Change ClassSet indexing and tune up example
Example doesn't work with F401 because it doesn't have enough usb endpoints
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 199 additions and 48 deletions
@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use defmt::panic;
use embassy::executor::{task, Executor};
use embassy::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
use embassy::util::Forever;
use embassy_stm32f4::interrupt::OwnedInterrupt;
use embassy_stm32f4::usb::Usb;
use embassy_stm32f4::usb_serial::UsbSerial;
use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac, rtc};
use embassy_stm32f4::{interrupt, pac};
use futures::future::{select, Either};
use futures::pin_mut;
use stm32f4xx_hal::otg_fs::{UsbBus, USB};
@ -27,44 +26,81 @@ use usb_device::prelude::*;
async fn run1(bus: &'static mut UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>) {
info!("Async task");
let mut read_buf = [0u8; 128];
let mut write_buf = [0u8; 128];
let serial = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf, &mut write_buf);
let mut read_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
let mut write_buf1 = [0u8; 128];
let serial1 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf1, &mut write_buf1);
let mut read_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
let mut write_buf2 = [0u8; 128];
let serial2 = UsbSerial::new(bus, &mut read_buf2, &mut write_buf2);
let device = UsbDeviceBuilder::new(bus, UsbVidPid(0x16c0, 0x27dd))
.manufacturer("Fake company")
.product("Serial port")
let irq = interrupt::take!(OTG_FS);
let usb = Usb::new(device, serial, irq);
let usb = Usb::new(device, (serial1, serial2), irq);
let (mut read_interface, mut write_interface) = usb.as_mut().into_ref().take_serial();
let (mut read_interface1, mut write_interface1) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_0();
let (mut read_interface2, mut write_interface2) = usb.as_ref().take_serial_1();
let mut buf1 = [0u8; 64];
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 64];
let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
loop {
let recv_fut = buf);
let timeout = Timer::after(Duration::from_ticks(32768 * 3));
let mut n1 = 0;
let mut n2 = 0;
let left = {
let read_line1 = async {
loop {
let byte = unwrap!(read_interface1.read_byte().await);
buf1[n1] = byte;
match select(recv_fut, timeout).await {
Either::Left((recv, _)) => {
let recv = unwrap!(recv);
Either::Right(_) => {
n1 += 1;
if byte == b'\n' || n1 == buf1.len() {
let read_line2 = async {
loop {
let byte = unwrap!(read_interface2.read_byte().await);
buf2[n2] = byte;
n2 += 1;
if byte == b'\n' || n2 == buf2.len() {
match select(read_line1, read_line2).await {
Either::Left(_) => true,
Either::Right(_) => false,
if left {
} else {
static RTC: Forever<rtc::RTC<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
static ALARM: Forever<rtc::Alarm<pac::TIM2>> = Forever::new();
static EXECUTOR: Forever<Executor> = Forever::new();
static USB_BUS: Forever<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBus<USB>>> = Forever::new();
@ -91,14 +127,7 @@ fn main() -> ! {
let rtc = RTC.put(rtc::RTC::new(p.TIM2, interrupt::take!(TIM2), clocks));
unsafe { embassy::time::set_clock(rtc) };
let alarm = ALARM.put(rtc.alarm1());
let executor = EXECUTOR.put(Executor::new());
let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split();
let usb = USB {
@ -10,12 +10,20 @@ use crate::interrupt;
use crate::usb_serial::{ReadInterface, UsbSerial, WriteInterface};
use crate::util::peripheral::{PeripheralMutex, PeripheralState};
pub struct State<'bus, B: UsbBus, T: ClassSet<B>> {
pub struct State<'bus, B, T>
B: UsbBus,
T: ClassSet<B>,
device: UsbDevice<'bus, B>,
pub(crate) classes: T,
pub struct Usb<'bus, B: UsbBus, T: ClassSet<B>> {
pub struct Usb<'bus, B, T>
B: UsbBus,
T: ClassSet<B>,
// Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
inner: RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
@ -53,24 +61,54 @@ where
impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
B: UsbBus,
T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B>,
T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, Index0>,
pub fn take_serial<'a>(
pub fn take_serial_0<'a>(
self: Pin<&'a Self>,
) -> (
ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>,
WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>,
ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T>,
WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index0, B, T>,
) {
let this = self.get_ref();
let r = ReadInterface {
inner: &this.inner,
_buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
_index: PhantomData,
let w = WriteInterface {
inner: &this.inner,
_buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
_index: PhantomData,
(r, w)
impl<'bus, 'c, B, T> Usb<'bus, B, T>
B: UsbBus,
T: ClassSet<B> + SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, Index1>,
pub fn take_serial_1<'a>(
self: Pin<&'a Self>,
) -> (
ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T>,
WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, Index1, B, T>,
) {
let this = self.get_ref();
let r = ReadInterface {
inner: &this.inner,
_buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
_index: PhantomData,
