wpan/mac: use lifetimes to control events
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 243 additions and 608 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
use core::mem;
use super::indications::{
use super::indications::{
AssociateIndication, BeaconNotifyIndication, CommStatusIndication, DataIndication, DisassociateIndication,
AssociateIndication, BeaconNotifyIndication, CommStatusIndication, DataIndication, DisassociateIndication,
DpsIndication, GtsIndication, OrphanIndication, PollIndication, SyncLossIndication,
DpsIndication, GtsIndication, OrphanIndication, PollIndication, SyncLossIndication,
@ -6,89 +8,110 @@ use super::responses::{
AssociateConfirm, CalibrateConfirm, DataConfirm, DisassociateConfirm, DpsConfirm, GetConfirm, GtsConfirm,
AssociateConfirm, CalibrateConfirm, DataConfirm, DisassociateConfirm, DpsConfirm, GetConfirm, GtsConfirm,
PollConfirm, PurgeConfirm, ResetConfirm, RxEnableConfirm, ScanConfirm, SetConfirm, SoundingConfirm, StartConfirm,
PollConfirm, PurgeConfirm, ResetConfirm, RxEnableConfirm, ScanConfirm, SetConfirm, SoundingConfirm, StartConfirm,
use crate::evt::EvtBox;
use crate::mac::opcodes::OpcodeM0ToM4;
use crate::mac::opcodes::OpcodeM0ToM4;
use crate::sub::mac::Mac;
pub trait ParseableMacEvent {
pub(crate) trait ParseableMacEvent: Sized {
const SIZE: usize;
fn from_buffer<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> Result<&'a Self, ()> {
if buf.len() < mem::size_of::<Self>() {
fn validate(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> {
if buf.len() < Self::SIZE {
} else {
return Err(());
Ok(unsafe { &*(buf as *const _ as *const Self) })
pub struct Event {
event_box: EvtBox<Mac>,
impl Event {
pub(crate) fn new(event_box: EvtBox<Mac>) -> Self {
Self { event_box }
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()>
pub fn mac_event<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<MacEvent<'a>, ()> {
let payload = self.event_box.payload();
Self: Sized;
let opcode = u16::from_le_bytes(payload[0..2].try_into().unwrap());
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum MacEvent {
impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for MacEvent {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let opcode = u16::from_le_bytes(value[0..2].try_into().unwrap());
let opcode = OpcodeM0ToM4::try_from(opcode)?;
let opcode = OpcodeM0ToM4::try_from(opcode)?;
let buf = &value[2..];
match opcode {
match opcode {
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeAssociateCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeAssociateCnf(AssociateConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeAssociateCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeAssociateCnf(AssociateConfirm::from_buffer(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDisassociateCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeDisassociateCnf(DisassociateConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeGetCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeGetCnf(GetConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeGtsCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeGtsCnf(GtsConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDisassociateCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeDisassociateCnf(DisassociateConfirm::from_buffer(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeResetCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeResetCnf(ResetConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeRxEnableCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeRxEnableCnf(RxEnableConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeScanCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeScanCnf(ScanConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeGetCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGetCnf(GetConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeSetCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeSetCnf(SetConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeGtsCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGtsCnf(GtsConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeStartCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeStartCnf(StartConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeResetCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeResetCnf(ResetConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmePollCnf => Ok(Self::MlmePollCnf(PollConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeRxEnableCnf => {
