
190 lines
5.9 KiB

// required-features: fdcan
#[path = "../common.rs"]
mod common;
use common::*;
use defmt::assert;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_stm32::peripherals::*;
use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, can, Config};
use embassy_time::{Duration, Instant};
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
FDCAN1_IT0 => can::IT0InterruptHandler<FDCAN1>;
FDCAN1_IT1 => can::IT1InterruptHandler<FDCAN1>;
struct TestOptions {
config: Config,
max_latency: Duration,
second_fifo_working: bool,
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32h755zi", feature = "stm32h753zi", feature = "stm32h563zi"))]
fn options() -> TestOptions {
use embassy_stm32::rcc;
info!("H75 config");
let mut c = config();
c.rcc.hse = Some(rcc::Hse {
freq: embassy_stm32::time::Hertz(25_000_000),
mode: rcc::HseMode::Oscillator,
c.rcc.fdcan_clock_source = rcc::FdCanClockSource::HSE;
TestOptions {
config: c,
max_latency: Duration::from_micros(1200),
second_fifo_working: false,
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32h7a3zi"))]
fn options() -> TestOptions {
use embassy_stm32::rcc;
info!("H7a config");
let mut c = config();
c.rcc.hse = Some(rcc::Hse {
freq: embassy_stm32::time::Hertz(25_000_000),
mode: rcc::HseMode::Oscillator,
c.rcc.fdcan_clock_source = rcc::FdCanClockSource::HSE;
TestOptions {
config: c,
max_latency: Duration::from_micros(1200),
second_fifo_working: false,
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32g491re", feature = "stm32g431cb"))]
fn options() -> TestOptions {
info!("G4 config");
TestOptions {
config: config(),
max_latency: Duration::from_micros(500),
second_fifo_working: true,
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
//let peripherals = embassy_stm32::init(config());
let options = options();
let peripherals = embassy_stm32::init(options.config);
let mut can = can::FdcanConfigurator::new(peripherals.FDCAN1, peripherals.PB8, peripherals.PB9, Irqs);
// 250k bps
let mut can = can.into_internal_loopback_mode();
info!("CAN Configured");
let mut i: u8 = 0;
loop {
let tx_frame = can::frame::ClassicFrame::new_standard(0x123, &[i; 1]).unwrap();
info!("Transmitting frame...");
let tx_ts = Instant::now();
let (frame, timestamp) = can.read().await.unwrap();
info!("Frame received!");
// Check data.
assert!(i == frame.data()[0], "{} == {}", i, frame.data()[0]);
info!("loopback time {}", timestamp);
info!("loopback frame {=u8}", frame.data()[0]);
let latency = timestamp.saturating_duration_since(tx_ts);
info!("loopback latency {} us", latency.as_micros());
// Theoretical minimum latency is 55us, actual is usually ~80us
const MIN_LATENCY: Duration = Duration::from_micros(50);
// Was failing at 150 but we are not getting a real time stamp. I'm not
// sure if there are other delays
MIN_LATENCY <= latency && latency <= options.max_latency,
"{} <= {} <= {}",
i += 1;
if i > 10 {
let max_buffered = if options.second_fifo_working { 6 } else { 3 };
// Below here, check that we can receive from both FIFO0 and FIFO0
// Above we configured FIFO1 for extended ID packets. There are only 3 slots
// in each FIFO so make sure we write enough to fill them both up before reading.
for i in 0..3 {
// Try filling up the RX FIFO0 buffers with standard packets
let tx_frame = can::frame::ClassicFrame::new_standard(0x123, &[i; 1]).unwrap();
info!("Transmitting frame {}", i);
for i in 3..max_buffered {
// Try filling up the RX FIFO0 buffers with extended packets
let tx_frame = can::frame::ClassicFrame::new_extended(0x1232344, &[i; 1]).unwrap();
info!("Transmitting frame {}", i);
// Try and receive all 6 packets
for i in 0..max_buffered {
let (frame, _ts) = can.read().await.unwrap();
match frame.id() {
embedded_can::Id::Extended(id) => {
info!("Extended received! {:x} {} {}", id.as_raw(), frame.data()[0], i);
embedded_can::Id::Standard(id) => {
info!("Standard received! {:x} {} {}", id.as_raw(), frame.data()[0], i);
// Test again with a split
let (mut tx, mut rx) = can.split();
for i in 0..3 {
// Try filling up the RX FIFO0 buffers with standard packets
let tx_frame = can::frame::ClassicFrame::new_standard(0x123, &[i; 1]).unwrap();
info!("Transmitting frame {}", i);
for i in 3..max_buffered {
// Try filling up the RX FIFO0 buffers with extended packets
let tx_frame = can::frame::ClassicFrame::new_extended(0x1232344, &[i; 1]).unwrap();
info!("Transmitting frame {}", i);
// Try and receive all 6 packets
for i in 0..max_buffered {
let (frame, _ts) = rx.read().await.unwrap();
match frame.id() {
embedded_can::Id::Extended(id) => {
info!("Extended received! {:x} {} {}", id.as_raw(), frame.data()[0], i);
embedded_can::Id::Standard(id) => {
info!("Standard received! {:x} {} {}", id.as_raw(), frame.data()[0], i);
info!("Test OK");