use timer LL

This commit is contained in:
Bruno Bousquet 2024-05-28 22:38:08 -04:00
parent 7c1e1ee288
commit a52841041d

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@ -148,52 +148,14 @@ impl<'d, T: GeneralInstance4Channel> InputCapture<'d, T> {
} }
fn new_future(&self, channel: Channel, mode: InputCaptureMode, tisel: InputTISelection) -> InputCaptureFuture<T> { fn new_future(&self, channel: Channel, mode: InputCaptureMode, tisel: InputTISelection) -> InputCaptureFuture<T> {
use stm32_metapac::timer::vals::*; use stm32_metapac::timer::vals::FilterValue;
let regs = regs_gp16(T::regs()); self.inner.set_input_ti_selection(channel, tisel);
let idx = channel.index(); self.inner.set_input_capture_filter(channel, FilterValue::NOFILTER);
self.inner.set_input_capture_mode(channel, mode);
// Select the active input: TIMx_CCR1 must be linked to the TI1 input, so write the CC1S self.inner.set_input_capture_prescaler(channel, 0);
// bits to 01 in the TIMx_CCMR1 register. As soon as CC1S becomes different from 00, self.inner.enable_channel(channel, true);
// the channel is configured in input and the TIMx_CCR1 register becomes read-only. self.inner.enable_input_interrupt(channel, true);
regs.ccmr_input(idx / 2)
.modify(|r| r.set_ccs(idx % 2, CcmrInputCcs::from(tisel)));
// Program the appropriate input filter duration in relation with the signal connected to the
// timer (by programming the ICxF bits in the TIMx_CCMRx register if the input is one of
// the TIx inputs). Lets imagine that, when toggling, the input signal is not stable during at
// must 5 internal clock cycles. We must program a filter duration longer than these 5
// clock cycles. We can validate a transition on TI1 when 8 consecutive samples with the
// new level have been detected (sampled at fDTS frequency). Then write IC1F bits to
// 0011 in the TIMx_CCMR1 register.
regs.ccmr_input(idx / 2)
.modify(|r| r.set_icf(idx % 2, FilterValue::NOFILTER));
// Select the edge of the active transition on the TI1 channel by writing the CC1P and
// CC1NP bits to 00 in the TIMx_CCER register (rising edge in this case).
let ccpnp = match mode {
InputCaptureMode::Rising => (false, false),
InputCaptureMode::Falling => (false, true),
InputCaptureMode::BothEdges => (true, true),
regs.ccer().modify(|r| {
r.set_ccp(idx, ccpnp.0);
r.set_ccnp(idx, ccpnp.1);
// Program the input prescaler. In our example, we wish the capture to be performed at
// each valid transition, so the prescaler is disabled (write IC1PS bits to 00 in the
// TIMx_CCMR1 register).
regs.ccmr_input(idx / 2).modify(|r| r.set_icpsc(idx % 2, 0));
// Enable capture from the counter into the capture register by setting the CC1E bit in the
// TIMx_CCER register.
regs.ccer().modify(|r| r.set_cce(idx, true));
// If needed, enable the related interrupt request by setting the CC1IE bit in the
// TIMx_DIER register, and/or the DMA request by setting the CC1DE bit in the
// TIMx_DIER register.
regs.dier().modify(|r| r.set_ccie(idx, true));
InputCaptureFuture { InputCaptureFuture {
channel, channel,