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDpsCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeDpsCnf(DpsConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeSoundingCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeSoundingCnf(SoundingConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeCalibrateCnf => Ok(Self::MlmeCalibrateCnf(CalibrateConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeScanCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeScanCnf(ScanConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::McpsDataCnf => Ok(Self::McpsDataCnf(DataConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeSetCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeSetCnf(SetConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::McpsPurgeCnf => Ok(Self::McpsPurgeCnf(PurgeConfirm::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeStartCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeStartCnf(StartConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeAssociateInd => Ok(Self::MlmeAssociateInd(AssociateIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmePollCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmePollCnf(PollConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDisassociateInd => Ok(Self::MlmeDisassociateInd(DisassociateIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDpsCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeDpsCnf(DpsConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeBeaconNotifyInd => Ok(Self::MlmeBeaconNotifyInd(BeaconNotifyIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeSoundingCnf => {
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeCommStatusInd => Ok(Self::MlmeCommStatusInd(CommStatusIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeGtsInd => Ok(Self::MlmeGtsInd(GtsIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeOrphanInd => Ok(Self::MlmeOrphanInd(OrphanIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeCalibrateCnf => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeCalibrateCnf(CalibrateConfirm::from_buffer(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeSyncLossInd => Ok(Self::MlmeSyncLossInd(SyncLossIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDpsInd => Ok(Self::MlmeDpsInd(DpsIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::McpsDataInd => Ok(Self::McpsDataInd(DataIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::McpsDataCnf => Ok(MacEvent::McpsDataCnf(DataConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmePollInd => Ok(Self::MlmePollInd(PollIndication::try_parse(buf)?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::McpsPurgeCnf => Ok(MacEvent::McpsPurgeCnf(PurgeConfirm::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeAssociateInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeAssociateInd(AssociateIndication::from_buffer(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDisassociateInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeDisassociateInd(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeBeaconNotifyInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeBeaconNotifyInd(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeCommStatusInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeCommStatusInd(CommStatusIndication::from_buffer(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeGtsInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGtsInd(GtsIndication::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeOrphanInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeOrphanInd(OrphanIndication::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeSyncLossInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeSyncLossInd(SyncLossIndication::from_buffer(
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmeDpsInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmeDpsInd(DpsIndication::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::McpsDataInd => Ok(MacEvent::McpsDataInd(DataIndication::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
OpcodeM0ToM4::MlmePollInd => Ok(MacEvent::MlmePollInd(PollIndication::from_buffer(&payload[2..])?)),
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum MacEvent<'a> {
MlmeAssociateCnf(&'a AssociateConfirm),
MlmeDisassociateCnf(&'a DisassociateConfirm),
MlmeGetCnf(&'a GetConfirm),
MlmeGtsCnf(&'a GtsConfirm),
MlmeResetCnf(&'a ResetConfirm),
MlmeRxEnableCnf(&'a RxEnableConfirm),
MlmeScanCnf(&'a ScanConfirm),
MlmeSetCnf(&'a SetConfirm),
MlmeStartCnf(&'a StartConfirm),
MlmePollCnf(&'a PollConfirm),
MlmeDpsCnf(&'a DpsConfirm),
MlmeSoundingCnf(&'a SoundingConfirm),
MlmeCalibrateCnf(&'a CalibrateConfirm),
McpsDataCnf(&'a DataConfirm),
McpsPurgeCnf(&'a PurgeConfirm),
MlmeAssociateInd(&'a AssociateIndication),
MlmeDisassociateInd(&'a DisassociateIndication),
MlmeBeaconNotifyInd(&'a BeaconNotifyIndication),
MlmeCommStatusInd(&'a CommStatusIndication),
MlmeGtsInd(&'a GtsIndication),
MlmeOrphanInd(&'a OrphanIndication),
MlmeSyncLossInd(&'a SyncLossIndication),
MlmeDpsInd(&'a DpsIndication),
McpsDataInd(&'a DataIndication),
MlmePollInd(&'a PollIndication),
@ -23,22 +23,7 @@ pub struct AssociateIndication {
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl ParseableMacEvent for AssociateIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for AssociateIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 20;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
device_address: [buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7]],
capability_information: Capabilities::from_bits(buf[8]).ok_or(())?,
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[9])?,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[10])?,
key_index: buf[11],
key_source: [buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15], buf[16], buf[17], buf[18], buf[19]],
/// MLME DISASSOCIATE indication which will be used to send
/// MLME DISASSOCIATE indication which will be used to send
/// disassociation indication to the application.
/// disassociation indication to the application.
