Spim), [`Uarte`](uarte::Uarte), [`Twim`](twim::Twim)) has two variants of their mutating functions:
- Functions with the suffix (e.g. [`write_from_ram`](spim::Spim::write_from_ram), [`transfer_from_ram`](spim::Spim::transfer_from_ram)) will return an error if the passed slice does not reside in RAM.
- Functions without the suffix (e.g. [`write`](spim::Spim::write), [`transfer`](spim::Spim::transfer)) will check whether the data is in RAM and copy it into memory prior to transmission.
Since copying incurs a overhead, you are given the option to choose from `_from_ram` variants which will
fail and notify you, or the more convenient versions without the suffix which are potentially a little bit
more inefficient. Be aware that this overhead is not only in terms of instruction count but also in terms of memory usage
as the methods without the suffix will be allocating a statically sized buffer (up to 512 bytes for the nRF52840).
Note that the methods that read data like [`read`](spim::Spim::read) and [`transfer_in_place`](spim::Spim::transfer_in_place) do not have the corresponding `_from_ram` variants as