stm32: clenaup lp executor

This commit is contained in:
xoviat 2023-08-25 18:41:51 -05:00
parent cda4047310
commit 3023e70ccf

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@ -16,36 +16,30 @@ const THRESHOLD: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
use crate::rtc::{Rtc, RtcInstant};
static mut RTC: Option<&'static Rtc> = None;
static mut STOP_TIME: embassy_time::Duration = Duration::from_ticks(0);
static mut NEXT_ALARM: embassy_time::Duration = Duration::from_ticks(u64::MAX);
static mut RTC_INSTANT: Option<crate::rtc::RtcInstant> = None;
static mut EXECUTOR: Option<Executor> = None;
foreach_interrupt! {
(RTC, rtc, $block:ident, WKUP, $irq:ident) => {
unsafe fn $irq() {
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.on_wakeup_irq();
pub fn stop_with_rtc(rtc: &'static Rtc) {
unsafe { crate::interrupt::typelevel::RTC_WKUP::enable() };
EXTI.rtsr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
EXTI.imr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
unsafe { RTC = Some(rtc) };
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.stop_with_rtc(rtc)
pub fn start_wakeup_alarm(requested_duration: embassy_time::Duration) -> RtcInstant {
unsafe { RTC }.unwrap().start_wakeup_alarm(requested_duration)
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }
pub fn stop_wakeup_alarm() -> RtcInstant {
unsafe { RTC }.unwrap().stop_wakeup_alarm()
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.rtc.unwrap().stop_wakeup_alarm()
/// Thread mode executor, using WFE/SEV.
@ -61,69 +55,103 @@ pub fn stop_wakeup_alarm() -> RtcInstant {
pub struct Executor {
inner: raw::Executor,
not_send: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
scb: SCB,
pub(self) rtc: Option<&'static Rtc>,
stop_time: embassy_time::Duration,
next_alarm: embassy_time::Duration,
last_stop: Option<crate::rtc::RtcInstant>,
impl Executor {
/// Create a new Executor.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
pub fn new() -> &'static mut Self {
unsafe {
EXECUTOR = Some(Self {
inner: raw::Executor::new(THREAD_PENDER as *mut ()),
not_send: PhantomData,
scb: cortex_m::Peripherals::steal().SCB,
rtc: None,
stop_time: Duration::from_ticks(0),
next_alarm: Duration::from_ticks(u64::MAX),
last_stop: None,
unsafe fn on_wakeup_irq() {
trace!("on wakeup irq");
unsafe fn on_wakeup_irq(&mut self) {
trace!("low power: one wakekup irq");
let elapsed = RTC_INSTANT.take().unwrap() - stop_wakeup_alarm();
STOP_TIME += elapsed;
// let to_next = NEXT_ALARM - STOP_TIME;
let to_next = Duration::from_secs(3);
trace!("on wakeup irq: to next: {}", to_next);
if to_next > THRESHOLD {
trace!("start wakeup alarm");
trace!("set sleeponexit");
} else {
// Self::get_scb().set_sleeponexit();
// return;
// let elapsed = RTC_INSTANT.take().unwrap() - stop_wakeup_alarm();
// STOP_TIME += elapsed;
// // let to_next = NEXT_ALARM - STOP_TIME;
// let to_next = Duration::from_secs(3);
// trace!("on wakeup irq: to next: {}", to_next);
// if to_next > THRESHOLD {
// trace!("start wakeup alarm");
// RTC_INSTANT.replace(start_wakeup_alarm(to_next));
// trace!("set sleeponexit");
// Self::get_scb().set_sleeponexit();
// } else {
// Self::get_scb().clear_sleeponexit();
// Self::get_scb().clear_sleepdeep();
// }
fn get_scb() -> SCB {
unsafe { cortex_m::Peripherals::steal() }.SCB
pub(self) fn stop_with_rtc(&mut self, rtc: &'static Rtc) {
unsafe { crate::interrupt::typelevel::RTC_WKUP::enable() };
EXTI.rtsr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
EXTI.imr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
self.rtc = Some(rtc);
fn configure_pwr(&self) {
if !low_power_ready() {
trace!("configure_pwr: low power not ready");
let time_until_next_alarm = time_until_next_alarm();
if time_until_next_alarm < THRESHOLD {
trace!("configure_pwr: not enough time until next alarm");
unsafe {
NEXT_ALARM = time_until_next_alarm;
RTC_INSTANT = Some(start_wakeup_alarm(time_until_next_alarm))
// defeat the borrow checker
let s = unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() };
// trace!("configure_pwr");
// if !low_power_ready() {
// trace!("configure_pwr: low power not ready");
// return;
trace!("enter stop...");
// }
// let time_until_next_alarm = time_until_next_alarm();
// if time_until_next_alarm < THRESHOLD {
// trace!("configure_pwr: not enough time until next alarm");
// return;
// }
// unsafe {
// NEXT_ALARM = time_until_next_alarm;
// if RTC_INSTANT.is_none() {
// RTC_INSTANT = Some(start_wakeup_alarm(time_until_next_alarm))
// }
// };
// // return;
// pause_time();
// trace!("enter stop...");
// Self::get_scb().set_sleepdeep();
/// Run the executor.