@ -58,22 +43,7 @@ pub struct DisassociateIndication {
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl ParseableMacEvent for DisassociateIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for DisassociateIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 20;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
device_address: [buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7]],
disassociation_reason: DisassociationReason::try_from(buf[8])?,
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[9])?,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[10])?,
key_index: buf[11],
key_source: [buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15], buf[16], buf[17], buf[18], buf[19]],
/// MLME BEACON NOTIIFY Indication which is used to send parameters contained
/// MLME BEACON NOTIIFY Indication which is used to send parameters contained
/// within a beacon frame received by the MAC to the application
/// within a beacon frame received by the MAC to the application
@ -94,34 +64,7 @@ pub struct BeaconNotifyIndication {
pub sdu_length: u8,
pub sdu_length: u8,
impl ParseableMacEvent for BeaconNotifyIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for BeaconNotifyIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 88;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
// TODO: this is unchecked
let addr_list = [
Ok(Self {
sdu_ptr: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[0..4].try_into().unwrap()) as *const u8,
pan_descriptor: PanDescriptor::try_from(&buf[4..26])?,
bsn: buf[82],
pend_addr_spec: buf[83],
sdu_length: buf[83],
/// MLME COMM STATUS Indication which is used by the MAC to indicate a communications status
/// MLME COMM STATUS Indication which is used by the MAC to indicate a communications status
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
@ -149,51 +92,7 @@ pub struct CommStatusIndication {
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl ParseableMacEvent for CommStatusIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for CommStatusIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 32;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let src_addr_mode = AddressMode::try_from(buf[2])?;
let dst_addr_mode = AddressMode::try_from(buf[3])?;
let src_address = match src_addr_mode {
AddressMode::NoAddress => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Reserved => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Short => MacAddress {
short: [buf[4], buf[5]],
AddressMode::Extended => MacAddress {
extended: [buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7], buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11]],
let dst_address = match dst_addr_mode {
AddressMode::NoAddress => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Reserved => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Short => MacAddress {
short: [buf[12], buf[13]],
AddressMode::Extended => MacAddress {
extended: [buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15], buf[16], buf[17], buf[18], buf[19]],
Ok(Self {
pan_id: PanId([buf[0], buf[1]]),
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[20])?,
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[21])?,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[22])?,
key_index: buf[23],
key_source: [buf[24], buf[25], buf[26], buf[27], buf[28], buf[29], buf[30], buf[31]],
/// MLME GTS Indication indicates that a GTS has been allocated or that a
/// MLME GTS Indication indicates that a GTS has been allocated or that a
/// previously allocated GTS has been deallocated
/// previously allocated GTS has been deallocated
@ -209,27 +108,13 @@ pub struct GtsIndication {
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// Index of the key to be used
/// Index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
pub key_index: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
/// Originator of the key to be used
/// Originator of the key to be used
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl ParseableMacEvent for GtsIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for GtsIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 16;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
device_address: [buf[0], buf[1]],
gts_characteristics: buf[2],
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[3])?,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[4])?,
key_index: buf[5],
// 2 byte stuffing
key_source: [buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11], buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15]],
/// MLME ORPHAN Indication which is used by the coordinator to notify the
/// MLME ORPHAN Indication which is used by the coordinator to notify the
/// application of the presence of an orphaned device
/// application of the presence of an orphaned device
@ -245,24 +130,11 @@ pub struct OrphanIndication {
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// Index of the key used by the originator of the received frame
/// Index of the key used by the originator of the received frame
pub key_index: u8,
pub key_index: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 1],
impl ParseableMacEvent for OrphanIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for OrphanIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 20;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
orphan_address: [buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7]],
key_source: [buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11], buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15]],
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[16])?,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[17])?,
key_index: buf[18],
// 1 byte stuffing
/// MLME SYNC LOSS Indication which is used by the MAC to indicate the loss
/// MLME SYNC LOSS Indication which is used by the MAC to indicate the loss
/// of synchronization with the coordinator
/// of synchronization with the coordinator
