[embassy-stm32] G4 RCC refactor amendments and additions

* Added assertions for a variety of clock frequencies, based on the reference manual and
  stm32g474 datasheet. The family and numbers are consistent enough that I’m assuming
  these numbers will work for the other chips.
* Corrected value of pll1_q in set_clocks call, added pll1_r value
This commit is contained in:
Barnaby Walters 2024-02-23 01:59:24 +01:00
parent 4481c5f3cc
commit b091ffcb55

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@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
_ => unreachable!(),
// TODO: check PLL input, internal and output frequencies for validity
// Disable PLL before configuration
RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(false));
@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
let internal_freq = src_freq / pll_config.prediv * pll_config.mul;
RCC.pllcfgr().write(|w| {
@ -195,7 +197,9 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
internal_freq / div_p
let freq = internal_freq / div_p;
let pll_q_freq = pll_config.divq.map(|div_q| {
@ -203,7 +207,9 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
internal_freq / div_q
let freq = internal_freq / div_q;
let pll_r_freq = pll_config.divr.map(|div_r| {
@ -211,7 +217,9 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
internal_freq / div_r
let freq = internal_freq / div_r;
// Enable the PLL
@ -234,7 +242,7 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
let freq = pll_freq.as_ref().unwrap().pll_r.unwrap().0;
assert!(freq <= 170_000_000);
(Hertz(freq), Sw::PLL1_R)
@ -244,6 +252,8 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
// Calculate the AHB frequency (HCLK), among other things so we can calculate the correct flash read latency.
let hclk = sys_clk / config.ahb_pre;
// Configure Core Boost mode ([RM0440] p234 inverted because setting r1mode to 0 enables boost mode!)
if config.boost {
// RM0440 p235
@ -346,32 +356,40 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
adc: adc12_ck,
adc34: adc345_ck,
pll1_p: pll_freq.as_ref().and_then(|pll| pll.pll_p),
pll1_q: pll_freq.as_ref().and_then(|pll| pll.pll_p),
pll1_q: pll_freq.as_ref().and_then(|pll| pll.pll_q),
pll1_r: pll_freq.as_ref().and_then(|pll| pll.pll_r),
hse: hse,
rtc: rtc,
// TODO: if necessary, make more of these, gated behind cfg attrs
/// Acceptable Frequency Ranges
/// Currently assuming voltage scaling range 1 boost mode.
/// Where not specified in the generic G4 reference manual (RM0440), values taken from the STM32G474 datasheet.
/// If acceptable ranges for other G4-family chips differ, make additional max modules gated behind cfg attrs.
mod max {
use core::ops::RangeInclusive;
use crate::time::Hertz;
/// HSE 4-48MHz (RM0440 p280)
/// HSE Frequency Range (RM0440 p280)
pub(crate) const HSE_OSC: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(4_000_000)..=Hertz(48_000_000);
/// External Clock ?-48MHz (RM0440 p280)
/// External Clock Frequency Range (RM0440 p280)
pub(crate) const HSE_BYP: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(48_000_000);
// SYSCLK ?-170MHz (RM0440 p282)
//pub(crate) const SYSCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(170_000_000);
/// SYSCLK Frequency Range (RM0440 p282)
pub(crate) const SYSCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(170_000_000);
// PLL Output frequency ?-170MHz (RM0440 p281)
//pub(crate) const PCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(170_000_000);
/// PLL Output Frequency Range (RM0440 p281, STM32G474 Datasheet p123, Table 46)
pub(crate) const PCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(8)..=Hertz(170_000_000);
// Left over from f.rs, remove if not necessary
//pub(crate) const HCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(12_500_000)..=Hertz(216_000_000);
//pub(crate) const PLL_IN: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(1_000_000)..=Hertz(2_100_000);
//pub(crate) const PLL_VCO: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(100_000_000)..=Hertz(432_000_000);
/// HCLK (AHB) Clock Frequency Range (STM32G474 Datasheet)
pub(crate) const HCLK: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(0)..=Hertz(170_000_000);
/// PLL Source Frequency Range (STM32G474 Datasheet p123, Table 46)
pub(crate) const PLL_IN: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(2_660_000)..=Hertz(16_000_000);
/// PLL VCO (internal) Frequency Range (STM32G474 Datasheet p123, Table 46)
pub(crate) const PLL_VCO: RangeInclusive<Hertz> = Hertz(96_000_000)..=Hertz(344_000_000);