let w = WriteInterface {
inner: &this.inner,
_buf_lifetime: PhantomData,
_index: PhantomData,
(r, w)
@ -95,23 +133,56 @@ pub trait IntoClassSet<B: UsbBus, C: ClassSet<B>> {
fn into_class_set(self) -> C;
pub struct ClassSet1<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> {
class: T,
pub struct ClassSet1<B, C1>
B: UsbBus,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
class: C1,
_bus: PhantomData<B>,
impl<B, T> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet1<B, T>
pub struct ClassSet2<B, C1, C2>
B: UsbBus,
T: UsbClass<B>,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
C2: UsbClass<B>,
class1: C1,
class2: C2,
_bus: PhantomData<B>,
pub struct Index0;
pub struct Index1;
impl<B, C1> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet1<B, C1>
B: UsbBus,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
fn poll_all(&mut self, device: &mut UsbDevice<'_, B>) -> bool {
device.poll(&mut [&mut self.class])
impl<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, T>> for T {
fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet1<B, T> {
impl<B, C1, C2> ClassSet<B> for ClassSet2<B, C1, C2>
B: UsbBus,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
C2: UsbClass<B>,
fn poll_all(&mut self, device: &mut UsbDevice<'_, B>) -> bool {
device.poll(&mut [&mut self.class1, &mut self.class2])
impl<B, C1> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, C1>> for C1
B: UsbBus,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet1<B, C1> {
ClassSet1 {
class: self,
_bus: PhantomData,
@ -119,12 +190,49 @@ impl<B: UsbBus, T: UsbClass<B>> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet1<B, T>> for T {
pub trait SerialState<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> {
impl<B, C1, C2> IntoClassSet<B, ClassSet2<B, C1, C2>> for (C1, C2)
B: UsbBus,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
C2: UsbClass<B>,
fn into_class_set(self) -> ClassSet2<B, C1, C2> {
ClassSet2 {
class1: self.0,
class2: self.1,
_bus: PhantomData,
pub trait SerialState<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus, I> {
fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>;
impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B> for ClassSet1<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>> {
impl<'bus, 'a, B: UsbBus> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B, Index0>
for ClassSet1<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>>
fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
&mut self.class
impl<'bus, 'a, B, C2> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B, Index0> for ClassSet2<B, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>, C2>
B: UsbBus,
C2: UsbClass<B>,
fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
&mut self.class1
impl<'bus, 'a, B, C1> SerialState<'bus, 'a, B, Index1> for ClassSet2<B, C1, UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B>>
B: UsbBus,
C1: UsbClass<B>,
fn get_serial(&mut self) -> &mut UsbSerial<'bus, 'a, B> {
&mut self.class2
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned};
use core::marker::{PhantomData, Unpin};
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
@ -14,26 +14,39 @@ use crate::usb::{ClassSet, SerialState, State};
use crate::util::peripheral::PeripheralMutex;
use crate::util::ring_buffer::RingBuffer;
pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B: UsbBus, T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>> {
pub struct ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
I: Unpin,
B: UsbBus,
T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
// Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
pub(crate) _index: PhantomData<I>,
/// Write interface for USB CDC_ACM
/// This interface is buffered, meaning that after the write returns the bytes might not be fully
/// on the wire just yet
pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B: UsbBus, T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>> {
pub struct WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
I: Unpin,
B: UsbBus,
T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
// Don't you dare moving out `PeripheralMutex`
pub(crate) inner: &'a RefCell<PeripheralMutex<State<'bus, B, T>>>,
pub(crate) _buf_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c T>,
pub(crate) _index: PhantomData<I>,
impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>
impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T> AsyncBufRead for ReadInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
I: Unpin,
B: UsbBus,
T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>,
T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
fn poll_fill_buf(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<&[u8]>> {
let this = self.get_mut();
@ -68,10 +81,11 @@ where
impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, B, T>
impl<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T> AsyncWrite for WriteInterface<'a, 'bus, 'c, I, B, T>
I: Unpin,
B: UsbBus,
T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B> + ClassSet<B>,
T: SerialState<'bus, 'c, B, I> + ClassSet<B>,
fn poll_write(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
Add table
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