@ -286,42 +158,20 @@ pub struct SyncLossIndication {
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
pub key_source: [u8; 8],
impl ParseableMacEvent for SyncLossIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for SyncLossIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 16;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
pan_id: PanId([buf[0], buf[1]]),
loss_reason: buf[2],
channel_number: MacChannel::try_from(buf[3])?,
channel_page: buf[4],
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[5])?,
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[6])?,
key_index: buf[7],
key_source: [buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11], buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15]],
/// MLME DPS Indication which indicates the expiration of the DPSIndexDuration
/// MLME DPS Indication which indicates the expiration of the DPSIndexDuration
/// and the resetting of the DPS values in the PHY
/// and the resetting of the DPS values in the PHY
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct DpsIndication;
pub struct DpsIndication {
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
impl ParseableMacEvent for DpsIndication {
a_stuffing: [u8; 4],
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
impl ParseableMacEvent for DpsIndication {}
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[repr(C, align(8))]
pub struct DataIndication {
pub struct DataIndication {
/// Pointer to the set of octets forming the MSDU being indicated
/// Pointer to the set of octets forming the MSDU being indicated
pub msdu_ptr: *const u8,
pub msdu_ptr: *const u8,
@ -373,65 +223,7 @@ pub struct DataIndication {
pub rssi: u8,
pub rssi: u8,
impl ParseableMacEvent for DataIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for DataIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 68;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let src_addr_mode = AddressMode::try_from(buf[4])?;
let src_address = match src_addr_mode {
AddressMode::NoAddress => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Reserved => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Short => MacAddress {
short: [buf[7], buf[8]],
AddressMode::Extended => MacAddress {
extended: [buf[7], buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11], buf[12], buf[13], buf[14]],
let dst_addr_mode = AddressMode::try_from(buf[15])?;
let dst_address = match dst_addr_mode {
AddressMode::NoAddress => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Reserved => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Short => MacAddress {
short: [buf[18], buf[19]],
AddressMode::Extended => MacAddress {
extended: [buf[18], buf[19], buf[20], buf[21], buf[22], buf[23], buf[24], buf[25]],
Ok(Self {
msdu_ptr: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[0..4].try_into().unwrap()) as *const u8,
src_pan_id: PanId([buf[5], buf[6]]),
dst_pan_id: PanId([buf[16], buf[17]]),
msdu_length: buf[26],
mpdu_link_quality: buf[27],
dsn: buf[28],
time_stamp: [buf[29], buf[30], buf[31], buf[32]],
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[33]).unwrap_or(SecurityLevel::Unsecure), // TODO: this is totaly wrong, but I'm too smol brain to fix it
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[34]).unwrap_or(KeyIdMode::Implicite), // TODO: this is totaly wrong, but I'm too smol brain to fix it
key_source: [buf[35], buf[36], buf[37], buf[38], buf[39], buf[40], buf[41], buf[42]],
key_index: buf[43],
uwbprf: buf[44],
uwn_preamble_symbol_repetitions: buf[45],
datrate: buf[46],
ranging_received: buf[47],
ranging_counter_start: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[48..52].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_counter_stop: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[52..56].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_tracking_interval: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[56..60].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_offset: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[60..64].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_fom: buf[65],
rssi: buf[66],
/// MLME POLL Indication which will be used for indicating the Data Request
/// MLME POLL Indication which will be used for indicating the Data Request
/// reception to upper layer as defined in Zigbee r22 - D.8.2
/// reception to upper layer as defined in Zigbee r22 - D.8.2
@ -443,27 +235,4 @@ pub struct PollIndication {
pub request_address: MacAddress,
pub request_address: MacAddress,
impl ParseableMacEvent for PollIndication {
impl ParseableMacEvent for PollIndication {}
const SIZE: usize = 9;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let addr_mode = AddressMode::try_from(buf[0])?;
let request_address = match addr_mode {
AddressMode::NoAddress => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Reserved => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Short => MacAddress {
short: [buf[1], buf[2]],
AddressMode::Extended => MacAddress {
extended: [buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7], buf[8]],
Ok(Self {
@ -21,24 +21,11 @@ pub struct AssociateConfirm {
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
pub key_id_mode: KeyIdMode,
/// the index of the key to be used
/// the index of the key to be used
pub key_index: u8,
pub key_index: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl ParseableMacEvent for AssociateConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for AssociateConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 16;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
assoc_short_address: [buf[0], buf[1]],
status: AssociationStatus::try_from(buf[2])?,
security_level: SecurityLevel::try_from(buf[3])?,
key_source: [buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7], buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11]],
key_id_mode: KeyIdMode::try_from(buf[12])?,
key_index: buf[13],
/// MLME DISASSOCIATE Confirm used to send disassociation Confirmation to the application.
/// MLME DISASSOCIATE Confirm used to send disassociation Confirmation to the application.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
@ -53,32 +40,7 @@ pub struct DisassociateConfirm {
pub device_address: MacAddress,
pub device_address: MacAddress,
impl ParseableMacEvent for DisassociateConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for DisassociateConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 12;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let device_addr_mode = AddressMode::try_from(buf[1])?;
let device_address = match device_addr_mode {
AddressMode::NoAddress => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Reserved => MacAddress { short: [0, 0] },
AddressMode::Short => MacAddress {
short: [buf[4], buf[5]],
AddressMode::Extended => MacAddress {
extended: [buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7], buf[8], buf[9], buf[10], buf[11]],
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
device_pan_id: PanId([buf[2], buf[3]]),
/// MLME GET Confirm which requests information about a given PIB attribute
/// MLME GET Confirm which requests information about a given PIB attribute
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
@ -91,24 +53,11 @@ pub struct GetConfirm {
pub pib_attribute: PibId,
pub pib_attribute: PibId,
/// The lenght of the PIB attribute Value return
/// The lenght of the PIB attribute Value return
pub pib_attribute_value_len: u8,
pub pib_attribute_value_len: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 1],
impl ParseableMacEvent for GetConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for GetConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 8;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let address = u32::from_le_bytes(buf[0..4].try_into().unwrap());
Ok(Self {
pib_attribute_value_ptr: address as *const u8,
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[4])?,
pib_attribute: PibId::try_from(buf[5])?,
pib_attribute_value_len: buf[6],
/// MLME GTS Confirm which eports the results of a request to allocate a new GTS
/// MLME GTS Confirm which eports the results of a request to allocate a new GTS
/// or to deallocate an existing GTS
/// or to deallocate an existing GTS
@ -118,39 +67,22 @@ pub struct GtsConfirm {
pub gts_characteristics: u8,
pub gts_characteristics: u8,
/// The status of the GTS reques
/// The status of the GTS reques
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl ParseableMacEvent for GtsConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for GtsConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
gts_characteristics: buf[0],
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[1])?,
/// MLME RESET Confirm which is used to report the results of the reset operation
/// MLME RESET Confirm which is used to report the results of the reset operation
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct ResetConfirm {
pub struct ResetConfirm {
/// The result of the reset operation
/// The result of the reset operation
status: MacStatus,
status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl ParseableMacEvent for ResetConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for ResetConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
/// MLME RX ENABLE Confirm which is used to report the results of the attempt
/// MLME RX ENABLE Confirm which is used to report the results of the attempt
/// to enable or disable the receiver
/// to enable or disable the receiver
@ -158,19 +90,11 @@ impl ParseableMacEvent for ResetConfirm {
pub struct RxEnableConfirm {
pub struct RxEnableConfirm {
/// Result of the request to enable or disable the receiver
/// Result of the request to enable or disable the receiver
status: MacStatus,
status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl ParseableMacEvent for RxEnableConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for RxEnableConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
/// MLME SCAN Confirm which is used to report the result of the channel scan request
/// MLME SCAN Confirm which is used to report the result of the channel scan request
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
@ -195,42 +119,7 @@ pub struct ScanConfirm {
pub uwb_energy_detect_list: [u8; MAX_ED_SCAN_RESULTS_SUPPORTED],
pub uwb_energy_detect_list: [u8; MAX_ED_SCAN_RESULTS_SUPPORTED],
impl ParseableMacEvent for ScanConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for ScanConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 185;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
// TODO: this is unchecked
let mut energy_detect_list = [0; MAX_ED_SCAN_RESULTS_SUPPORTED];
let pan_descriptor_list = [
let mut uwb_energy_detect_list = [0; MAX_ED_SCAN_RESULTS_SUPPORTED];
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
scan_type: ScanType::try_from(buf[1])?,
channel_page: buf[2],
unscanned_channels: [buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6]],
result_list_size: buf[7],
detected_category: buf[146],
/// MLME SET Confirm which reports the result of an attempt to write a value to a PIB attribute
/// MLME SET Confirm which reports the result of an attempt to write a value to a PIB attribute
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
@ -239,20 +128,11 @@ pub struct SetConfirm {
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// The name of the PIB attribute that was written
/// The name of the PIB attribute that was written
pub pin_attribute: PibId,
pub pin_attribute: PibId,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl ParseableMacEvent for SetConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for SetConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
pin_attribute: PibId::try_from(buf[1])?,
/// MLME START Confirm which is used to report the results of the attempt to
/// MLME START Confirm which is used to report the results of the attempt to
/// start using a new superframe configuration
/// start using a new superframe configuration
@ -260,57 +140,33 @@ impl ParseableMacEvent for SetConfirm {
pub struct StartConfirm {
pub struct StartConfirm {
/// Result of the attempt to start using an updated superframe configuration
/// Result of the attempt to start using an updated superframe configuration
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl ParseableMacEvent for StartConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for StartConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
/// MLME POLL Confirm which is used to report the result of a request to poll the coordinator for data
/// MLME POLL Confirm which is used to report the result of a request to poll the coordinator for data
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct PollConfirm {
pub struct PollConfirm {
/// The status of the data request
/// The status of the data request
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl ParseableMacEvent for PollConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for PollConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
/// MLME DPS Confirm which reports the results of the attempt to enable or disable the DPS
/// MLME DPS Confirm which reports the results of the attempt to enable or disable the DPS
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct DpsConfirm {
pub struct DpsConfirm {
/// The status of the DPS request
/// The status of the DPS request
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl ParseableMacEvent for DpsConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for DpsConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
/// MLME SOUNDING Confirm which reports the result of a request to the PHY to provide
/// MLME SOUNDING Confirm which reports the result of a request to the PHY to provide
/// channel sounding information
/// channel sounding information
@ -318,20 +174,11 @@ impl ParseableMacEvent for DpsConfirm {
pub struct SoundingConfirm {
pub struct SoundingConfirm {
/// Results of the sounding measurement
/// Results of the sounding measurement
sounding_list: [u8; MAX_SOUNDING_LIST_SUPPORTED],
sounding_list: [u8; MAX_SOUNDING_LIST_SUPPORTED],
status: u8,
impl ParseableMacEvent for SoundingConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for SoundingConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 1;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let mut sounding_list = [0u8; MAX_SOUNDING_LIST_SUPPORTED];
Ok(Self { sounding_list })
/// MLME CALIBRATE Confirm which reports the result of a request to the PHY
/// MLME CALIBRATE Confirm which reports the result of a request to the PHY
/// to provide internal propagation path information
/// to provide internal propagation path information
@ -339,6 +186,8 @@ impl ParseableMacEvent for SoundingConfirm {
pub struct CalibrateConfirm {
pub struct CalibrateConfirm {
/// The status of the attempt to return sounding data
/// The status of the attempt to return sounding data
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
/// A count of the propagation time from the ranging counter
/// A count of the propagation time from the ranging counter
/// to the transmit antenna
/// to the transmit antenna
pub cal_tx_rmaker_offset: u32,
pub cal_tx_rmaker_offset: u32,
@ -347,20 +196,7 @@ pub struct CalibrateConfirm {
pub cal_rx_rmaker_offset: u32,
pub cal_rx_rmaker_offset: u32,
impl ParseableMacEvent for CalibrateConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for CalibrateConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 12;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[0])?,
// 3 byte stuffing
cal_tx_rmaker_offset: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[4..8].try_into().unwrap()),
cal_rx_rmaker_offset: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[8..12].try_into().unwrap()),
/// MCPS DATA Confirm which will be used for reporting the results of
/// MCPS DATA Confirm which will be used for reporting the results of
/// MAC data related requests from the application
/// MAC data related requests from the application
@ -386,27 +222,11 @@ pub struct DataConfirm {
pub ranging_offset: u32,
pub ranging_offset: u32,
/// The FoM characterizing the ranging measurement
/// The FoM characterizing the ranging measurement
pub ranging_fom: u8,
pub ranging_fom: u8,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 3],
impl ParseableMacEvent for DataConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for DataConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 28;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
msdu_handle: buf[0],
time_stamp: [buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4]],
ranging_received: buf[5],
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[6])?,
ranging_counter_start: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[7..11].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_counter_stop: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[11..15].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_tracking_interval: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[15..19].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_offset: u32::from_le_bytes(buf[19..23].try_into().unwrap()),
ranging_fom: buf[24],
/// MCPS PURGE Confirm which will be used by the MAC to notify the application of
/// MCPS PURGE Confirm which will be used by the MAC to notify the application of
/// the status of its request to purge an MSDU from the transaction queue
/// the status of its request to purge an MSDU from the transaction queue
@ -416,17 +236,8 @@ pub struct PurgeConfirm {
pub msdu_handle: u8,
pub msdu_handle: u8,
/// The status of the request
/// The status of the request
pub status: MacStatus,
pub status: MacStatus,
/// byte stuffing to keep 32 bit alignment
a_stuffing: [u8; 2],
impl ParseableMacEvent for PurgeConfirm {
impl ParseableMacEvent for PurgeConfirm {}
const SIZE: usize = 4;
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(Self {
msdu_handle: buf[0],
status: MacStatus::try_from(buf[1])?,
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use crate::cmd::CmdPacket;
use crate::consts::TlPacketType;
use crate::consts::TlPacketType;
use crate::evt::{EvtBox, EvtPacket};
use crate::evt::{EvtBox, EvtPacket};
use crate::mac::commands::MacCommand;
use crate::mac::commands::MacCommand;
use crate::mac::event::MacEvent;
use crate::mac::event::Event;
use crate::mac::typedefs::MacError;
use crate::mac::typedefs::MacError;
use crate::tables::{MAC_802_15_4_CMD_BUFFER, MAC_802_15_4_NOTIF_RSP_EVT_BUFFER};
use crate::tables::{MAC_802_15_4_CMD_BUFFER, MAC_802_15_4_NOTIF_RSP_EVT_BUFFER};
use crate::{channels, evt};
use crate::{channels, evt};
@ -94,11 +94,8 @@ impl Mac {
pub async fn read(&self) -> Result<MacEvent, ()> {
pub async fn read(&self) -> Event {
let evt_box = self.tl_read().await;
let payload = evt_box.payload();
@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting extended address");
info!("setting extended address");
let extended_address: u64 = 0xACDE480000000001;
let extended_address: u64 = 0xACDE480000000001;
@ -85,8 +87,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting short address");
info!("setting short address");
let short_address: u16 = 0x1122;
let short_address: u16 = 0x1122;
@ -97,8 +101,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting association permit");
info!("setting association permit");
let association_permit: bool = true;
let association_permit: bool = true;
@ -109,8 +115,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting TX power");
info!("setting TX power");
let transmit_power: i8 = 2;
let transmit_power: i8 = 2;
@ -121,8 +129,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("starting FFD device");
info!("starting FFD device");
@ -137,8 +147,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting RX on when idle");
info!("setting RX on when idle");
let rx_on_while_idle: bool = true;
let rx_on_while_idle: bool = true;
@ -149,14 +161,16 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
loop {
loop {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt);
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
if let Ok(evt) = evt {
if let Ok(evt) = evt.mac_event() {
match evt {
match evt {
MacEvent::MlmeAssociateInd(association) => mbox
MacEvent::MlmeAssociateInd(association) => mbox
@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting extended address");
info!("setting extended address");
let extended_address: u64 = 0xACDE480000000002;
let extended_address: u64 = 0xACDE480000000002;
@ -87,8 +89,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
defmt::info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("getting extended address");
info!("getting extended address");
@ -98,14 +102,17 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
if let Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGetCnf(evt)) = evt {
if evt.pib_attribute_value_len == 8 {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
let value = unsafe { core::ptr::read_unaligned(evt.pib_attribute_value_ptr as *const u64) };
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("value {:#x}", value)
if let Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGetCnf(evt)) = evt.mac_event() {
if evt.pib_attribute_value_len == 8 {
let value = unsafe { core::ptr::read_unaligned(evt.pib_attribute_value_ptr as *const u64) };
info!("value {:#x}", value)
@ -124,13 +131,15 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
info!("{}", a);
info!("{}", a);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
let short_addr = {
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
let short_addr = if let Ok(MacEvent::MlmeAssociateCnf(conf)) = evt {
if let Ok(MacEvent::MlmeAssociateCnf(conf)) = evt.mac_event() {
} else {
} else {
info!("setting short address");
info!("setting short address");
@ -141,8 +150,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("sending data");
info!("sending data");
let data = b"Hello from embassy!";
let data = b"Hello from embassy!";
@ -163,11 +174,13 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
loop {
loop {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
@ -55,8 +55,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("setting extended address");
info!("setting extended address");
let extended_address: u64 = 0xACDE480000000002;
let extended_address: u64 = 0xACDE480000000002;
@ -67,8 +69,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("getting extended address");
info!("getting extended address");
@ -78,14 +82,16 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
if let Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGetCnf(evt)) = evt {
if let Ok(MacEvent::MlmeGetCnf(evt)) = evt.mac_event() {
if evt.pib_attribute_value_len == 8 {
if evt.pib_attribute_value_len == 8 {
let value = unsafe { core::ptr::read_unaligned(evt.pib_attribute_value_ptr as *const u64) };
let value = unsafe { core::ptr::read_unaligned(evt.pib_attribute_value_ptr as *const u64) };
info!("value {:#x}", value)
info!("value {:#x}", value)
@ -104,8 +110,10 @@ async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
info!("{}", a);
info!("{}", a);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt);
let evt = mbox.mac_subsystem.read().await;
info!("{:#x}", evt.mac_event());
info!("Test OK");
info!("Test OK");
Add table
Reference in a new issue